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Старый 01.12.2007, 18:26      #1
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Аватар для DSeaman
По умолчанию Rainlendar

Rainlendar - программа, с которой можно максимально эффективно организовать свое время, быть в курсе всех событий и помнить о своих задачах. Делайте заметки, запишите в нее дни рождения всех своих друзей, важные события и даты. Потом достаточно будет взглянуть на Rainlendar на рабочем столе, чтобы понять, что готовит вам день грядущий. Кроме того, как программа, занимающая часть вашего рабочего стола, Rainlendar должен выглядеть в соответствии с вашими вкусами, этому поспособствуют стили оформления и поддержка русского и многих других языков.

С установкой Rainlendar на вашем рабочем столе появится три новых элемента: календарь, список событий и список задач. Внешний вид этих элементов зависит от используемого стиля оформления. Есть несколько вариантов отображения окон: поверх всех окон, как обычные окна (есть фокус - видны, нет фокуса - не видны), размещение непосредственно на рабочем столе.

Двойной клик по заголовку окна с событиями создает новое событие, также можно воспользоваться контекстным меню. В окне создания события можно задать множество параметров:

Окно добавления нового события
* Наименование события. Собственно, само событие вы указываете именно здесь, и это будет отображаться в списке событий.
* Место. Где произойдет событие (дом, офис, кинотеатр, городская площадь).
* Начало и конец события.
* Время сигнала. Сигнал появляется в виде окна с будильником, вы можете сказать "Спасибо!" или "Откл.". Если отключить сигнал, через некоторое время он снова появится, если сказать "Спасибо!", сигнал будет завершен.
Окно сигнала
* Подробное описание.
* Категории. Добавление стандартных категорий к событию или задаче присваивает ему определенную иконку, которая будет отображаться рядом с наименованием события, кроме этого, категории позволяют быстрее находить нужные события с помощью менеджера.
* Повторение можно настроить по дням, неделям, месяцам. Можно указать количество повторений или до какой даты повторять событие. Единственное, чего не хватает здесь, так это возможности настроить повторение только по рабочим дням, например, или только по выходным.
Те же параметры есть и для задач, единственное отличие в том, что они не могут повторяться. Для задач вы можете указать приоритет, что позволяет сортировать задачи по важности и срочности. Срочные задачи обычно помечаются значком с восклицательным знаком и выделяются красным цветом.

Общий вид событий и задач

Для просмотра всех событий и задач используется менеджер событий. В нем вы можете отсортировать события по датам и, например, удалить все прошедшие события. В менеджере есть механизм поиска, так что, даже если у вас накопится много событий и задач, вы всегда сможете найти нужное.

Rainlendar использует стандартный формат календарей — iCalendar для лучшей совместимости с другими подобными приложениями. Таким образом, ваши календари можно будет легко экспортировать и импортировать в другие программы. Кроме того, вы можете использовать несколько файлов календарей. Например создайте три календаря - "Личный.ics", "Работа.ics" и "Русские праздники.ics", в Rainlendar все события и задачи из этих календарей будут видны одновременно, в то время как на самом деле они разложены по трем разным файлам.

Программа доступна как в версии для Windows, так и для Linux. Rainlendar имеет русский интерфейс. Причем файлы локализации и стили оформления имеют одинаковый формат. И стили, сделанные для Windows, также будут работать и в Linux.

Кроме бесплатной Lite-версии есть и платная - Rainlendar Pro, в которой добавлена возможность редактировать события в вашем Google Calendar, а также работать с Microsoft Outlook.

Официальный сайт: http://www.rainlendar.net/ | Форум | Changelog | Twitter | Документация

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"Уходя, гаси всех" (с)
"And the Science gets done. And you make a neat gun. For the people who are Still Alive" (с)

Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 15.07.2010 в 21:57. Причина: обновление информации
DSeaman вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
a2z (23.08.2009), Soul of a tiger (01.12.2007)
Старый 22.02.2009, 22:11      #2
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 2.5

Rainlendar 2.4

o Added updaterate to xml skins which allows the skin to define how often the window should be redrawn.
o Added version and duplicate check to the skin addons.
o Calendar control didn't show the selected date. Fixed.
o Window's settings are kept now when they are changed in the advanced skin options.

