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Старый 23.03.2008, 11:40    ▼       #1
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition)
официальная русская версия

Год выпуска: 2007

Жанр: Авиасимулятор

Разработчик: Microsoft Games

Издательство: Microsoft game studio

Платформа: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista

Системные требования:
Процессор: 1.0 Ghz;
RAM: Windows XP SP2 - 256MB, Windows Vista - 512MB:
Жесткий диск: 14GB;
Видеоплата: 32MB DirectX 9 совместимая;
Другое: совместимость аппаратного обеспечения с DX9, наличие звуковой платы, динамиков\наушников;
Для сетевой игры: скорость подключения 56.6кБ\с или выше.

Тип издания: лицензия

Язык интерфейса: только русский

Таблэтка: есть

Описание: Официальная версия Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition).
Безграничные просторы реального мира. Погрузитесь в этот живой и динамичный мир приключений. К вашим услугам более 50 лётных заданий во всех уголках света. Новички, делающие первые шаги по лётному полю, и ветераны, налетавшие сотни часов, найдут себе занятие по вкусу.
Проверьте свои навыки пилотирования или просто полюбуйтесь пейзажем. Простые лётные задания позволят освоиться в воздухе, а сложные - заработать призы. Понаблюдайте с воздуха за жизнью городов-мегаполисов и за движением на оживленных водных трассах.
Выберете себе "стальную птицу": от сверхлегкого моноплана до мощного реактивного лайнера. Гонки и высший пилотаж, спасательные операции в горах и коммерческие рейсы - полёты любой сложности, в любой местности, в любых условиях

ВИДЕО: Что такое MSFX ? История MSFX

Дополнительные возможности версии Deluxe:
*ещё больше детализированных городов и аэропортов в самых живописных уголках мира;
*составные лётные задания - серьёзная проверка мастерства.

Дополнительные возможности сетевой игры:
*совместный доступ к самолёту;
*возможность играть за авиадиспетчера.

Доп. информация: Переговоры с диспетчером не переведены, поэтому включена русификация ATC

Предупреждение: в реалии игра с дополнениями может занимать место до 150 Гб !!!
Не пытайтесь сразу установить все дополнения !!! Устанавливайте только то, что Вам понадобиться для полетов !!!

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Последний раз редактировалось Andrei589; 14.10.2008 в 16:52.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 14
Al 777 (23.03.2008), Artur (23.03.2008), bart1k (23.03.2008), bobor_47 (26.03.2008), DeaD (14.08.2008), demon@ (04.05.2008), Leon (09.04.2008), motio (28.02.2010), Саламандра (29.11.2010), SlavON (01.07.2010), slobodian (13.12.2009), Trane_777 (06.06.2008), ultim (24.03.2008), Vlad_ (11.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 02:59    ▲       #181
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

Airbus Series v.1 Deluxe Edition

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: Genuine piloting of an Airbus 318, A319, A320 or A321 is from now on possible to everyone, thanks to Airbus Series Vol.1.

The exceptional realism of this simulation has been achieved by thorough professionals who recreated -in every details- nearly all of the onboard systems, interiors, sound environments and flight models... Their fine work being then validated by over qualified Airbus Captains and Instructors.

With the ease of its three usage levels, Airbus Series Vol.1 is made for beginners as well as experts and pilots.

From Paris to New-York, make this Airbus technology yours, and thanks to Airbus Series Vol.1 pilot free as a bird!

Whichever your level is, this Airbus Series is definitely for you!

* Wide Airbus aircraft series.
* Adjustable difficulty levels, from Beginner to Advanced level.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering, and a luxury interior for the Corporate Jetliner (ACJ).
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery

* Simulation tested and validated by active Airbus Captain and instructor.
* Ultra realistic simulation : FMGC, MCDU, IRS, Fadec, ...
* Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* EFIS screens available with the system pages simulated.
* High development quality ensured by feelThere.com team and Rob Young (flight dynamics).

