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Старый 14.02.2008, 20:12      #1
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Аватар для d1sco
По умолчанию Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Жанр: Strategy
Разработчик: EA Los Angeles
Издатель: Electronic Arts
Статус: вышла 14 ноября 2008 г.
Платформы: PC, Xbox 360, PS3

Описание: Закованные в броню медведи десантируются на парашютах, артиллерия обстреливает вражеские войска живыми солдатами, в небо поднимаются стилизованные под акул дирижабли. Это не бредовый сон, это — Red Alert 3! Уникальная стратегия триумфально возвращается! СССР и США вновь сошлись в абсурдной войне, где разрушительные битвы щедро приправлены здоровым юмором.

В борьбе за мировое господство теперь участвуют не только Союз и Штаты, но также Япония. Страна восходящего солнца продвинулась далеко вперед в изучении новых технологий и теперь претендует на абсолютную власть. Сильнейшие державы подкрепляют свои амбиции внушительными силами, ничто не может предотвратить очередную мировую войну. Зарывающиеся в землю солдаты, трансформирующиеся танки, киборги-самураи и летающие острова-крепости — все это и многое другое превращает Red Alert 3 в беспрецедентный хит!

Особенности игры:
  • Долгожданное возвращение. После семи лет ожидания история Red Alert получила продолжение. В новой игре есть все, за что поклонники любили предыдущие части: фирменный юмор, отточенный до блеска абсурд и эпический сюжет. Благодаря современным технологиям Red Alert 3 дополняет внушительный список своих достоинств передовой графикой и уникальной возможностью проходить кампанию вдвоем.
  • Танки-трансформеры и самураи. Гонка вооружений между США и СССР не прекращалась ни на минуту, две сверхдержавы самозабвенно готовились к войне, но проглядели рождение третьего претендента на мировое господство — Японии. Страна восходящего солнца как ни одно другое государство продвинулась в науке. Ее войска — уникальная смесь древних традиций и кибернетики.
  • А что, если? Вся серия Red Alert строится на вопросе «А что если?» и делает самые невероятные предположения. Именно за это ее любят во всем мире. Что, если Советский Союз уцелел и продолжил развиваться? Во что бы он превратился через десять лет? Что, если Японская Империя никогда не знала поражения и стала самой технологичной державой на планете? Хотите узнать, как бы изменился мир, окажись все это правдой? Ищите ответы в Red Alert 3!
  • Театр абсурда! Медведи в бронежилетах, дельфины-подрывники, солдаты, бьющие врага током, летающие острова-крепости, трансформирующиеся танки, гротескные роботы из японских мультфильмов — вы никогда не забудете эту войну!
  • На земле, в воде и воздухе. Удивите соперника, построив крепость на воде — его армада танков останется ни с чем. Морская стихия не только увеличивает количество доступных тактических маневров, но также содержит ряд уникальных ресурсов. Сражайтесь на суше, воде и в воздухе!
  • Совместное прохождение. Воюйте плечом к плечу с приятелем, контролируйте уникальные рода войск, помогайте друг другу и претворяйте в жизнь самые изощренные тактические ходы. Впервые в истории серии кампанию можно проходить совместно!
  • Звездное видео. Сюжет подается в потрясающих роликах отменного качестве. Всего вас ждет шестьдесят минут живого видео в высоком разрешении с участием знаменитых актеров.

Системные требования:
  • ОС — Windows XP / Vista (32-Bit)
  • Процесссор — XP: 2.0 ГГц (Intel Pentium 4; AMD Athlon 2000+; многоядерные процессоры) / Vista: 2.2 ГГц (Intel Pentium 4/AMD Athlon 2200+/многоядерные процессоры)
  • Оперативная память — XP/Vista: 1 Гб
  • Жесткий диск — Media: 6.0 Гб / EA Link: 12.0 Гб
  • Видеокарта — NVIDIA GeForce 6800, ATI Radeon X1800 или лучше
  • Звуковая карта — совсместимая с DirectX 9.0c (для корректной работы Creative Sound Blaster Audigy под Vista требует процессор не слабее Intel P4 2.6 ГГц, Yamaha Xwave-512 не поддерживается)


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Список изменений:
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Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3
Version 1.06 Patch Notes - December, 2008
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· Revamped the Automatch system to improve reliability and the
speed at which players are matched.

· Fixed an exploit with the Soviet Crane where structures could be
built for free under low power.

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Command & Conquer(tm) Red Alert(tm) 3
Version 1.05 Patch Notes - December, 2008
================================================== ================

This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 fixes several
exploits and bugs, improves balance, provides assorted user interface
enhancements, and more.

· During Skirmish and Multiplayer games, Engineers will now take
several seconds to successfully capture a structure. During this time
the Engineer will be vulnerable to attack.

· Reduced the power requirement for the Empire of the Rising Sun
Refinery from 55 to 50.

· Reduced the cost of the Allied Harvester from 1400 to 1000.

· The Allied Refinery's sell price has been increased from 300 to 500.

· The Vindicator should now do 50% less damage versus Empire of
the Rising Sun Cores.