Rainlendar 2.5

o Changing the events did not update the lists. Fixed.
o The tray icon menu was missing the submenus on Mac. Fixed.
o Added possibility to add separators to the alarm window.
o Updates to the ics file are safer now so it shouldn't get corrupted even if the application crashes in the middle of writing.
o Moved snooze items from the sub menu to the alarm menu.
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.
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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 23.08.2009, 17:32      #3
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 2.6 Build 82 Final + Шапка темы полностью обновлена.

Список изменений
[2.6 Build 82] - 21 Aug 2009 - Version 2.6
o Windows with edit controls moved incorrect place on Linux if copy transparency was used. Fixed.
o The status field didn't work for Outlook tasks. Fixed.
o Some monthly recurring events which spanned across the year end were not shown correctly. Fixed.
o QuickAdd didn't always set the year correctly. Fixed.
o If "Disable keyboard shortcuts" is enabled the menu shortcuts are not shown in the context menu,
o Grouping events in the event list showed items twice if they defined a start time. Fixed.
o Added #DATE# as the substitute for the buttons in the lists. The substituted date is a string in format YYYYMMDD.
o Tooltips were not shown in the correct position for the url icons. Fixed.
o Alarms are removed from the events with RECURRENCE-ID property because they set as read-only.

[2.5 Build 81] - 24 Jul 2009
o Added support for RECURRENCE-ID property. The exceptions are now visible but it's not possible to edit such events.
o When creating a new task by right clicking over the to do list the current header (category, due time, ...) is set automatically for the new task.
o Categories are not translated automatically to English when saved to the calendar (unless you enable the "Store English category names" from the advanced settings).
o Deleting the last item from an online calendar works now but only if it's the only one being deleted. If you want to clear a calendar disable the offline copy first.
o The offline copy didn't work with RTM calendar if the network wasn't available on startup. Fixed.
o Added advanced option to play the alarm sound in loop.
o Added Rainlendar_PlaySound and Rainlendar_StopSound to the Lua API.
o It's now possible to limit the number of days the to do list shows (defined in advanced options).
o The alarm list's menu includes now the status selection for the tasks.

[2.5 Build 80] - 12 Jul 2009
o It's now possible to use math expressions in the xml format skins in attributes which have integers as the type.
o Added possibility to define width for each character in a bitmap font. The bitmap font can be used most places as normal fonts.
o Increased the Rainlendar_ShowMenu() index range to 10000. It can now also contain submenus.
o Added a copygroup item for the xml skins which duplicates the items it contains. The position of the items can change in each copy.
o Added possibility to rotate the bitmap elements as they are loaded.
o New calendar windows for Shadow4: Grid Calendar, Vertical Line Calendar and Horizontal Line Calendar.
o The tooltip shouldn't open anymore over other applications.
o Recurring Outlook appointments with multiple exceptions were not always shown correctly. Fixed.
o The Rainlendar's data stored as a Remember The Milk's notes was sometimes multiplied. Fixed.
o Added showmonth attribute for the time element.

[2.5 Build 79] - 28 Jun 2009
o The ini format skins got broken by the "hide url icons" feature. Fixed.
o Added possibility to set the info text (infotext) and focus (focus) for the edit controls from the lua api.
o All files that end with "addon.xml" are read from the skin archive and added to the skin. This makes creating the addons simpler.
o Added new setting which will draw a rectangles around skin elements: AddSkinRectangles
o Added an alternative format for the grouped multiday event header.
o Added an advanced option to download all network calendars simultaneously.
o Fixed multiple crash bugs in the Mac version.
o Added ignorefirstday and ignorelastday attributes for the weeknums element in the calendar item.
o Visual category is now applied only for events without any category. This can be changed from the advanced options.

