dar, в серверной версии нет графической оболочки, включены средства быстрого создания серверов
The following is a selection of the common packages packages that are fully maintained on Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04LTS.
Kernels- Default 2.6.32-server Tickless, No Preemption, Deadline I/O, PAE, 100Hz
Web- Apache 2.2 event/prefork/worker/dev
- Tomcat 6.0.24
Database- MySQL 5.1
- PostgreSQL 8.4
- couchdb 0.10
Email- Dovecot 1.2
- Postfix 2.7
- Exim 4.71
- SpamAssassin 3.3
- ClamAV 0.96
- amavisd-new 2.6
Languages- PHP 5.3.2
- Perl 5.10.1
- Python 2.6.5
- Gcc 4.4.3
- Ruby 1.8.7
- Java 6 (through OpenJDK)
Networking- LTSP 5.2
- Samba 3.4
- OpenLDAP 2.4 (cn=config)
- OpenVPN 2.1
- FreeRadius 2.1
Package management- Aptitude 0.4
- APT 0.7
- Dpkg 1.15
Clustering- Ocfs 2
- Gfs 2
- RH-Cluster 3
- DRDB 8
Storage- Lvm 2
- aoetools 26
- openiscsi 2.0
Power Management- Nut 2.4
- pwrkap 7.3
- powernap 1.9
Configuration management- puppet 0.25
- etckeeper 0.41
Cloud computing- eucalyptus 1.6.2
- euca2ools 1.2
- cloud-utils 0.11