Deluxe Edition Bonus:
* Airbus A319
* Airbus Corporate Jetliner
* 60 minutes of Just Planes videos featuring Airbus breathtaking take-offs & landings

Airbus Series v.1 Deluxe Edition Aircrafts

Aircraft Features
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations.
* NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS "shortcuts", while expert users will have to follow actual procedures.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters.
* GMax exterior/interior models with High resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,...
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering, and a luxury interior for the Corporate Jetliner (ACJ).
* Complete and ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* A319/A320/A321 are delivered with CFM and IAE engines, with their specific sounds, displays and flight dynamics
* Flight dynamics by Rob Young created and tested by active Airbus pilots and instructors.
* Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing.
* Truly immersive sound experience - Exactly as the real aircraft : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,...
* Detailed passenger's view.
* Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches, ...
* Load Manager and Fuel Planner.
* Frame-rate friendly.
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by FeelThere.com.
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required).

Panel Features
* Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification.
* Photo-realistic 2D panel with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft !
* Day and night lighting.
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
* Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels.
* Screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 (!) for perfect instrument readability .
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use.
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics.
* Barometer and additional chronometer in the Virtual Cockpit.

EFIS Features
* All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
* All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the EFIS screens use GDI+ technology for optimal rendering (anti-aliasing)
* PFD provides all the Airbus specific flight information: Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA), reference speeds, altitudes, heading and ILS information.
* ND provides all the navigation information:
--- o All modes available: Rose, Arc, Plan, Nav, ILS
--- o Range from 10 to 320 NM
--- o Airport, Navaid, VOR, NDB and Waypoint around the aircraft
--- o FMS route display
--- o TCAS display
* E/WD provides essential engine information, alert and status messages, and landing and take off check-lists.
* SD provides many pages for monitoring the aircraft systems: Engine (ENG), Bleed, Pressure (PRESS), AC Electric (EL/AC), DC Electric (EL/DC), Hydraulics (HYD), Fuel, APU, Air Conditioning (COND), Door, Wheel, Flight Controls (F/CTL)

Advanced Configuration Module Features
* User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems
* Weight systems: European virtual pilots can use the metric system (KG) and US/English pilots can use the imperial system (pounds).
* Sound volume setting for all the sounds played by the panel
* Keyboard setup for the use of the keys on the MCDU
* Cold & Dark startup

Systems Features
* Inertial Reference System (IRS) - Fully working Navigational System
* Fully featured Fly-by-Wire system:
- Bank angle management
- Auto-trim for the pitch control
- Flight envelope protection
- Bank angle management :
a) Pitch and bank angle limitations
b) Alpha-prot system against stall
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific joystick configuration

* Fully featured autopilot system, with ALL the Airbus specific modes:
- SRS mode for initial climb
- Open Climb (OP CLB) and Open Descent (OP DES) modes
- Selected and Managed modes (for speed and heading)
- Link with the FADEC for fixed and variables thrust modes
- Airbus specific flight director
- Accurate autoland system with flare and roll out modes
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : the standard AP keys are still usable.

* Fully featured FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) system:
- Completely re-written autothrust system to handle the complex engine management, with a better accuracy than the standard FS autothrust.
- All the fixed modes available: managed climb and descent modes
- All the variable modes available: speed and Mach modes
- Speed protection system
- Airbus specific flight director
- Alpha-lock specific mode (linked to the Alpha-protection implemented in the fly-by-wire system)
- Advanced modes: autothrust limitation and thrust locking
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific throttle device configuration, and validated with multiple throttle devices

* Alert system:
- Alert management with aural warnings
- Check-list management

* Complete and ultra-realistic FMGS, including regularly updated SIDs & STARs
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption.
* IRS display
* Overhead electricity management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead hydraulics management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead fuel management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead air management (linked to the corresponding SD page)

FMS Features (Flight Management System)
# The flight management system is composed of :