[2.5 Build 78] - 06 Jun 2009
o The list wasn't updated when the url was changed. Fixed.
o Added advanced option to hide the url icons from the lists.
o New API function: Rainlendar_QuitApplication()
o Few performance improvements.
o Added more checks to the new calendar wizard so that you don't accidentally leave out the name of the file or the extension.
o Removed unnecessary warning if copy/move was cancelled in the Manager.
o Yearly recurring events which cross the year end were not shown correctly. Fixed.
o Dismissing a Google calendar alarm will remove the reminders from the single events.
o Tasks couldn't be set as completed until the due date had passed. Fixed.
o Weekly recurring tasks which didn't have start time defined were shown incorrectly in the calendar. Fixed.
o Tooltips were not shown correctly on non-Windows platforms when On Desktop settins was used in multi-monitor environment. Fixed.
o The RTM plugin reads just the incomplete tasks from the server.

[2.5 Build 77] - 16 May 2009
o Added icons to the menus.
o RTM priorities were reversed. Fixed.
o Outlook's appointments' private property didn't work. Fixed.
o New calendar wizard now suggest a name for the calendar automatically.
o Added support for an url field for the events and tasks. The link is shown as a clickable icon in the lists.
o The horizontal and vertical calendars support weeknumbers now. The weeknumber is drawn on the first day of the week (use offset to move it).
o Word wrapping works now for lines without spaces.
o If updating an event to Google Calendar causes a conflict the updated event will reloaded from the server.

[2.5 Build 76] - 26 Apr 2009
o Year long events were not shown correctly on the calendar. Fixed.
o Added support for description, location, status and alarm properties for the RTM tasks.
o Fixed a memory leak in the event list.
o Tray icon now shows the status when Rainlendar is synchronizing the network calendars or when it is in offline mode.
o Alarms didn't work for Outlook tasks. Fixed.
o Calendar shows only the future recurring tasks if the "Hide completed tasks" is enabled.
o Setting a repeated task completed marks it so until the current date (instead just to the alarm time like previously).

[2.5 Build 75] - 12 Apr 2009
o Alarm was calculated incorrectly for the weekly recurring all day events. Fixed.
o Alarm for some recurring Outlook events couldn't be dismissed. Fixed.
o "ignoredefault" doesn't ignore the default appearance anymore if it comes from other events.
o The alarm list is sorted by the start/due time.
o Setting remainder to 0 for text element disables the bitmap rotating.
o Priority items for todo lists can contain child items now too.
o Added color categories to the Shadow4 skin.
o Added search field to the advanced options. Both the property names and values are matched.
o The X-properties are removed from the exported ics file to make it more compatible with other calendar applications.
o Added context menus to event/task editors and the manager on Mac.
o Skin details window now displays the installed addons.
o Tasks written to RTM didn't preserve the due date. Fixed.
o Outlook alarms didn't work on some timezones. Fixed.
o Added API functions to edit the events/tasks from lua scripts.
o Clicking the button in front of the tasks toggles the status between completed and needs action.

[2.5 Build 74] - 21 Mar 2009
o Default task template couldn't be set from the advanced options. Fixed.
o Buttons can handle right and middle clicks too. An action can be also executed when the button is held down.
o Added individual dismiss and snooze buttons to the alarm window in Shadow4 skin.
o Snooze menu can be opened in the alarm by holding the snooze button down or from right mouse button.
o Normal tooltips can be now used for items inside a list too.
o Keywords work for tasks too. But only if the task has a due date.
o The button action variables in the list were not updated when the list contents changed. Fixed.
o "Snooze" was shown twice in the menu items with hours and minutes. Fixed.
o The snooze menu can display days now too.
o Outlook items are read now even if they don't contain all the properties.
o Google alarms are not limited to predefined values anymore.
o New plugin: Remember the Milk

