Просмотр полной версии : Microsoft Flight Simulator X

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23.03.2008, 11:40
Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition)
официальная русская версия

Год выпуска: 2007

Жанр: Авиасимулятор

Разработчик: Microsoft Games

Издательство: Microsoft game studio

Платформа: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista

Системные требования:
Процессор: 1.0 Ghz;
RAM: Windows XP SP2 - 256MB, Windows Vista - 512MB:
Жесткий диск: 14GB;
Видеоплата: 32MB DirectX 9 совместимая;
Другое: совместимость аппаратного обеспечения с DX9, наличие звуковой платы, динамиков\наушников;
Для сетевой игры: скорость подключения 56.6кБ\с или выше.

Тип издания: лицензия

Язык интерфейса: только русский

Таблэтка: есть

Описание: Официальная версия Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition).
Безграничные просторы реального мира. Погрузитесь в этот живой и динамичный мир приключений. К вашим услугам более 50 лётных заданий во всех уголках света. Новички, делающие первые шаги по лётному полю, и ветераны, налетавшие сотни часов, найдут себе занятие по вкусу.
Проверьте свои навыки пилотирования или просто полюбуйтесь пейзажем. Простые лётные задания позволят освоиться в воздухе, а сложные - заработать призы. Понаблюдайте с воздуха за жизнью городов-мегаполисов и за движением на оживленных водных трассах.
Выберете себе "стальную птицу": от сверхлегкого моноплана до мощного реактивного лайнера. Гонки и высший пилотаж, спасательные операции в горах и коммерческие рейсы - полёты любой сложности, в любой местности, в любых условиях

ВИДЕО: Что такое MSFX ? История MSFX (http://disk.karelia.ru/a/Andrei589/Games/IKONA_MSFS.avi)

Дополнительные возможности версии Deluxe:
*ещё больше детализированных городов и аэропортов в самых живописных уголках мира;
*составные лётные задания - серьёзная проверка мастерства.

Дополнительные возможности сетевой игры:
*совместный доступ к самолёту;
*возможность играть за авиадиспетчера.

Доп. информация: Переговоры с диспетчером не переведены, поэтому включена русификация ATC

Предупреждение: в реалии игра с дополнениями может занимать место до 150 Гб !!!
Не пытайтесь сразу установить все дополнения !!! Устанавливайте только то, что Вам понадобиться для полетов !!!

.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

24.03.2008, 20:40
Кто скачал,поделитесь впечатлениями... Стоящая вообще вещь?
и ещё вопрос...Там нет вообще никакой карьеры,лишь отдельные задания???

25.03.2008, 22:42
Игрушка вообще стоящая, для тех кто любит авиасимы! По любому надо качать и летать!

25.03.2008, 23:19
А на клавиатуре можно играть?

25.03.2008, 23:47
PATRIK, нет! Где ты видел что-бы PC-игры под клавиатуры делали? Только на мышке!

25.03.2008, 23:51
А на клавиатуре можно играть?
Можно, но невозможно. Для таких серьезных симов обязательно джой нужен !!!
Кто пройдет все сценарии, отпишитесь. Залью дополнение "Разгон".
Там и поинтересней будет, и много чего добавляется. Даже палубная авиация имеется.

26.03.2008, 01:04
Andrei589, Весь сценарий не прошел, но всё же залей пожалуйста это дополнение, очень интересно что там добавилось!

27.03.2008, 12:43

Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Разгон

Это не сама игра , это дополнение !!!

Год выпуска: 2007
Статус: в продаже с 30 ноября 2007 года
Жанр: Simulator addon
Разработчик: Microsoft Aces Studio
Издательство: Microsoft
Платформа: PC
Минимальные системные требования:
* Flight Simulator X
* Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 / Vista
* PC with 2 GHz equivalent or higher processor
* 1 GB of system RAM
* 4 GB or more of available hard disk space
* DirectX 9 or higher compatible video card required
* Must have vertex and pixel shader model 1.1 or higher (no more hardware T&ampL).
* Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
* Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
* 56.6 Kbps or better modem for online play

Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только русский
Таблэтка: Присутствует.
Метод лечения: открываем образ, запускаем Setup.exe. Устанавливаем. После установки копируем файлы *.dll в корневую папку с игрой.

Дополнение "Разгон" ("Acceleration" в английской версии) к новой версии Flight Simulator X
* уникальный игровой процесс
* шесть классов персонажей, более 100 заклинаний и способностей
* соревнования с друзьями или в одиночку в четырех гонках, в том числе знаменитых Reno и Red Bull Air Race
* более 30 новых заданий, в том числе поисково-спасательные операции, испытательные полеты, взлет и посадка с авианосца и многое другое
* возможность полетать на самолетах F/A-18А «Хорнет, Р-51D «Мустанг» и вертолете ЕН-101
* возможность побывать в экзотических местах: Стамбуле, Тмпельхофе и других

Доп. информация:
Игра является лицензионной русифицированной версией дополнения (add-on) к Microsoft Flight Simulator X

.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

27.03.2008, 22:31
У меня какието проблемы при закачьке.
Остаеться буквально около 100 мб сбрасывает и начинает закачьку сночала.
В чем проблема?

27.03.2008, 23:08
Rem, чем качаеш ?

27.03.2008, 23:45
Да я оперой.
Но впринципе закачать удалось 1 DVD

28.03.2008, 04:39
Rem, это нормально, если качаешь более 4 гб оперой, загрузка потом идет до конца

31.03.2008, 16:31
Кто нибудь ставил игру с этих образов? У меня при установке первого DVD выдает ошибку, типо архив поврежден!

03.04.2008, 19:14
Люди залейте на батл плз!!!:D
а то на диске ломаный 1 DVD не скачать

03.04.2008, 21:27
Попробую перезалить. Но это не очень быстро получится.
С ентим Диском одни проблемы.

03.04.2008, 21:48
У меня при установке первого DVD выдает ошибку, типо архив поврежден
Я скачал, поставил. Все нормально.Работает отлично. У тебя именно при установке или при скачке ошибка?

04.04.2008, 09:35
Gurman, скачалось то у меня всё нормально! Начинаю ставить, и примерно на процентах 40 пишет ошибку! Наверное скачал криво!

04.04.2008, 09:56
У меня установилось норм ( 2 раза качал ) только вот нажимаею на задание первое и выдает ошибку ... типа не отправлять чё за бред не знаете ? !

05.04.2008, 11:15
Наверное скачал криво!
Попробуй правда скачай заново каким-нибудь менеджером закачки, авось поможет.

на задание первое и выдает ошибку ... типа не отправлять чё за бред не знаете ? !
Может косячно установилось? Попробуй заново поставить.
У меня тож косяки иногда вылетают. Типа, во время полета не работает спидометр, перегружаешь игруху- все окей. Или просто изображение останавливается, а звук идет, и так пока не перезапустишь. Но в целом работает. ресурсов только жрет нехило.

05.04.2008, 12:57
У меня установилось норм ( 2 раза качал ) только вот нажимаею на задание первое и выдает ошибку ... типа не отправлять чё за бред не знаете ? !
А ты случаем не в Висте работаешь ???
Косяков в программе много , и даже очень много.
В состав программы "Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Разгон" входит SP2.
С ним полегче работает, вылетов стало поменьше.

07.04.2008, 02:07
"Разгон" перезалил. Кто скачает и установит-отпишитесь.
Добавил в шапку темы:

ВИДЕО: Что такое MSFX ? История MSFX (http://disk.karelia.ru/a/Andrei589/Games/IKONA_MSFS.avi)

07.04.2008, 22:57
"Разгон" перезалил. Кто скачает и установит-отпишитесь.
Добавил в шапку темы:

ВИДЕО: Что такое MSFX ? История MSFX (http://disk.karelia.ru/a/Andrei589/Games/IKONA_MSFS.avi)
Разгон требует русскую версию MFSX,перед установкой.:(

09.04.2008, 00:17
Так в шапке темы вроде Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition) официальная русская версия.

Добавлено через 6 часов 55 минут
Все проверили вместе с demon@.:up: :ok:
Все работает. У кого какие проблемы и вопросы , пишите. Будем вместе разбираться.

31.05.2008, 16:12
Microsoft Flight Simulator X - PILOTs FS Global 2008

Год выпуска: 2007

Жанр: Аддон к FSX (это не сама игра, а дополнение к Microsoft Flight Simulator X.)

Разработчик: Pilot’s GesmbH (http://www.fsglobalx.com/indexA.htm)
Платформа: Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Системные требования: Те же, что и для самого симулятора
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется

Описание: Аддон к новой версии гражданского авиасимулятора от Микрософта, заменяющий дефолтную сетку земной поверхности на более реалистичную. Пакет включает в себя сетку поверхности Европы, Азии, обеих Америк, Африки и Океании. В отличие от аналогичных аддонов других производителей, FS Global покрывает всю поверхность земного шара.
Доп. информация: необходимо наличие установленного Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Установка проста: запускате setup.exe, сначала он ставит небольшую софтовую часть непосредственно в папку FSX, а потом уже выбираете, куда устанавливать основную часть сценариев. программа установки будет периодически запрашивать вставить следующий по порядку ДВД-диск - просто щелкайте "ок". я скинул содержимое всех трех каталогов, содержащих соответствующие ДВД-диски в одну папку.
Обратите внимание, что основная часть занимает более 12 Гб дискового пространства.

Подробнее об установке: Сначала в сером окне жмешь да а в другом нет или наоборот. Когда появляется экран с шаттлом космическим. До бегаешь по коричневым окошкам. Потом выбираешь букву, выбирай букву своего жёсткого куда устанавливать и всё устанавливай. При установке будет требовать следующий DVD отвечай просто OK. Потом копируешь папку то что установил на жёсткий(при выборе драйвера), а копируешь эту папку в папку с игрой MFSX, и удаляешь её с первоночального места. Далее включаешь игру, он будет показывать окна со словами Area 121 и так далее до 132 http://disk.karelia.ru/a/Andrei589/Games/FS%20Global%202008%20for%20FSX/4709bc7a4328eba41d416920fc893f01.jpg, отвечай всегда окей. Потом входишь в настройки библиотека пейзажей и удаляешь пейзажи их там по 2 у меня было их все удаляешь (обведён зелёным).http://disk.karelia.ru/a/Andrei589/Games/FS%20Global%202008%20for%20FSX/8d91ea9f2209553c0a5805e81f699ed5.jpg Дальше жмёшь добавить, выбираешь путь к каждому из папок (красным на скрине выше) и всё! Выходишь из игры, заново запускаешь и всё! У меня всё пошло, особенно горы нравятся, в простой они выглядели как холмы! Всем рекомендую нужная вещь.

.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

31.05.2008, 16:55
Microsoft Flight Simulator X - HiFi Simulation - Active Sky X & X Graphics

Год выпуска: 2007

Жанр: дополнение к Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Разработчик: HiFi Simulation
Издательство: HiFi Simulation
Платформа: Windows XP & Vista
Системные требования:
- Windows XP, Vista or Later
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (deluxe required for networked configuration)
- Service Pack 1 for FSX (free download from http://www.fsinsider.com)
- .NET 2.0
- Pentium 1.5GHZ processor or better
- 500MB RAM or better
- 200MB Hard drive space or better
- Internet connection for online mode and manual wx file downloads
- Sound card for voice weather reports

Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: присутствует

Описание: Новейший погодный движок для FSX и большой набор великолепной графики:
небо, облака, солнце и луна, вода, аэропорты и дороги и прочее.

Дополнительно: Сервиспак 1 (http://www.hifisim.com/support.html)

Что это такое подробнее: http://www.avsim.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=38504

.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

31.05.2008, 17:31

Год выпуска: 2007

Жанр: Аддон для FSX

Разработчик: Daniel van Os
Платформа: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista
Системные требования: Как для FSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует

Описание: Симпатичная машинка "Follow Me", которая по вашему вызову проводит вас от гейта до взлётной полосы или встретит у взлётной полосы и проводит до гейта.

Доп. информация: Работает в Microsoft Flight Simulator X и Microsoft Flight Simulator X Service Pack 1. Также необходимо иметь .Net Framework 2.0 или 3.0. Для совместимости с FSX Acceleration (Разгон) и FSX SP2 прилагается патч.

.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

06.06.2008, 23:35
А какой код активации?

07.06.2008, 09:11
А какой код активации?
Код активации чего ? Если FOLLOW ME for FSX, то там есть серийник.

07.06.2008, 14:30
Когда я запускаю ярлык, он пишет Активация Microsoft Fligth Simulatoe X
Там есть активировать сейчас или позже, вот и мне нужен код активации=)
а если нажимаешь позже то он виснет и всё=)

08.06.2008, 10:00
Я так понял ты сам симулятор устанавливаешь.
А ты лекарство скачал ? Там файл Readme.txt есть. Все про установку написано. Т.е.

Устанавливаем Microsoft Flight Simulator X, далле, не запуская сим, ставим патч.
Иногда это не помогает. Если не помогло, из папки fDll копируем с заменой все файлы в корневую папку сима (эта та папка, куда вы установили симулятор).
Только перед копированием сохраните куда-нибудь родные файлы, они могут вам ещё понадобится.
Если и это не помогло, то поставьте обратно оригинальные файлы api.dll и main.dll, заменив только fsui.dll,
это приведёт снова к экрану активации, но вместо демо мы получим полноценную версию.

Если опять не получится пиши в ЛС, разберемся.

16.06.2008, 23:00
Всем привет. Я установил FSX Deluxe Edition и все было замечательно пока я не почистил журнал полетов. После симулятор грузится но не запускается и дает ошибку fsx.exe szAppVer:10.0.60905.0 . Местные спецы перезагрузили операционку и игру, но к сожалению всё бесполезно. Сижу и смотрю в окно как летают по глиссаде настоящие лайнеры. Кто знает решение проблемы подскажите пожалуйста. И если можно то по пдробнее, я не компютерщик. Но летать очень хочется.

16.06.2008, 23:21
Сижу и смотрю в окно как летают по глиссаде настоящие лайнеры.
Вот везет же людям !!! А на какой аэропорт у тебя окна выходят ?:o
А если по делу, то я тоже не компьютерщик. Могу только посоветовать еще раз переустановить игру полностью.

14.07.2008, 00:22
FS Global 2008 , HiFi Active Sky X & X Graphics,Direct X10.
Благодаря FS Global 2008 ,земная повехность стало выглядеть более реальной.

22.07.2008, 21:54
Есть у кого-нибудь файлы с боевыми вертолетами для ФС 2004 ,можно вражеские?

22.07.2008, 22:03
Есть у кого-нибудь файлы с боевыми вертолетами для ФС 2004 ,можно вражеские?
С кем воевать собрался ?

Добавлено через 2 минуты
Поищи на торретс.ру. Там много чего есть.

22.07.2008, 22:12
Привет! где и как можно скачать?

Добавлено через 4 минуты
Да,вообщем-то нискем,на реальных летаю,а дома догоняюсь,нравится.:D

26.07.2008, 11:11
кто с каким джоем летает?

26.07.2008, 12:32
кто с каким джоем летает?
Genius MaxFighter F-31U.
А мечтаю о таком: Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System (PZ44) (http://shop.key.ru/shop/goods/98509/)

30.07.2008, 18:41
Чего-то надоело мне наблюдать дефолтную картину трафика в игре.
Прилетаешь например в Домодедово, а там все по стандарту.
Решил чего-нибудь поискать, по экспериментировать.
Ну собственно вот что и накопал: .:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

03.08.2008, 16:23
Я тут на торрент ру прописался ,скоро выложу много моделей самолетов и вертолетов для МFSХ , в том числе и боевых.:)

04.08.2008, 00:23
Я тут на торрент ру прописался ,скоро выложу много моделей самолетов и вертолетов для МFSХ , в том числе и боевых.
Ждем, надеемся и верим !!!:up:
Только про мои гражданские не забывай !!!

11.08.2008, 13:59
Знатоки MFS подскажите:в этом топике кроме Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition) есть еще адоны типа Microsoft Flight Simulator X - PILOTs FS Global 2008 и Microsoft Flight Simulator X - HiFi Simulation - Active Sky X & X Graphics это все ставить вместе и разом? неважно в каком порядке? (просто объемы для закачки немаленькие -не хочеться зря качать)
образ Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition) на диск.карелия битый откуда еще можно скачать?

11.08.2008, 18:30
образ Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition) на диск.карелия битый
Образ нормальный, не раз проверялось(не только мной).
Качай через FTP.
Для начала поставь только сам симулятор Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition).
Остальное будешь ставить по мере необходимости.

11.08.2008, 18:49
Andrei589, не мог бы тогда подсказать как будет выглядеть Ftp-ссылка на диске? дело в том что просто закачка останавливается так как будто файл образа весит 300 мб.

11.08.2008, 19:01
Я лично всегда пользуюсь программой FlashFXP. n/

12.08.2008, 16:15
Уже 30 Гб софта для MFSX скачал,18 дней трафика осталось 4Мб/сек.:)

12.08.2008, 21:03
Andrei589, куда исчезла папка с игрой? ..я не успел докачать((

12.08.2008, 22:38
Да блин... Все на месте.. Это проблемы у Диска...От меня не зависит...

13.08.2008, 16:50
Ну ладно,потихоньку начинаю выкладывать.:)

FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: Digital Aviation - http://www.digital-aviation.de
Издательство: Aerosoft Germany - http://www.aerosoft.com
Тип издания: лицензия
Таблэтка: Присутствует (serials)
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий / французский / испанский
Описание: Пак, в котором собрано практически ВСЁ что доступно для скачивания у AEROSOFT'а для MFSX (версии для FS2004 там где они есть включены как дополнение), за исключением только раздела Tools, VFR Germany 1 - West и VFR Germany 2 - North.


Hughes H-1B "Special"
Симулятор: MFSX only
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (minimal Service Pack 2) DX10 Preview compatible
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
Mouse with mouse wheel
Installations-Size: 170 MB

Описание: Movie buffs know the Hughes H-1B from the Hollywood blockbuster The Aviator, aviation historians know it because it pioneered so many new technologies, aircraft enthusiast know it because it held the absolute world speed record for some time.

From now on flight sim pilots will know it the hardest plane they ever flown. Because it is designed with just one purpose in mind, to break records, it is uncomfortable, hardly stable and the engine always seems to be waiting for the worst time to go up in smoke.

The H1 is not an aircraft for the person who just started with FS, it is a very detailed and complex simulation of this rather special aircraft and without reading the manual and understanding the systems you will most likely ruin the engine (or not even get it started). Most our beta testers wrecked at least 6 finely tuned engines before they managed to keep them running. Many systems that are automated in aircraft made after the second World War are manual in this aircraft and they will require your attention at every stage of the flight. While complex this also will greatly enhance your understanding of aircraft systems, even those of modern aircraft. With every flight you will learn to tweak a bit more power out of the engine increasing your top speed. In the end the Aerosoft H1 is thoroughbred, capable of amazing things, but only in the hand of the most experienced pilot.

The original aircraft is now one of the main exhibits in the Smithsonian institute. Now you can fly this highly realistic aircraft in FSX and see if you can break your own records.
* Superbly researched project, almost an historical document in FS
* Both models (short wing and long wing) versions included
* Flight model based on the actual 1930's wind tunnel test and NACA airfoil data (we are sure Howard Hughes would appreciate that)
* Extensive modeling of the exterior and interior of the aircraft in full FSX standards
* Very highly detailed Virtual Cockpit with all parts fully animated
* Detailed and beautifully designed manual
* Low impact on framerate
* Special sound module to include full cockpit sounds (so you hear the wobble pump etc)
* Engine model unprecedented in detail, including fully new developed failure models for shock cooling, fuel pressure, oil pressure, hydraulic leaks and carburetor icing. All of these are unlike anything you seen on other aircraft.659016590065902

13.08.2008, 17:00
DHC-6 Twin Otter X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
Mouse with mousewheel
Installations-Size: 600 MB

Описание: The De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter is one of the most versitile aircraft ever designed. Still Canada's most successful commercial aircraft program with more than 800 built, the Twin Otter remains popular for its rugged construction and useful STOL performance.

The De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter (aka Twotter) is one of those aircraft that should have been replaced by some new aircraft at least a decade ago. But it's not. The DHC-6 still flies and in fact the amount of registered is risen at this moment. The main reason for it is the fact it is just as much at home at the poles as it is in the tropics. It is used to maintain routes to airports up to 9000 feet and to ferry between islands. It will fly everywhere using wheels, floats or skis. It's a legend.

This STOL twin turboprop commuter airliner was in production between 1964 and 1988, with over 800 build it has been the most successful aircraft build in Canada. The model is currently been upgraded to a 400 version by Viking Air who holds the type certificate for the Twin Otter.

The high end model presented by Aerosoft and partly designed by SibWings includes all versions, and advanced avionics set. It is perfectly suited for use on some of our most favorite scenery products such as Lukla X and German Airfields 1. The gauges include two high end Bendix King systems that provide near perfect navigation and communication capabilities. Of course the original panel is also an option. One of the main design goals was to keep the memory and CPU load of this aircraft as low as possible to ensure good framerates. By keeping the number of non essential items in the models low this was achieved. The Twin Otter is only just more demanding then the very basic default aircraft of FSX!
* Five models (100 floats/wheels/ski, 300 wheel/wheel ski)
* Three different interiors (passengers, cargo, skydiver)
* Fourteen different liveries (paint kit provided to registered customers)
* Five different high definition flight models (exact on the numbers and very realistic feedback)
* Although complex, very easy on frame rate
* Sound set in full FSX format with sound cones (so when you walk around the aircraft the sound changes), with wheel, float and ski versions.
* Almost all gauges in the Model and not in GAUGE or XML format. This makes them totally smooth in Virtual Cockpit (same update as your frame rate).
* Seven view modes defined, no 2d cockpit provided (but you won't miss it)
* Fully compliant to FSX dual cockpit and FSX failure modes
* Standard avionics or upgraded set with KX165A and KLN90B
* Dual Bendix/King KX 165A Transceiver, advanced simulation of this best known transceiver :
--- o Active and Standby frequencies with Direct Tune option
--- o Stores 6 most used frequencies
--- o Count up and countdown timer
--- o Navigation OBS page (with To/From indication)
--- o Navigation bearing page showing bearing to the signal station
* Bendix/King KLN 90B GPS Navigation System, advanced simulation of this complex navigation instrument :
--- o Complete flight plan with course deviation, ground speed ETE and Bearing
--- o Position display with Lat/Lon and VOR radial and distance
--- o Desired track, track error, current track and minimal safe altitude
--- o Waypoint entering with altitude and full calculation option
--- o Moving map with declutter options
--- o Super Navigation screens using both displays
--- o Altitude Calculations
--- o True Airspeed Calculations
--- o Wind Calculations
--- o VNV Angle calculations
--- o Speed and Temperature conversions
--- o Time Calculations
--- o Fuel Load and Fuel Flow Calculations
--- o Air Data Calculations
--- o Trip Planning
--- o Airport Data pages with location, runways, frequencies, directly send to flight plan
--- o Nearest Airport, nearest VOR, nearest NDB
--- o Full Time / Distance displays
--- o Direct-To options

13.08.2008, 17:11
Digital Aviation Piper Cheyenne X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended)
Installations-Size: 850 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flugsimulator 2004
Pentium 2.0 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 550 MB

Описание: This add-on for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X is an extraordinary replica of the twin engine Piper Cheyenne with a new developed weather radar. The package contains no less than four versions of the most successful Turboprop family: Cheyenne II, I, IA and IIXL.

All four aircraft have been rebuilt and animated for the Flight simulator in 3-D fashion right down to the smallest of details. In this way mechanical parts such as ailerons, rudders, flaps, engines and even windscreen wipers move just like in the original aircraft.

The excellent graphics of both the 2D- and 3D-Cockpits are equipped with all the avionic instruments usually to be found inside these models and the precise flight dynamics have been developed with the help of real Cheyenne pilots. Besides the accurate panels for the pilot and the co-pilot, the cabin of the Cheyenne has also been rebuilt to the highest level of detail with its opening doors for the passengers and the freight.

The sounds, which are being used, have all been recorded on the real thing. Numerous liveries for all the available versions and an extensive documentation round of a superb simulation for both VFR and IFR pilots.

This version of the Digital Aviaton Piper Cheyene (FSX and FS2004) includes a new full functional weather radar.
* Highly detailed 2D cockpit and exterior model for 4 different aircraft variants:
--- o Cheyenne I
--- o Cheyenne IA
--- o Cheyenne II
--- o Cheyenne IIXL
* Fully functional virtual cockpit with very smooth gauges and controls
* Each cockpit variation represents the actual aircraft variant
* Flight dynamics have been developed with a real Cheyenne pilot
* 2 different sound sets (with/without active noise reduction)
* Extensive Documentation

Exterior model
* Exterior has been modeled in every detail fully based on the FSX standards
* Specular lighting maps (making reflections more realistic)
* Aircrafts variants differ in size, engines, door arrangement
* Cheyenne I in three liveries (2x Germany, USA)
* Cheyenne IA in three liveries (Germany, France, Austria)
* Cheyenne II in three liveries (France, USA, Netherlands)
* Cheyenne IIXL in three liveries (Spain, Great Britain, Switzerland)
* Full set of animations (control surfaces, trim tabs, doors, baggage compartments, gear, ice protection)
* All doors can be handled separately
* Exterior ground equipment, like power unit

Cockpit and avionics
* Realistic 2D cockpit for all four variants, including different views: Default, VFR, IFR, approach/landing
* Fully functional virtual cockpit
* Virtual CabinPanel and cabin include a customized night lighting
* Complete system simulation individually adapted
* Fully functional weather radar incl. display of the flight plan and waypoints
* Bendix King Silver Crown Plus Avionics Suite:
--- o KMA 28 Audio Panel
--- o KY196B COMM Radio (2x)
--- o KN53 NAV Radio (2x)
--- o KR87 ADF Receiver (2x) and KT76C Transponder (2x)
* Trimble 2000 Approach Plus GPS with SID, STAR and Approach capability and updatable navigation database.
* Bendix King KFC250 Autopilot (Cheyenne I and IA)
Bendix King KFC300 Autopilot (Cheyenne II and IIXL)
* Dukes Pressurization Controller (Cheyenne I and IA)
Garrett Pressurization Controller (Cheyenne II and IIXL)
* External Power Unit
* Ground Clearance Function
* In-Game configuration utility and load editor
* Full GoFlight Hardware support

Systems simulation
* Real engine start up procedure, with starter, generators and fuel levers
* Electrical system with different bus for avionics
* All internal and external lighting options
* Cabin pressurization system

Aerodynamics and performance
* Realistic flight dynamics developed in co-operation with real pilots
* Accurate airspeeds, climb rates and fuel consumption
* Stunning performance and exceptional flying capabilities

13.08.2008, 17:19
Digital Aviation Dornier Do-27 X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 MB DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
Installation Size: 332 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Windows XP (other OS may work but are not tested and will not besupported)
Pentium IV 2.0 GHz (or faster)1.0 GB RAM
3d-video card with 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
Sound Card
Installation Size: 400 MB

Описание: Many of those who came in contact with the Dornier Do-27 could hardly take their hands off it. This add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X is quite different compared to the other add-on aircraft you might have experienced.