· The Mecha Tengu's anti-air weapon damage has been increased from
15 to 23.

· The Vindicator and Century Bomber will now properly receive the
additional ammo if grounded when Advanced Aeronautics is purchased.

· Units in aggressive stance will now auto-acquire enemy Tank Busters in
their spider holes.

· Fixed an exploit where players could get two infantry units out of a
Power Plant when selling it.

· Construction Yards will now spawn an Engineer when destroyed.

· Construction Yards will now spawn an Engineer when sold on
the water.

· Akula Subs will now be much easier to target as they surface to fire.

· The Soviet Ore Collector now has a proper cooldown time on its
secondary ability.

· The Soviet Super Reactor will now damage aircraft when destroyed

· Fixed a bug where the Hammer Tank was not receiving a damage
increase on its Leech Beam after attaining veterancy.

· The King Oni will now perform a melee attack when attacking enemies
nearby, which will also cause meta-damage to infantry.

· Fixed a bug where Hospitals were not healing infantry units garrisoned
inside vehicles.

· The Shogun will now properly fire all of its laser cannons when
automatically attacking structures in aggressive stance.

· The Hammer Tank will now receive health when using its Leech Beam
against an enemy that has Point Defense Drones.

· Fixed an exploit where players could get the Sky-wing to land on
dry land.

· The map reveal from Observation Posts is no longer obstructed by
various terrain heights.

· Engineers targeted with Cash Bounty will no longer provide funds
when the engineer captures a structure.

· The Apocalypse Tank can now properly change targets when using
its Magnetic Harpoon ability.

· Fixed an exploit where the Javelin Soldier could remain fully locked
onto their target even after moving.

· Fixed a bug where the Terror Drone would maintain its Stasis Ray
even though it switched to Dismantler Claws.

· Fixed an exploit where players could create more than 4 docking
aircraft per airfield or airbase.

· Fixed an exploit where players could change faction right before
the game countdown finished.

· Fixed an exploit where players could disconnect from games and
still gain benefits to their record.

· In 2v2 team games, teammates will always start next to each other.

· Fixed exploits where the starting game countdown wouldn't stop if a
player changed game parameters in the final second.

· Added several Co-op lobbies to the lobby list.

· Added the ability to see a player's stats in the online lobbies.
By hovering over a player's name, this will display a summary of that
player's wins, losses, and rank.

· Vertical sliders in the menus can now be scrolled using the mouse

· Added the Broadcast option under the Rules Tab for Custom online

· When players change map size in the game setup screen, the
appropriate number of slots will be opened.

· The custom match lobby list will now display icons for Clan, VOIP,
Custom Map, and Passworded games in the Status column.

· Added the proper Observer panel when observing online matches.

· Added the ability to Whisper to players in different lobbies.

· Players can now see Whispers while in the Game Setup screen of
an online match.

· The host of a Co-op campaign match will now receive a notification
when they send an invite to other players.

· When editing hotkeys or VOIP settings, they will now only be
changed for the current active profile.

· The player will no longer be kicked back to the main menu after
entering an incorrect password for an online game.

· At least two extra mouse buttons can now be assigned to
commands in the Custom Hotkeys screen.

· Added a visual indicator in-game to display whether a player is
using Team or Global VOIP chat.

· Players will now receive a message that the lobby is full when
attempting to join a full lobby.

· Added a refresh button onto the custom match lobby screen.

· Added more details into the invite request a player has received.

· Fixed a bug where Burst Drones were not inflicting damage
when activating their secondary ability before attaching to a vehicle.

· Fixed a bug where the progress bar for structures was not displaying
when their production was paused.

· Fixed a bug where the Terror Drones were receiving a garrison cursor
when hovering over civilian buildings in the shroud.

· If the Stingray uses its secondary ability on water and then moves onto
land, the ability button will now properly display the cooldown time.

· Fixed a bug where corrupted graphics would display when issuing Planning
Mode commands extremely close to the selected unit.

· Fixed a bug where Spies would retain the Tesla effect after using Bribe while
disguised as a Tesla Trooper.

· The Mission Menu map will now properly display bridges.

· The Riptide ACV will now properly fire its torpedoes when force firing in the

· A Terror Drone will now properly grey out the unpack command of an
enemy unit affected by the Stasis Ray.

· Fixed a bug where units would potentially warp when being disengaged
from an enemy Apocalypse Tank's magnetic harpoon.

· A Reverse Move command will no longer be cancelled when a non-movement
secondary ability is toggled midway through the move command.

· Fixed a bug where the King Oni wouldn't do any damage with its Bull Rush
if used before reaching its build waypoint.

· Empire of the Rising Sun vehicles can no longer transform through bridges.

· Fixed a bug where Empire of the Rising Sun cores were not unpacking if
the player saved a game while the core was moving to its destination.

· Fixed a bug where hosting or joining a multiplayer match was causing
your VOIP settings to default to Voice-Activated.

· Fixed a bug where VOIP settings were being set back to default after
finishing a game.

· Torpedoes will no longer follow amphibious units onto land.