- The Multi-Control Display Unit (MCDU): interface between the pilot and the system
- The Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMGC): the heart of the flight management system that calculates the route, the appropriate speeds, …
- Auto-trim for the pitch control

# Basic features :

- Flight plan entering
- Flight plan following
- Decision Height/Minimum Descent Altitude management
- Optimal engine management

# Advanced features :

- Calculation of the managed speeds
- Holding pattern
- SID/STAR management
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 4
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), oleg51374 (28.12.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008), Wlad90 (14.04.2009)
Старый 23.08.2008, 03:01      #182
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

Airbus Series v.1 Deluxe Edition

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 23.08.2008 в 12:36.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), oleg51374 (27.12.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 12:34      #183
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

Airbus Series v.2

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: After the Award-winning Airbus Series Vol.1, 737 Pilot in Command,... Wilco Publishing and feelThere.com now bring fresh air in the Airbus aircraft simulation field.

Whichever your level is, this Airbus Series is definitely for you!

* Wide Airbus aircraft series.
* Adjustable difficulty levels, from Beginner to Advanced level.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering, ...
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery

* Simulation tested and validated by active Airbus Captain and instructor.
* Ultra realistic FMGS
* Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* EFIS screens available with the system pages simulated.
* High development quality ensured by feelThere.com team and Rob Young (flight dynamics)

Airbus Series v.2 Aircrafts


Aircraft Features
* NEW: Crew and ground dialogs.
* NEW: Flexible wings.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations.
* NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS "shortcuts", while expert users will have to follow actual procedures.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters.
* GMax exterior/interior models with High resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,...
* Numerous international liveries and Airbus’ house livery available.
* Detailed interiors (economy/business class) with superb details, including seats, screens, catering,...
* Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
* Flight dynamics by Rob Young created and tested by active Airbus pilots and instructors.
* Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing.
* Truly immersive sound experience - Exactly as the real aircraft : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,...
* Detailed passenger's view.
* Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches, ...
* Load Manager and Fuel Planner.
* Frame-rate friendly.
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by FeelThere.com.
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required).

Panel Features
* Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification.
* Photo-realistic 2D panel with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft !
* Day and night lighting.
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
* Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels.
* Screen resolutions from 1024x768 to 1600x1200 (!) for perfect instrument readability .
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use.
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics.

EFIS Features
# All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
# All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
* All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the EFIS screens use GDI+ technology for optimal rendering (anti-aliasing)
* PFD provides all the Airbus specific flight information: Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA), reference speeds, altitudes, heading and ILS information.
* ND provides all the navigation information:
--- o All modes available: Rose, Arc, Plan, Nav, ILS
--- o Range from 10 to 320 NM
--- o Airport, Navaid, VOR, NDB and Waypoint around the aircraft
--- o FMS route display
--- o TCAS display
* E/WD provides essential engine information, alert and status messages, and landing and take off check-lists.
* SD provides many pages for monitoring the aircraft systems: Engine (ENG), Bleed, Pressure (PRESS), AC Electric (EL/AC), DC Electric (EL/DC), Hydraulics (HYD), Fuel, APU, Air Conditioning (COND), Door, Wheel, Flight Controls (F/CTL)

Advanced Configuration Module
* User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems
* Weight systems: European virtual pilots can use the metric system (KG) and US/English pilots can use the imperial system (pounds).
* Sound volume setting for all the sounds played by the panel
* Keyboard setup for the use of the keys on the MCDU
* Cold & Dark startup

Systems Features
* Inertial Reference System (IRS) - Fully working Navigational System
* Fully featured Fly-by-Wire system:
- Bank angle management
- Auto-trim for the pitch control
- Flight envelope protection
- Bank angle management :
a) Pitch and bank angle limitations
b) Alpha-prot system against stall
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific joystick configuration

* Fully featured autopilot system, with ALL the Airbus specific modes:
- SRS mode for initial climb
- Open Climb (OP CLB) and Open Descent (OP DES) modes
- Selected and Managed modes (for speed and heading)
- Link with the FADEC for fixed and variables thrust modes
- Airbus specific flight director
- Accurate autoland system with flare and roll out modes
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : the standard AP keys are still usable.