Besides the extraordinary visual model this add-on is equipped with features that have never seen before in FS. Over 5000 lines of code have been written only for the animations!

Today, flight simulation pilots can be divided in two groups. The first group is trying to simulate flights so that it is as real as it gets, and other uses fly for recreational purposes and mostly do short flights in their spare time. No matter which party you belong to this add-on can be used in two modes: Pro and Simple. In 'Simple' mode, this aircraft can be flown just for fun and recreation. In 'Pro' mode you always have to keep an eye on all the systems of the aircraft. It is an exciting challenge because operating errors will have consequences. Flight time will be logged in this mode only and the pilot is rewarded with certificates.

Additionally after changing your aircraft to the Do-27, the plane tries to interpret the actual situation and will configure itself. There also two initiation modes that override the automatic detection system: 'cold&dark' and 'taxi'. It is also possible to let your plane be automatically configured for 3 different operating conditions in realtime (that means, you can see the switches and levers moving while your invisible assistant prepares the aircraft) whenever you want:

Prepare for engine start | Make her ready to fly | Shut off and power down.

The kneeboard provides information and controls for different elements of the airplane, for example the maintenance mode. It helps the pilot with static or dynamic flying hints, and can be used to display or hide different external gimmicks.

Nearly every element has its own sound: switches, knobs, levers, doors etc. There are also sounds for flying with opened/dumped doors, backfires, the chronograph etc.

This very special replica comes in 2 variants (A1, B1) and 6 aircrafts that are different in equipment, panels, exhausts, tires, lighting etc.
Exterior Model
* All standard animations like control surfaces, cowl flap, elevator trim, wheels etc.
* Control surfaces can be fixed.
* Control surfaces are affected by wind if pilot left aircraft and controls have not fixed.
* Elevator vibrates during engine start and at low rpm on ground.
* All doors can be handled separately (that means lock/unlock, open/close and dumping)
* The 2 engine doors can be opened separately as well as the whole lower cowling.
* Detailed Lycoming GO-480 B1A6 engine.
* New propeller animation for slow revolutions during engine startup.
* Propeller can be damaged by ground contact.
* Exterior equipment like brake chocks, warning cones, camping equipment, tools, information panel for flight days etc.

Virtual Cockpit and systems
* Different panel layouts.
* Additionally defined FSX cameras
* Panels and instruments may be damaged by hard landings.
* All automatic circuit breakers and circuit breakers work.
* Instruments may be inaccurate, needles may be influenced by vibrations, g-forces or disorders.
* Attitude indicator and compass card are driven electrically and have to be aligned / calibrated. The compass card will start to rotate for several minutes if electricity has been cut.
* The glass of the vertical speed indicator may be broken.
* Junghans chronograph with windup mechanism and timer.
* Avionics may be damaged if avionics master switch is not turned off during engine start and engine shut down.
* Engine must be primed.
* Engine prime can lead to have too much fuel in the starter system. Removing superfluous fuel is possible due original procedure or mechanician.
* Engine starter can get overheated and damaged.
* Cowl Flap produces drag according to its setting.
* Engine cooling is influenced by angle of attack and propeller revolutions.
* Engine fires can occur.
* Fire extinguisher can get exhausted.
* Oil leaks can occur.
* Realistic oil consumption.
* Engine treatment influences oil consumption.
* Engine and gear can get damaged by:
--- o High RPM
--- o Low RPM
--- o Fast RPM changes
--- o Low Manifold pressure
--- o Long engine starts
--- o Low oil level
--- o Fires
--- o High temperatures
--- o Low RPM during descent
--- o Negative Propeller Thrust
* If Engine gets worn it looses power.
* Propeller can get damaged
* Warm weather can cause air bubbles in the fuel system, making the engine stutter. The fuel pump solves this problem.
* Cold engine can go out.
* Real engine start up procedure, with starter circuit breaker, priming and mixture lever in cut off position.
* If engine is not serviced periodically, engine start will get more and more difficult.
* Fast changes on engine settings lead to damages.
* Propeller pitch can't be changed when engine is shut off.
* Oil temperature influences operability of propeller pitch.
* Mixture can be adjusted manually. But this is not recommended. When the lever is all way forward, the mixture is set automatically.
* Generator only works at 1300 RPM and above. Generator relay is audible.
* Fuel quantity indicators are not very precise.
* Pitot heat can get damaged if enabled on ground.
* Structure and controls can get damaged through high speeds and extreme manoeuvres.
* Flaps can get damaged through high speeds or when being lowered as long as the cabin doors are open.
* Windows get dirty.
* Each door can be locked/unlocked, opened/closed and dumped separate. The latch for the left cabin door can be disabled, so the door will stay open during flight due air stream, and can be closed by shortly lowering the flaps. (Real life procedure after the skydivers left the plane)
* Windows of the front doors can be opened.
* Ventilation controls are functional.
* If you forgot to remove the pitot cover before flight, airspeed indicator will not work, and the cover can only be removed on ground.
* Vibration effects through engine, ground roll, stalls etc.

13.08.2008, 17:27
Seahawk & Jayhawk X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent strongly advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended)
Installations-Size: 400 MB

Описание: The Seahawk received all (!) prices for Flight Simulator helicopter we know about and it did get some of the most favorable reviews we have ever seen. So it was logical to move this product to FSX.

As always we done so with care so all the new features of FSX are being used. We also combined both the Seahawks & Boxer and the Coast Guard version and added 4 more highly detailed ships. To make it easy for you we also created a tool that allows you to use Google Earth (!) to place the ships in any location you like.

The helicopter is easy to fly (as the real one is), you will be in the air in minutes, but it will take many hours before you have mastered all the systems that are simulated in this helicopter. Created with assistance from several Seahawk pilots we are sure the advanced systems work as they are in the real helicopter.

When Microsoft publically releases the SDK that is used for the Acceleration Pack we will adapt this helicopter to use the additional features it offers for helicopters. This will be a free update.

Full FSX standard
All the aircraft files have been reworked to be fully FSX standard this not a simple port from FS2004! Includes all the latest FSX goodies.

* Bump maps (this adds a 3d effect to a simple 2d texture, for example to show edges on hatches and rivets),
* Specular lighting maps (making reflections more realistic),
* Self-shading (aircrafts parts cast shades on other aircraft parts),
* All textures in DDS format (faster decompressing if your graphics card supports it),
* Fall back textures (all models share some textures, saving you disk space and loading time when you switch models),
* Prepared for DX10 graphics cards.

All models and variations
There are seven different models available, not only the different Seahawk models used by the US Navy, but also the export models (Japan, Greece and Spain) are included. The Coast Guard model (Jayhawk) is also included. Fifteen liveries are available.

Very accurate flight model
The flight model is highly accurate and has been flown by many actual Seahawk pilots over the last 2 years. Some tweaks include the new FSX functions, but we decided to maintain the highly stable model that was used in the FS2004 version. Please note that maintaining the correct 'feel' was more important than numbers and data.

Complete animations

* Complex fold of rotors and tail (using the actual procedure)
* Horizontal tail moves depending on speed
* Four crewmembers that animated

Stability Augmentation System
The advanced Stability Augmentation System (SAS) is very accurate. Not only will it stabilize your flight, it also includes a highly realistic Hover and Hover Depart mode. Unlike other FS helicopters that 'force' the location using FSUIPC or SimConnect, this system uses sensors to find the location of the helicopter and will use the standard controls to maintain a hover or move the helicopter in any direction.

Automated Flight Control System
The AFCS is able to read standard flight plans and have the Seahawk fly them fully automated. Your route is shown on the Navigation Display. Distance and time to fly for each waypoint is also available.

Extended manual
The 68 page extended manual explains all systems and is well illustrated. Even novice helicopter pilots (or novice flight simmers) should be able to use this advanced helicopter after they completed the training flights.

Three complete documented training flights

* Systems and Automated Flight Control Systems: Learn to setup all systems and start the helicopter. After take-off you will head to a training area to experiment with the navigation system. You will also learn how to fly the helicopter fully automated in terrain following mode.
* Advanced navigation: Learn how to have the helicopter fly a route automatically and do a low visibility ILS landing.
* Zero visibility manual hover: Learn to hover the helicopter in a fixed location without ANY visibility (no other helicopter in FS can do this)

Six ships included
There are 6 ships included that can be placed in any location using the Shipyard 2 tool.

* Coast Guard Marine Security Cutter, Large: Very modern off-shore interdiction cutter
* CG-50 (Valley Forge): Old style destroyer used to protect carrier groups.
* LCS-1 (USS Freedom): Low visibility stealth ship of the latest design.
* X-Craft (Sea Fighter): Experimental Special Operation and Patrol Operation ship.
* LHD-4 (Boxer): Large amphibious carrier designed to land and support 2000 marines.
* F-124 (Sachsen class): Modern German air defense ship.

This tool allows you to select a location for the ships in Google Earth and convert the resulting files into real FSX scenery. Very easy, very advanced and a lot of fun to use. Needs a Deluxe version of FSX!

13.08.2008, 17:33
Beaver X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
CD-ROM drive (Box/CD-Version only)
Installations-Size: 740 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flugsimulator 2004
Pentium 1.5 GHz or faster
256 MB RAM
CD-Drive (only for Box / CD-Version)
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 350 MB

Описание: Our bestselling aircraft now fully FSX compatible ! This aicraft gets you everywhere, snow, water, soft runways or tarmac, there is a Beaver in this package for every terrain.

Some things age gracefully, some things go beyond that and seem to resist aging altogether. They are truly timeless. In aviation there are few examples, because aircraft are designed for a definite lifespan and to be replaced by something better. Perhaps the Piper Cub is one of the few examples, so long after being build, it's still in serious use and not only for sentimental reasons, they are still very much up to the job. But the DHC-2 beaver certainly is one. In 1955 a new Beaver sold for $30.000 and at this moment a well maintained Beaver with only a few million miles on the clock is worth around $300.000 and there are many operators who will tell you they fly the DHC-2 for the simple reason it is the best aircraft for the job and that they do not care that is older than they are.

There is, as far as we know, only one aircraft that is heralded as being one of the most important achievements of a country. But the DHC2 Beaver has that official award presented by the Canadian government. And for good reasons, Canada would simply look different then it does now if the Beaver would not have provided solid and reliable transport to the regions of the country that cannot be reached by road. The rest of the world was quick to see the great aircraft made by de Havilland. And apart from air to air combat there is no task this aircraft has not done. Dropping parachutists, spraying crops, fighting fires, you name it and there is a Beaver that done it. On snow, ice, tundra, gravel, grass, water, sand, it's happy everywhere. It has flown on every continent and probably is the only aircraft to have landed at both poles. This aircraft will get you to every place on the globe. The Aerosoft DHC2 Beaver comes with an unprecedented number of models so every version is as detailed as possible. As far as we know this is the first time so many MDL files are used for any FSX download...
* Fully FSX compatible, with all features new to FSX
* Special Mission: "Needle in a haystack"
* Separate internal and external MDL's (40 in total!)
* Reduced polygon count because of careful use of bumpmaps textures, even though far more details are shown (= better frame rates)
* Fully supports extensive damage/failure model of FSX (check out the engine fire)
* FSX specific effects for snow, crop dusting, fire fighting
* All textures in DDS format
* Includes specular, bumpmap, fresnels effects
* Additional VC views defined
* Extensive use of texture fall back folders
* Solid and dependable flight model
* Leather seats and electrical flap system (luxury!) on most models
* Five models (ski/wheel, floats, amphibian, wheels, tundra wheels)
* Seven different pilots, six different interiors
* Forty-five textures (plus paint kit)
* Extended manual, thirty-four pages, many illustrations
* High definition and fast Virtual Cockpit (defined as main view, no 2d panels provided)
* Signed gauges (so perfectly safe)
* San Francisco sea plane base
* Light on frame rates
* The FS2004 version was our best selling aircraft online and got near perfect reviews
* A perfect introduction to FSX because this aircraft is relatively simple in setup and configuration. Following the simple guide in the manual you will even learn how the texture fall back system works (and end up with your own personalized beaver).
* Gets you everywhere, snow, water, soft runways or tarmac, there is a Beaver in this package for every terrain.

* 42 different liveries
* Five models (ski/wheel, floats, amphibian, wheels, tundra wheels)
* 20 MDL files (aircraft models)
* 10 different pilots
* 7 Panels: original and modern version
* 6 different and highly realistic flight characteristics, one for each model
* Detailed virtual cockpit, fully functionable, from start up to landing
* Full sounds
* All checklists in audio format
* Light on frame rates

13.08.2008, 17:38
Katana DA-20 X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Pentium from 2.0 GHz
512 MB RAM
CD-ROM drive (only for the Box / CD-Version)
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 240 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flugsimulator 2004
Pentium 2.0 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 200 MB

Описание: This add-on features the famous single engine, two-seater GA aircraft, the Katana DA-20. Here, the PC-Pilot is given the opportunity to enjoy a realistic simulation of this aircraft including true flight dynamics and aircraft sounds.

The famous two-seater aircraft for Flight Simulator!

The Diamond DA20 Katana is a light, 2-seat aircraft, although intended for flight training, it is a great airplane for sightseeing. The Katana features are safety, easy handling, performance, it is quiet and good value at a reasonable price. The software simulates the DA20-80 with a Rotax 912 F3 engine, and the DA20-100 powered by the Rotax 912 S3. We directed our attention to realism, but also to the atmosphere of this special airplane. So get into the pilots seat, fly it, feel it, and experience features you have never seen before!

The realistic flight models hold the following features:

* Realistic flight dynamics (climb rates, air speed, fuel consumption and handling)
* Realistic soundsets taken from recordings on the real aircraft
* GMAX model
* Exact animations of the cowling, gear and flaps
* Five different liveries
* Accurate panel with pilots-and copilots view
* Large, and very readable instruments
* Complete simulated Avionics
* Highly detailed virtual cockpit
* Knee board with extensive documentation

13.08.2008, 17:42
SCENERIES: Mega Airports

Mega Airport Brussels X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий / французский / испанский
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 1
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
3 GHz processor
512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
256 MB graphic card (512 MB recommended)
Sound card
Install-Size: 140 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with 128 MB graphic card
Sound card
Install-Size: 136 MB

Описание: Mega Airport Brussels, the hub of the capital of the EU, now for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. Developed by the Design-Team DreamFactory this scenery represents an absolute realistic recreation of the complete real airport.

In 1985 the Master Plan for the modernization of the Brussels airport was presented. In December 1994 the new terminal was opened and inaugurated by King Albert II. in May 2002 the Pier A was opened by Prins Philip.

Today Brussels airport is one of the fastest growing international airports. In the past few years the airport was proclaimed "The Best Airport in Europe " by several organizations.


* Completely designed in Gmax
* Dynamic and animated objects
* High resolution day- and night textures
* AI compatible
* Docking systems
* All important buildings created with the aid of real photographs of the airport
* Corrected landclass files
* Taxiways, apron with realistic rendered textures
* Complete apron markings
* BrussCargo area
* Military area
* For FS2004 and FSX

13.08.2008, 17:48
Mega Airport Budapest X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий / французский / испанский
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX :
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (with the Service Pack 2)
Windows XP, Vista
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 or Intel Core 2 Extreme CPU (or equivalent, but note there is no equivalent at this moment for use with FSX)
Modern DX9 Graphic card with minimal 256 MB RAM
Modern DX9 Sound card
Install Size: 710 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Windows XP, Vista
Pentium 2 GHz
1024 MB RAM
Graphic card with 256 MB RAM
Sound card
Install Size: 700 MB

Описание: A pretty nice scenery of the Budapest main airport, Ferihegy International Airport and the capital with photorealistic ground textures and extensive autogen. This full FSX scenery has been created by Andras Kozma (a native of Budapest) and well known for his award winning scenery projects! FS2004 version included

Budapest is the capital of Hungary and one of the oldest cities in Central Europe. It’s history is rich and varied, with many highlights and several very sad periods. With Hungary being the odd one out in the Soviet Block (it had more freedom then the other Eastern European states) it was able to recover from the devastation of the last part of World War II with much more style and feeling for its history then most other cities in Eastern Europe. As the thousands of tourists can testify to, it is a city that certainly deserves a visit.

The Budapest main airport, Ferihegy International Airport is the most important airport in Hungary and has handled over 8 million passengers last year. Large enough to handle B747 (and most likely the A380) it has connections to most European airports and has recently seen a big increase in low costs airline flights. Malév Hungarian Airlines is the main Hungarian airline and it has its home base at Ferihegy. Malév and Delta operate flights from Budapest to New York. The three main terminals (1, 2A, 2B) and the General aviation terminal will be joined by a new Freight terminal soon and companies like UPS are starting to use Ferihegy more and more. Most striking on the airport is for sure the control tower, a large structure build up from ground level on two massive pillars.

FS2004 edition only! The city is fully covered with detailed buildings and monuments. All the additional airports around Budapest (LHBS, LHDK, LHFH, LHGD, LHHH and LHTL) are included as well in great detail. It is NOT possible to add all of this to the FSX version due to framerate limitations.

Performance warning (FSX only)!
At the current state of FSX you will have to expect to drop between 40 and 45% in frame rate when comparing default Ferihegy and the Mega Airport Budapest Ferihegy. So before you buy, load LHBP in FSX and check your frame rates there. You could also visit the default KLAX in FSX as Mega Airport Budapest has very similar performance (also note that we are able to show around 3 times the number of objects for the same performance!)
Budapest main features
* Highly detailed taxiway and runway layout, with high definition textures
* Fully compatible with standard and third party AI-Traffic
* Full winter textures
* Full night textures
* Includes high density mesh of surrounding
* Includes full photographic ground texture of Budapest (so on your approaches you will get a good chance to see the layout of the city)
* High level of animated car and bus traffic on airport
* Full and detailed lighting
* Very high number of objects on tarmac
* Superb optimization on every view angle so frame rates are stable
* A version of this scenery is used in Malév simulators at Ferihegy!

Budapest FSX specific features
* All textures in DDS format (better suitable for modern graphics cards)
* Bumpmaps and specular textures maps (increasing details and adding new visual features)
* Compatible with the new FSX round world model (no floating objects near the edges of the covered area)
* Photo coverage bitmaps inside the BGL (faster loading than all separate textures)
* Sounds added to objects (so you hear the truck you are going to crash into)
* Extensive car traffic on highways in the area
* Birds in the surrounding (better avoid those, they can crash your aircraft)

13.08.2008, 17:59
Mega Airport London-Heathrow X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Pentium 3 GHz
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Graphic card with 256 MB (512 MB recommended)
Sound card
Install-Size: 130 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2.8 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with at least 128 MB
Sound card
Install-Size: 300 MB

Описание: Developed by the well-known Simwings-Team this package contains the Mega Airport London-Heathrow including the brand new Terminal 5. Discover a exquisitely true to original atmosphere!

Simwings did have the BAA as an official partner for this project which makes it as realistic as can be with a foresight in to the future. Using up-to-date 3d files for many buildings according to BAA plans to include even the newest (and some in real life still under construction) layout and buildings. Check out what EGLL will be like in October 2008!

There is no doubt this product is one of the most detailed and precise major airports scenery ever done (still with excellent frames), but as Simwings have shown in the past, it is not only these technical details that make a great scenery, it is also the fact that they make an airport come to life in the simulator. If you like big airports this is one you simply can't miss.


* Airport layout based on official maps representing the airport in 2008
* New T 5 buildings, taxiway layout of October 2008
* Hundreds of taxiway signs and RWY details
* AI-Traffic compatible. AFCAD file contains every possible gate. Gates are assigned to specific airlines.
* All docking guidance systems of the real Heathrow airport are rebuilt
* Dynamic scenery. Some static aircrafts (low polygon models) as an option
* Fully AES 1.91 compatible (FS2004 version ONLY)
* High resolution ground and object textures (and normal textures as an installer option for older grapic cards)

13.08.2008, 18:08
Mega Airport Frankfurt X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista (XP recommended for best performance)
Dual Core Processor (Quad Core recommended)
Graphic card with 256 MB RAM (512 recommended)
Sound card
Installation-Size: 262 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
3 GHz Processor
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with at least 128 MB
Sound card
Installations-Size: 260 MB

Описание: Fly to Germany´s busiest airport. This is the award-winning scenery Mega Airport Frankfurt developed by the German Airports Team for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and FS2004.

This updated version includes all the new buildings and includes the A380 gates and the massive new A380 maintenance hangar in the South East corners of the airport. The scenery is fully updated to the current actual state of the airport, many buildings have been added and others have been removed.

Developed by using the most advanced technology this add-on is a stepping stone in scenery design and simulation. It shows the up-to date Frankfurt airport with all its buildings, exact runway layouts on a photographic ground texture, complete lighting systems, navigation system, all in the highest level of detail.
* Detailed airport and their surroundings
* Photo realistic ground texture
* All airport institutions and buildings
* Frankfurt City ( Skyscrapers )
* Automatic docking system (AGNIS)
* All navigation systems (ILS,VOR/DME,NDB,ATIS)
* Astounding night-time effects
* Hundreds of taxiway- and runway signs
* Numerous static and dynamic objects
* Different AI Traffic Files
* Compatible with VFR Germany 1 - West
* FS2004 version compatible with AES
* Extensive description of the airport
* DFS airport charts

New objects added with help from Fraport AG
* A380 Hangar
* New park positions for the A380
* Lufthansa Aviation Center
* New Cargo-Park positions at the south end of the airport
* New maintenance hangar at the former military section
* New Civil Service Center
* New power units for the simulation center
* Danzas-Nippon-Express
* More general purpose buildings
* ASMR - Ground radar
* Intercity Hotel
* ASR8 South
* New buildings of LSK Skychefs at the former Gateway Gardens Areal

Changed objects done according to Fraport AG information
* Terminal 2 with two new A380 satellites und A380 Jetways at gates D3, E2, E5
* Terminal D removed and new terminal C/D with A380 gates and connection building to terminal 1
* New eastern section of terminal 1
* Change of the offices and maintenance buildings close to terminal C
* Change of the southern weather station
* Changed AFCAD Files so the reflect the new AIP Charts
* Complete change of full airport layout to show all locations where work is being done at this moment.
* New AESLite Version by Oliver Pabst for the FS2004 Version with new car traffic on the A3, intersection A3/A5, A67. Also includes a new AESLite configuration tool.

13.08.2008, 18:13
SCENERIES: German Airports

German Airports 2 - Dortmund X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2 or SP1), Windows Vista
Pentium 3GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
512 MB RAM
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended
Installations-Size: 130 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with 64 MB RAM
Sound card
Install Size: 125 MB

Описание: Enjoy the latest and best in scenery design with Dortmund Airport (part of the German Airports 2). Done in superb detail by the well known German Airports team it will be one of your favorite destinations in your Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004.

Continuing in the tradition of the German Airport Series, Dortmund is featured with its latest and up to date layouts, buildings, objects, runways, taxiways, lights, and navigation aids. Just like the real life airport.

A high definition aerial photograph has been used for ground texturing making the airport and its surroundings seem absolutely realistic. The GA Team have also included the Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services Lite Edition by Oliver Pabst as was the case in earlier releases such as Hanover and Frankfurt. Numerous moving vehicles on the apron and the nearby `Autobahn´ create a lively atmosphere!

Even with this whole range of objects, details and features, the framerates remains excellent.


* Highly detailed virtual replica of the airport and its surroundings incl. regional objects
* Photo realistic ground textures (1m/pxl)
* All airport buildings and institutions
* Realistic navigation aids (ILS, VOR/DME, NDB, ATIS)
* Excellent night effects
* Realistic runway and taxiway lighting
* Seasonal ground textures
* Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services creating dynamic traffic for vehicles on the apron and `Autobahn´
* Numerous scenery effects
* Extensive manual with information about the airport
* Original DFS airport charts

13.08.2008, 18:19
German Airports 2 - Hannover X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2 or SP1), Windows Vista
Pentium 3GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
512 MB RAM
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended
Installations-Size: 225 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with 64 MB RAM
Sound card
Install Size: 228 MB

Описание: See Hannover Airport as never seen before in FSX and FS2004. Created by the award winning German Airport Team, you can now visit the first airport of the German Airports 2 series.

The German Airports Team shows with Hannover Airport that their reputation is well deserved. As most airports Hannover has been undergoing many modifications but this scenery shows the airport exactly as it is at this moment. All buildings, lighting systems, navigation beacons and of course the layout of taxiways and runways have been recreated to perfection.

Like before a high detailed areal images is the base for the project and therefore the immediate surroundings of the airport is accurate as well. Another highlight is the use of Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services. This creates a high volume of vehicle traffic on the airport (and beyond) that cannot be created any other way. You will see them follow complex routes and when they take a corner you even see them use the correct lights! Notwithstanding the many details the scenery will run with excellent frame rates on modern hardware.


* Detailed representation of airport and close surroundings
* Photorealistic ground textures (1m/pxl)
* All airport buildings and major structures
* Automatic dock system (AGNIS)
* Includes all navigation beacons (ILS,VOR/DME,NDB,ATIS)
* Impressive night effects
* Fully accurate runway and taxiway lighting
* Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services used to create dynamic environment
* Many effects
* Complete manual
* Original DFS- Airport Charts

13.08.2008, 18:23
German Airports 2 - Munster/Osnabruck X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2 or SP1), Windows Vista
Pentium 3GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
512 MB RAM
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended
Installations-Size: 150 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with 64 MB RAM
Sound card
Install Size: 146 MB

Описание: After the release of Hanover we can now present a second airport of the German Airports 2 series for the Flight Simulator X and 2004. Once again in an extraordinary quality . As always the German Airports Team achieved a product of superb quality and realism with excellent frame rates.