[2.5 Build 73] - 08 Mar 2009
o Images with incorrect dimensions just give an error in the log but don't prevent them to be used.
o Added support for color definitions in the xml skin. Colors can be adjusted with hsv, brightness and contrast like bitmaps.
o The # is now automatically removed from the time item's format string on Mac.
o Added possibility to have edit controls in the xml format skins.
o Added new window for Shadow4 skin for quick add events/tasks. In Chromophore the same functionality is embedded to the lists.
o The Rainlendar's context menu has all the items now in Mac too.
o Skins and languages are installed to the config folder instead to the program folder.
o Snoozing alarm hid some of the other alarms from the window too. Fixed.
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 23.08.2009 в 17:34.
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Jon (24.08.2009), Reus (10.05.2010)
Старый 15.07.2010, 21:56      #4
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 2.7 Build 91 Pro Final

Вышла новая версия Rainlendar – бесплатного календаря и органайзера.
Список изменений
[2.7 Build 91] - 07 Jul 2010 - Version 2.7
o The message box after import and export caused a hang on Mac. Fixed.
o The check for update in about dialog worked only if the update check was enabled from the settings. Fixed.
o Added advanced option to show the time for the tasks when the list is sorted by due or start date.
o Dismissing weekly recurring event's alarm could cause a hang. Fixed.
o Added an API function to check if a calendar is enabled or not.
o Dismissing alarm when the task was set completed didn't work. Fixed.
o The included/excluded categories are now shown with localized texts.
o Multiline texts which didn't have enough space to draw the ellipsis were drawn incorrectly.
o The schedule scroll position is now remembered also if the calendar is refreshed.
o Removed warning from the log when xml comments were used in the file.
o Backups were written to the incorrect folder if the location of the config file was defined in the command line. Fixed.
o Aero peek doesn't hide the edit controls anymore.
o Calculating the last alarm for Outlook events could cause an infinite loop. Fixed.
o Changes in the RTM tasks are now handled better when polling the server.

[2.7 Build 90] - 30 May 2010
o Fixed drag'n'drop in todo list which had gotten broken at some point.
o Fixed scroll bar positioning in the schedule items.
o Removed topmost flag from the options dialog on Mac because it broke down the file dialog in the new calendar wizard.
o New implementation for the "On Desktop" feature which should work also on Windows Vista and 7.
o Added day, week and month views for the Chromophore skin.

[2.7 Build 89] - 25 Apr 2010
o The previous build broke the vertical and horizontal line calendars. Fixed.
o Schedule options overwrote the event list's options. Fixed.
o Daylight saving time adjustment could prevent Outlook alarms from being dismissed. Fixed.
o Added global event for online calendar status (ok/sync/offline).
o The schedule view now remembers its position when autoscroll is disabled.
o The event list showed one too many future days. Fixed.

[2.7 Build 88] - 10 Apr 2010
o Added location, categories, priority and url support for the quick add.
o Dismissing Google calendar's event from Rainlendar didn't work. Fixed.
o RTM authentication got broken in the previous build. It should work now again.
o Links and keywords didn't work in the schedule. Fixed.
o Added possibility to define the width and height of the week days rows & week nums columns in the calendar.
o Added possibility to show the event text inside the calendar too. The month view in Shadow4 skin shows this.
o The schedule items can now show the start/end time, location and calendar.
o The skins can be deleted from the context menu in the advanced skin options.
o QuickAdd could create tasks to a calendar which didn't support them. Fixed.
o Made autoscroll optional in the schedule views.
o Right mouse button actions didn't work for the list item buttons (e.g. in alarm). Fixed.
o Duplicating a calendar didn't save its settings. Fixed.
o If "Support Mozilla alarms" is enabled Rainlendar now also updates the X-MOZ-LASTACK property when the alarm is dismissed.