* Fully featured FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) system:
- Completely re-written autothrust system to handle the complex engine management, with a better accuracy than the standard FS autothrust.
- All the fixed modes available: managed climb and descent modes
- All the variable modes available: speed and Mach modes
- Speed protection system
- Airbus specific flight director
- Alpha-lock specific mode (linked to the Alpha-protection implemented in the fly-by-wire system)
- Advanced modes: autothrust limitation and thrust locking
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific throttle device configuration, and validated with multiple throttle devices

* Alert system:
- Alert management with aural warnings
- Check-list management

* Complete and ultra-realistic FMGS, including regularly updated SIDs & STARs
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption.
* IRS display
* Overhead electricity management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead hydraulics management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead fuel management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead air management (linked to the corresponding SD page)

FMS Features (Flight Management System)
# The flight management system is composed of :

- The Multi-Control Display Unit (MCDU): interface between the pilot and the system
- The Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMGC): the heart of the flight management system that calculates the route, the appropriate speeds, …
- Auto-trim for the pitch control

# Basic features :

- Flight plan entering
- Flight plan following
- Decision Height/Minimum Descent Altitude management
- Optimal engine management

# Advanced features :

- Calculation of the managed speeds
- Holding pattern
- SID/STAR management
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), oleg51374 (27.12.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 12:36      #184
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

Airbus Series v.2

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), oleg51374 (28.12.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 12:43      #185
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

737 Pilot in Command Full Pack - 300/400/500

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский

Описание: 737 Pilot in Command offers all the features of other highly acclaimed Pilot in Command products, with new exciting and exclusive features that raise the realism altimeter to new heights !
Tested by active Boeing pilots, 737 Pilot in Command gives simmers the meticulously detailed panels, the true-to-life Flight Management Computer (FMC) and realistic simulation systems.

So real, it can be used by airline pilots!
* Highly detailed Boeing 737-300/400/500
* GMax exterior/interior models
* Simulated systems : IRS, Flight Controls, Fuel Systems, electrical (battery, APU,...), anti-ice, hydraulics, pressurization, pneumatics, air conditioning, lights, etc.
* Photorealistic 2D panels, including multiple views : overhead, pedestal,…
* Interactive Virtual cockpit – Exactly as the real aircraft
* Detailed passenger’s view and cabin
* Numerous international liveries and Boeing’s house livery
* Frame-rate friendly
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT to create your own airline
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by FeelThere.com

* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : Jetways and luggage trucks connection animations.
* Realistic flight dynamics engineered by a FS flight dynamics expert and tested by active 737 pilots
* Digitized sounds set recorded from the real plane : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,... A very realistic audio experience!
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers and cargo doors,...
* High-resolution textures (32 bits)

* NEW: Fully functional Weather Radar , showing clouds density, rains, storms,...
You can now safely fly around dangerous weather conditions. (See picture !)
* NEW: Inertial Reference System (IRS) – Fully working Navigational System
* NEW: Complete Traffic & Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS) simulation with audio-visual Traffic Advisory and Resolution Advisory system
* NEW: Fully simulated autoland system
* NEW: Hotspots on the panel to access multiple 2D panels
* NEW: Graphic panel resolution up to 1600 x 1200 pixels !
* Overhead : major systems simulated
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics
* Very accurate AutoPilot control panel simulating ALL the 737 features
* Realistic FMS : main features including SIDs & STARs and all the ‘bells and whistles’ you would expect from a Pilot in Command product
* FMC Database : standard feelThere database, updated regularly
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* Pop up instrument (PFD, ED,...) screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated, for a complete cold & dark cockpit
* Fully working and complete thrust management simulation
* HARDWARE Compatibility : Go Flight modules & Track IR Deluxe Pack