Continuing in the tradition of the German Airport Series, Munster/Osnabruck is featured with its latest and up to date layouts, buildings, objects, runways, taxiways, lights, and navigation aids. Just like the real life airport.

A high definition aerial photograph has been used for ground texturing making the airport and its surroundings seem absolutely realistic. The GA Team have also included the Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services Lite Edition by Oliver Pabst as was the case in earlier releases such as Hanover and Frankfurt. Numerous moving vehicles on the apron and the nearby `Autobahn´ create a lively atmosphere!

Now despite this whole range of objects, details and features, the frame rate remains excellent.


* Highly detailed virtual replica of the airport and its surroundings incl. regional objects
* Photo realistic ground textures (1m/pxl)
* All airport buildings and institutions
* Realistic navigation aids (ILS, VOR/DME, NDB, ATIS)
* Excellent night effects
* Realistic runway and taxiway lighting
* Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services creating dynamic traffic for vehicles on the apron and `Autobahn´
* Numerous scenery effects
* Extensive manual with information about the airport
* Original DFS airport charts

13.08.2008, 18:29
SCENERIES: German Airfields

German Airfields 1 - Island Hopping
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2), Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (recommended: DuoCore)
1024 MB RAM
Graphic card with at least 256 MB RAM
Sound card
Installations-Size: 700 MB

Описание: Fly tourists to the Frisian island Sylt and then follow the chain of small islands along the East Frisian coast. Or fly the daily mail run to the small islands, even if the weather over the North Sea shows its ugly side. German Airfields 1 - Island Hopping is the perfect environment for your flight adventures.

Perfectly compatible to other Aerosoft sceneries (VFR Germany, German Airports). This is the third release of the ‘German Airfields’ series, created by the best designers. German Airfields cover the best known GA airfields and smaller regional airports.

15 high detailed Airfields:
* EDXW - Sylt/Westerland
* EDXY - Wyk/Föhr
* EDXB - Heide-Büsum
* EDXO - St. Peter-Ording
* EDWR - Borkum
* EDWJ - Juist
* EDWY - Norderney
* EDWZ - Baltrum
* EDWL - Langeoog
* EDWG - Wangerooge
* EDXP - Harle
* EDWP - Bremerhaven
* EDWS - Norden-Norddeich
* EDWI - Wilhelmshaven
* EDWE - Emden

Special Features:
* Detailed island scenery for Wangerooge, Langeoog, Baltrum, Juist, Borkum and Norderney with all landmarks needed for your VFR navigation
* Full support for FSX features (like specular effects, wet runways etc)
* Local AI traffic
* High detail photographical ground textures, down to 5 cm resolution (you have not seen this before)
* Specially designed mission (German voice only)
* Full night textures
* English and German manual
* VFR charts for the airfields
* Free bonus included: Pellworm airfield and the island Spiekeroog

Карта разбивки земель

13.08.2008, 18:35
German Airfields 2 - Nordlichter
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2), Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (recommended: DuoCore)
1024 MB RAM
Graphic card with 256 MB RAM
Sound card
Installations-Size: 1.2 GB

Описание: Not only does this scenery give you 15 new high detailed airports, it also will give you a large area to explore. From the major cities Kiel and Hamburg to the complete detailed coastline. From flying passengers to Helgoland to SAR mission from the major base at Kiel airport. >> Expected Release-Date <<

Perfectly compatible to other Aerosoft sceneries (VFR Germany, German Airports). This is the number four of the 'German Airfields' series, created by the best designers. German Airfields cover the best known GA airfields and smaller regional airports.

15 detailed airfields:
* EDHK - Kiel-Holtenau
* EDHE - Uetersen
* EDHM - Hartenholm
* EDXM - St. Michaelisdonn (sloping runway)
* EDXJ - Husum (unique: the middle of the runway has a fense)
* EDXF - Flensburg-Schäferhaus
* EDXC - Schleswig-Kropp
* EDHN - Neumünster
* EDCW - Wismar
* EDHB - Grube
* EDXR - Rendsburg-Schachtholm
* EDHS - Stade
* EDAN - Neustadt/Glewe
* EDHO - Ahrenlohe
* Boberg (Hamburg)

Special features:
* Full support for FSX features (like specular effects, wet runways etc.)
* The favourite water runway at the port of Hamburg (Hamburg-Norderelbe)
* SAR-Base of the German Naval Air Wing 5 in Kiel-Holtenau (with active traffic of SeaKing-helicopters)
* SAR-Base in Hamburg-Boberg
* Regional air traffic and shipping traffic (!)
* Animated car traffic on roads and highways around the airfields (even on bridges!)
* High definition terrain model in St. Michaelisdonn with sloping runway and the cliff to the west of the airfield
* High resolution aerial images 5cm/pix
* Full night textures
* Thrilling missions especially designed for this scenery
* Detailed documentation in German and English language
* Official AIP visual approach charts

13.08.2008, 18:40
German Airfields 3 - Lower Saxony
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2), Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (recommended: DuoCore)
1024 MB RAM
Graphic card with 256 MB RAM
Sound card
Installations-Size: 1.3 GB

Описание: Discover 15 airfields throughout Lower Saxony! Take Off for research flights for the DLR or join one of the many flying clubs on their flights between the picturesque airfields.

Perfectly compatible to other Aerosoft sceneries (VFR Germany, German Airports). This is the third release of the ‘German Airfields’ series, created by the best designers. German Airfields cover the best known GA airfields and smaller regional airports.

15 detailed airfields:
* EDVE - Brunswick
* EDVM - Hildesheim
* EDXQ - Rothenburg-Wümme
* EDWO - Osnabrück-Atterheide
* EDWQ - Ganderkesee/Atlas Airfield
* EDWF - Leer-Papenburg
* EDVU - Uelzen
* EDVN - Northeim
* EDVS - Salzgitter-Drütte
* EDVH - Hodenhagen
* EDWV - Verden-Scharnhorst
* EDHG - Lüneburg
* EDWN - Nordhorn/Lingen
* EDWC - Damme
* EDXD - Bohmte-Bad Essen

* Full support for FSX features (like specular effects, wet runways etc)
* Regional traffic
* High resolution aerial images 5cm/pix
* Thrilling missions especially designed for this scenery
* Full night textures
* Extensive English manual
* Visual approach charts
* Bonus airfields

13.08.2008, 18:44
German Airfields 9 - Northern Bavaria
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2), Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (recommended: DuoCore)
1024 MB RAM
Graphic card with 256 MB RAM
Sound card
Installation-Size: 540 MB

Описание: Take off in your small aircraft and explore the Northern Bavarian landscape. The 14 VFR airfields are highly detailed and located in a beautiful landscape. Fly and enjoy!

You can also approach one of the two regional airports (Hof/Plauen and Bayreuth) which offer instrument approaches in case the weather turns for the worst. The product created by the developers of the well known VFR Airfields series brings real life experience into your simulator.


14 high detailed airfields:
* EDFC Aschaffenburg
* EDFW Wurzburg-Schenkenturm
* EDMS Straubing- Wallmuhle
* EDNC Beilngries
* EDNR Regensburg-Oberhub
* EDQC Coburg-Brandensteinsebene
* EDQE Burg Feuerstein
* EDQK Kulmbach
* EDQP Rosenthal Field Plössen
* EDQT Hassfurth
* EDQW Weiden
* EDQY Coburg-Steinrucken

Regional airports:
* EDQM Hof/Plauen
* EDQD Bayreuth

All airfields are optimized for the VFR Germany series within Flight Simulator X but could also used as a stand alone package.
* Photo realistic ground textures for all 4 seasons
* Wind depending signals (windsocks etc)
* Full night textures
* Visible snow and ice on the buildings in the winter season
* AI generated traffic between the airports
* Manually adjusted landclasses around the airfields when using this package as a stand alone scenery
* All charts included
* Detailed english manual

13.08.2008, 18:52

Aspen X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Windows XP (SP2) or Vista
2.0 GHz processor (Dual Core CPU highly recommended)
1 GB RAM internal memory (2 GB recommended)
256 MB graphic card (512 MB recommended)
Installations-Size: 370 MB

Описание: Aerosoft loves danger, as long as it is realistic and Aspen Colorado has an airport that ranks high as one of the most dangerous airports in the USA. Get ready for the Aspen-Pitkin County / Sardy Field!

With one on runway direction usable because of high terrain North, East AND South of the airport, an back course localizer specially for the missed approach and located at nearly 8000 feet you just know you have to study your aircraft performance charts and the approach and departure documents (included of course). Of course the weather this high in the Colorado mountains will also play havoc with your flight schedules. Please note that the airport is NOT used at night hours because of the dangerous surrounding.

The extended manual (also available as a free download from this page) will teach you a lot about the dangers of high altitude and high density altitude operations while you enjoy the Colorado mountain scenery.

* Highly detailed scenery of the airport and its surroundings
* High detail mesh
* Full photographic coverage of the airport and surroundings
* Extensive Autogen used to build the town
* Full navigation beacons (do try that missed approach using the back course localizer!)
* Complete winter textures included
* Extensive manual and charts

13.08.2008, 18:55
Cape Canaveral X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Windows XP (SP2) or Vista
2.0 GHz processor (Dual Core CPU highly recommended)
1 GB RAM internal memory (2 GB recommended)
128 MB graphic card (256 MB highly recommended)
Installations-Size: 75 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Windows 98 or later
1.8 GHz processor
512 MB RAM
128 MB graphic card
Install size: 300 MB

Описание: Cape Canaveral is best known as the location where NASA launches its spacecraft. Though those who have been there know it is also a very beautiful location where sea and land merge. So far there was no good coverage of this location in FSX until Aerosoft and Thomas Högström decided to set it right.

This is a completely new version of the FS2004 version of the product, far more than just an update. The scenery is designed with frame rates in mind and will show excellent results, even on less than stellar hardware.

Cape CanaveralX, Space Coast, is built on a photographic base and incorporates the objects included in FSX by Microsoft, supplemented with a large collection of objects, autogen scenery. The imagery used is meticulously color corrected and matched to suit the rest of the world.


There are three airports on Cape Canaveral, but only one of them is a 'normal' airport, Merritt Island, a rather small industrial airport. The other two have massive runways, to handle the Space Shuttle and the other special aircraft used by NASA (for example the special B747 used to transport the Shuttle). KTTS, known under its old code X68 in FSX for example has a 15.000 feet runway that is wide enough to land a Piper Cub on! This massive runway is frequently used by online pilots to do side by side landings and take-offs. If you decide to try it please send us some images!


13.08.2008, 18:59
Hawaii Dillingham X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2) or Vista
2.0 GHz processor (Dual Core CPU highly recommended)
1 GB RAM internal memory (2 GB recommended)
256 MB graphic card (512 MB recommended)
Installations-Size: 54 MB

Описание: Located on the north shore of O'ahu (Hawaii), a small airfield awaits your visit. Dillingham has a long and wide runway (it used to be a training base for the US Army and they like big runways) but these days it is only used for recreational aviation. The weather conditions and the stunning setting on the ocean shore make it a near perfect location for gliding and parachuting.

With this product we tried to get the 'feel' of the airfield just right. Dillingham is a relaxed airport, with friendly people who never seem to be in a hurry. The small details all over the airport contribute to making this a new 'home' in FSX, a place where your aircraft is based while you explore the wonderful Hawaiian Islands.

Designed by Bill Womack after an extensive visit last winter, it comes clear why Bill has such a large following of GA and bush pilots. He has an incredible eye for detail and the technical knowledge to develop it for FSX.

* Highly detailed scenery of the airport and its near surroundings
* Extensive AI Traffic files
* Pure FSX code, resulting is good frame rates
* Includes sound effects and animated sea birds
* All objects (including the many humans) are fully 3D
* Working windsock
* Fully compatible with all mesh add-ons we know about
* Full photographic base for the airfield
* Pleasant price

13.08.2008, 19:02
Helgoland X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Win XP(SP2), Vista
Pentium from 2 GHz
512 MB RAM ( 1 GB strongly advised)
Graphic card with 128 MB RAM
Sound card
Installations-Size: 68 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Win XP
Pentium 2 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with 64 MB RAM
Sound card
Installations-Size: 70 MB

Описание: Helgoland X is our most exiting FSX scenery at this moment, unprecedented in detail and its use of the new FSX features it is a totally state of the art scenery product. And unlike many expected, frame rates are stable and high, making this a must have addition to your FSX collection. FS2004 version included

This scenery was started to fully explore the new options of FSX and with the task create the most realistic small scenery possible. A lot of experimenting was done to find the best way to use the options of FSX and although compromises had to be accepted the resulting scenery is the most detailed we have ever released. It redefines photo realistic scenery. The features speak for themselves but the screenshots tell the real story. They show the loving attention and professional quality that went into this product.

* Extremly detailed scenery (all buildings)
* 1 meter resolution mesh (so you see the smallest dunes near the airport)
* Very good performance in FSX (most testers reported solid 20+ fps on Intel Duo2core CPU's)
* Missions included (one to get to know the island, one to test your flying skills...and more to come!)
* Animated sea gulls (better not hit those!)
* Sounds linked to scenery objects (waves, bird, ships and even the sounds of the church bells at noon)
* Extensive shipping traffic (on nearby shipping lane and most regular scheduled ship traffic to and from the islands and oil rig)
* Helgoland-Düne airfield (with extremly short runways)
* SAR helicopter base of the German Navy (start of your rescue mission)
* Mittleplatte oilrig (highly detailed)
* German Navy frigate (moving and landable)
* July 2006 aerial images (so fully up to date)
* Extensive manual (German and English available)
* Night and seasonal textures and effects
* Underwater structures

Helgoland consists of two small islands on Germany's northern coast. It has a rich and varied history but they might still be unknown to many people. Don't let this distract you from taking a look at this scenery because you will see some things you have not yet seen before. In this way this scenery is a lot like Lukla - Mt Everest (done by the same developer) that many people bought to see what was possible at that time.

Not only does this scenery represent the 'state of the art' in scenery design, it also offer the sim pilot a chance to practice his pilot skills. Although there are two runways, so cross wind isn't your main problem, landing at Helgoland is only permitted for pilots with 100 hours under their belt and only when they have short runway experience. Add to these small runways the dunes that forever seem to get higher and closer to the threshold and you got an airport where every landing is a dangerous one. Of course landing on the moving frigate is a challenge that one serious helicopter pilots can handle.

Two missions are included. The first is a short flight with some tourists over the islands to let you get acquainted with the scenery, entertaining but not very challenging. The second is a serious rescue mission that is extreme in weather and tasks. Don't expect to walk away with your mission success medal on your first attempt. The missions come with graphics and extensive and professional sound files. Aerosoft feels that missions should be a part of nearly any product at this moment in time.

Technical limitations for the FS2004 version:
* Ships are not animated because otherwise the frigate could not be landed on.
* No landings on terrain as FS2004 doesn't support this
* A high quality mesh terrain (Helgoland isn't made of usual mesh terrain, we created a much higher resolution 3D terrain - you can see the difference to the default scenery)
* No wet runways when raining
* No scenery object sounds (gulls, church bells etc.)
* No underwater structures visible
* No animated ships shouth of Helgoland
* Fewer details at some locations (e.g. no 3D persons at the airport)
* No night textures
* No flight missions

13.08.2008, 19:07
Lord Howe Island X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX (compatible with SP1/SP2/DX10 mode)
Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista
2.0 GHz processor (Dual Core CPU highly recommended)
512 MB RAM internal memory (2 GB recommended)
128 MB graphic card (256 MB highly recommended)
Installations-Size: 250 MB

Описание: Take off from the local airport and enjoy this beautiful Island in the Tasman Sea close to Australia. Recreated with the latest FSX technologies and done right to the smallest detail (you will learn how to read a newspaper in FSX!) it is just a stunning place to fly to.

Lord How Island is a small bit of paradise on earth and its only problem is that it is incredibly far from where most people live. The Australians are lucky to be able to spend time there without having to fly half the globe! For Aerosoft it was easy to decide to do this project when Mat Dalton proposed it to us. His work is excellent quality and fits perfectly in our idea to cover the more special airports with dense scenery.

Although far from our main customer base this was a scenery project we really liked as it is a prime example of what we like in FSX, a high detail environment, difficult short runway and with an additional danger as there is no alternate airport in the region.

* 3d Terrain (not mesh but actual modeling with perfect vertical texturing)
* Very high framerates
* Full photographic coverage of the island
* Undersea coral reefs
* 3d Human figures
* High detail airfield.
* Details coastlines plus all the small rock islands
* Full night textures
* Supplemental high definition runway textures

* Includes flight plans to Brisbane and Sidney

13.08.2008, 19:11
Lukla X - Mount Everest + Lukla X Mission
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 3GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
512 MB RAM
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended
Installations-Size: 100MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1 only)
2 GHz processor
512 MB RAM
128 MB graphic card
Install size: 75 MB

Описание: Lukla airport owes its existence to the fact it is located close to Mount Everest and that most climbers use it as the first station in the attempt to scale this massive mountain. FS2004 version included

During the climbing season, October/November, the small aircraft (mostly Twin Otters) have to be off the airport in 15 minutes because there are only 4 parking spaces and there are probably other Twin Otters circling to land. It can really be a very, very busy airport. It is also the highest airport with scheduled airline flights in the word. Combine this with the fact the airport is of course closed a lot due to weather and you will understand why it can be as busy as it is.

Flying into Lukla is dangerous and complex in perfect weather, most of our beta testers underestimated it and the hill side was soon covered in burning wrecks. They soon learned that anything you do at this altitude needs to be planned and considered. Landing on the runway that goes uphill means you have to flare in a completely different way. Taking off from the very short runway with an engine that probably delivers a lot less power than you would hope for, is only possible because the runway ends with a 3000 feet drop into the valley below (check out the waterfalls there!). Even the simple taxi to the very small platform is complex and not without danger as there is a steep bit of taxiway to climb onto. To be short, you will probably be frustrated and annoyed when you start using this airport. However when you know how to use it you will be a far better pilot and there will be a new region to discover.

Lukla - Airport at the top of the world features:
* Lukla airfield with its spectacular very short, very sloping runway, at 9000 plus altitude.
* High definition mesh for the entire area
* Based on commercially available satellite image (expensive stuff, believe us) with textures details down to centimeters
* Lukla village in great detail, all houses
* Nearly all villages in the area at their exact location with every single house based on official Nepalese maps. Nepalese style and not standard autogen of course
* High resolution mesh terrain and texture resolution of Mt. Everest Mountain provided by no other commercial add-on
* Mount Everest base camp (helicopter destination) and other camps higher on the mountain
* Two additional strips nearby; Phaplu and Syngboche (at 12286ft!)
* Some of the villages have typical Nepalese stupas (shrines) and the famous Tengboche Monastery at the Everest trekking route is included
* Not a single road in the scenery!
* Two FSX missions "with voice files"
* Manually placed landclass, plus all rivers and lakes.
* Extensive English manual, with chapters on high altitude operations
* Fully updated with FSX features as bumpmaps, scenery sounds and other effects
* Perfect combination with our DHC-6 Twin Otter X

13.08.2008, 19:14
Monaco X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2) or Vista
2.0 GHz processor (Dual Core CPU highly recommended)
1 GB RAM internal memory (2 GB recommended)
128 MB graphic card (256 MB highly recommended)
Installations-Size: 110 MB

Описание: Monaco X is a lot of things, but above all it is small. For American minds, used to large scales, it is hard to believe a country of 1.95 sq km (0.75 sq mi) can exist. The population is around 30.000 (yes, that makes it very crowed).

The average airport is a lot larger, that gives you some idea of the scale. To make matters worse, the available land is extremely steep, about as high as wide. But it is independent and a full member of the United Nations. It deserved its place in FSX as it did in FS2004.

It is rare that an add-on for Flight Simulator adds a whole country (not COVER a whole country but actually ADDING the country to the FSX GOTO airport list) but we managed with this amazing product. Monaco, the second smallest country on the globe is done in amazing detail. And indeed, Monaco is smaller than some airports and it does not have an airport, but is has a very nice heliport that is one of the busiest of the all the heliports. Every hour several choppers fly to and from Nice airport to pick up the few people who can afford a house in the nicer parts of the city. We included a mission (with full sound file) that lets you fly this round trip.

Aerosoft MonacoX, is a full remake of the previous FS2004 version and it uses many of the new exiting features of this simulator. Clearly for a niche market, as there is no way to even land a Super Cub in Monaco, but if you like helicopters or float aircraft you will find this a very exiting scenery. With the manual and the included charts you are able to fly the complex route to Nice Airport. Or you could take the short trip between the heliport (in stunning detail) and the Lady Moura, one of the top ten biggest private ships ever built, which also has a large helideck. The night effects are also stunning, and because Monaco is perched on the cliffs of the Mediterranean and the lights and streets go up the mountains, the first time you fly a night approach to LNMC heliport is a very strange feeling, but a stunning sight for sure.

* Monaco/Fontvielle Heliport (LNMC ) in high detail
* Helideck on the Lady Moira, one of the biggest yachts in the world
* Good attention to framerates (but it IS dense and complex scenery)
* Sound effects added
* Animated seagulls over the harbor
* Much ship traffic all around
* Great attention to night effects
* Manual in French and English, with charts

Two missions are included. The first is a short flight where you are scheduled to pick up some passengers waiting at the airport of Nice. It's not far away and the weather is fine. Enjoy the flight along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Follow the instructions given to you.In the second mission you pick up the waiting ladies at Nice airport, and don't forget their beauty cases.Then fly along the famous Côte d'Azur to Monaco.Follow the instructions from the air traffic controllers. There will be visual waypoint to assist you

13.08.2008, 19:17
Venice X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended)
Installations-Size: 425 MB

Описание: For some customers this will be the third version of Venice they will buy and all of these versions were done by Andras Kozma, one of our favourite developers. He will bring his unique style and superb feel for colours and shapes to Venice X.

Venice is perhaps the best known international historic city and everybody has a mental image of this city. The canals with the many boats, the famous bridges and the palazzos bordering on the water. Many have seen documentaries about the city and its struggle against the rising water. But when you fly into Tessera airport you also see the beauty of the total lagoon, with its marshes and the ever changing water. From Tessera it is just a small train ride to the old city. So why don't you follow the hundreds of thousand other visitors and fly to Tessera and explore Venice X.

Andras Kozma, a renowned and often awarded scenery developer has created Venice and its two airports with the utmost of care (and patience, we never had a scenery project that took so many hours) using all the options that FSX has to offer. The new texture options and certainly the much better water effects make it possible to bring Venice to Flight Simulator as never before.

Although almost any building is done and the 3d effect of the city is unlike anything you ever seen in FSX it is possible to maintain 20 fps without too much problem. And even at 20 fps the full 3d city remains loaded, reducing the nasty popup effect that is often used to get good framerates. Even at ground level the level of detail remains so good that even using a simulated boat (you will find many on the internet) is a good option.

* Two airports; Venice Tessera (international airport) and San Nicolo included (small airfield).
* Fully FSX SP1 and SP2 compatible
* Fully compatible with AI traffic
* Full FSX development (not based on FS2004 code) using bumpmaps and extensive reflective texture guaranteeing best performance.
* All buildings of Venice, all canals, all bridges included
* All famous buildings and churches in Venice done in detail
* Train and car traffic on Ponte della Liberta (linking Venice to the coast)
* Extensive ship traffic in and around Venice with vaporetto's (water taxi/bus) and other ships
* Extensive manual with all charts needed to approach and depart the airports

13.08.2008, 19:21
German Landmarks X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Windows XP(SP2), Vista
PC from 3.0 GHz
Graphic card with at least 256 MB RAM
Install Size: 180 MB

Описание: German Landmarks is now available for FSX and the new version is extensivly enhanced! CR-Software has added a large amount of objects so there are now over 10.000 objects to enhance your VFR flights over Germany.

Also more than 1.000 different objects like power stations , industrial plants, high-rise buildings, TV towers, transmitting towers, wind farms, castles, locks, churches, harbor facilities and much more. 260 Glider airfields, 80 ultra lights fields and 320 heliports are also added as landmarks and are visible on the GPS. As the runways are adapted to the mesh they will follow the terrain so sloped runways are included.

* About 2.200 objects added precisely according to the official AIPO from DFS.
* Using glider databases and satellite images another 8.000 objects have been added.
* More then 340 glider / ultra light fields and 320 heliports are available.
* Around 1.000 individual objects were created and other objects taken from the FSX library are used, so a large variety of objects is guaranteed.
* The location of the objects are shown on a digitized maps that can be zoomed in and out.
* The objects are optimized for FSX mesh, other higher density mesh projects have no yet shown problems.
* For slower systems it is possible to reduce the number of objects to ensure a smooth frame rate.

Note for FS2004 users:
As a bonus the full FS2004 version is included (but note it is not as elaborate as the FSX version!)

13.08.2008, 19:25

FS2Crew: FSX Flight1 ATR Edition
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Flight 1 ATR 72-500 X
Installations-Size: 200 MB

Описание: FS2Crew for the FSX Flight1 ATR is one of the deepest, most sophisticated versions of FS2Crew ever. Modeled on the same SOPs used by a real-world ATR operator based in Europe, FS2Crew allows you to fly your FSX Flight1 ATR aircraft like a real ATR pilot!

And with our "exclusive" access to the internals of the Flight1 ATR (similar to the SDK we had for the Level-D 767 version), your FS2Crew experience is that much more immersive, smooth and seamless!

The FSX ATR version of FS2Crew is more than just a simple conversion from the FS9 version. Rather, the FS2Crew team invested a tremendous amount of time and energy in updating FS2Crew to match the latest FS2Crew standards.

The FSX version includes the following exciting enhancements and updates: Reworked panels with new night lighting, a new joystick/keyboard interface system (DirectX), a new FS2Crew ATR Start Center tab for easy panel.cfg management, numerous tweaks and enhancements, the ability to skip all pre-flight events and start in the taxi phase, a new Master Panel, reworked click spot areas to lower the learning curve, new FSX functionality (automatic jetway connection and disconnection), and a whole lot more!

