Тема: XBMC Media Center*
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Старый 11.03.2011, 22:18      #37
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XBMC Media Center 10.1 “Dharma”
Новый стабильный релиз популярного медиацентра
While we are moving quickly to get new features into 11.0, the time has come for a maintenance release for Dharma. We recommend that all users update to 10.1 as soon as possible to increase stability.
The main focus of this release is to address a bug that could cause XBMC to freeze when updating a skin. We have held back skin updates from the main repository because of this, but now that it is fixed, they will begin rolling out in a few weeks.
This is intended as a bug-fix release only, no new features have been introduced. Notable fixes include:
  • If an in-use skin was updated in Windows, XBMC would freeze
  • Some RTMP streams in Windows did not play
  • Included add-ons have been updated
  • The correct referrer is now used for downloading add-ons, improving dependency statistics
  • Crashes during playback on ATI hardware in some circumstances have been fixed
  • Hardware decoding improvements for OSX
  • Various small fixes
In addition, XBMC Live has been updated with the most recent packages, one of which includes a fix for the annoying SMB+Windows Live Essentials bug.
Those interested may check out the full changelog

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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 11.03.2011 в 22:33.
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Благодарности: 1
Ohotnik (11.03.2011)