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 23.08.2008 в 12:44.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 12:51      #186
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts


Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский

Описание: The Boeing 777 is the first Boeing jetliner to be 100% digitally designed using three-dimensional computer graphics. Throughout the design process, the airplane was "pre-assembled" on the computer, eliminating the need for a costly, full-scale mock-up. The airplane is larger than all other twinjet or trijet airplanes and smaller than the 747. Boeing launched 777 program in October 1990.
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Camera Gear, Wing,...
* Highly detailed Boeing 777-200 ER (GE90 engines)
* GMax models
* Simulated systems : fuel, APU, engine startup, air conditioning, electronic checklist,...
* Photorealistic 2D panel including multiple views : overhead, pedestal,…
* Interactive Virtual cockpit
* Numerous international liveries
--- o Aeroflot
--- o Air France
--- o Air New Zealand
--- o Austrian Airlines
--- o British Airways
--- o Boeing House Color (Default download livery)
--- o Cathay Pacific Airways
--- o China Southern Airlines
--- o Continental Airlines
--- o Delta Airlines (New Color)
--- o Delta Airlines (Old Color)
--- o Emirates Airlines
--- o Japan Airlines - JAL (ver.1)
--- o KLM - Royal Dutch Airline
--- o Malaysia Airlines
--- o Pakistan International Airlines
* Frame-rate friendly
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by the development team, FeelThere.com

* NEW: Fuel Planner & Load Editor included (See picture!)
* Realistic flight dynamics engineered by Rob Young (the FS flight dynamics expert!) and tested by active pilots
* Customized digital sound set (powered by SkySong)
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers and cargo doors,...
* Detailed gear sequence
* High-resolution textures (32 bits)
* NEW: Flexible wings [FS 2004 only] moving according to real aeronautics variables. It's not looking for speed like other add-ons but looking for lift. In case of turbulences, the wing will bounce up and down!

* NEW: Fully functional Weather Radar, showing clouds density, rains, storms,...
You can now safely fly around dangerous weather conditions.
* NEW: For the very first time, for long range planning and navigation, feelThere is implementing the airways input for the 777's FMS !
* NEW: Traffic & Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
* NEW: Hotspots on the panel to access multiple 2D panels
* NEW: Automatic engines startup - This unique 777 feature allows the pilot to switch ON the engines by turning both engine starters and push autostart buttons.
* NEW: Electronic checklist - automatically updated according to the flight phases (no more paper checklists).
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Multi Function Display
* Accurate AutoPilot control panel
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated for a complete cold & dark cockpit (battery and generators switches fully operative)
* FMC Database : standard feelThere database, updated regularly
* HARDWARE Compatibility : Go Flight modules [FS2004 version] (not compatible with GF MCP-Pro) & Track IR Deluxe Pack

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), oleg51374 (08.02.2009), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 12:58      #187
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

A380 v2

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: TOULOUSE - April 27, 2005.

The newly constructed A380 is rolled out of its hangar for its maiden test flight.
Airport and Airbus staff have joined government officials and members of the public to see the flight off.

As Official Test Pilot, you will embark your A380 for a 60 minutes Maiden Flight.
After a (hopefully) successful take-off from Toulouse Blagnac, you will be asked to execute a smooth touch-and-go in Spain, over majestic Pyrenees mountains and 'hollywood-type' cinematics sequences. During the flight, ground engineers will ask you to perform in-flight tests over beautiful landscapes and the Atlantic ocean. Then, you will be directed to the factory home base so that the test sensor data can be offloaded.