The FSX version also ships with an updated quick start flow chart courtesy of Markus Wichmann. This document comes in English and German and is a great learning aid!

* Designed in close consultation with a current ATR FO, the ATR version of FS2Crew models the SOP's of a European airline that operates ATRs. Even the idiosyncrasies that are unique to their company procedures are modeled. All of this adds up to an awesome airline experience on your home computer that is totally unmatched anywhere.
* Total integration with the Flight1 ATR. The developers of FS2Crew worked with the developers of the ATR to achieve seamless integration between the two products. The result is that FS2Crew is the first of its kind to be able to interact fully with a high end 3rd party add-on like the ATR that uses a lot of custom code not documented in the FS9 SDKs. FS2Crew can read and control every switch on the ATR, which is something no one else can do. This feature alone is huge; it opens up a lot of doors that would otherwise remain closed. FS2Crew can even access the ATR’s FMS.
* Fidelity to real-world airline procedures with the goal to bring users the most realistic airline experience possible on their desktop computers. The developers of FS2Crew worked closely with a real-world ATR pilot, and we incorporated his company SOPs right down to the last detail. We are confident that the ATR Edition of FS2Crew will set the standard in its genre for a long time to come. That level of detail is totally unprecedented.
* Professional voice recording. Both pilots’ voices are real-world Captains; the FA’s voice is that of a real world FA, and many of the other positions are recorded by people who work in the associated real-world positions.
* A custom database is also included for select airports. This allows the FO to accurately configure the autopilot for departure and landing. The FO will for example enter the correct Go Around altitude for your arrival airport, as well as enter the correct initial climb altitude for your SID. Please see the Custom SID and MAPs section for further information.
* Custom recorded SID, STAR and IAPs for many world airports. The list includes KBOS, KLGA, KJFK, KLAX, KSFO, KATL, KSEA, CYVR, CYLW, CYYZ, EGLL, EGCC, EGBB, EHAM, EDDM, EDDF, RKPC, RKPK, ENGM and VHHH. Generic briefs are also included as it’s not possible to record briefs for every airport in the world.
* In keeping with FS2Crew’s commitment to provide you with the most detailed product possible, other features are included. Users can now, for example, listen to cabin announcements and cabin music. However, given that you cannot hear them through the cockpit door, you can only hear them if you select PA on the Flight1 ATR’s audio panel and listen to them through the simulated cockpit speakers.
* A new interface system. The interface system in FS2Crew was totally overhauled to allow users to more easily interface with their crew and the simulation. Users can now do almost everything they need to do using joystick buttons or key presses. This really comes in handy during busy times when you do not want to take you hand off the joystick. Hidden click spots have also been extensively used to help FS2Crew seamlessly blend into the plane.
* A new sound system. A new sound system was pioneered for this version of FS2Crew that makes it much easier for the crew members to perform their checklists in the most realistic way possible. Equally good, the new sound system helps prevent certain callouts from playing at the same time if certain conditions that trigger the callouts are met at the same time. This goes a long way in helping ensure, for example, that the FO does not say two different things at the exact same time, which doesn’t sound very good. It’s not a foolproof system, but it works well.
* The largest regional voice set ever included in a flight simulator add-on. The voice set is for the ground crew positions only, and includes voice actors from the following countries:
--- o US/Canada
--- o The UK
--- o The Netherlands
--- o France (Also covers Quebec)
--- o Germany
--- o Greece
--- o Australia (Also covers New Zealand)
--- o Belgium
--- o Venezuela
--- o Italy
--- o Denmark
--- o The Philippines
--- o South Africa
--- o Scandinavia
--- o Switzerland
--- o The Middle East and North Africa
--- o Sweden
--- o Russia
--- o Asia
--- o Portugal (Also covers Brazil)
--- o Spain & Latin America

13.08.2008, 19:28
FS2Crew: FSX PMDG 747 Edition
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
PMDG 747-400 X
Installations-Size: 200 MB

Описание: Experience the Ultimate Expansion Pack for your FSX PMDG 747: Captain your PMDG FSX Version with a real airline crew on board..

* The PMDG 747 FSX Edition of FS2Crew is a major release in the FS2Crew series. Shaped by user feedback, new ideas and constantly evolving programming techniques, it represents the culmination of two years' worth of design experience in the FS environment.
* The PMDG 747 Edition is essentially an add-on designed specially for the PMDG 747. Basically it takes your PMDG 747, which is already a highly realistic simulation, and makes it even better -and more immersive- by adding a host of new features and functionality to the aircraft.
* The goal of every version of FS2Crew is simple: Maximum realism. The central premise of the FS2Crew concept is that it is not realistic to fly airliners the same way you fly a Cessna 152. Airline flying involves team flying, and is not a single pilot affair. FS2Crew basically makes you fly just like a real airline pilot.'
* The default voice set that will ship with FS2Crew 747 features the voice of a real-world 747 Captain for the Captain's role, and the voice of a chief pilot of a corporate outfit for the FO's role.
* With FS2Crew, you and your First Officer will perform your duties, flows, scans, checklists, memory items, etc., and interact with the Cabin and Ground Crew just as you would in real life. You will even interact with the Operations staff and Engineering.
* To ensure maximum realism, FS2Crew is working closely with an active 747-400 FO to ensure that the procedures modeled mirror reality (in the context his airline's SOPs).
* Like with every version of FS2Crew, you'll even be required to handle new situations, such as dealing with a sick passenger.
* FS2Crew products are continually refined from one version to the next. Each version is custom coded from scratch, and the PMDG 747 version is no different. It is only through such customization at the basic code level that a truly technically accurate simulation can be created. This is especially of importance when dealing with aircraft like the PMDG 747, which is essentially a simulation within a simulation itself and heavily custom coded itself and not accessible via standard FSUIPC offsets or the MS Panels and Gauges SDK.
* FS2Crew 747 comes with a custom, international Pushback/Start Crew so if you're flying in the UK, you'll hear a British Start Crew; if you're flying in Germany, you'll hear a German accented crew, etc.
* When dealing with complex simulations, keeping the learning curve down to reasonable levels is always an issue. To that end, a totally new interface method has been designed for the PMDG 747 Edition that is very clean and simple to operate, and more visual than the interface method used in the ATR and 767 Editions.
* The FSX version was significantly updated to include the latest FS2Crew innovations, such as DirectX integration. Other improvements over the FS9 version were also incorporated.
* Questions about the new PMDG 747 Edition of FS2Crew can be addressed through the FS2Crew forum or via email. The forum will be continually updated with news and other important information.

13.08.2008, 19:30
FS2Crew: Wilco feelThere Airbus Special Edition
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Microsoft Flight Simulator2004
Wilco Airbus Series Vol. 1 Deluxe + Wilco Airbus Series Vol. 2
Installations-Size: 200 MB

Описание: Make your Wilco feelThere Airbus (Wilco Airbus Series Vol. 1Deluxe + Wilco Airbus Series Vol. 2) come alive with this exciting multi-crew expansion pack from FS2Crew. Fly your Airbus just like real Airbus pilots!

* Real Airbus SOPs and checklists in a multi-crew environment!
* You are the Captain and Pilot Flying (PF). The FO will perform his flows and make calls just like he would in real life. He'll even fill out a very realistic Takeoff Data Card and hand it to you!
* The most realistic Airbus experience ever! A must have for serious Airbus pilots!
* Designed in close consultation with a real-world Airbus pilot to ensure maximum fidelity to actual Airbus procedures.
* Interact with your First Officer, the FA and the ground crew including Company ops.
* Experience FS2Crew's brand-new (and very user friendly) graphical user interface system.
* Tackle new situations: Air Rage, Bird Strikes and even Passengers smoking in the Lavatory!
* Voices recorded by real-world flight and cabin crew.
* Comprehensive manual will get you up and running in no time!
* Make custom PA announcements to your passengers using a list of over 70 pre-recorded world cities.
* New systems added to the FeelThere Airbus Series: Enhanced Audio Control Panel (ACP) and oxygen test panel.
* New systems added to the FeelThere Airbus Series: Enhanced Audio Control Panel (ACP) and oxygen test panel.
* Realistic pushback/start crew with an international, region-specific accent set: American English, UK, French, Spanish and German.
* Listen to FA Cabin announcements recorded right out of a real airliner!
* New FS2Crew technology allows you to interface with the simulation using your joystick, your mouse or your keyboard!

13.08.2008, 19:34
FSX Mission Pack - Flight Tales 1
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Windows XP (Service Pack 2) / Windows Vista
3.0 Ghz processor oder higher
256 MB graphic card (DirectX 9 compatible)
Installation-Size: 140 MB

Описание: "Mayday, mayday! Double engine failure!" - "Captain, two green, one red, left main gear stuck!" - "Hang on, this is going to be a tough one!"...

Since the very first Flight Simulator every simulator pilot dreamed of scenarios like these. Extreme emergency situations, crucial rescue maneuvers, thrilling aerobatics: that's what makes PC-flying fun. With the new Flight Simulator such situations can be rendered much more realistic and thrilling than before. With the popularity of FSX default missions we decided to develop an Add-On with emergency missions, relaxed scenic flights and challenging head-to-head air races. The Mission Pack - Flight Tales I include 10 missions full of challenges for inexperienced as well as advanced pilots.

Take part in the Flight Tales 1, discover a lot of details, challenge your flight skills and earn lots of rewards. The default missions that are included in FSX are only a introduction to what missions could do, when you see these you know that the mission engine is capable of a lot more.

* 10 missions with different skill levels
* many additional objects and details
* detailed briefings
* many rewards

Missions included:
* Anchorage Postman Fly the weekly mailman tour and collect mail on several small airstrips on your way to Anchorage.
* Awakening Beaver The Beaver has been rested in the hangar for months. Now it's your turn to wake her up. Have you ever tried taking off from a runway with floats?
* Birthday Surprise Be your nephews most favorite uncle and visit him on his birthday. Fly through the Swiss mountains and pray for good weather.
* Black Forest Rally The Black Forest is a lovely landscape in southern Germany. Take off with your friends and don't forget your camera.
* Bright Skies Soaring with a glider is pure flying fun. Australia is a paradise for gliders. Relax and enjoy the flight or get a thrill by doing aerobatics.
* Tutorial Helpful information for flying missions
* French Distraction France, the famous Cote d'Azur. Approaching Nice airport with a A321 - no problem! Are you sure?
* Monaco Trophy The Principality of Monaco is also well known because of the Formula 1 race. But hey, why not do an air race?
* Only 60 Minutes The North Sea is a quite stormy sea. It won´t be surprising when there`s an emergency. Fly an SAR helicopter to rescue souls.
* Peruvian Rain Peru - the Andes, heavy rain, an old Dakota and people awaiting your humanitarian help. Are you up to the task?
* The Great Waldo Pepper Do you know the famous movie with Robert Redford? Astound the spectators by flying thrilling stunts at the air show of Oshkosh.

13.08.2008, 19:39
Twin Otter X - Mission Pack
Симулятор: MFSX only
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter X required
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
Mouse with mouse wheel
Installations-Size: 188 MB

Описание: Fly ten challenging missions with the Aerosoft DHC-6 Twin Otter X. Some missions will not end as you expect them to do and it is good to be prepared to make an unscheduled stop in the vast Alaskan wilderness. Many hours of flying pleasure guaranteed.

The De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter is one of the most versatile aircraft ever designed. Still Canada's most successful commercial aircraft program with more than 800 built, the Twin Otter remains popular for its rugged construction and useful STOL performance.

The DHC-6 Twin Otter X has been one of our best selling products so Aerosoft decided to have a dedicated mission pack done for the users of this amazing aircraft. Combat Planes Inc created this mission pack and though the descriptions sound simple many of the missions will not end as you expect them to do. Many hours of flying pleasure (and some cursing) guaranteed!

Included missions:
* Alaska Transit I: Anchorage: Takeoff from Anchorage, Alaska and fly to Talkeetna carrying passengers and cargo. Complete your flight at Healy.
* Alaska Transit II: Takeoff from Healy, Alaska and fly to Denali Base Camp at the foot of Mt. McKinley. Drop passengers and supplies then fly on to McGrath.
* Alaska Transit III: Fly from Anvik to Unalakleet on the coast.
* Alaska Transit Kodiak: Takeoff from Anchorage, Alaska and fly to Beluga Lake and then on to Kodiak Island. You may choose to stop on the first leg of the journey if you prefer.
* Homeland Security: Fly a surveillance operation to monitor possible terrorist activity.
* Northern Medivac: Fly from Skagway to a remote location to pick up an injured prospector. Return him to the hospital at Haines.
* Rainy Pass Rescue: Fly from McGrath to a remote mountain location to medivac a group of miners. Deliver them safely to Skwentna.
* Northwest Cargo Kluane: Takeoff from Yakutat, Alaska and fly to Burwash, NWT in Canada across Kluane National Park.
* Sandspit Transit: Takeoff from Sandspit in the Queen Charlottes and fly to Masset, then Prince Rupert.
* Taku Glacier Lodge: Takeoff from Juneau and ferry fishermen to Taku Glacier Lodge.

* All ten missions with sound effects and voice files
* English or German text available
* Full details of the missions in the briefing files
* Additional scenery to match the missions
* Five more Twin Otter liveries included

А также Flight Calculator и FlightSim Commander X и Aerosoft Stadiums 2008 и Alcatraz .
А вот и ссылка.B)
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Это только начало.:D

13.08.2008, 20:52
Boeing 787 Dreamliner для FS2004 и FSX

Разработчик: Abacus
Системные требования: FSX или FS2004
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Самолет нового поколения Boeing 787 Dreamliner начнет свои регулярные полеты в 2008 году, перевозя 300 пассажиров со скоростью Mach .85 на расстояние 8000 миль. Для тех, кто не хочет ждать 2008 года, фирма Abacus готовит к 10 ноября выпуск нового пакета под названием "Fly the Boeing 787 Dreamliner", который будет включать модель Boeing 787 Dreamliner, новые 2D панель и виртуальный кокпит, FMC и несколько ливрей...
P.s. от меня: очень красивый самолетик, но панели дефолтные, и динамика никакая. А мне все равно понравилось !!!

.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

14.08.2008, 10:54
при установке X Graphics возникает ошибка -не находит файлы, нужно установить Service pack сначала? Разгон уже стоит.

14.08.2008, 15:39
.:: Скрытый текст<br />Разрешено: Модераторы ::.

14.08.2008, 20:06
Хочу попробовать поиграть.. Такой вопрос: Стоит ли пробовать, если в распоряжении имею только клавиатуру, мышь и геймпад от Xbox 360 и возможно ли последний задействовать в игре? Просто в нём аналоговые стики и курки.. Джойстика к сожалению нету..:(

14.08.2008, 22:40
K1LLorez, я начинал играть в авиасимуляторы только с клавиатурой и мышью..не очень удобно управлять штурвалом с клавиатуры, да и игра с джойстиком становиться совсем другой, так что конечно стоит попробовать, и если понравиться -купить джойстик.

14.08.2008, 23:06
Хочу попробовать поиграть.. Такой вопрос: Стоит ли пробовать, если в распоряжении имею только клавиатуру, мышь и геймпад от Xbox 360 и возможно ли последний задействовать в игре? Просто в нём аналоговые стики и курки.. Джойстика к сожалению нету..:(
Можно и на клаве ,мышь-штурвал.Геймпад можно задействовать это будет лучше клавы с мышью.Но лучше джой ,если понравится.:)

14.08.2008, 23:07
при установке X Graphics возникает ошибка -не находит файлы, нужно установить Service pack сначала? Разгон уже стоит.
Если стоит Разгон, то у тебя автоматом стоит 2 сервис-пак. Может скачал криво ? А вообще в теме про X Graphics есть ссылка на avsim.ru, там огромное кол-во ответов на все вопросы !!!;)

14.08.2008, 23:43
Andrei589, а ты как ставил XGraphic? я два раза перекачивал... по поводу установки пока не нашел..такое ощущение что файл сам недокачан на диске :(

14.08.2008, 23:58
Andrei589, а ты как ставил XGraphic? я два раза перекачивал... по поводу установки пока не нашел..такое ощущение что файл сам недокачан на диске :(
Я сам скачивал от туда,все нормально,это диск глючит,опять порнуху заливают.:)

15.08.2008, 00:49
Andrei589, можете подсказать сколько весит setup.exe X Graphic c точностью до килобайт?

15.08.2008, 01:30
Andrei589, можете подсказать сколько весит setup.exe X Graphic c точностью до килобайт?
Размер:525 МБ (551*514*289 байт)
На диске:525 МБ (551*528*407 байт)

15.08.2008, 02:05
demon@, СПАСИБО! теперь все ясно..размер файла который я скачал 452 МБ (474*475*533 байт) -не можешь выложить файл на диск? или скинуть на батл?

15.08.2008, 03:54
Andrei589, можете подсказать сколько весит c точностью до килобайт?
Размер файла setup.exe X Graphic 452 МБ (474*475*533 байт). Так что у тебя все в норме. Попробуй еще раз забрать с Диска. Только что все перепроверил. Сам я брал отсюда (http://torrents.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=271747).

15.08.2008, 12:19
demon@, СПАСИБО! теперь все ясно..размер файла который я скачал 452 МБ (474*475*533 байт) -не можешь выложить файл на диск? или скинуть на батл?
.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

16.08.2008, 03:07
Скачал и почему-то оба образа оказались битыми:( Через алкоголь и через демон пробовал.. пишет, что образы некорректны..

16.08.2008, 09:42
что образы некорректны..
Некорректно скачиваете. Качайте через FTP.
Я уже устал об этом писать !!!

16.08.2008, 13:55
Andrei589, да я уже и через ftp 3 раза качал - результат тот же!
Вот скрины: http://disk.karelia.ru/v/vladex/screens/xgraphic1.jpg и http://disk.karelia.ru/v/vladex/screens/xgraphic2.jpg
Такое ощущение что просто файл установки поврежден..но почему тогда размер совпадает байт в байт, так же пробовал разные пути установки -вообщем впервые столкнулся с такой странной проблемой -какие у кого мысли есть?

16.08.2008, 14:19
вообщем впервые столкнулся с такой странной проблемой -какие у кого мысли есть?
Собственно на ДИСКе файлы тоже могут быть изменены(в силу ряда причин, лично много раз проверено).Решение тут только или выкладывать контрольные суммы для .iso или выкладывать образы в архивах(в .rar, без сжатия и с доп.информацией для восстановления), там есть встроенный контроль целостности.
З.Ы.Совпадения размера файла не показатель, например можно иметь два одинаковых по размеру файла но совершенно разных по содержанию.

16.08.2008, 23:14
PAx, ты прав!
ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ДЛЯ ВСЕХ: моя проблема при установке FSX HiFi Active Sky X & X Graphics решилась скачкой из первоисточника (торентс.ру) -проблема в том что Диск.Карелия каким-то образом модифицирует файл установки

17.08.2008, 00:54
ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ДЛЯ ВСЕХ: моя проблема при установке FSX HiFi Active Sky X & X Graphics решилась скачкой из первоисточника (торентс.ру) -проблема в том что Диск.Карелия каким-то образом модифицирует файл установки
Сам не рад Диску !!! А на наш фтп никто не разрешит заливать файлы таких объемов !!! Вот честно , я не виноват !!! Вроде стараюсь для всех, а получается как всегда !!! Обидно .............

17.08.2008, 02:17
Andrei589, тебе огромное спасибо и я думаю не я один хочу тебе спасибо сказать за развитие темы MFS
Вопрос ко всем: как на практике используется триммирование?

17.08.2008, 10:53
Вопрос ко всем: как на практике используется триммирование?
Почитай здесь (http://www.avsim.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=38769).

18.08.2008, 00:26
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: Abacus - http://www.abacuspub.com
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык: только английский
Тип издания: лицензия
Таблетка: присутствует (serials)

Описание: Полный набор ВСЕГО Abacus'а для MFSX на данный момент. Версии для FS2004 также включены практически для всех продуктов (исключая миссии).
Любителям военной авиации посвещается.:D


Flight Deck 5
Описание: In the tradition of four previous versions, the new Flight Deck 5 keeps the excitement in aircraft carrier operations.

The USS Gerald R Ford is your new base where you'll perform launch and recovery until you're blue in the face. The powerful catapult gets you airborne in just a few hundred feet. And during recovery, you'll want your tailhook to catch the steel cable to bring your muscular aircraft to a screeching halt.

From the flight deck of the new USS Gerald R Ford, you'll fly these 7 exciting aircraft:

* F/A-18C HornetTM
* F/A-18E Super HornetTM
* E-2C Hawkeye
* S-3B Viking
* SH-60 Seahawk
* C-2A Greyhound
* EA-6B Prowler

What's new in Flight Deck 5?

* FSX - moving carrier - you'll takeoff and land from a moving surface
* FSX - super-accurate launch and recovery using 3WireX technology
* FSX - five great missions and 60+ mini training missions
* FSX - maverick missle
* Aircraft Carrier - fly from the new USS Gerald R Ford

Flight Deck 5 incorporates brand new technology featuring an aircraft carrier that moves and a super accurate catapult launch and recovery system*. You'll experience the thrill of authentic deck operations with AI traffic on and above the carrier. You'll see why cable recovery on the short flight deck is both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

This is our fifth iteration of our world-reknown Flight Deck series -bringing you the excitement of aircraft carrier-based flight. Registered users of previous versions of Flight Deck are eligible to upgrade to Flight Deck 5 for a discounted price.

* Moving carrier, catapult/recovery operations using 3WireX, missions and mini-missions available for FSX only;
Static carrier, simplified catapult/recovery operations and 200 pre-saved flghts for FS2004.
Hurry onto the deck. It's launch time and you're next in line.
Taxi into position over the catapult. The launch team connects you. The steam is flowing and the catapult armed.
Set your brake. From his crouching position, the yellow jacketed shooter gives you thumbs up.
It's game time.

As you return to base, the USS Gerald R Ford is almost invisible. Drop down and you'll see your the carrier.
Hear the LSO as he orders you to lose altitude. Fly past the carrier and do a 180. Lower those flaps and back off on the throttle.
As you approach, you can feel your fingers tighten around the stick.
Giggle it back and forth as you line up with the swaying deck.

Exciting Carrier Missions
Fly these FSX missions from the USS Gerald R Ford.
These missions are top quality - just like our highly regarded Mission Series (Mission: Blackhawk and Mission: Combat Force) add-ons. They feature exciting action and narration.
* Basic Carrier Training
* Maverick Missle Practice
* Sonobuoy Mission
* Day of the Waterspouts
* Crisis in the East
* 60+ mini-training missions

Heads Up Display
You can also use the HUD display to guide you onto the deck.
On the left you can see that the aircraft icon is above the "center" mark meaning that you need to lose altitude to stay on the glideslope.
On the right, the aircraft if right on the mark and set for the trap. Good luck!

Special Effects
Special effects add to the realism of Flight Deck 5.
Moving carrier provides authentic landing environment. Steam vents from the deck surface at the catapult and the engine afterburners blast hot to get the aircraft airborne.

18.08.2008, 00:32
Carrier Strike Force
Описание: Carrier Strike Force continues the excitement of aircraft carrier operations.

You'll take the seat on board new aircraft and fly from three new carriers. On board the Charles de Gaulle, the powerful catapult gets your mighty Rafale M airborne in just a few hundred feet. And during recovery, you'll want your tailhook to catch the steel cable to bring your muscular aircraft to a screeching halt. Fly the new F-35 JSF and the Harrier in vertical flight from the HMS Illustrious and USS Bonhomme Richard.

For this add-on you'll have all military new equipment:

* USS Bonhomme Richard
* French Charles de Gaulle
* British HMS Illustrious
* F-35C Lightning II Joint Strike FighterTM
* AV-8B II Plus HarrierTM
* Rafale M

Highlights of Carrier Strike Force

* FSX - moving carrier - you'll takeoff and land from a moving surface
* FSX - super-accurate launch and recovery using 3WireX technology
* FSX - five great missions and six open ended mini training missions
* FSX - maverick missle
* Aircraft Carriers - USS Bonhomme Richard, HMS Illustrious, Charles de Gaulle

Carrier Strike Force incorporates the same new technology found in our bestselling Flight Deck 5 package. You'll operate from moving aircraft carriers with super accurate catapult launch and recovery system*. You'll experience the thrill of authentic deck operations with AI traffic on and above the carrier. You'll see why cable recovery on the short flight deck is both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

With five previous release of our world-reknown Flight Deck Series we have the know-how and experience to bring you the excitement of aircraft carrier-based flight.

* Moving carrier, catapult/recovery operations using 3WireX, missions and mini-missions available for FSX only;
Static carrier, simplified catapult/recovery operations and 200 pre-saved flghts for FS2004.
It's launch time on the Charles de Gaulle.
Taxi into position over the catapult. The launch team connects you. The steam is flowing and the catapult armed.
Shove the throttles forward. Release the brakes. The catapult slams you to the back of your seat.

Returning to the Charles de Gaulle, you'll descend, fly past the carrier, turn a quick base and lower your flaps.
Quickly lose some speed and then turn final to line up with the deck.
Drop your gear and tailhook. Don't loose too much height. The LSO gives you the green. Hold steady. Over the edge hit the deck and give it full power.

Exciting Carrier Missions
Fly these exciting FSX missions
All missions are top quality - just like our highly regarded Mission Series (Mission: Blackhawk and Mission: Combat Force) and Flight Deck 5 add-ons. They feature exciting action and narration.

# Mig Crisis - You're on maneuvers in F-35 in the north pacific with the carrier task force when a new break away rouge state claims territorial waters of your route and sends out 4 Mig aircraft towards the carriers
# Mig Thunder 1 - The Charles de Gaulle carrier is under attack by 4 unidentified Mig aircraft off of South America.
# Mig Tunder 2 - The Charles de Gaulle carrier is under attack by 4 unidentified Mig aircraft off in the Mediterranean.
# Mig Thunder 3- The Charles de Gaulle carrier is under attack by 4 unidentified Mig aircraft off of a desert coast of Africa.
# Joint Mission Training - Fly the F-35 on maneuvers from the Charles de Gaulle along side the UK HMS Illustrious and the USS Bonehomme Richard.
# HMS Illustrious Training - Joint practice naval amphibious operations with the US navy and Marines at Cape Wrath bombing range

# Practice Missions – these missions are open-ended. You come in for a landing and can fly around and try again if you want. There are no rewards given.
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Hawaii
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Indian Ocean
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Philippines
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Suez Cana
# HMS Illustrious operations in New Orleans
# HMS Illustrious operations in the Panama Canal

Heads Up Display
You can also use the HUD display to guide you on your missions.
Here's the cockpit of the Harrier.