· Fixed a bug where the Twinblade would sometimes go underground
when attempting to pick up passengers.

· Fixed a bug where the Terror Drone would sometimes have difficulty
garrisoning inside a Twinblade.

· Fixed stability issues with joining, leaving, and re-joining network games.

· The research of Heightened and Max Clearance can now be continued
after being paused.

· Twinblades will no longer be damaged when picking up a vehicle
infected with a Terror Drone.

· Fixed an issue where aircraft would go underground when landing at
their airfield or airbase.

· The Apocalypse Tank will now display its grinder effects on Medium and
lower LOD

· Fixed a bug where your Co-commander's MCV would sometimes fail
to unpack after destroying the Tesla Coils in mission Allied 03.

· Fixed a desync for when an observer toggled between players
in an online match.

· Added DRM Deauthorization into both the launcher and Options
menu in-game. Clicking the "Deauthorize" button will deauthorize
the computer from playing Red Alert 3, allowing players to
run the game on a different computer. Restarting the game on the
original computer will reauthorize Red Alert 3 on that machine.

· Added status pips for units being healed by Hospitals.

· The Bullfrog can now target an area for passengers to be ejected
even if that area is currently out of range.

· After the Free Trade power is purchased, additional numbers will now
display from refineries indicating the power's benefit.

· Infantry will now play a meta-impact animation when hit with V4 rockets.

· Tanya will now receive a C4 cursor when hovering over enemy
vehicles and ships.

· The Chrono Rift/Chasm/Fissure powers have had their portraits updated to
better reflect the functionality of the powers.

· Commando units will no longer receive a garrison cursor when hovering over
Ore Nodes and tech structures under the fog-of-war.

· Chrono Rifted units can now be selected by control group number after
warping back in.

· Valid structures will now receive a rally point mouse cursor when hovering over

· Conscripts, Peacekeepers, and Imperial Warriors will now receive a
counter-garrison cursor when hovering over valid civilian structure targets.

· The Yari Mini-Sub will now reliably hit Yuriko with its secondary kamikaze

· Added Ammo Pips for respective units into their portrait.

· Units with the disguise ability will now display a unique disguise cursor
when hovering over valid disguise targets.

· Burst Drones that are attached to units will now show up on the mini-map.

· Vehicles that have been pilot sniped can now be crushed appropriately.

· Added a sound effect for placing camera bookmarks.

· Added a sound effect for the game countdown timer

· Added Victory/Defeat music to the end of a multiplayer match.

· Improvements to how stats are tabulated in the post-game summary.

· Improved the overall AI management of Harvesters.

· Improved the push-to-talk functionality of VOIP while playing a Co-op
campaign mission.

· Power Plants will now turn dark when infiltrated by an enemy unit.

· The Athena Cannon will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves
Heroic veterancy.

· The Dolphin will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves Heroic

· The Striker VX will now receive unique firing FX when it achieves
Heroic Veterancy.

· The Sky-wing will receive unique firing effects when it achieves
Heroic Veterancy.

· The wrench repair icon will now display on structures that are
being repaired by your co-commander.

· Infantry units will now correctly evacuate from a transport vehicle
that has been pilot sniped by Natasha.

· Replays will now provide users with a Telestrator.

· Added descriptive text for the "Destroy the Generators" bonus
objective in campaign mission Allied 05.

· Added an extra health bar to the Athena Cannon to indicate the
strength of its shield and/or point defense drones.

· The first unit selected for Chrono Swap will now have an icon
denoting its selection.

· Infantry units will now fall to the ground when killed while

· Expanded the variety of animations for Yuriko Omega.

· Added several people to the game's credits.

· Fixed various typos and made certain dialog messages more clear.

· Various other bug fixes.

================================================== ================
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3
Version 1.04 Patch Notes - November, 2008
================================================== ================

This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 improves the
reporting of online games to the ladder and player's stats.

This patch also changes player names in online lobbies to
be listed alphabetically.

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Command & Conquer Red Alert 3
Version 1.03 Patch Notes - October, 2008
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This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 reduces the chance
of receiving a black screen when attempting to log online.

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Command & Conquer Red Alert 3
Version 1.02 Patch Notes - October, 2008
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This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 reduces the chance
of receiving a frozen black screen when entering the Main Menu.

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Command & Conquer Red Alert 3
Version 1.01 Patch Notes - October, 2008
================================================== ================

This patch for Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 makes improvements
to the multiplayer game invite system, which should cause
invitations to cooperative and competitive matches to work more

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End of Patch Notes File
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Благодарности: 17
Ваня (02.02.2009), Agent 007 (15.02.2008), bbb-80 (14.02.2008), dar (03.11.2008), JAKE (30.10.2008), Mess (23.05.2008), mistaken (15.02.2008), mrECCO (07.11.2008), NEXT (16.02.2008), Ov3rR1de (15.02.2008), Progresso (15.02.2008), RaIKeZ (19.10.2008), Romjek (03.11.2008), Serp (14.06.2008), Serp 13 (06.08.2009), Smersh (04.11.2008), wwww (15.02.2008)