This Flight Simulator X mission, supplied in different complexity levels, allow beginner and expert pilots alike to train through a step-by-step tutorial, from cold and dark cockpit to full kiss landing. The missions feature English voices and subtitles displayed in English, German or French.
Aircraft Features (for FSX)
# Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A380
# Flight Simulator X only : Jetways connection animations.
# NEW: Three realism levels available: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner users won't have to read tons of documentation to fly, intermediate users will have more realism while enjoying some FS "shortcuts", while expert users will have to follow actual procedures.
# Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Belly, Cabin, ...
# 3DSMax exterior/interior models with high resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,...
# Numerous international liveries : Airbus livery - Air France - British Airways - China Southern Airlines - Emirates - Etihad Airways - Korean Air Lines - Lufthansa - Qantas Airways - Singapore Airlines - Virgin Atlantic Airways.
# Outstanding 3D Cabin : luxury First Class, economy class, sleeper cabins,...
# Ultra realistic digital 'FLY-BY-WIRE' technology.
# Real simulation from complete Cold & Dark cockpit to full auto landing.
# Real cabin crew announcements !
# Numerous sound effects
# Flexible wings
# Numerous animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, passengers door, cargo hatches, ...
# Frame-rate friendly
# Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own airline and share them on the net (Photoshop required).

Panel Features (for FSX)
* Glass cockpit with advanced digital avionics, CAT II and III landing certification.
* 2D panel with multiple subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual Cockpit - Exactly as the real aircraft !
* Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
* Ability to save your flights including ALL FMC programmed parameters.
* Day and night lighting.
* Aircraft flyable from the Captain or First Officer's seat from the Virtual Cockpit.
* Hotspots on the panel to ease access to 2D panels.
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use.
* Vector graphics displays (GDI+ technology) for nicer and smoother graphics.

EFIS Features (for FSX)
* All the Airbus EFIS are available: Primary Flight Display (PFD), Navigation Display (ND), Engine/Warning Display (E/WD), System Display (SD), with all the system pages available
* All the EFIS screens are developed with vector graphics technology that makes them detachable and resizable without any quality loss, and their brightness is adjustable.
* All the EFIS screens use GDI+ technology for optimal rendering (anti-aliasing)
* PFD provides all the Airbus specific flight information: Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA), reference speeds, altitudes, heading and ILS information.
* ND provides all the navigation information:
--- o All modes available: Rose, Arc, Plan, Nav, ILS
--- o Range from 10 to 320 NM
--- o Airport, Navaid, VOR, NDB and Waypoint around the aircraft
--- o FMS route display
--- o TCAS display
* E/WD provides essential engine information, alert and status messages, and landing and take off check-lists.
* SD provides many pages for monitoring the aircraft systems: Engine (ENG), Bleed, Pressure (PRESS), AC Electric (EL/AC), DC Electric (EL/DC), Hydraulics (HYD), Fuel, APU, Air Conditioning (COND), Door, Wheel, Flight Controls (F/CTL)

Advanced Configuration Module (for FSX)
* User Experience: allows the user to select the realism level of the systems
* Weight systems: European virtual pilots can use the metric system (KG) and US/English pilots can use the imperial system (pounds).
* Sound volume setting for all the sounds played by the panel
* Keyboard setup for the use of the keys on the MCDU
* Cold & Dark startup

Systems Features (for FSX)
* Inertial Reference System (IRS) - Fully working Navigational System
* Fully featured Fly-by-Wire system:
- Bank angle management
- Auto-trim for the pitch control
- Flight envelope protection
- Bank angle management :
a) Pitch and bank angle limitations
b) Alpha-prot system against stall
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific joystick configuration

* Fully featured autopilot system, with ALL the Airbus specific modes:
- SRS mode for initial climb
- Open Climb (OP CLB) and Open Descent (OP DES) modes
- Selected and Managed modes (for speed and heading)
- Link with the FADEC for fixed and variables thrust modes
- Airbus specific flight director
- Accurate autoland system with flare and roll out modes
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : the standard AP keys are still usable.