18.08.2008, 00:35
Fighter Pilot 2
Описание: Our first version of Fighter Pilot was a best seller when released several years ago.

With the release of the successor Fighter Pilot 2 we deliver a collection of some of the mightiest aircraft to cruise the skies. Hop into the seat, drop the canopy and start piloting these powerful and exciting aircraft:

* F-14 Tomcat
* F-15 Eagle
* F-16 Fighting Falcon TM
* EA-18G Growler TM
* F-22 Raptor TM

18.08.2008, 00:41
A-10 Thunderbolt II
Описание: The Warthog as "Terminator"
The A-10 Thunderbolt II, commonly known as the Warthog, has a reputation as tank killer due to its heavy, accurate armament. Designed for close ground support, it can "loiter" around the battle area for long periods of time. Yet its twin turbine engines can take it far and fast - up to 400 mph. With a titanium cockpit, this machine is built for survivability.

18.08.2008, 00:45
A-4E Skyhawk
Описание: The A4 Skyhawk was the military's most successful aircraft having had a life span from 1954 to 1979. Over the years, more than 3000 Skyhawk's saw service with the Navy, Marines and with the military of many foreign allies.

Unlike others, the A-4's compact size didn't require folding wings. It's sweptback wings made it a very distinguishable aircraft. Massimo Taccoli and Dennis Seeley modeled this warbird for FSX, FS2004 and FS2002.

18.08.2008, 00:49
AV-8B Harrier
Описание: Go Vertical ... another meaning

For modern day fighters, this term refers to the ability of an aircraft to turn on the afterburners and fly stright upwards towards the stars. But for the Harrier jockies, this is the way that they normally take off, albeit a little slower!

18.08.2008, 00:53
B-2 Spirit
Описание: The B-2 is a multirole "stealth" bomber. Its low-profile characteristics allow it to penetrate sophisticated defenses and deliver precision bombs.

Its steath capabilities come from special coatings and flying-wing design, reduced infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual and radar signatures that make it difficult for enemy radar to detect and track the aircraft.

The B-2 is powered by four General Electric F-118-GE-100 engines and flies at high subsonic speeds up to 50,000 feet. The Spirit operates at high altitudes over a phenomenal range of 6,000 nautical miles without refeuling.

The B-2 has a crew of two pilots, a pilot in the left seat and mission commander in the right, compared to the B-1B's crew of four and the B-52's crew of five. The B-2 was designed by Dave Eckert.

18.08.2008, 00:57
EA-6B Prowler
Описание: The EA-6B Prowler might be better named the "protector" since its mission is to protect the aircraft carrier fleet to which it is assigned. It is equipped with sophisticated electronic gear that jams and disables enemy radar, communications and armaments.

The crew consists of a pilot and three electronic countermeasure officers (ECMOs) - one to handle navigation, commuications and defensive countermeasures and two to operate the ALQ-99 jamming systems.

The Prowler also carries the HARM, a air-to-surface missle for destroying enemy radar installations. While the Prowler can operate from land based fields, it is most often based on carriers.

18.08.2008, 01:06
F-16C Fighting Falcon
Описание: Power, Speed and Beauty

The F-16C Fighting Falcon is a low-cost, high performance fighter designed for air combat and ground attack.

While it dates from the early 1980s, the F-16 is still widely used today by various militaries throughout the world..

Models of the Fighting Falcon were developed by Turgot Piskin.

18.08.2008, 01:09
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Описание: The F-35 Lighting II is the newest US military fighter. Developed jointly for the Air Force, Navy and Marines in different variations, it is slated to replace the F-16 when it enters full service with more than 2000 aircraft already planned. Designed as a single-seat, multi-role fighter, it will provide close air support, tactical bombing and air-to-air combat. The first production model flew late 2006.

Our Flight Simulator models include the F-35A for conventional landings, F-35B for vertical takeoff and landing and F-35C for carrier based operations. The models were created by Turgot Piskin, one of our long-time developers for both FSX and FS2004.

18.08.2008, 01:14
F/A-18E Super Hornet
Описание: The F/A-18E Hornet is one of the US military's primary flighter/attack aircraft. It's able to operate from ground bases and aircraft carriers. Couple that with its great speed and agility, it is very versatile.

Special features
* Rolling Wheels
* Folding Wings
* Flaps, Ailerons, Rudder and Elevators
* Opening Canopy
* Tailhook
* Afterburners

18.08.2008, 01:17
F4F-4 Wildcat
Описание: Grumman designed the F4F as the first carrier based monoplane. The F4F-4 model had more powerful engine, increased armament, self-sealing fuel tanks, armor, and folding wings than the earlier variants. Eventually, Grumman built 1,168 aircraft which was used mostly by the US Navy and US Marines in early World War II.

In particular, the Wildcat fought in the early Pacific battles in the Coral Sea, Midway and Guadalcanal. It also flew in support of the invasion of North Africa in 1942. Massimo Taccoli and Dennis Seeley modeled this warbird for FSX, FS2004 and FS2002.

18.08.2008, 01:21
F6F-5 Hellcat
Описание: The carrier based Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat fighter-bomber was one of the most successful and most feared of the Allied aircraft.

Hellcat pilots were responsible for more than 76% of the confirmed U.S. carrier-based victories. In two years, Hellcatsachieved 5,156 victorie; an ourstanding 19:1 kill-to-loss ratio.

The single-seat Hellcat was a follow-up to the F4F-3 Wildcat after early US Navy combat experience. It incorporated major design changes including a low-mounted wing, wider retractable landing gear, a more powerful engine, improved cockpit armor plating and increased ammunition capacity.

The F6F-5 variant had a redesigned engine cowl, new ailerons, a strengthened tail and a water-injection system for the engine, which added 10% to the takeoff performance and increased its armament-carrying capabilities. The F6F-5 was first flown in April 1944, and production continued through November 1945. It was credited with over three-quarters of the US Navy’s air-to-air kills in the war.

18.08.2008, 01:23
F8 Crusader
Описание: The F8 Crusader was a fighter from the cold war era that saw first service in 1955. It became a mainstay aboard aircraft carriers and saw considerable combat during the Vietnam War in which it had considerable success against MiG-17s and MiG-21s.

In all about 1000 of the several different variants of the Crusader was built and used until retired in 1976. Massimo Taccoli modeled the F8 Crusader for FSX and FS2004.

18.08.2008, 01:36
Grumman TBF-1C Avenger
Описание: Designed by Grumman as a replacement for the TBD-1 Devestator torpedo bomber, the TBF Avenger was a three-place ( pilot, turret gunner and radioman/ventral gunner/bombardier). The Avenger made it first flight in August 1941 and by June 1942, the Navy had 145 TBF-1 aircraft. Grumman vent on to produce 2,293 of the TFC-1 and TBF-1C variants and later General Motors produced 7,546 Avengers which were designated as TBM.

Graham Oxtoby, Dave Eckert and Dennis Seeley have teamed up to bring us this historic aircraft from the World War II era to FSX and FS2004. This Premier Collection version is an aircraft carrier based plane that was part of the USS Enterprise air fleet. Similar models was used by Allied forces during the war and into the early 1950s.

19.08.2008, 00:49
Cessna L-19 Bird Dog
Описание: The L-19 was developed as a light liason and observation aircraft for the US Army in 1949. Heavily used for communication, medevac and training the Bird Dog was renamed the O-1 during the Vietnam era. In 1964 the Army had handed over these aircraft to the US Air Force.

19.08.2008, 00:52
P-61B Black Widow
Описание: The Night Fighter

For World War II, only one US plane was specifically designed to fight during the dark of night - the P-61B Black Widow. It proved to be successful against both the German Luftwaffe and the Imperial Japanese.

To quote the U.S. Army Air Corps, the need was for an aircraft that could accomplish: "the intereception and destruction of hostile aircraft in flight during periods of darkness or under conditions of poor visibility". The Northrup Corp. dutifully repsonded with this powerful twin with very long endurance (8 hours of duty) to locate and destroy enemy aircraft.

19.08.2008, 00:54
PBY-5A Catalina
Описание: The PBY Catalina has a long history of service to the military, mostly with the US Navy. During World War II, the PBY was often equipped with bombs, torpedoes, depth charges and machine guns and used as for anti-submarine warfare, reconnaisance, search and rescue and supply transport..

The PBY-5 entered production in 1940 with high power engines that made the aircraft suitable for reliable, long-range flight. The Catalina also served the military of allies including Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden. Following the war, many were converted to aerial firefighters.

19.08.2008, 00:56
S-2 Tracker
Описание: The S-2 Tracker was originally designed to be an anti-submarine aircraft. The Tracker, which entered service in 1953, was widely used by the US Navy. Eventually, Grumman produced more than 1,100 of the Tracker aircraft for the US and other navys includding Australia, Canada and Japan. Later in its life, the Tracker was converted to use as a fire fighter - nickednamed the Firecat.

19.08.2008, 00:58
S-3A Viking
Описание: This carrier based aircraft first saw service in 1974. Introduced for anti-submarine warfare, it has also served for in flight refueling. With two TF34-GE-2 turbojets, it is capable of flying 1300 NM at 400 knots at 40,000 feet.

Special Features
* rolling wheels
* folding wings
* operating tailhook
* working crew door
* bomb bay doors
* moving canopy

19.08.2008, 01:00
T-38C Talon
Описание: This high performance twin jet is used to prepare some of the military's finest to fly the more powerful F-15, F-16 and F-22 fighters. Introduced in 1959, the T-38 Talon trainer has undergone changes and the T-38C is now outfitted with glass cockpit and heads up display.

More than 1,100 T-38s were produced by Northrop for used by the military. Our Flight Simulator model of the T-38C Talon is modeled by by Pavel Tobolka for both FSX abd FS2004 and has three variations.

19.08.2008, 01:04
AIRCRAFTS: Airliners/Large

Commuter Xpress 2
Описание: In the fiercely competitive air transport industry, commuter airlines are playing a vital part in the quest for profits. Using the hub city approach, they are building a route system in which the commuters fly passengers from smaller towns to hub cities where they board larger aircraft for longer flights to distant cities.

Here's your chance to find out how the commuter airlines fly "cheap".

As a Commuter Xpress 2 pilot you'll be flying these economical aircraft:
* Bombardier CRJ-900
* DeHavilland DHC-8-200 "Dash 8"
* Dornier 328 Prop
* Dorner 328 Jet
* Embrarer ERJ-190
* Saab 340B

Build A Flight

You'll pilot for any of the six different Commuter Xpress 2 airlines, where you'll choose from dozens of departure points, destinations and scheduled times in your quest to serve the flying public.
When you start Commuter Xpress 2, you'll select from these illustrated items to build a flight. You'll then see the Flight Details on the right side.
Click the Fly Now button and you'll launch the flight automatically in Flight Simulator.

19.08.2008, 01:06
Fly the Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Описание: The incredible Boeing 787 will soon be flying the skies.

More than 400 of Boeing's newest generation aircraft are scheduled to bring fast, long range and economical flight to the world's major airlines.

With a range of up to 8000 nautical miles, it will wisk 300 passengers in comfort at a speed of Mach .85

The team of Tolga and Turgot Piskin has modeled the new Boeing 787 for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and FS2004. Graphic artists Ed Knapp and Garry J Smith have reproduced many airline liveries both real and vitrual that fly the 787. Software engineer Peter Jacobson has modeled a simplified FMC for ease of flying this new aircraft.

19.08.2008, 01:10
Fly the Airbus A380 V2
Описание: Our first version of Fly the Airbus A380 has been a bestseller worldwide. This new version now includes four different models of the A380 super jumbo..

From the outset, the Airbus A380 was designed to be the largest passenger aircraft. With its unique two story passenger compartment, the newly designed Model 900 can be outfitted to carry an incredible 650+ passengers up to 7800 miles.

For those of you who want to climb into the cockpit and fly this huge and exciting aircraft now, one of our long-time developers, Tolga Piskin has painstakingly create four models of the Airbus A380 for FSX and FS2004: the 700, 800, 800f and 900. Graphic artists Garry J Smith and Ed Knapp have carefully reproduced the many liveries of the A380 launch customers.

The wait is over. You can fly the A380 now. Available either by convenient download or CD-ROM retail package.

19.08.2008, 01:12
Fly the Airbus Fleet
Описание: The aircraft of the Airbus fleet cover the full range of airline requiements. From the A310 with its old style analog instrumentation to the A350, the newest member that's still on the drawing board, these aircraft serve a very specific segment of the flying public.

This new package has these six models:

* A310-300
* A319-100
* A320-200
* A330-300
* A340-600
* A350-800

19.08.2008, 01:15
Airbus A319
Описание: Designed as part of Airbus' A320 family, the slightly smaller A319 has virtually the same range. With a passenger load of 125, this fly by wire aircraft has a range of 3900 nm making it ideal for long range flights. More than 1000 A319s are now in service.

19.08.2008, 15:26
Описание: French manufactuer Avions de Transport Regional's is the leader in turboprop aircraft for 40 to 70 passengers. The ATR-72 is a proven performer having been used for short hauls since 1988. The ATR-72-500 is the newest model and is widely used for regional operations.

19.08.2008, 15:28
BAe 146-200
Описание: The BAe146-200 is a four-engine, medium sized jet transport for up to 85 passengers with five-across seating. Typically operating as a high capacity commuter aircraft, it first entered service in 1993.

The BAe 146-200 in our Premier Collection is a set of three models created by John Murchison. Please enjoy your flights with this set of regional jets.

19.08.2008, 15:31
Beech 1900D
Описание: The Beech 1900D has been a workhorse among commuter airlines. For short hops serving smaller towns, the 1900D can get in and our of tight airports easily and economically.

19.08.2008, 15:33
Bombardier CRJ-900
Описание: Based on its economical operating characteristics, the CRJ-900 is one of the most popular regional airline jets. The CRJ-900 is designed for economical flights and can be configured to carry up to 90 passengers to destinations up to 1500 miles.

19.08.2008, 15:36
DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter
Описание: The DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter is a 20 passenger aircraft with STOL capabilities. As a utility aircraft, it has varioiusly served as a small airliner, cargo craft, bush plane and emergency vehicle. In service since 1965, more than 600 were produced until 1988.

19.08.2008, 15:39
DeHavilland DHC-8-Q200
Описание: As the successor to the DeHavilland DHC-7, the Dash 8 as it is affectionately known, can take 38 passengers up to 900 miles. Typically serving smaller airports, this regional turboprop is known for high reliability and low operating costs.

19.08.2008, 15:41
Embraer ERJ-190
Описание: Designed as the larger cousin of the ERJ-170, Embraer introduced the 100+ passenger ERJ-190 in 2004. As an economical regional aircraft, it typically operates from mid-sized airports.Equipped with GE CF34-10 turbofan engines, it has a range of 2600 miles at Mach .82 and 41,000 ceiling.

19.08.2008, 15:43
Fairchild-Dornier 328 Jet
Описание: While the Dornier 328 turboprop and the Fairchild-Dornier 328Jet share the same cabin layout, the 328Jet is equipped with two P&W 306B turbofan engines. Used as a regional aircraft, the 328Jet can fly 32-34 passengers up to 1000 miles.

19.08.2008, 15:45
Fairchild-Dornier 328 Prop
Описание: While the Dornier 328 turboprop is a 32-seat commuter aircraft. Although it was designed in Europe, it is popularly flown in the US and China, but not often in Europe. With excellent short field performance and adequate range, it easily serves smaller regional airports.

19.08.2008, 15:47
Lockheed Constellation
Описание: Besides the famous 747, the Constellation is one of the most recognizable aircraft of all time. Its majestic triple tail is a dead giveaway for this classic airliner that first appeared in the early 1940s.

Over a period spanning many months, Francisco Sánchez-Castañer has designed this awesome replication of the Lockheed Constellation for FSX and FS2004 with its trademark elliptical wing tips and triple vertical stabilizer, Fowler flaps and tricycle landing gear.

Delivered in three colorful variations, it represents top-of-the-line quality in workmanship including the custom "throaty" Curtis-Wright Cyclone engine sounds from Aaron Swindle. The detailed flight briefing will have you flying in no time from the large four-place cockpit that seats the pilot, co-pilot, navigator and flight engineer. You'll fly the four-engine Constellation using the classical analog instrument panel from either the familiar 2D or 3D virtual cockpit modes.

19.08.2008, 15:51
McDonnell Douglas MD-11
Описание: The MD-11 is the stretched successor to the McDonnell Douglas DC-10. With three powerful engines, the MD-11is a medium to long range aircraft capable of carrying 320 passengers over a range of 6900 nm.

19.08.2008, 15:53
Saab 2000
Описание: The Saab 2000 is a higher performance successor to the Saab 340. It's 360 kt cruise makes it one of the fastest turboprops. Introduced in 1994, it can transport 50 passengers 1100 nm.

19.08.2008, 15:55
Saab 340B
Описание: Designed to be faster and have a larger payload than the 340A,this regional aircraft entered service in 1989. Typically outfitted for 35 passengers and a crew of two with a flight attendant, it can get in and out of smaller airports with ease.

19.08.2008, 15:58
AIRCRAFTS: Private/Small

Adam 500
Описание: The Adam 500's unique design features a composite body and forward and backward facing engine providing controllable centerline thrust. This six-seat aircraft is built for speed and comfor, it cruises at 220 knots and has a 1100 nm range.

Now is design is a "sister" Adam 700 fitted with two turbofan engines. The 500 and 700 will share similar body desigsn. This Premier Collection Adam 500 is a set of three models created by noted designer Dave Eckert. Please enjoy flying our new Adam 500.

19.08.2008, 16:00
Adam 700
Описание: The Adam 700 is a turbofan driven that shares much of the same body design as its turbo prop sister, the Adam 500. A six-seater, it has a range of 1600 miles it is equipped with Avidyne avionics.

19.08.2008, 16:02
Aviat Husky
Описание: The Aviat Husky is long known as a workhorse utility craft. Owing to its compact size and low operating cost, the Husky is a favorite for bush activities: animal surveys, forestry reconnaissance, claim staking, sand sampling, aerial camp checks, and camp site selections.

This Platinum Collection set consists of ten Aviat Husky models: five wheeled and five float planes. They were crafted by one of our long-time designers Dave Eckert for FSX and FS2004 with artwork by Garry J Smith and custom sound set by Aaron Swindle.

19.08.2008, 16:04
Beech Bonanza V35 V-Tail
Описание: With it's "V-tail", the V35 Bonanza is one of the most distinctive of all light aircraft. The V35 debuted in the late 1940s and due to its popularity remained in production until the 1980s.

19.08.2008, 16:06
Cessna 182T
Описание: Cessna has made more single engine aircraft than any other aircraft manufacturer. The 182T is its current mainstay and is widely used by private pilots worldwide.

19.08.2008, 16:08
Diamond D-Jet
Описание: The Diamond D-Jet is a sleek entry in new generation of Very Light Jets (VLJ). Diamond has designed this five place, single-engine jet to be economical, yet retain the performance expected from jet flight. Diamond has set a price of about $1.4 million for the aircraft that is schedule for intial delivery in 2008.

Based on factory specifications, Pavel Tobolka has modeled this exciting new aircraft for both FSX and FS2004. This Premier Collection title has three variations and includes the Garmin G1000 glass panel. We invite you take the new VLJ from Diamond up for a test flight.

19.08.2008, 16:11
Diamond DA-20 Katana
Описание: In just a few years, Diamond has become the largest supplier of singles in Canada and third largest in North America. The DA-20 Katana is now one of the most popular two-place trainers.

This new Katana was designed by Pavel Toman, Barry Blaisdel and Bob May and features a fine visual model, dynamic virtual cockpit, an authentic 2D panel and refined flight model.

19.08.2008, 16:13
DA40 TDI Diamond Star
Описание: Diamond's DA40 has been popular for years. Recently, a new version has been introduced with a diesel engine that burns a stingy 5 gallons of fuel per hour at economy cruise.

The Diamond Star is a four place general aviation aircraft with great handling characteristics and excellent visibility.

Pavel Tobolka has modeled three different versions of the DA40 TDI for our Platinum Collection: one for VFR flight, another for IFR operations and a third with Garmin 1000 glass cockpit.

19.08.2008, 16:16
Diamond Twin Star
Описание: Diamond Aircraft's new DA-42 Twin Star is a 4-place light twin. With two turbo diesel engines and retractable landing gear, the Twin Star can cover 1400 miles at 180 mph.

19.08.2008, 16:18
Gippsland GA8 Airvan
Описание: Gippsland is an rural area in Victoria, Australia known for mining, farming and power generation. Its appropriate that the Gippsland GA8 Airvan hails from this region. With its large engine, this utility aircraft is typically used for freight hauling, sightseeing and search and rescue..

19.08.2008, 16:20
Grob JPn ExecuJet

19.08.2008, 16:22
Gulfstream III
Описание: The Gulfstream III is a mid-sized, high performance corporate jet. Introduced in 1983, this high speed aircraft is typically outfitted for up to 24 passengers including a crew of two. The GIII was designed to operate from smaller fields and can land on runways less than 6000 feet in length.

Its two Rolls-Royce engines with 11,000 lbs of thrust each enable it cruises at Mach .86 at 45,000 ft and has a long range of 4100 nm. Our Premier Collection Gulfstream III model includes three handsome liveries. We hope that you enjoy flying these great peforming corporate jets.

19.08.2008, 16:24
Maule MT-235
Описание: Based in Moultrie, CA, Maule Air produces a 4-passenger STOL that's commonly used for bush and utility operations. With a super-slow 40 mph stall speed and a 160 mph cruise it covers a wide range of uses.

19.08.2008, 16:26
Piaggio P180 Avanti
Описание: Originally designed in the early 1980s, the innovative Piaggio P180 Avanti is shaped to slice through the air to achieve high performance. With three lifting surfaces and rear-facing props driven by two Pratt Whitney PT6A-66 engines, it an reach a top speed of 380 knots at a 40,000 foot cieling.

19.08.2008, 16:28
Pilatus PC-12
Описание: Manufactured to legendary Swiss precision in Stans, Switzerland the Pilatus PC-12 is positioned as an executive aircraft with generous cabin size, excellent performance and economical operation. At cruise, it uses a miserly 50 gal/hr of fuel. Compared to twin with similar performance specs, this $2.5 million aircraft is 33% less to operate.

19.08.2008, 16:30
Piper Tri Pacer
Описание: Piper Aircraft manufactured only two high-wing, tricycle-gear aircraft: the PA-22 Tri Pacer and PA-22-108 Colt.

The original Piper PA-22 Tri Pacer was powered by a 125hp Lycoming O-290-D engine. It was also the last aircraft in production to have metal tubing and fabric covering. Piper Corporation had high sales of the Tri-Pacer designs.

19.08.2008, 16:33
Safire Jet
Описание: Safire Aircraft Company's goal is to produce a comfortable, six seat jet at a reasonable price. The company's Safire Jet is aimed at satisfying a customer base that needs a small personal aircraft in the $1.4 million price range.

Designed to be operated by a single pilot, it can cruise at 380 knots at 41,000 ft. Powered by twin Williams FJ33-4 turbofan engines, it can operate at airports with 2,500 ft runways.

19.08.2008, 16:34
Socata TB21 Trinidad
Описание: Socata Aerospatiale's TB series has been praised for its fine flight characteristics, economics and looks. The TB21 Trinidad is an excellent example of the design prowess of this aircraft. Its muscular turbo engine cann pulls it though the air at up to 25,000 feet at 180 knots. Yet it handles remarkably well with a stall speed of 54 knots.

19.08.2008, 16:38
Symphony 160
Описание: The Symphony 160 is designed from the ground up to be an economical 2-seater. With its large comfortable cabin, easy handling characteristics and generous performance.

19.08.2008, 16:41
Zenith CH801 STOL
Описание: The Zenith CH801 is a kit aircraft made by Zenith Aircraft. It features maximum short-field performance and utility and easy assembly and at an affordable price.

Its predecessor, the CH701 was a two seat, short take-off and landing aircraft. Designed to appeal to sport pilots and first-time builders, later updates provided for dual wing tanks, stonger landing gear , improved windshield and larger capacity.

The CH801 has four seats and a much higher payload than the CH701 but does so with almost the same short field takeoff and landing preformance.

It's huge wing area and powerplant allows it to be airborne in under 300 feet. With the flaps down, it has a stall speed of only 35 mph.

19.08.2008, 16:43

Battle For Zeebrugge
Описание: We're launching our brand new Mission Collection series of full-length, high quality FSX missions. This series includes complete contents: aircraft, scenery, creative mission script, sound effects and narration.

The Battle For Zeebrugge is the first member of the Mission Collection.

Enemy destroyers are attacking from Zeebrugge and heading into the North Sea making their way to the English Channel. They are heavily defended by fighters and bombers.

Your aircraft, a Sopwith Pup, has been specially fitted to deploy torpedoes. You'll need to fly low and take out the three destroyers.

19.08.2008, 16:45
Big Foot Hunter
Описание: Since the launch of Microsoft Flight Simulator X, we've been developing add-ons that take advantage of the excitement that missions offer to flyers such as yourself.

Ron Jeffers has been the primary creative genius for each and every one of our mission offerings. In his spare time, he produced Bigfoot Hunter and has agreed to makie it available at no charge to demonstrate the excitement of flying FSX missions.

You'll find more of Ron's work in our Mission Collection series of full-length, high quality FSX missions. This series includes complete contents: aircraft, scenery, creative mission script, sound effects and narration.

In Bigfoot Hunter, you'll be flying the DHC-2 Otter from Flight Simulator X as you search the woods for the beast.

You are Butch Remington, an ex-US Air Force special forces retired Bush pilot and worldwide Bigfoot hunter. But you are no ordinary Bigfoot hunter, you have been employed by the government to track these beast down, shoot them with special tranquilizer rounds, track the beast till they fall asleep and drag them back to your plane and take them to the men in black. Yes the government knows all about these creatures and gives you a special compass tracking device and you must preserve the public from finding out the truth.

