Просмотр полной версии : Sumatra PDF*

25.10.2007, 10:12

Sumatra PDF — это маленький быстрый и легкий просмотрщик PDF файлов. для Windows. Его преимуществом является более высокая скорость запуска, а также тот факт, что приложение не требует установки. Вы можете носить Sumatra PDF на флешке (или, учитывая размер, даже на дискетке). OpenSource проект. Простая замена Adobe Reader.


Официальный сайт: http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/index.html

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25.10.2007, 10:57
Буквально вчера пересобрал свою флэшку с портабл-софтом, и воткнул туда это. Можно использовать только для того, чтобы быстро посмотреть какой-нибудь файл. Хотя для чего еще нужна pdf-читалка?

25.10.2007, 17:15
Fox It Reader (http://disk.karelia.ru/n/niki4off/Foxit%20reader)софтина тоже открывает пдфы, причом довольно быстро. Пользуюсь только ей. Не требует установки

14.03.2008, 12:59
Обновление до 0.8

Version history
0.8 (2008-01-01):
added search (contributed by MrChuoi)
added table of contents (contributed by MrChuoi)
added many translation (contributed by many people (http://blog.kowalczyk.info/software/sumatrapdf/translators.html))
new program icon
fixed printing
fixed some crashes
rendering speedups
fixed loading of some PDFs
add command-line option -esc-to-exit
add command-line option -bgcolor $color.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

25.08.2008, 20:18
Обновление до 0.9.1

0.9.1 (2008-08-22):

* improved rendering of some PDFs
* support for links inside PDF file
* added -restrict and -title cmd-line options (contributed by Matthew Wilcoxson)
* enabled SyncTex support which mistakenly disabled in 0.9
* misc fixes and translation updates

0.9 (2008-08-10):

* add Ctrl-P as print shortcut
* add F11 as full-screen shortcut
* password dialog no longer shows the password
* support for AES-encrypted PDF files
* updates to SyncTeX/PdfSync integration (contributed by William Blum)
* add -nameddest command-line option and DDE commands for jumping to named destination(contributed by Alexander Klenin)
* add -reuse-instance command-line option (contributed by William Blum)
* add DDE command to open PDF file (contributed by William Blum)
* removed poppler rendering engine resulting in smaller program and updated to latest mupdf sources
* misc bugfixes and translation updates

0.8.1 (2008-05-27):

* automatic reloading of changed PDFs (contributed by William Blum)
* tex integration (contributed by William Blum)
* updated icon for case-sensitivity selection in find (contributed by Sonke Tesch)
* language change is now a separate dialog instead of a menu
* remember more settings (like default view)
* automatic checks for new versions
* add command-line option -lang $lang
* add command-line option -print-dialog (contributed by Peter Astrand)
* ESC or single mouse click hides selection
* fix showing boxes in table of contents tree
* translation updates (contributed by many people)
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29.08.2008, 13:45
Хм, чтот ничего не открывает, и ругается на юникоде - кто переведет?

22.11.2009, 18:44
:reload: Обновление до 1.0 Final

1.0 (2009-11-17):

* lots of small bug fixes and improvements

0.9.4 (2009-07-19):

* improved PDF compatibility (more types of documents can be rendered)
* added settings dialog (contributed by Simon Bünzli)
* improvements in handling unicode
* changed default view from single page to continuous
* SyncTex improvements (contributed by William Blum)
* add option to not remember opened files
* a new icon for documents association (contributed by George Georgiou)
* lots of bugfixes and UI polish

0.9.3 (2008-10-07):

* fix an issue with opening non-ascii files
* updated Japanese and Brazillian translation

0.9.2 (2008-10-06):

* ability to disable auto-update check
* improved text rendering - should fix problems with overlapping text
* improved font substition for fonts not present in PDF file
* can now open PDF files with non-ascii names
* improvements to DDE (contributed by Danilo Roascio)
* SyncTex improvements
* improve persistance of state (contributed by Robert Liu)
* fix crash when pressing 'Cancel' when entering a password
* updated translations.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

23.05.2010, 22:46
:reload: Обновление до 1.1 Final

1.1 (2010-05-20):

Changes in this relase:

* added book view (“View/Book View” menu item) option. It’s known as “Show Cover Page During Two-Up” in Adobe Reader
* added “File/Properties” menu item, showing basic information about PDF file
* added “File/Send by email” menu
* added export as text. When doing “File/Save As”, change “Save As types” from “PDF documents” to “Text documents”. Don’t expect miracles, though. Conversion to text is not very good in most cases.
* auto-detect commonly used TeX editors for inverse-search command
* bug fixes to PDF handling (more PDFs are shown correctly)
* misc bug fixes and small improvements in UI
* add Ctrl + and Ctrl – as shortcuts for zooming (matches Adobe Reader)