[2.7 Build 87] - 13 Mar 2010
o The calendar's password couldn't be changed from the options. Fixed.
o Yearly recurring events with alarm caused problems in the Google calendar. Fixed.
o Fixed issue with Outlook recurring events which caused corrupted events in Rainlendar.
o Remember The Milk authentication token is now cleared only if the server returns proper error.
o The events from Google calendar were not read properly after resuming from suspend mode. Fixed.
o Fixed a crash bug with the start another instance dialog.
o Google missed the last day of the recurring events which defined the "until" as the end. Fixed.
o Outlook alarms were set too far in the past. Fixed.
o The event list can now show items from the past too (Options->Advanced->"Number of past days the list shows").
o The pastitem and pastheader can be used to customize the past events in the list.
o The past events can be hidden from the event list with Options->Advanced->"Hide past events".
o The event and task list track now the state of the past/overdue items and update the list when necessary.

[2.7 Build 86] - 24 Jan 2010
o Switched back to wxWidgets 2.8.
o Setting a task completed will change the status correctly on Outlook too.
o The url field for events and tasks can now use wiki style link formatting.
o The todo list settings (e.g. the sorting orders) can be changed now from the options too.
o Added support for "exevents" for the xml format skins.
o Added a special "<Hidden>" category which hides the event/task from other windows except the alarm.
o Fixed a crash bug when the calendar is reloaded at the same time the user chose an event from the menu.
o The year, month and day in the keywords can be replaced with YYYY, MM and DD to represent the next date from today. E.g. "[days=YYYY0101]".
o Added possibility to define the height and width for the Shadow4's calendar window from the settings.

[2.7 Build 85] - 27 Dec 2009
o Changing to simple skin options didn't remove the active window list. Fixed.
o Double clicking a skin or addon showed a DDE error. Fixed.
o Script timers got broken in the previous build. They should work now again.
o Fixed log for the Linux and Mac builds.
o Message box with no parent window remembers its position.
o The alarm window should stay now better on top of other windows.
o The lock file is now stored to /tmp on Linux and Mac.
o The task priority wasn't set correctly to Outlook. Fixed.
o Outlook showed empty and non-existing categories as separate. To fix this Rainlendar doesn't create empty category properties anymore.
o The exception date increases by the current recurrence when the "Add" button is clicked.
o The task list header format for start and due date is now customizable from advanced options.
o Added import limit setting for the Outlook calendar.
o It's now possible to transfer tasks between Remember the Milk lists.
o When editing RTM tasks now only the changed fields are send to the server which should improve the performance.

[2.7 Build 84] - 29 Nov 2009
o Fixed text wrapping when the area gets really small.
o Column order in the manager can be changed by dragging (only supported on Windows though).
o It's now possible to define any file for the alarm. All non-audio files are executed instead of played back.
o Changed the way Google alarms are defined. You now have option to always use alert, the Google's methods or the default Google notifications.
o Added advanced setting to delay the network access on startup.
o Category filters didn't work for translated category names. Fixed.
o Retry if proxy fails setting didn't work with RTM. Fixed.
o Added grid calendar for the Chromophore skin.
o Added navigation arrows to the day and week views in the Shadow4 skin.
o The first uncompleted task is now shown from RTM (previously it was the last one).
o Changes to the window positioning on Mac. The dialogs stay now always on top since previously they could open behind other windows.

[2.7 Build 83] - 11 Oct 2009
o The windows stay visible with Aero peek.
o Some of the colors in the old ini format skins were messed up. Fixed.
o Playback of the alarm file was synchronous on other platforms than in Windows. Fixed.
o Recurring Outlook events which were originally created as all day events but which had time defined did not have time in Rainlendar. Fixed.
o The windows were not redrawn properly if the same event or task was read from multiple calendars. Fixed.
o Mouse wheel didn't work with the grid calendar. Fixed.
o Added week and day views to the Shadow4 skin.
o The event descriptions in the schedule view can be shown/hidden from the advanced settings.
o Setting task completed will now dismiss its alarm also.
o Changed the way "On Desktop" works in Snow Leopard. The windows are not put to desktop anymore but stay in place when ExposГ©d.
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