19.08.2008, 16:48
Civil Air Patrol - Search & Rescue Bonus Edition
Описание: The 58,000 members of the Civil Air Patrol fly more than 100,000 hours each year performing important missions. Over the past year, they've been extra busy tending to the disasters in the hurricane ravaged South.

CAP Search & Rescue now encapsulates all aspects of real Civil Air Patrol missions including: what you are searching for, where it is located, if it has an Electronic Location Transmitter (ELT), the frequency and modulation of the ELT, the accuracy of the ELT, contents of the emergency kit (flares, smoke, etc) and the radio communication to signal the end of a mission. Combine this with authentic Civil Air Patrol-style search pattern flight plans and you have a completely portable search
mission, making it incredibly easy to build and install pre-built search missions for you to share, create challenges for yourself or for CAP training!

With the BONUS Edition, you'll fly these current and past CAP aircraft:

* Cessna 182T with Garmin 1000 glass panel
* Cessna C-172 Skyhawk
* Maule MX-260
* Gippsland GA8 Airvan
* C185 Skywagon
* DHC-2 Beaver
* L-19 Bird Dog

19.08.2008, 16:50
Day of the Zeppelins
Описание: The Day of the Zeppelins is the follow up title in our new Mission Collection series. Each of these add-ons include complete contents: aircraft, scenery, creative mission script, sound effects and narration.

The enemy has launched an all out assault by a fleet of Zeppelins. The skies are filled with these huge and dangerous aircraft and must be taken out.

With your Avro 504K, you'll try to clear the skies. Using some very special effects perfected by Ron Jeffers, you'll be able to clear the skieswith your guns - but only if you're skillful. But mind yourself, the enemy is intent on protecting these sky monsters.

19.08.2008, 16:52
Mission: Blackhawk

With the arrival of Flight Simulator X, the advent of scripted stories for flyers is now a reality.

We're happy to introduce the first title in our new Mission: Series featuring full-length flight adventures to keep you challenged.

To produce this new add-on, we have turned to Ron Jeffers who is known for his special effects, scenery design and audio skills and Phil Castellanos who has written well-read tutorials about making FSX missions. Together we have developed these heart-pounding scenarios that take advantage of the FSX's mission building capabilities.

You'll be flying the "hawk" set of helicopters - Blackhawk, Seahawk, Pavehawk and Jayhawk.

19.08.2008, 16:54
Mission: Combat Force
Описание: The new features of Flight Simulator X make this a compelling platform for scripted missions.

In March 2007, we launched the first title of our new Mission: Series featuring full-length, challenging flight adventures. Mission: Blackhawk has been a bestseller ever since.

As a follow on, developers Ron Jeffers and Phil Castellanos have teamed up with Dave Eckert and Frank King to produce our second title in the series. Mission: Combat Force is sure to keep you rivited to your cockpit seat.

Ron is well-known for his special effects, scenery design and audio skills. Phil has written many tutorials about making FSX missions. Dave and Frank have produced numerous aircraft for many of our prior add-ons. Together we have developed exciting new missions that take advantage of FSX's new capabilities.

For these missions, you'll be piloting the A-10 Thunderbolt II, commonly known as the "Warthog".

19.08.2008, 16:57
Mission: WWI Dogfight
Описание: Early last year we launched the first titles of our new Mission: Series to take advantage of many of the new and exciting features of FSX. Now, both Mission: Blackhawk and Mission: Combat Force remain among our are popular add-ons.

Our newest title is Mission: WWI Dogfight and as its name suggests, takes you take to a by-gone era of aerial battles. Designers Daniel Dunn and David Chester have recreated a set of classic planes from the early 1900s in which the flyers felt the blast of the air against their faces and smelled the hot engine fumes.

Ron Jeffers, well-known for his special effects, scenery design and audio skills has discovered and implemented new techniques to simulate the legendary dogfights that take advantage of FSX's new mission capabilities.

While the missions are for FSX users, the aircraft are all FS2004 compatible.
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19.08.2008, 21:14
Помогите !!! Давно не летал,решил полетать,установил игру,подсоеденил джой,а установочного диска для джоя нигде дома не могу найти. Залейте пожалуйста на FTP у кого есть диск для Saitek X45. Заранее Огромное спасибо !!!

19.08.2008, 21:52
Помогите !!! Давно не летал,решил полетать,установил игру,подсоеденил джой,а установочного диска для джоя нигде дома не могу найти. Залейте пожалуйста на FTP у кого есть диск для Saitek X45. Заранее Огромное спасибо !!!

Рома зачем тебе диск ?Просто откалибруй в винде джой, для MSFS этого будет достаточно.

19.08.2008, 23:00
Чего-то все нерусское, не родное..... Вот решил тоже добавить, НАШЕ !!!


Прекрасная модель В. Жигульского, имеющая VC с подробной оригинальной приборной панелью и 4 ливреи - Аэрофлот, украинскую, военную (Россия) и UN. Автором также использована динамика Д.Самборского и некоторые части приборов из моделей Ту124 и Ту-134. Модель создавалась для FS2004, но при этом совместима с дефолтным FSX. Изменена для совместимости с FSX SP2/Разгон (сделал прозрачными окна и вращающиеся винты).

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20.08.2008, 01:43
PAx, спасибо,а как насчет Lock On'а ???

20.08.2008, 01:49
Romulus, а самому проверить нельзя что ли? не засорял бы ты тему

20.08.2008, 02:12
Ту-154М для FSX


Сборка Ту154М для FSX.
Модель ни в коей мере НЕ ПРЕТЕНДУЕТ на схожесть, а уж тем более на проработку приборов и деталей Ту-154 от команды ПТ, но тем не менее, в некоторой степени восполняет отсутствие этого прекрасного самолета в десятой версии симулятора.И как всегда-читайте README!

Визуалка - Vitamin
Ливреи - Captain Uldemir
Основная панель-Заводин Дмитрий (Scorpious)
Динамика и звуки - ПТ

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21.08.2008, 01:43
просто не мог ни поместить это сюда

21.08.2008, 16:56
demon@, Abacus На диске в процессе загрузки антивирус блокирует из-за вируса, вот один из файлов:
16:55:13 Заблокирован вредоносный объект "Win32.Parite.B" (virus) в h:\gamesfile\mfs\abacus\abacus\aircrafts\airliners (large)\dehavilland dhc-6 twin otter\abacusdhc6_fs2004.exe

21.08.2008, 18:57
demon@, Abacus На диске в процессе загрузки антивирус блокирует из-за вируса, вот один из файлов:
.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

23.08.2008, 02:11
FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere - http://www.feelthere.com
Издательство: WILCO Publishing - http://www.wilcopub.com
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский / французский / испанский / немецкий

Описание: Пак, в котором собраны ВСЕ доступные для скачивания крафты от вилки на данный момент, как для FS2004 так и для MFSX. Никаких самопальных кряков и кейгенов, ни один файл не позаимствован из других раздач или откуда-либо еще - исключительно эксклюзивные лицензии, все продукты в максимальной комплектации и на 01.08.2008 не требуют каких-либо апдейтов.


Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: Break free and escape at the controls of one of the most prestigious private jets streaking around the globe: the Legacy.

This beautiful, elegant and powerful aircraft offers unrivalled piloting pleasure. It has a "New Generation" flight deck and boasts the latest technological advances: simulation of all on-board systems, head-up display navigation, complete and ultra-realistic flight computer, and much more besides.

With an interior offering the pinnacle of in-flight comfort (swimming pool as an option!), join the Jet Set of modern aviation.
A charming stewardess will welcome you as you arrive on the tarmac. Climb aboard and make yourself comfortable.
The supple leathers, fine hardwoods and many high-tech fittings used contribute to the cordial atmosphere which will enchant you during the flight.

Only a lucky few get the chance to pilot such a plane, wander around its luxurious interior or be served by its stewardess.
A Luxury Set of Aircraft Features
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Camera Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* Exclusive: Embark the Legacy and be welcomed and served by a nice animated flight attendant
* Cones around the airplane placed for security reasons while parked
* Airstairs passenger door with safety rope
* Exclusive: Comfortably seated, get real time in-flight information on screen : distance to/from destination/departure, local time, Estimated Time of Arrival, just like the real thing !
* Highly detailed First class business jet Legacy 600 by Embraer, powered by rear-mounted Rolls-Royce turbofan engines
* Luxury VIP/Executive interior
* Multiple business liveries, including the exclusive Rubens Barrichello's airplane and the official Embraer house livery
* Realistic flight dynamics created and tested by active Embraer pilot and based on manufacturer specifications.
* Truly immersive sound experience with the real plane digitized sounds : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,...
* Numerous animations : windshield wipers, hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers door, cargo hatches, stairs,...
* Nose wheel steering limited over 40kts
* Frame-rate friendly
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own liveries

A Luxury Set of Panel Features
* Full glass cockpit with advanced Honeywell digital avionics, CAT II and III approach logic certified
* Photorealistic 2D panel with 6 photo-realistic subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Fully interactive 3D virtual cockpit
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat (under virtual cockpit mode)
* Colour weather radar with turbulence detection
* Exclusive: Head Up Display (HUD) giving the aircraft full CAT III landing capability
* Radio autotuning
* Ground proximity warning system (GPWS) and warnings and caution messages
* TCAS II : Traffic avoidance with audio-visual Traffic Advisory and Resolution Advisory system
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 (!) for a perfect instrument readability

A Luxury Set of Systems Features
* About all systems simulated : electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, pressurization system, bleed air, air conditioning, two generators/engines, FADEC with ATTCS function with TO-RSV mode, GPWS, test system, ventral tank simulation,...
* Very accurate Auto Pilot with overspeed and stall recovery systems, just like the real thing !
* APU sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption : follow the correct procedures to avoid dry fuel tanks during flight !
* Ice detection fully simulated

A Luxury Set of FMS Features (Flight Management System)
* Ultra realistic and very complete FMS
* Exclusive : Learn function, so the FMS learns your flying habits and the prediction will be more accurate at each time.
* Five different patterns simulated including HOLD, PROCEDURE TURN, etc SID/STAR with DME arc.
* Updated airway support, waypoint sequencing, discontinuity, missed approach, hold at present position, wind settings for waypoints, including reading current METAR for better planning, intercept, vertical direct to, direct mode, editable RTE page with waypoint input, custom waypoint support, advisory VNAV, and more.

Legacy Background
Embraer's Legacy is the advanced version of the company's venerable ERJ-135.
The changes include the addition of winglets (for added lift and drag reduction) and fuselage strakes, underbelly and cargo compartment tanks, higher-rated turbofan engines, new fuel system, higher maximum Mach operation (MMO), an entirely new main cabin and advanced avionics suite (IRS, HUD,...).
With a 3,100 Nm range, the Legacy is capable of New York to London, Singapore to Tokyo or London to Riyadh nonstop.
Embraer launched the Legacy program at the Farnborough Air Show in the UK in July 2000 and its maiden flight took place less than one year later in April 2001.

23.08.2008, 02:33
Citation X

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: This amazing software brings highly sophisticated 'Jet Set' flavour into your preferred simulator!

Combining state of the art technology to an unmatched elegance, Citation X is a powerful business jet you will fall in love with for its wonderful look and aerodynamic shape.
Once onboard, whichever your piloting knowledge level is, you will be astonished by its elegantly furnished cabin while comfortably flying at nearly supersonic speed over the oceans.
Jump back in the Pilot seat and you will be amazed by all latest aeronautical technologies embedded in the cockpit. Some of these don't even exist in the simulation world yet.

To reflect these high quality standards, the Citation X will proudly bear our Pilot in Command label.

BONUS: With Citation X, pleasure felt while in the air does continue even after landing ! You will enjoy VIP level welcoming in several business airports around the world : London Heathrow (EGLL), Paris le Bourget (LFPB), Frankfurt (EDDF), J.F. Kennedy Airport (KJFK), Santa Monica Los Angeles (KSMO).

Specific 'VIP' animations allow you to book, while arriving at destination airport, vehicles to correctly welcome your VIP passengers.
This brand new animation feature can also be used with any other Flight Simulator aircraft you would fly to these locations.
Aircraft Features
* Highly detailed First class business jet, Citation X
* Citation X is the world's fastest business aircraft and also the world's most aerodynamical jet ever built : aerodynamic shape, swept back 37° wings,...
* Luxury VIP/Executive interior
* New specific FSX camera definitions (gear, wing, cabin, overhead,...)
* Multiple business liveries and the official manufacturer livery
* Realistic flight dynamics created and tested by active Citation X pilot and based on manufacturer's specifications. The plane operates extremely close to the real plane's specifications.
* Truly immersive sound experience with the real plane digitized sounds : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,...
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers door, cargo hatches, stairs,...
* Nose wheel steering limited over 40kts
* Rear-mounted Rolls-Royce turbofan engines : 3900 miles at Mach .92
* Reflective textures, dynamic shine, night lighting,...
* Frame-rate friendly
* Wingview
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own liveries

Eye-Candy Features
* Exclusive: Animated flight stewardess
* Exclusive: Embark the Citation X and be welcomed and served by a nice animated flight attendant
* Cones around the airplane placed for security reasons while parked
* Exclusive: V.I.P. Welcoming service animation available at the following airports : Paris Le Bourget (LFPB), Frankfurt (EDDF), New York (KJFK), London Heathrow (EGLL), LAX Santa Monica "Hollywood" (KSMO)
* Engine covers, gear chokes, red flags,...
* Safety rope when door is open
* Airstairs passenger and cargo doors
* Exclusive: Comfortably seated, get real time in-flight information on screen : distance to/from destination/departure, local time, Estimated Time of Arrival, just like the real thing !

Panel Features
* Full glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics suite.
* Honeywell Primus 2000 flight director system and autopilot.
* Photorealistic 2D panels.
* Interactive Virtual Cockpit with 3D knobs and switches.
* Dual Flight Management Systems with Honeywell Global Positioning System (GPS).
* Exclusive: Vertical profile displayed on the MFD showing aircraft flight path from the sideview.
* Dynamic virtual cockpit and virtual cabin : almost every switch and knobs can be operated from the Virtual Cockpit.
* Flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat (under virtual cockpit mode): the PFD, ND and the RMU created for both pilots so the captain can set his instruments differently from the first officer and vice versa.
* Colour weather radar with turbulence detection.
* Radio autotuning.
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS).
* TCAS 2 : Traffic avoidance with audio-visual Traffic Advisory.
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays.
* Numerous warnings and caution messages.
* Very accurate AutoPilot with overspeed and stall recovery systems, just like the real thing !
* Supports screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 (!) for a perfect instrument readability.
* Displays boosted with anti-aliased GDI+ graphics technology to provide a smooth and more realistic instruments movement.

Systems Features
* About all systems simulated : electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, pressurization system, bleed air, air conditioning, FADEC with ATTCS function, GPWS, test system,...
* Overspeed and stall protection with stick pusher
* Dual IRS
* Fully simulated APU sequences linked to fuel consumption : follow the correct procedures to avoid dry fuel tanks during flight !
* Ice detection fully simulated

FMS Features (Flight Management System)
* Ultra realistic and very complete FMS
* 5 different patterns simulated including HOLD, PROCEDURE TURN, etc SID/STAR with DME arc.
* Updated airway support
* Waypoint sequencing
* Discontinuity
* Missed approach
* Hold at present position
* Wind settings for waypoints, including reading current METAR for better planning
* Intercept
* Vertical direct to
* Learn function, so the FMS learns your flying habits and the prediction will be more accurate at each time
* Direct mode
* Editable RTE page with waypoint input
* Custom waypoint support
* Advisory VNAV
* And more…

Set up utility
Customize your Citation X as you wish :

* Regional settings
* Joystick setup
* Framerate slider
* Flight director with 2 kind of bars
* Pressure settings : HPa or In
* Weight settings : Pound or Kilogram
* Pause x miles from Top of Descent
* Graphics settings
* Start up modes : cold & dark, ready to start engines, engines on,…
* Volume settings
* Joystick button assignments
* Setup screen to optimize performances for less advanced computers

Citation X Background
No business jet gets you to your destination faster than the Citation X.
With a cruising speed of nearly 600 mph, this midsize jet can connect you from New York to Los Angeles, San Diego to Washington, DC or Seattle to Miami as much as 35 minutes faster than comparable aircraft.

The Citation X is a medium-sized business jet aircraft designed to fly at high subsonic speeds. It is the fastest business jet available, and the fourth fastest civil airplane that has ever flown, after the Concorde and Tupolev Tu-144 and the Convair 990 (and therefore the fastest civilian aircraft flying since their retirement).
The character X is a Roman numeral and is officially pronounced "ten", continuing the numbering of previous Citation jets using numerals, such as the Citation II.

The Citation X will climb to 43,000 feet in just 30 minutes at its maximum takeoff weight, lifting you swiftly to transcontinental and transatlantic crossing altitudes.
And the Citation X is certified to fly as high as 51,000 feet (FL510) - where fuel efficiency is optimized and airline traffic is nonexistent.

Officially licensed by Cessna.

23.08.2008, 02:40
E-Jets Series Deluxe

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: Embraer has developed an entirely new family of aircraft with state-of-the-art avionics, fly-by-wire technology, superior cabin spaciousness and extraordinary, uncompromising performance.


* Highly detailed Embraer 170/190 with Lineage 1000 as BONUS
* Up to 120 passengers over 2,400 Nm
* New generation flight deck
* Detailed interiors with superb details
* Ultra realistic dual FMS
* Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC).

Deluxe Bonus: 3 Aircrafts (Emb 170 / Emb 190 / Lineage 1000) + 22 Liveries + 76 McPhat Liveries
Aircraft Features
# Highly detailed Embraer 170 and 190 with as BONUS the Lineage 1000, the luxury version of the Embraer 190
# Flight Simulator X viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin,...
# Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations (FSX only).
# Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, plasma screens, catering and a luxury interior for the Lineage 1000
# Embark and be welcomed and served by a nice animated flight attendant
# 22 International airlines including official Embraer house livery.
# 76 McPhat Studios liveries (Deluxe Pack)
# Realistic flight dynamics created and tested by active Embraer pilot and based on manufacturer specifications.
# Truly immersive sound experience with the real plane digitized sounds: engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,...
# Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers door, cargo hatches, opening cockpit windows,...
# Nose wheel steering limited over 40kts
# Load Manager and Fuel Planner
# Frame-rate friendly.

Panel Features
* New Generation Full glass cockpit with advanced Honeywell digital avionics
* Photorealistic 2D panels with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Fully interactive 3D virtual cockpit
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat (FSX, under virtual cockpit mode)
* Colour Weather Radar with Turbulence Detection Mode
* Radio autotuning
* Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) and warnings and caution messages
* TCAS II : Traffic avoidance with audio-visual Traffic Advisory and Resolution Advisory system
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 (!) for a perfect instrument readability.

Systems Features
* About all systems simulated : electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, pressurization system, bleed air, air conditioning, two generators/engines, FADEC with ATTCS function, test system,...
* Computerized Management System called Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) (optimizes engine operation during all phases of the flight and, in turn, reduces fuel consumption and maintenance costs).
* Very accurate Auto Pilot with overspeed and stall recovery systems, just like the real thing !
* APU sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption : follow the correct procedures to avoid dry fuel tanks during flight !
* Ice detection fully simulated.

FMS Features (Flight Management System)
* Ultra realistic and very complete dual FMS with Vertical Glide Path Mode and Coupled LNAV / VNAV
* Learn function : the FMS learns your flying habits for more accurate flight predictions
* Five different patterns simulated including HOLD, PROCEDURE TURN,... SID/STAR with DME arc,...
* Updated airway support, waypoint sequencing, discontinuity, missed approach, hold at present position, wind settings for waypoints, including reading current METAR for better planning, intercept, vertical direct to, direct mode, editable RTE page with waypoint input, custom waypoint support, advisory VNAV and more.

23.08.2008, 02:59
Airbus Series v.1 Deluxe Edition

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: Genuine piloting of an Airbus 318, A319, A320 or A321 is from now on possible to everyone, thanks to Airbus Series Vol.1.

The exceptional realism of this simulation has been achieved by thorough professionals who recreated -in every details- nearly all of the onboard systems, interiors, sound environments and flight models... Their fine work being then validated by over qualified Airbus Captains and Instructors.

With the ease of its three usage levels, Airbus Series Vol.1 is made for beginners as well as experts and pilots.

From Paris to New-York, make this Airbus technology yours, and thanks to Airbus Series Vol.1 pilot free as a bird!

Whichever your level is, this Airbus Series is definitely for you!

* Wide Airbus aircraft series.
* Adjustable difficulty levels, from Beginner to Advanced level.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering, and a luxury interior for the Corporate Jetliner (ACJ).
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery

* Simulation tested and validated by active Airbus Captain and instructor.
* Ultra realistic simulation : FMGC, MCDU, IRS, Fadec, ...
* Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* EFIS screens available with the system pages simulated.
* High development quality ensured by feelThere.com team and Rob Young (flight dynamics).

Deluxe Edition Bonus:
* Airbus A319
* Airbus Corporate Jetliner
* 60 minutes of Just Planes videos featuring Airbus breathtaking take-offs & landings

Airbus Series v.1 Deluxe Edition Aircrafts

Aircraft Features
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations.
* NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS "shortcuts", while expert users will have to follow actual procedures.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters.
* GMax exterior/interior models with High resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,...
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering, and a luxury interior for the Corporate Jetliner (ACJ).
* Complete and ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* A319/A320/A321 are delivered with CFM and IAE engines, with their specific sounds, displays and flight dynamics
* Flight dynamics by Rob Young created and tested by active Airbus pilots and instructors.
* Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing.
* Truly immersive sound experience - Exactly as the real aircraft : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,...
* Detailed passenger's view.
* Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches, ...
* Load Manager and Fuel Planner.
* Frame-rate friendly.
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by FeelThere.com.
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required).

Panel Features
* Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification.
* Photo-realistic 2D panel with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft !
* Day and night lighting.
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
* Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels.
* Screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 (!) for perfect instrument readability .
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use.
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics.
* Barometer and additional chronometer in the Virtual Cockpit.

EFIS Features
* All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
* All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the EFIS screens use GDI+ technology for optimal rendering (anti-aliasing)
* PFD provides all the Airbus specific flight information: Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA), reference speeds, altitudes, heading and ILS information.
* ND provides all the navigation information:
--- o All modes available: Rose, Arc, Plan, Nav, ILS
--- o Range from 10 to 320 NM
--- o Airport, Navaid, VOR, NDB and Waypoint around the aircraft
--- o FMS route display
--- o TCAS display
* E/WD provides essential engine information, alert and status messages, and landing and take off check-lists.
* SD provides many pages for monitoring the aircraft systems: Engine (ENG), Bleed, Pressure (PRESS), AC Electric (EL/AC), DC Electric (EL/DC), Hydraulics (HYD), Fuel, APU, Air Conditioning (COND), Door, Wheel, Flight Controls (F/CTL)

Advanced Configuration Module Features
* User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems
* Weight systems: European virtual pilots can use the metric system (KG) and US/English pilots can use the imperial system (pounds).
* Sound volume setting for all the sounds played by the panel
* Keyboard setup for the use of the keys on the MCDU
* Cold & Dark startup

Systems Features
* Inertial Reference System (IRS) - Fully working Navigational System
* Fully featured Fly-by-Wire system:
- Bank angle management
- Auto-trim for the pitch control
- Flight envelope protection
- Bank angle management :
a) Pitch and bank angle limitations
b) Alpha-prot system against stall
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific joystick configuration

* Fully featured autopilot system, with ALL the Airbus specific modes:
- SRS mode for initial climb
- Open Climb (OP CLB) and Open Descent (OP DES) modes
- Selected and Managed modes (for speed and heading)
- Link with the FADEC for fixed and variables thrust modes
- Airbus specific flight director
- Accurate autoland system with flare and roll out modes
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : the standard AP keys are still usable.

* Fully featured FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) system:
- Completely re-written autothrust system to handle the complex engine management, with a better accuracy than the standard FS autothrust.
- All the fixed modes available: managed climb and descent modes
- All the variable modes available: speed and Mach modes
- Speed protection system
- Airbus specific flight director
- Alpha-lock specific mode (linked to the Alpha-protection implemented in the fly-by-wire system)
- Advanced modes: autothrust limitation and thrust locking
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific throttle device configuration, and validated with multiple throttle devices

* Alert system:
- Alert management with aural warnings
- Check-list management

* Complete and ultra-realistic FMGS, including regularly updated SIDs & STARs
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption.
* IRS display
* Overhead electricity management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead hydraulics management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead fuel management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead air management (linked to the corresponding SD page)

FMS Features (Flight Management System)
# The flight management system is composed of :

- The Multi-Control Display Unit (MCDU): interface between the pilot and the system
- The Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMGC): the heart of the flight management system that calculates the route, the appropriate speeds, …
- Auto-trim for the pitch control

# Basic features :

- Flight plan entering
- Flight plan following
- Decision Height/Minimum Descent Altitude management
- Optimal engine management

# Advanced features :

- Calculation of the managed speeds
- Holding pattern
- SID/STAR management

23.08.2008, 03:01
Airbus Series v.1 Deluxe Edition


23.08.2008, 12:34
Airbus Series v.2

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: After the Award-winning Airbus Series Vol.1, 737 Pilot in Command,... Wilco Publishing and feelThere.com now bring fresh air in the Airbus aircraft simulation field.

Whichever your level is, this Airbus Series is definitely for you!

* Wide Airbus aircraft series.
* Adjustable difficulty levels, from Beginner to Advanced level.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering, ...
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery

* Simulation tested and validated by active Airbus Captain and instructor.
* Ultra realistic FMGS
* Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* EFIS screens available with the system pages simulated.
* High development quality ensured by feelThere.com team and Rob Young (flight dynamics)

Airbus Series v.2 Aircrafts


Aircraft Features
* NEW: Crew and ground dialogs.
* NEW: Flexible wings.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations.
* NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS "shortcuts", while expert users will have to follow actual procedures.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters.
* GMax exterior/interior models with High resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,...
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery available.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering,...
* Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* Flight dynamics by Rob Young created and tested by active Airbus pilots and instructors.
* Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing.
* Truly immersive sound experience - Exactly as the real aircraft : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,...
* Detailed passenger's view.
* Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches, ...
* Load Manager and Fuel Planner.
* Frame-rate friendly.
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by FeelThere.com.
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required).