1.0.1 (2009-11-27):

* many memory leaks fixed (Simon Bünzli)
* potential crash due to stack corruption (pointed out by Christophe Devine)
* making Sumatra default PDF reader no longer asks for admin priviledges on Vista/Windows 7
* translation updates
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07.02.2011, 17:31
:reload: Обновление до 1.3 Final

1.3 (2011-02-04)

Changes in this relase:

* improved text selection and copying. We now mimic the way a browser or Adobe Reader works: just select text with mouse and use Ctrl-C to copy it to a clipboard
* Shift+Left Mouse now scrolls the document, Ctrl+Left mouse still creates a rectangular selection (for copying images)
* 'c' shortcut toggles continuous mode
* '+' / '*' on the numeric keyboard now do zoom and rotation
* added toolbar icons for Fit Page and Fit Width and updated the look of toolbar icons
* add support for back/forward mouse buttons for back/forward navigation
* 1.2 introduces a new full screen mode and made it the default full screen mode. Old mode was still available but not easily discoverable. We've added View/Presentation menu item for new full screen mode and View/Fullscreen menu item for the old full screen mode, to make it more discoverable
* new, improved installer
* improved zoom performance (zooming to 6400% no longer crashes)
* text find uses less memory
* further printing improvements
* translation updates
* updated to latest mupdf for misc bugfixes and improvements
* use libjpeg-turbo library instead of libjpeg, for faster decoding of some PDFs
* updated openjpeg library to version 1.4 and freetype to version 2.4.4
* fixed 2 integer overflows reported by Stefan Cornelius from Secunia Research

Contributors to this release:

* Simon Bünzli (zeniko)
* Krzysztof Kowalczyk

1.2 (2010-11-26):

Contributors to this release:

* Simon Bünzli (zeniko)
* William Blum
* Krzysztof Kowalczyk

Changes in this relase:

* improved printing: faster and uses less resources
* add Ctrl-Y as a shortcut for Custom Zoom
* add Ctrl-A as a shortcut for Select All Text
* improved full screen mode
* open embedded PDF documents
* allow saving PDF document attachements to disk
* latest fixes and improvements to PDF rendering from mupdf project
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05.06.2011, 21:45
:reload: Обновление до 1.6 Final

Выпущена обновленная версия приложения для просмотра PDF, а теперь и DjVu документов.

1.6 (2011-05-30)

Changes in this release:

add support for displaying DjVu documents
display Frequently Read list when no document is open
add support for displaying Postscript documents (requires recent Ghostscript version to be already installed)
add support for displaying a folder containing images: drag the folder to SumatraPDF window
support clickable links and a Table of Content for XPS documents
display printing progress and allow to cancel it
add Print toolbar button
experimental: previewing of PDF documents in Windows Vista and 7. Creates thumbnails and displays documents in Explorer's Preview pane. Needs to be explicitly selected during install process. We've had reports that it doesn't work on Windows 7 x64.

1.5.1 (2011-04-26)

Changes in this release:

fixes for rare crashes

1.5 (2011-04-23)

Changes in this release:

add support for viewing XPS documents
add support for viewing CBZ and CBR comic books
add File/Save Shortcut menu item to create shortcuts to a specific place in a document
add context menu for copying text, link addresses and comments. In browser plugin it also adds saving and printing commands
add folder browsing (Ctrl+Shift+Right opens next PDF document in the current folder, Ctrl+Shift+Left opens previous document)

1.4 (2011-03-12)

Changes in this release:

browser plugin for Firefox/Chrome/Opera (Internet Explorer is not supported). It's not installed by default so you have to check the apropriate checkbox in the installer
IFilter that enables full-text search of PDF files in Windows Desktop Search (i.e. search from Windows Vista/7's Start Menu). Also not installed by default
scrolling with right mouse button
you can choose a custom installation directory in the installer
menu items for re-opening current document in Foxit and PDF-XChange (if they're installed)
we no longer compress the installer executable with mpress. It caused some anti-virus programs to falsely report Sumatra as a virus. The downside is that the binaries on disk are now bigger. Note: we still compress the portable .zip version
-title cmd-line option was removed
support for AES-256 encrypted PDF documents
fixed an integer overflow reported by Jeroen van der Gun and and other small fixes and improvements to PDF handling

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