* Fully featured FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) system:
- Completely re-written autothrust system to handle the complex engine management, with a better accuracy than the standard FS autothrust.
- All the fixed modes available: managed climb and descent modes
- All the variable modes available: speed and Mach modes
- Speed protection system
- Airbus specific flight director
- Alpha-lock specific mode (linked to the Alpha-protection implemented in the fly-by-wire system)
- Advanced modes: autothrust limitation and thrust locking
- Integrated in Flight Simulator : no need for a specific throttle device configuration, and validated with multiple throttle devices

* Alert system:
- Alert management with aural warnings
- Check-list management

* Complete and ultra-realistic FMGS, including regularly updated SIDs & STARs
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated and linked to fuel consumption.
* IRS display
* Overhead electricity management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead hydraulics management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead fuel management (linked to the corresponding SD page)
* Overhead air management (linked to the corresponding SD page)

FMS Features (for FSX)
# The flight management system is composed of :

- The Multi-Control Display Unit (MCDU): interface between the pilot and the system
- The Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMGC): the heart of the flight management system that calculates the route, the appropriate speeds, …
- Auto-trim for the pitch control

# Basic features :

- Flight plan entering
- Flight plan following
- Decision Height/Minimum Descent Altitude management
- Optimal engine management

# Advanced features :

- Calculation of the managed speeds
- Holding pattern
- SID/STAR management

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 13:02      #188
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

ERJ 145 Pilot in Command

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Издательство:WILCO Publishing
Системные требования:FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский

Описание: Operating an Embraer 135 and 145 fleet, Belgian's Defense 15th Wing Air Transport now uses feelThere/Wilco ERJ 145 Pilot in Command for flight deck procedures teaching to pilots.

A pressurized jet for regional transport, the ERJ 145 is characterized by its high performance and low operating costs with 50 seats and a range of about 2500 km. Since first delivery in December 1996, more than 700 of this successful Embraer jet aircraft have been delivered to airlines around the world.
The ERJ 145 is also known as the 'Jungle Jet'!

One of the most detailed airplane ever made for Flight Simulator!
* Highly detailed Embraer ERJ 145
* GMax exterior/interior models
* Simulated systems : electrical, hydraulics, pneumatics, Fadec, bleed air, air conditioning,etc.
* Photorealistic 2D panel with 5 multiple photorealistic subpanels : overhead, pedestal,...
* Interactive 3D Virtual cockpit with rain effect
* Detailed passengers cabin
* Wingview
* Numerous exclusive international liveries
* Frame-rate friendly, 4 aircraft variants : 2D panel only, 2D panel + wingview, 2D+VC and 2D+VC+virtual cabin
* Setup screen to optimize performances
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT

* Realistic flight dynamics created and tested by an active ERJ pilot and based on manufacturer specifications. The plane operates extremely close to the real plane's specifications.
* Dynamic virtual cockpit with rain effect and virtual cabin : Framerate friendly VC and virtual cabin. Almost every switch and knobs (including some custom ones) can be operated from the VC. The PFD, ND and the RMU created for both pilots so the captain can set his instruments differently from the first officer and vice versa
* Digitized sounds set recorded from the real plane : engine, APU, batteries, air conditioning, passenger signs, clicks,... A very realistic audio experience !
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, passengers door, cargo hatches, stairs,...
* Detailed gear sequence
* Reflective textures, dynamic shine, night lighting,...

* System simulation : Electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, pressurization system, APU that first time ever uses fuel from the fuel tank, 2 generators/engines, FADEC with ATTCS function, GPWS, overspeed and stall protection with stick pusher. Icing detection is fully simulated
* FMS (Flight Management System) : One of the most realistic ever made. 5 different patterns simulated including HOLD, PROCEDURE TURN, etc SID/STAR with DME arc. Learn function : as you fly the FMS learns your flying habits and the prediction will be more accurate over time. DIRECT mode and editable RTE page with waypoint input and custom waypoint support. Advisory VNAV and more...
* Display : Antialiased GDI+ graphics with special technique that makes the instruments movement smoother and more realistic. For users with lower end machines there is a setup option to finetune the ballance between quality and perfomance
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* TCAS 2 : Traffic avoidance with an audio-visual Traffic Advisory and Resolution Advisory system
* Setup utility : You can customize your ERJ by selecting regional settings, joystick setup and more. Flight director with 2 kind of bars, pressure setting in In or HPa, weight in pound or kilogram, Graphics settings, Startup modes; Dark and cold, Ready to engine start, Engines are on, Volume, and joystick button assigments for the special function
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Very accurate AutoPilot control panel : overspeed and stall recovery functions act just like the real thing
* Fully simulated APU sequences with link to fuel consumption : you will have to follow the correct procedures to avoid dry fuel tanks during flight!