Panel Features
* Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification.
* Photo-realistic 2D panel with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft !
* Day and night lighting.
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
* Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels.
* Screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 (!) for perfect instrument readability .
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use.
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics.

EFIS Features
# All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
# All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
* All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the EFIS screens use GDI+ technology for optimal rendering (anti-aliasing)
* PFD provides all the Airbus specific flight information: Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA), reference speeds, altitudes, heading and ILS information.
* ND provides all the navigation information:
--- o All modes available: Rose, Arc, Plan, Nav, ILS
--- o Range from 10 to 320 NM
--- o Airport, Navaid, VOR, NDB and Waypoint around the aircraft
--- o FMS route display
--- o TCAS display
* E/WD provides essential engine information, alert and status messages, and landing and take off check-lists.
* SD provides many pages for monitoring the aircraft systems: Engine (ENG), Bleed, Pressure (PRESS), AC Electric (EL/AC), DC Electric (EL/DC), Hydraulics (HYD), Fuel, APU, Air Conditioning (COND), Door, Wheel, Flight Controls (F/CTL)

Advanced Configuration Module
* User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems
* Weight systems: European virtual pilots can use the metric system (KG) and US/English pilots can use the imperial system (pounds).
* Sound volume setting for all the sounds played by the panel
* Keyboard setup for the use of the keys on the MCDU
* Cold & Dark startup

Systems Features
* Inertial Reference System (IRS) - Fully working Navigational System
* Fully featured Fly-by-Wire system:
- Bank angle management
- Auto-trim for the pitch control
- Flight envelope protection
- Bank angle management :
a) Pitch and bank angle limitations
b) Alpha-prot system against stall
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific joystick configuration

* Fully featured autopilot system, with ALL the Airbus specific modes:
- SRS mode for initial climb
- Open Climb (OP CLB) and Open Descent (OP DES) modes
- Selected and Managed modes (for speed and heading)
- Link with the FADEC for fixed and variables thrust modes
- Airbus specific flight director
- Accurate autoland system with flare and roll out modes
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : the standard AP keys are still usable.

* Fully featured FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) system:
- Completely re-written autothrust system to handle the complex engine management, with a better accuracy than the standard FS autothrust.
- All the fixed modes available: managed climb and descent modes
- All the variable modes available: speed and Mach modes
- Speed protection system
- Airbus specific flight director
- Alpha-lock specific mode (linked to the Alpha-protection implemented in the fly-by-wire system)
- Advanced modes: autothrust limitation and thrust locking
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific throttle device configuration, and validated with multiple throttle devices

* Alert system:
- Alert management with aural warnings
- Check-list management

* Complete and ultra-realistic FMGS, including regularly updated SIDs & STARs
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption.
* IRS display
* Overhead electricity management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead hydraulics management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead fuel management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead air management (linked to the corresponding SD page)

FMS Features (Flight Management System)
# The flight management system is composed of :

- The Multi-Control Display Unit (MCDU): interface between the pilot and the system
- The Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMGC): the heart of the flight management system that calculates the route, the appropriate speeds, …
- Auto-trim for the pitch control

# Basic features :

- Flight plan entering
- Flight plan following
- Decision Height/Minimum Descent Altitude management
- Optimal engine management

# Advanced features :

- Calculation of the managed speeds
- Holding pattern
- SID/STAR management

23.08.2008, 12:36
Airbus Series v.2


23.08.2008, 12:43
737 Pilot in Command Full Pack - 300/400/500

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский

Описание: 737 Pilot in Command offers all the features of other highly acclaimed Pilot in Command products, with new exciting and exclusive features that raise the realism altimeter to new heights !
Tested by active Boeing pilots, 737 Pilot in Command gives simmers the meticulously detailed panels, the true-to-life Flight Management Computer (FMC) and realistic simulation systems.

So real, it can be used by airline pilots!
* Highly detailed Boeing 737-300/400/500
* GMax exterior/interior models
* Simulated systems : IRS, Flight Controls, Fuel Systems, electrical (battery, APU,...), anti-ice, hydraulics, pressurization, pneumatics, air conditioning, lights, etc.
* Photorealistic 2D panels, including multiple views : overhead, pedestal,…
* Interactive Virtual cockpit – Exactly as the real aircraft
* Detailed passenger’s view and cabin
* Numerous international liveries and Boeing’s house livery
* Frame-rate friendly
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT to create your own airline
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by FeelThere.com

* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations.
* Realistic flight dynamics engineered by a FS flight dynamics expert and tested by active 737 pilots
* Digitized sounds set recorded from the real plane : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,... A very realistic audio experience!
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers and cargo doors,...
* High-resolution textures (32 bits)

* NEW: Fully functional Weather Radar , showing clouds density, rains, storms,...
You can now safely fly around dangerous weather conditions. (See picture !)
* NEW: Inertial Reference System (IRS) – Fully working Navigational System
* NEW: Complete Traffic & Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS) simulation with audio-visual Traffic Advisory and Resolution Advisory system
* NEW: Fully simulated autoland system
* NEW: Hotspots on the panel to access multiple 2D panels
* NEW: Graphic panel resolution up to 1600 x 1200 pixels !
* Overhead : major systems simulated
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics
* Very accurate AutoPilot control panel simulating ALL the 737 features
* Realistic FMS : main features including SIDs & STARs and all the ‘bells and whistles’ you would expect from a Pilot in Command product
* FMC Database : standard feelThere database, updated regularly
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* Pop up instrument (PFD, ED,...) screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated, for a complete cold & dark cockpit
* Fully working and complete thrust management simulation
* HARDWARE Compatibility : Go Flight modules & Track IR Deluxe Pack

23.08.2008, 12:51

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский

Описание: The Boeing 777 is the first Boeing jetliner to be 100% digitally designed using three-dimensional computer graphics. Throughout the design process, the airplane was "pre-assembled" on the computer, eliminating the need for a costly, full-scale mock-up. The airplane is larger than all other twinjet or trijet airplanes and smaller than the 747. Boeing launched 777 program in October 1990.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Camera Gear, Wing,...
* Highly detailed Boeing 777-200 ER (GE90 engines)
* GMax models
* Simulated systems : fuel, APU, engine startup, air conditioning, electronic checklist,...
* Photorealistic 2D panel including multiple views : overhead, pedestal,…
* Interactive Virtual cockpit
* Numerous international liveries
--- o Aeroflot
--- o Air France
--- o Air New Zealand
--- o Austrian Airlines
--- o British Airways
--- o Boeing House Color (Default download livery)
--- o Cathay Pacific Airways
--- o China Southern Airlines
--- o Continental Airlines
--- o Delta Airlines (New Color)
--- o Delta Airlines (Old Color)
--- o Emirates Airlines
--- o Japan Airlines - JAL (ver.1)
--- o KLM - Royal Dutch Airline
--- o Malaysia Airlines
--- o Pakistan International Airlines
* Frame-rate friendly
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by the development team, FeelThere.com

* NEW: Fuel Planner & Load Editor included (See picture!)
* Realistic flight dynamics engineered by Rob Young (the FS flight dynamics expert!) and tested by active pilots
* Customized digital sound set (powered by SkySong)
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers and cargo doors,...
* Detailed gear sequence
* High-resolution textures (32 bits)
* NEW: Flexible wings [FS 2004 only] moving according to real aeronautics variables. It's not looking for speed like other add-ons but looking for lift. In case of turbulences, the wing will bounce up and down!

* NEW: Fully functional Weather Radar, showing clouds density, rains, storms,...
You can now safely fly around dangerous weather conditions.
* NEW: For the very first time, for long range planning and navigation, feelThere is implementing the airways input for the 777's FMS !
* NEW: Traffic & Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
* NEW: Hotspots on the panel to access multiple 2D panels
* NEW: Automatic engines startup - This unique 777 feature allows the pilot to switch ON the engines by turning both engine starters and push autostart buttons.
* NEW: Electronic checklist - automatically updated according to the flight phases (no more paper checklists).
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Multi Function Display
* Accurate AutoPilot control panel
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated for a complete cold & dark cockpit (battery and generators switches fully operative)
* FMC Database : standard feelThere database, updated regularly
* HARDWARE Compatibility : Go Flight modules [FS2004 version] (not compatible with GF MCP-Pro) & Track IR Deluxe Pack

23.08.2008, 12:58
A380 v2

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: TOULOUSE - April 27, 2005.

The newly constructed A380 is rolled out of its hangar for its maiden test flight.
Airport and Airbus staff have joined government officials and members of the public to see the flight off.

As Official Test Pilot, you will embark your A380 for a 60 minutes Maiden Flight.
After a (hopefully) successful take-off from Toulouse Blagnac, you will be asked to execute a smooth touch-and-go in Spain, over majestic Pyrenees mountains and 'hollywood-type' cinematics sequences. During the flight, ground engineers will ask you to perform in-flight tests over beautiful landscapes and the Atlantic ocean. Then, you will be directed to the factory home base so that the test sensor data can be offloaded.

This Flight Simulator X mission, supplied in different complexity levels, allow beginner and expert pilots alike to train through a step-by-step tutorial, from cold and dark cockpit to full kiss landing. The missions feature English voices and subtitles displayed in English, German or French.
Aircraft Features (for FSX)
# Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A380
# Flight Simulator X only : Jetways connection animations.
# NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS "shortcuts", while expert users will have to follow actual procedures.
# Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Belly, Cabin, ...
# 3DSMax exterior/interior models with high resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,...
# Numerous international liveries : Airbus livery - Air France - British Airways - China Southern Airlines - Emirates - Etihad Airways - Korean Air Lines - Lufthansa - Qantas Airways - Singapore Airlines - Virgin Atlantic Airways.
# Outstanding 3D Cabin : luxury First Class, economy class, sleeper cabins,...
# Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
# Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing.
# Real cabin crew announcements !
# Numerous sound effects
# Flexible wings
# Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches, ...
# Frame-rate friendly
# Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required).

Panel Features (for FSX)
* Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification.
* 2D panel with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft !
* Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
* Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters.
* Day and night lighting.
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
* Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels.
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use.
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics.

EFIS Features (for FSX)
* All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
* All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the EFIS screens use GDI+ technology for optimal rendering (anti-aliasing)
* PFD provides all the Airbus specific flight information: Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA), reference speeds, altitudes, heading and ILS information.
* ND provides all the navigation information:
--- o All modes available: Rose, Arc, Plan, Nav, ILS
--- o Range from 10 to 320 NM
--- o Airport, Navaid, VOR, NDB and Waypoint around the aircraft
--- o FMS route display
--- o TCAS display
* E/WD provides essential engine information, alert and status messages, and landing and take off check-lists.
* SD provides many pages for monitoring the aircraft systems: Engine (ENG), Bleed, Pressure (PRESS), AC Electric (EL/AC), DC Electric (EL/DC), Hydraulics (HYD), Fuel, APU, Air Conditioning (COND), Door, Wheel, Flight Controls (F/CTL)

Advanced Configuration Module (for FSX)
* User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems
* Weight systems: European virtual pilots can use the metric system (KG) and US/English pilots can use the imperial system (pounds).
* Sound volume setting for all the sounds played by the panel
* Keyboard setup for the use of the keys on the MCDU
* Cold & Dark startup

Systems Features (for FSX)
* Inertial Reference System (IRS) - Fully working Navigational System
* Fully featured Fly-by-Wire system:
- Bank angle management
- Auto-trim for the pitch control
- Flight envelope protection
- Bank angle management :
a) Pitch and bank angle limitations
b) Alpha-prot system against stall
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific joystick configuration

* Fully featured autopilot system, with ALL the Airbus specific modes:
- SRS mode for initial climb
- Open Climb (OP CLB) and Open Descent (OP DES) modes
- Selected and Managed modes (for speed and heading)
- Link with the FADEC for fixed and variables thrust modes
- Airbus specific flight director
- Accurate autoland system with flare and roll out modes
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : the standard AP keys are still usable.

* Fully featured FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) system:
- Completely re-written autothrust system to handle the complex engine management, with a better accuracy than the standard FS autothrust.
- All the fixed modes available: managed climb and descent modes
- All the variable modes available: speed and Mach modes
- Speed protection system
- Airbus specific flight director
- Alpha-lock specific mode (linked to the Alpha-protection implemented in the fly-by-wire system)
- Advanced modes: autothrust limitation and thrust locking
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific throttle device configuration, and validated with multiple throttle devices

* Alert system:
- Alert management with aural warnings
- Check-list management

* Complete and ultra-realistic FMGS, including regularly updated SIDs & STARs
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption.
* IRS display
* Overhead electricity management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead hydraulics management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead fuel management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead air management (linked to the corresponding SD page)

FMS Features (for FSX)
# The flight management system is composed of :

- The Multi-Control Display Unit (MCDU): interface between the pilot and the system
- The Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMGC): the heart of the flight management system that calculates the route, the appropriate speeds, …
- Auto-trim for the pitch control

# Basic features :

- Flight plan entering
- Flight plan following
- Decision Height/Minimum Descent Altitude management
- Optimal engine management

# Advanced features :

- Calculation of the managed speeds
- Holding pattern
- SID/STAR management

23.08.2008, 13:02
ERJ 145 Pilot in Command

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Издательство:WILCO Publishing
Системные требования:FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский

Описание: Operating an Embraer 135 and 145 fleet, Belgian's Defense 15th Wing Air Transport now uses feelThere/Wilco ERJ 145 Pilot in Command for flight deck procedures teaching to pilots.

A pressurized jet for regional transport, the ERJ 145 is characterized by its high performance and low operating costs with 50 seats and a range of about 2500 km. Since first delivery in December 1996, more than 700 of this successful Embraer jet aircraft have been delivered to airlines around the world.
The ERJ 145 is also known as the 'Jungle Jet'!

One of the most detailed airplane ever made for Flight Simulator!
* Highly detailed Embraer ERJ 145
* GMax exterior/interior models
* Simulated systems : electrical, hydraulics, pneumatics, Fadec, bleed air, air conditioning,etc.
* Photorealistic 2D panel with 5 multiple photorealistic subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual cockpit with rain effect
* Detailed passengers cabin
* Wingview
* Numerous exclusive international liveries
* Frame-rate friendly, 4 aircraft variants : 2D panel only, 2D panel + wingview, 2D+VC and 2D+VC+virtual cabin
* Setup screen to optimize performances
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT

* Realistic flight dynamics created and tested by an active ERJ pilot and based on manufacturer specifications. The plane operates extremely close to the real plane's specifications.
* Dynamic virtual cockpit with rain effect and virtual cabin : Framerate friendly VC and virtual cabin. Almost every switch and knobs (including some custom ones) can be operated from the VC. The PFD, ND and the RMU created for both pilots so the captain can set his instruments differently from the first officer and vice versa
* Digitized sounds set recorded from the real plane : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,... A very realistic audio experience !
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers door, cargo hatches, stairs,...
* Detailed gear sequence
* Reflective textures, dynamic shine, night lighting,...

* System simulation : Electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, pressurization system, APU that first time ever uses fuel from the fuel tank, 2 generators/engines, FADEC with ATTCS function, GPWS, overspeed and stall protection with stick pusher. Icing detection is fully simulated
* FMS (Flight Management System) : One of the most realistic ever made. 5 different patterns simulated including HOLD, PROCEDURE TURN, etc SID/STAR with DME arc. Learn function : as you fly the FMS learns your flying habits and the prediction will be more accurate over time. DIRECT mode and editable RTE page with waypoint input and custom waypoint support. Advisory VNAV and more...
* Display : Antialiased GDI+ graphics with special technique that makes the instruments movement smoother and more realistic. For users with lower end machines there is a setup option to finetune the ballance between quality and perfomance
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* TCAS 2 : Traffic avoidance with an audio-visual Traffic Advisory and Resolution Advisory system
* Setup utility : You can customize your ERJ by selecting regional settings, joystick setup and more. Flight director with 2 kind of bars, pressure setting in In or HPa, weight in pound or kilogram, Graphics settings, Startup modes; Dark and cold, Ready to engine start, Engines are on, Volume, and joystick button assigments for the special function
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Very accurate AutoPilot control panel : overspeed and stall recovery functions act just like the real thing
* Fully simulated APU sequences with link to fuel consumption : you will have to follow the correct procedures to avoid dry fuel tanks during flight!

23.08.2008, 13:06
Regional Jet Vol.1 - CRJ

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: The CRJ is the most successful regional aircraft program in history. Only larger jet transports such as the Boeing jet family and the Airbus A320 family have been delivered in such numbers.
* Three highly detailed Bombardier CRJ : CRJ-200/700/900
* GMax exterior/interior models
* Simulated systems : electrical, hydraulics, pneumatics, automatic bleed air, air conditioning,etc.
* Photorealistic 2D panels, including multiple views : overhead, pedestal,…
* 3D clickable Virtual cockpit and cabin
* Wingview
* Numerous international liveries
* Frame-rate friendly, different aircraft variants included (2D without interior, with virtual cabin only and virtual cockpit and cabin)
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by the development team, www.FeelThere.com

* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : luggage trucks animations.
* Realistic flight dynamics tested by active CRJ pilots and based on manufacturer specifications
* Real outstanding sound effects
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, landing lights, passengers door, Cargo hatches, stairs, front cargo door(s), …
* Detailed gear sequence
* Reflective textures, dynamic shine, night lighting,…

* Vector graphics displays
* Realistic FMS : MSG button, POS init, FPLN mode, DEP/ARR pages including SID and STAR, Index, Legs page including direct function and altitude restriction imput, VNAV, Radio page, Perf page includes all modes, MFD menu including all available diplays, MFD VNAV mode display,...
* New flight director logic for takeoff
* Digital standby indicator
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multipe callouts
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Multi Function Display including NAV, Plan, Rose, Radio modes,…
* Very accurate AutoPilot control panel simulating almost all the features
* Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
* New engine start logic
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated, with all the corresponding EICAS messages
* Firex Monitor brand new system with one button operation
* Hydraulics new logic
* Anti-icing system
* Fully working FADEC for engine management
* NAVDATA database compatible. Enjoy the very high quality AIRAC cycles from navdata.at.

23.08.2008, 13:37

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский

Описание: The A400M was designed according to the joint prerequisites from the seven countries participating in the project (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and Turkey). The aircraft covers different tactical transport, logistical, humanitarian and peace-keeping needs.

A400M offers to the air transport world a modern, multi-role airlifter which will replace the ageing fleets of C-130 Hercules and C-160 Transall in service with the air forces around the world.

This new aircraft guarantees far superior performance and characteristics as compared to competitors : double load capacity, greater cruising speed and range, optimum capabilities for low-altitude flights.

The A400M provides excellent soft field capabilities and requires short runway length, both for take-off and landing.

So far, more than 180 A400M have already been ordered.
* Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A400M
* GMax exterior/interior models
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cargo,...
* Complete and detailed 2D cockpit
* 3D Interactive Virtual Cockpit
* Fully textured 3D Cargo Bay with detailed interior
* Numerous liveries: German Air Force, French Air Force, Camouflage, Spanish Air Force, Royal Air Force (green), Red Cross, Royal Air Force (grey), Belgian Air Force, French Air Force (dark), Turkish Air Force, Unicef, U.S.COAST GUARD
* Frame-rate friendly
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own liveries (Photoshop required)

* Unique flight characteristics
* Sound effects
* Numerous animations : Animated 3D pilots, reverses, hydraulic suspension, flaps, landing gear, cargo and pilots doors,...
* Fly-By-Wire Flight Control System : bank angle limiter and automatic stall recovery system
* NEW: Load manager for cargo and vehicles
* NEW: 8-bladed propellers with de-icing and reversing features
* High resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,…

* NEW: Hotspots on the panel to access multiple 2D panels
* Vector gauges for the Primary Flight Display, ND, Engine/Warning Display and System Display
* NEW: Head Up Display (HUD) with basic navigation instruments
* NEW: Realistic FMGC: new Airbus generation with large digital clickable screen
* SIDs and STARs included in the FMS database
* ND with arc, rose, nav and plan mode
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use
* Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
* Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)
* Warnings and caution messages
* Multi Function Display including NAV, Plan, Rose, Radio modes,…
* Accurate AutoPilot control panel simulating almost all the features : Speed, Heading, Altitude mode, ILS approach mode, Autoland, Flight Path Angle, Speed mode.
* Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
* APU startup/shutdown sequences simulated with all the corresponding EICAS messages
* Anti-ice and lights sub-panels with active switches
* HARDWARE Compatibility : the Go Flight modules & Track IR.

На disk.karelia.ru пока не заливаю ,с его глюками.
.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

26.08.2008, 03:22
Тут нашел аудиозапись работы диспетчера Москва-Подход.
Вообщем утренний разлет.
Я в шоке. Я даже слушать устал, а они еще и думают как всех развести. Вообщем сами послушайте:
.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

27.08.2008, 12:31
Народ!!! Кто нибуть может подсказать , где можно скачать НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ русификатор к "Разгону" (зранее БЛАГОДАРЕН)

27.08.2008, 15:12
Народ!!! Кто нибуть может подсказать , где можно скачать НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ русификатор к "Разгону" (зранее БЛАГОДАРЕН)
Вообще-то "Разгон" и является русифицированной версией. Зачем для русифицированной программы руский язык?

esdeck, если у тебя нет доступа к закрытым файлам на нашем форуме, напиши мне в ЛС. Постараюсь помочь. Естественно помощь будет касаться только данной темы.

28.08.2008, 00:05
Andrei589 -- Да просто у меня есть эта версия , но она , наверное , глючная (50% руский-50% английский) P.S. качал точно не с этого сайта !

Добавлено через 10 минут
Andrei589 -- А по поводу того ,что у меня нет доступа к скрытым файлам - для меня это просто катастрофа . Так как дополнения здесь - просто супер , а я сыграв первый раз месяц назад в MSFS - просто "влюбился" в этот симулятор (а просто флудить форум для набора сообщений - это не интересно). Может есть какие-то другие варианты набора 25 сообщений ? Подскажи, заранее благодарен !:)

28.08.2008, 00:23
esdeck, здесь дело не в 25-ти сообщениях, а в том, что файлы лежат на внутренних ресурсах Карелии. Доступа из мира нет.

28.08.2008, 09:51
Andrei589 -- Да просто у меня есть эта версия , но она , наверное , глючная (50% руский-50% английский) P.S. качал точно не с этого сайта !

Добавлено через 10 минут
Andrei589 -- А по поводу того ,что у меня нет доступа к скрытым файлам - для меня это просто катастрофа . Так как дополнения здесь - просто супер , а я сыграв первый раз месяц назад в MSFS - просто "влюбился" в этот симулятор (а просто флудить форум для набора сообщений - это не интересно). Может есть какие-то другие варианты набора 25 сообщений ? Подскажи, заранее благодарен !:)

Зарегайся на трекере http://rooty.ru/ и качай скока влезит.:)
Там не банят,можно быть пожизненным личером.
.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

29.08.2008, 18:01
Значит , если я правильно понял---если я из другого региона, то с этого сайта я ничего вообще скачать не смогу ? :(

29.08.2008, 18:03
Значит , если я правильно понял---если я из другого региона, то с этого сайта я ничего вообще скачать не смогу ?
Вопрос не в эту тему. Но скорее всего ты правильно догадался.
Как вариант можем тебе лично скидывать первоисточники, т.е. откуда мы все это берем.

29.08.2008, 20:58
Andrei589 - Было бы очень здорово ,если бы Вы скидывали первоисточники той инфы, что на этом сайте !!! А то в дефолтном MSFS уже поднадоело "пархать" (мой ICQ 372-253-273----- E-mail : esdeck@ukr.net).
P.S. Заранее очень благодарен . Извините , если нафлудил - больше не повториться :)

14.09.2008, 02:05
Очень класный симулятор летаю уже пять лет слов нету!!!!!!!Он мне очень нравиться у нас открыта своя авиакомпания всем желающим обращяться по ссылке http://flylal.ucoz.ru или же скайп vadim401aeroflot

05.10.2008, 15:23
MSFS2004/MFSX-All Nemeth Designs
Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: MSFS Add-on
Разработчик: Nemeth Designs
Издательство: Nemeth Designs
Платформа: PC
Системные требования: Те же что и у Microsoft Flight Simulator
Тип издания: пиратка
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Модели этой фирмы одни из лучших моделей вертолётов для MSFS-например модель SIKORSKY CH53-E SUPER STALLION получила simFlightaward в 2007 году как лучшая модель вертолёта для MFSX.
Хотя и здесь бывают недочёты-в частности по отзывам знакомых профессиональных пилотов в модели Ми-24 две ошибки в порядке старта,кроме того аппарат не совсем правильно реагирует на работу пилота с джойстиком,но всё равно это лучшая модель нашего боевого вертолёта.
В самой раздаче присутствуют как платники(где необходимо прилагаются серийники) и так бесплатные модели-всё что на сегодняшний день есть у Nemeth Designs.
Вот список:

for MSFX-
Sicorsky CH-53E Super Stallion
Eurocopter EC-135

for MSFS2004-
Eurocopter EC-120B
Kamov Ka-26
Mil Mi-2
Mil Mi-17
Mil Mi-24P
Sikorsky S-76
Aerospatiale AS-350(Freeware)
Eurocopter EC-120B(Freeware)
McDonnell Douglas MD-500D(Freeware)
McDonnell Douglas MD-500D Amphibian(Freeware)
McDonnell Douglas MD-500E(Freeware)

Все модели проверены мной на работоспособное состояние.
Доп. информация: Дополнительную информацию можно получить на сайте разработчика:Ссылка (http://nemethdesigns.com/products.html)
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Для того ,чтобы модели с MSFS2004 заработали в МFSX, распаковываем папки с моделями из папки Aircraft в папку ...:/Games_7/Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/SimObjects/Airplanes и из папки gauges поместить файлы в папку ...:/Games_7/Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/Gauges.
Для нормального отображения скринов заходим в настройки и выключаем DirectX 10.

06.10.2008, 18:54
Addon к MSFS2004&X WWII Fighters Special Edition
Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: авиасимулятор
Разработчик: сторонние разработчики
Издательство: сторонние разработчики
Платформа: РС
Системные требования: нет требований
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Описание: Wing of PowerII Fighters Special Edition
Аддон добавляющий в Майкрасофт флай симулятор версии 2004 и Х,новые самолеты с проработанной физикой и динамикой полета.
Самолеты присутствующие в аддоне : Zero A6M5, BF109E-3/4, P-47D-20, P-51, Spitfire MkIA.
В архиве также находиться апгрейд до версии1.2. Он добавляет несколько красивостей и пару модификаций Мессершмита.
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07.10.2008, 13:08
Airbus Series 1 - Just Planes Video
Жанр: MFS
Системные требования: Кодек для просмотра типа "klcodec". Брать, к примеру, можно здесь: Ccылка (http://mostinfo.net/soft/2/291.htm)
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Описание: этот получасовой фильм идет в комплекте c Wilco AIRBUS Volume 1 DeLUXE. Дает предствление о работе экипажа Эирбаса на этапах взлета и, главным образом, посадки при различных погодных условиях и в разное время суток
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07.10.2008, 14:07
Flight Crew Training Manual В-747
Жанр: Training Manual
Разработчик: Boeing
Издательство: Boeing
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Описание: Flight Crew Training Manual В-747
Доп. информация: PDF файл
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07.10.2008, 14:14
FSX Wilco A380 V2
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: дополнение к MFSX
Разработчик: WILCO
Системные требования: WinXP/Vista
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Внимание: У кого Vista - прочитайте это -
*Go into program files\microsoft games\
*highlight Flight Simulator X folder and right-click on it
*Select the SECURITY tab
*Click on your username (not on Administrator 1)
*Click on the 'edit' option (it should have a pic of a shield on the button with edit next to it)
*Then you should be prompted by Vista security module, click on 'ALLOW'
*Then tick the 'Full Control' box and press 'OK'
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P.s. Очень серьёзная машинка, впрочем как и все от Wilco. Без инструкции практически нереально полетать.

07.10.2008, 14:20
Flight Crew Training Manual В-747
Блин, я думал на русском. Зря обрадовался.
Говорила мне мама: УЧИ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК !!!

07.10.2008, 14:34
Блин, я думал на русском. Зря обрадовался.
Говорила мне мама: УЧИ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК !!!
Это я порядочек на своём диске навожу ,выкидывать жалко ,может кому и сгодится.Вот залил на диск.:)

07.10.2008, 14:58
Computer Pilot Magazine (2006-2007)
Год выпуска: 2006
Жанр: Журнал
Разработчик: PC Aviator
Издательство: PC Aviator
Платформа: любая
Системные требования: pdf-reader
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Кто не равнодушен к MS Flight Simulator, X-Plane и подобным летательным симам и слегка знает английский, милости прошу.
Журнал содержит как рекламу сопутствующих "симам" товаров (джойстики, приборы, видяхи, свежие апдейты, драйвера и т.п.), так и описания новых релизов, скриншоты, тесты, наглядные пособия и описания. Каждый номер по 85-95 страниц, цветной; рекламы не более 15 стр.
В архиве все выпуски за 2006 год (пароль в отдельном файле) и 6 выпусков за 2007 год.
Доп. информация: В папке 2006 - в отдельном txt-файле уточнение, как открывать файлы. В папке 2007 - сразу готовые к открытию. В папке 2008 - 3 номера за 2008-й год.
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07.10.2008, 15:57

Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: пособие по симу (язык Венгерский наверно, титры английские)
Платформа: WinXX
Системные требования: установленный WMP
Описание: Этот уникальный образовательный документальный фильм Визуальным Подходом (Тайны Кабины, Тайны Ferihegy Аэропорта) показывает замечательный и расслабляющийся опыт полета маленький самолет. Берите Cessna 172 единственных-машинных самолета (callsign Сьерра Дельта Килограмма) на хорошем рейсе(полете) по пересеченной местности вокруг Будапешта, Венгрии, и мухи к известному и живописному Изгибу Дуная в Венгрии, наслаждаясь представлением(видом), зарегистрированным с многократными камерами и некоторой большой музыкой. К счастью, кроме того являющийся пилотом, музыкантом, проектировщиком пейзажа, и философом, наш хозяин, Andras Kozma, случается, известный эксперт тренажера рейса(полета) и строитель также, так что зрители также добираются, чтобы видеть его уникальный, полный размер Cessna 172 тренажера рейса(полета) в действии. Вместо технических деталей, головокружения, и захватывающих дух трюков(задержек роста), этот документальный фильм показывает то, что это действительно испытывает желание лететь маленький самолет для забавы в реальной жизни, и как некоторые процедуры могут быть осуществлены, дома используя Тренажер Рейса(полета) Микрософта, объединенный с видео проектором и приборной панелью полного размера. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ (ГЛАВНЫЙ КИНОФИЛЬМ): • Самолет • Топливо Проверяют • Инструменты, и Управляет • Маршрутом, планирующим • Тренажер: Взлет • Машинное Начало и Такси • Взлет • Тренажер: Отделка • Buda Холмы • Тренажер: Отказ двигателя и Критическое положение, приземляющееся По Реке Дунай • Изгиб Дуная В Городе Esztergom • Приближаются к · Тренажеру: Приземление • Грузящий • Такси И в ОТДЕЛЬНО ОПЛАЧИВАЕМЫХ ПРЕДМЕТАХ Закрытия • Двигатель начинает и закрытие • Взлет и грузящий (различные камеры) • главные инструменты (тренажер) • Кабина (тренажер) • Грузящий в плохом погодном (тренажер) • Предварительные просмотры
Доп. информация: Ccылка (http://secure.simmarket.com/product_info.php?products_id=2693)

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Жанр: FS2004/FSX
Разработчик: flyaoamedia
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Описание: DVDRIP. 3 AVI файла. видео туториал по 767/ Подробно о всех системах самолета, а также примеры полета, аварийных ситуаций и многое другое. Многое становится ясным, даже не зная в совершенстве английский язык.
Доп. информация: Ccылка (http://www.flyaoamedia.com/767.php)
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09.10.2008, 00:56
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Аддон для FSX
Разработчик: FLYLOGIC
Издательство: AEROSOFT
Платформа: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 или Windows Vista
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2) / 2004
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Processor: 3 GHz
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Graphic card: 256 MB (512 recommended)
16.2 GB free hard disk space for the FSX-Version
4.4 GB free hard disk space for the FS2004-Version
DVD-ROM drive
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует

Описание: Вся Швейцария.
Описание с сайта разработчика:
The new Switzerland Professional is the ultimate scenery for visual flights for FSX! 3D objects have been place on their true exact position throughout the whole of Switzerland. Houses have been placed on their exact locations, trees and forests have been remodelled in 3D and can be seen just as in reality.

The complete Swiss area has been modelled as a highly detailed visual scenery on the basis of photorealistic pictures. The terrain model (mesh) includes every little hill. Houses, streets, mountains, huts - everything - is visible. To ensure that the Rhine river and other areas near the border can be seen and used for orientation the developers have also included a belt around the swiss borders of a few kilometers. Very good news too is the fact that frame rates are really phenomenal. This surely is a "must have" for each and every General Aviation and PC.hobby pilot.

To increase the level of reality well-known sightseeing spots have been added. These include the parliament building in Bern, the "Grossmunster" in Zurich, the "Kapellbrücke" in Luzern, the cathedral of St Gallen and many more. Helicopter pilots will be pleased to know that the heli bases and pads were also included. All larger lakes and rivers come with the beautiful FSX water effects.

Premiere: the first photorealistic scenery that includes winter textures!
Also unique: Night textures
Autogen buildings and forests
The new Switzerland Professional for FSX and for FS2004
Еще скриншоты: Ccылка (http://www.aerosoft.de/_php_projekte/_php_screenshots/screenshots.php?sp=fsx&p=switzerlandprox)

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10.10.2008, 16:02
Нифига не понял как установить. Требует серийник, а я его не могу найти...

10.10.2008, 20:22
Нифига не понял как установить. Требует серийник, а я его не могу найти...
Там в первой папке есть серийник ,вот:
SWX-201-X3929-N8307-11587 :)
Летайте на здоровье.

11.10.2008, 01:20
MAAM - DOUGLAS R4D / DC-3 / C-47
Год выпуска: 2004
Жанр: Самолет для Flight Simulator-2004 и Flight Simulator-X.
Разработчик: www.maam.org
Издательство: www.maam.org
Системные требования: Как и у Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Тип издания: пиратка
Flight Simulator 2004 - Original Aircraft
Douglas XC-47C Amphibian Transport 19th October 2004
Douglas C-47A 'OY-BPB' 23rd December 2004
D-Day C-47 'Skytrain' and Dakota Mk III Expansion Pack 10th June 2005
C-47 'Skytrain' / Dakota 'All Theaters' Expansion Pack with Virtual Cockpit Upgrade 10th July 2006

Flight Simulator X - Miscellaneous Files
FSX Basic Compatibility Update #1 for the MAAM-SIM R4D / DC-3 / C-47 CD (http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=r4dfsxu1.zip&CatID=fsx&Go=Search)
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11.10.2008, 11:15
German Airports 3 - Paderborn/Lippstadt X (FSX only)
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Аддон для FSX
Разработчик: Aerosoft
Издательство: Aerosoft
Платформа: Windows XP/Vista
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 2
Windows XP/Vista
Pentium IV 2,6 GHz (Dual Core Prozessor with 3 GHz recommended)
3D graphic card with at least 256 MB (512 MB recommended)
Download-Size: 105 MB
Installations-Size: 170 MB
“German Airports 3 - Paderborn-Lippstadt“ is compatible with Service Pack 2 /Acceleration Pack for FSX and DirectX 9.Using DirektX 10 Preview in FSX is not recommended.
Тип издания: пиратка
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Сценарий аэропорта Paderborn/Lippstadt.
Описание с сайта разработчика:

Visit the home base airport of Aerosoft and location of the German Flight Simulation Conference in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The airport Paderborn/Lippstadt has been developed using the latest FSX technologies and therefore comes in an extreme level of detail. A must-have for all Aerosoft fans and friends of high-end graphics.

For us this airport of Paderborn/Lippstadt has a special significance as its been the home base of the Aerosoft GmbH headquarters in Germany. It is also the location of our annual German Flight Simulation Conference since the year 2002. Now surely this is what every scenery designer wants to do most of all, create the environment he (she) knows best. It's also special project as we wanted to show what FSX is actually capable of doing and of course displaying. It is an airport scenery as detailed as (we think) FSX can display and which uses all the latest technology made available by FSX. From the 20 cm pixel ground images to the animated gates that dock with the AI traffic. The airport is realistic as it looks from the windows of our office.

The regional airport of Paderborn/Lippstadt is a commercial airport offering a complete service of a modern and up to date airport. Around 1.3 million passengers used Paderborn in 2007 for their travels. Destinations from Paderborn are nearly all holiday regions in the south of Europe as well as hubs for connections to the world (view flight plan). Short and fast ways to the aircraft as well as quick check-ins and free parking makes it a favourite for every traveller.


Full FSX / SP2 support (Dynamic shadows, specular mapping, bloom lights)
Highly detailed virtual replica of the airport and its surroundings incl. regional objects
Extrem level of detail
Moving jetways
Photo realistic ground textures (10 cm/pxl)
All navigation aids included (ILS,DME,NDB,ATIS)
Realistic runway and taxiway lighting
Excellent night effects
Dynamic cars on the surrounding roads
Seasonal ground textures
Status quo June 2008
Original DFS-charts
Extensive manual
Even with this whole range of objects, details and features, framerates losses are moderate.
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11.10.2008, 11:21
У меня на disk.karelia.ru свободное место заканчивается,так,что файлы с большым объёмом не смогу заливать,если кто поделиться свободным местечком ,буду признателен.А так вообще есть http://rooty.ru/.

11.10.2008, 14:42
У меня на disk.karelia.ru свободное место заканчивается,так,что файлы с большым объёмом не смогу заливать,если кто поделиться свободным местечком ,буду признателен
Надо у ADSL-щиков просить. Может кто-нибудь отзовётся.

12.10.2008, 13:31
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Scenery for FSX
Разработчик: RgFlight
Платформа: FSX
Системные требования: Windows XP or Vista 32-bit
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Salzburg-Airport-2008-X

This is the airport in Salzburg including a very detailled rendition of the world known Old City.
The scenery was developed for FSX and is extremly framerate-friendly. Taxiways and aprons could be placed on their exact location through the use of professional GIS software. The immediate surroundings of the airport are shown with high resolution day and night aerial photography, likewiese the winter textures.

You can feat your eyes on live videos of the scenery here: Ccылка (http://www.rgflight.com/content/video.html)

* Airport Layout and Objects made in FSX technology
* Day and Night Aerial photography including Winter textures
* Altitude modell (MESH)
* Salzburg Old City with realistic looking 3D-Objects
* Autogen in the Approach sector
* GPS Aproach Data in FS GPS Format
* Comaptible with Austria Professional X von Flugwerk®
* English Manual
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12.10.2008, 14:08
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Аддон для FSX
Разработчик: AEROSOFT
Издательство: AEROSOFT
Платформа: Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista
Системные требования: Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2 or Acceleration Pack)
Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista
Intel Duo2 Core Processor (highly recommended)
1 GB RAM (2 GB highly recommended)
Видеокарта 256 MB RAM (512 MB highly recommended)
Sound card
Download-Size: 1.3 GB
Installations-Size: 1.4 GB
Описание: VFR сценарий Лондона.
Описание разработчика:
Designed to enhance Microsoft Flight Simulator X, VFR London is a highly detailed 3D model of the city of London. Having been build using an aerial photographic template, it is an accurate and faithful representation of the London City area as it is today.

If you want to bring that extra level of realism to your simulation experience, VFR London should, without doubt, be top of the list of FSX add-ons. This scenery will impress like no other before!

Sitting on a new, ultra-high-resolution (60cm) layer of aerial photographic scenery, VFR London is comprised of over 30,000 building objects and 50,000 'fill objects' (trees, cranes, boats etc) - including everything from monumental landmarks and skyscrapers to individual homes. Covering over 120km2, every object greater than 27m3 has been modeled to within 3m of its actual footprint, and individually hand textured to accurately reflect the real building by day, and by night.

120 km² of 3D cityscape
30,000 building objects
50,000 fill objects (vegetation, cranes, boats etc…)
Day & night textures
New ultra-high resolution (60cm) photographic scenery layer
Reflections on buildings where appropriate (e.g. glass etc..)
Compatible with VFR England & Wales Vol. 1 - South
Incl. London City Airport (not released yet!) *

* VFR London X will be available in boxed format when the updated London City airport is available. Customers of the download version will get a free update that includes the enhanced airport at that moment.
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Ещё скриншоты: Ссылка (http://secure.simmarket.com/product_info.php?products_id=3164)

13.10.2008, 16:57
Друзья, закачал РАЗГОН (рус), а он оказался без лекарства(. Кто может чегонить посоветовать?

13.10.2008, 17:54
Друзья, закачал РАЗГОН (рус), а он оказался без лекарства(. Кто может чегонить посоветовать?
.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

13.10.2008, 23:31
Microsoft Flight Simulator X VFR Germany 1 - West
Год выпуска: 2007
Разработчик: Aerosoft
Издательство: Aerosoft
Системные требования: Flight Simulator X + Service Pack 1 (Download at www.fsinsider.com)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
3 GHz processor
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
256 MB graphic card (512 MB recommended)
15 GB free hard disk space!
Sound card
Download-Size: 13.7 GB !!!
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Отличный фото реалистичный меш западной германии охватывает 95000 км2

95,000km² of aerial images at a stunning resolution of 1m/pix
Almost all lakes, rivers etc. with water masks (reflecting and landable for floaters)
Thousands of important VFR reference points like transmission towers, factories and much more
New custom-made autogen replacing the default autogen buildings with typical German looking buildings
Autogen buildings placed at their exact locations using a database of more than 8 Million (!) objects!
Airport runways adjusted to the aerial images
Additional glider and ultralight airfields, which were not included in FSX yet
Extensive manual in English and German
VFR map for the whole area
Доп. информация: Cсылка (http://www.aerosoft.com/cgi-local/re/iboshop.cgi?showd20)
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14.10.2008, 07:52
*** скрытое содержание ***

Спасибо большое! Только если можно временно на gagara_home@mail.ru
У меня пока маловато сообщений:(
Являясь фаном MSFS, нашел настоящий форум маленьким оазисом в пустыне:) , только вот невозможность видеть ссылки не дают спокойно работать:)

14.10.2008, 10:49

Tahiti X (Scene) - AEROSOFT

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Аддон для FSX
Разработчик: Aerosoft
Издательство: Aerosoft
Платформа: Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX SP2 (or Acceleration)
Windows XP/Vista (fully updated)
2.0 GHz processor (Intel Core 2 Duo highly recommended)
2 GB RAM internal memory
256 MB graphic card (512 MB highly recommended)
Download-Size: 200 MB
Installations-Size: 240 MB
Тип издания: пиратка
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Сценарий Tahiti X покрывает почти весь архипелаг Французской Полинезии - 2,5 мн.км, 14 островов и 9 детализированных аэропортов.
Особенности: Рельеф местности проработан для каждого острова;много анимации (птицы, люди, дельфины); воспроизведены все аэропорты со своими ВПП; присутствует необходимая документация со схемами.
Острова: :tanec: Bora Bora, Huahine, Maiao, Manuae, Maupihaa, Maupiti, Mehetia, Moorea, Motu One, Raiatea, Tahaa, Tahiti, Tetiaroa, Tupai
Faa'a, Tahiti (NTAA)
Fare, Huahine (NTTH)
Fetuna, Motu Nao Nao, Raiatea (NNAO)
Maupiti, Maupiti (NTTP)
Motu Mute, Bora Bora (NTTB )
Temae, Moorea (NTTM)
Tetiaroa, Tetiaroa (NTTE)
Tupai , Tupai (NTPX)
Uturoa, Raiatea (NTTR)
Дополнительные спецификации:
Версия 1.00, Мануал в виде .pdf-файла (English) и схемы
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14.10.2008, 12:47
Таити ,Таити ,нас и здесь не плохо кормят.(мультфильм =Попугай Кеша=):)

18.10.2008, 14:27
Aerosoft A-10 Warthog 1.01 for FSX
Жанр: Addons for FS
Издательство: Aerosoft
Платформа: Windows XP\Vista
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Штурмовик А-10 для ФСХ.
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18.10.2008, 14:35
Airbus A319/A320/A321 FCOM
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Flight Crew Operating Manual
Разработчик: Airbus (For China Eastern Airlines, BAW, Mexicana, WizzAir)
Издательство: Official FCOM
Платформа: Windows
Системные требования: Adobe Reader
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Описание: Официальный FCOM (Flight Crew Operations Manual) Airbus A319/A320/A321 для авиакомпании "China Eastern Airlines". Аналогичные (с небольшими исключениями) используются в АК BAW, Mexicana, WizzAir, Dragon Air. Рекомендуется к ознакомлению всем, кто даже в масштабах симулятора хочет все делать грамотно.
Доп. информация: 6994 страницы в PDF формате на английском языке. Все как положено
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18.10.2008, 14:46
AlphaSim Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird for FS9\FSX
Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: Addon for FSX\FS9
Разработчик: AlphaSim
Издательство: AlphaSim
Платформа: FS9\FSX
Системные требования: Как у симулятора
Тип издания: пиратка
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Описание: Решил выложить полный комплект, звуки в наличии. Способ установки стандартный-копируем папки и соглашаемся на замену. В версии для FSX при включенном DX10 текстуры не отображаются. Лекарство будет, но позже.
Доп. информация: Ccылка 1 (http://www.alphasim3.com/store/product_info.php?cPa...;products_id=194);ссылка 2 (http://www.alphasim3.com/store/product_info.php?cPa...;products_id=241)
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18.10.2008, 14:54
Canary Islands Lanzarote X
Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: Аддон для FSX
Разработчик: Fly wonderful islands
Платформа: Windows XP, Vista
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X with the Service Pack 2
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 or Intel Core 2 Extreme 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM recommended)
Graphic card with minimal 256 MB RAM (512 recommended)
Download Size: 27.9 Mo
Install Size: 68.4 Mo
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Аэропорт Lanzarote (GCRR) на Канарских островах
Скриншоты: Ссылка (http://www.fly-wonderful-islands.com/page_1.html)

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18.10.2008, 15:04

Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: addon
Разработчик: FranceVFR
Платформа: windows_xp, FS2004 или FSX
Системные требования: желательно ОЗУ от 1Gb, видео от 256Mb
Тип издания: пиратка
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Присутствует
Описание: Дополнение от известного разработчика аддонов для визуальных полетов (FranceVFR). В пакет входит практически все дополнения, включая "Париж_Сити_Парк" и патчи для FSX

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18.10.2008, 15:21
Ka-50 от ALPHASIM for FSX
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Аддон на MSFX
Разработчик: Alphasim
Издательство: Alphasim
Платформа: Как для самого сима FSX
Системные требования: Как для самого сима FSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Скриншоты: Ссылка (http://www.alphasim.co.uk/index2.html)

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19.10.2008, 04:02
Может мне кто подскажет,как FreeTrack v2.2 прицепить к симу.
Вроде как бы работает ,но в кабину не могу попасть,все перепробовал.

20.10.2008, 12:45
Может мне кто подскажет,как FreeTrack v2.2 прицепить к симу.
Ух куда тебя занесло...:D
Сам такими вещами не занимался, но вроде кое-чего накопал, может найдешь ответ:

Щас сам посмотрел ролики, прикольная вещица...

20.10.2008, 18:35
За ссылку спасибо,просто в предыдущей версии Free Track все работало,а здесь нехочет.
Попробую,может это из-за Microsoft.NET_Framework вчера гдето у французев на форуме вычитал такуюже проблему.
Грохнул ,не знал где отключать,сейчас буду пробовать.

20.10.2008, 21:46
гдето у французев на форуме вычитал
Я в шоке !!! Он еще и французский выучил !!!

20.10.2008, 21:57
Сбылась моя мечта !!!


Al 777
20.10.2008, 22:08
Вот оно счастье! :) Завидую белой завистью... :)

20.10.2008, 22:54
Я в шоке !!! Он еще он французский выучил !!!
PROMT мне был в помощь.
Ну короче так версия 2.2 пока не работает,пишут какието проблемы.
Поставил старую версию2.1 все рулит.
Может по этому у меня и в акуле не пошло?

20.10.2008, 23:01
Нормально все в Акуле, через PPJoy настрой.

20.10.2008, 23:12
Andrei589, c покупкой Вас.:)

20.10.2008, 23:17
Andrei589, c покупкой Вас.
Ошибка. Не покупка, а подарок от своей любимой супруги!!!
Меня поражает один факт.
Оказывается многие в Карелии занимаются симом, но тщательно об этом скрывают. Люди пишут о таких вещах, о которых даже и тему не поднимали.
Меня лично это все радует, значит не один я такой больной.:unsure:

20.10.2008, 23:26
Да, много нас :D :D :D
Я вот денег заработаю(может быть) тоже такой куплю.

Да,много чего интересного здесь. Что не пробовал закачать везде одни вирусы.
По крайней мере NOD32 мне об этом упоминал.
Жаль потраченого времени.
Может есть откуда еще закачать?

25.10.2008, 03:27
Да,много чего интересного здесь. Что не пробовал закачать везде одни вирусы.
По крайней мере NOD32 мне об этом упоминал.
Жаль потраченого времени.
У меня тоже НОД ругается ( в основном на таблетки), пробовал Каспером все было нормально. Пока живой. НОД вообще какой-то капризный.
Может есть откуда еще закачать?
Конечно есть. Поиск в мире рулит.;)

26.10.2008, 12:15
Такой вопрос.
MJoy16 кто пользуется?
Если есть то отпишитесь.
Есть проблема.

Добавлено через 17 часов 47 минут
Нормально все в Акуле, через PPJoy настрой.
http://forum.free-track.net/index.php?showtopic=1255 в английской ветке проскочило
Работает отлично ППджой можно сносить наконец-то!

31.10.2008, 13:17
Alphasim pack by Elliond

Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: Аддон для Flight Simulator 2004 и X
Разработчик: Alphasim
Платформа: PC
Системные требования: такие же как у симов
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Описание: Здесь запакованы модели самолётов и вертолётов:
Ми-28 и для 2004 и для Х
Ка-27 для Х
Семейство истребителей Су для 2004
V-22 Osprey для Х
Westland Lynx для Х

.:: Скрытый текст<br />Вы должны войти под своим логином или зарегистрироваться и иметь 25 сообщение(ий) ::.

31.10.2008, 22:21
Здесь запакованы модели самолётов и вертолётов:
Ми-28 и для 2004 и для Х
Ка-27 для Х
Семейство истребителей Су для 2004
V-22 Osprey для Х
Westland Lynx для Х
Моих нет, "спасибо" ставить не буду. Просьба без обид.:up:
Кстати, для любителей авиации: постоянно слушаю радио Авсим. Очень нравится. Послушать можно здесь (http://radio.avsim.su:8000/stream.m3u).

02.11.2008, 10:00
Скачал образ первого диска, но в процессе распаковки RAR выдал ошибку. В конце концов вытащить файл из архива удалось, но при установке инсталятор ругается на файл D1Fea~12.cab (файл поврежден). Не мог бы кто-нибудь выложить этот файл (размер около 300 Mb). Перекачивать по новой 4 гига, с моей скоростью очень уж не хочется. Положить можно сюда ftp://disk.karelia.ru/public/z/zhigalov/Free/. Спасибо.

02.11.2008, 12:36
Что-то диск карелия у меня не открывается.
Попробую по позже выложить тебе файл D1Fea~12

02.11.2008, 13:07
Что-то диск карелия у меня не открывается.
Опять какие-то заморочки. По ftp входит нормально, а по http не хочет.

02.11.2008, 14:04
Сейча закачаю, потерпи.

Добавлено через 23 минуты
Ну вот http://disk.karelia.ru/a/avans/FSX
Только сюда.

04.11.2008, 15:11
Кто подскажет?
После переустановки системы не могу запустить Microsoft Flight Simulator
Неужели снова устонавливать?