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), dimi63 (23.07.2009), Vlad_ (30.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 13:06      #189
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts

Regional Jet Vol.1 - CRJ

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: английский, французский, испанский, немецкий

Описание: The CRJ is the most successful regional aircraft program in history. Only larger jet transports such as the Boeing jet family and the Airbus A320 family have been delivered in such numbers.
* Three highly detailed Bombardier CRJ : CRJ-200/700/900
* GMax exterior/interior models
* Simulated systems : electrical, hydraulics, pneumatics, automatic bleed air, air conditioning,etc.
* Photorealistic 2D panels, including multiple views : overhead, pedestal,…
* 3D clickable Virtual cockpit and cabin
* Wingview
* Numerous international liveries
* Frame-rate friendly, different aircraft variants included (2D without interior, with virtual cabin only and virtual cockpit and cabin)
* Easy-to-use PAINT KIT
* Technical support provided by Wilco Publishing and by the development team, www.FeelThere.com

* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cabin, ...
* NEW: Flight Simulator X only : luggage trucks animations.
* Realistic flight dynamics tested by active CRJ pilots and based on manufacturer specifications
* Real outstanding sound effects
* Realistic animations : hydraulic suspension, flaps, slats, spoilerons, speed brakes, thrust reversers, landing gear, landing lights, passengers door, Cargo hatches, stairs, front cargo door(s), …
* Detailed gear sequence
* Reflective textures, dynamic shine, night lighting,…

* Vector graphics displays
* Realistic FMS : MSG button, POS init, FPLN mode, DEP/ARR pages including SID and STAR, Index, Legs page including direct function and altitude restriction imput, VNAV, Radio page, Perf page includes all modes, MFD menu including all available diplays, MFD VNAV mode display,...
* New flight director logic for takeoff
* Digital standby indicator
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multipe callouts
* Pop up instrument EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays
* Numerous warnings and caution messages
* Multi Function Display including NAV, Plan, Rose, Radio modes,…
* Very accurate AutoPilot control panel simulating almost all the features
* Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
* New engine start logic
* APU startup/shutdown sequences fully simulated, with all the corresponding EICAS messages
* Firex Monitor brand new system with one button operation
* Hydraulics new logic
* Anti-icing system
* Fully working FADEC for engine management
* NAVDATA database compatible. Enjoy the very high quality AIRAC cycles from navdata.at.

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 23.08.2008, 13:37      #190
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL WILCO Aircrafts


Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: FeelThere
Издательство: WILCO Publishing
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Тип издания: лицензия
Язык интерфейса: только английский

Описание: The A400M was designed according to the joint prerequisites from the seven countries participating in the project (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and Turkey). The aircraft covers different tactical transport, logistical, humanitarian and peace-keeping needs.

A400M offers to the air transport world a modern, multi-role airlifter which will replace the ageing fleets of C-130 Hercules and C-160 Transall in service with the air forces around the world.

This new aircraft guarantees far superior performance and characteristics as compared to competitors : double load capacity, greater cruising speed and range, optimum capabilities for low-altitude flights.

The A400M provides excellent soft field capabilities and requires short runway length, both for take-off and landing.

So far, more than 180 A400M have already been ordered.
* Highly detailed replica of the Airbus A400M
* GMax exterior/interior models
* NEW: Flight Simulator X Viewpoints : Gear, Wing, Cargo,...
* Complete and detailed 2D cockpit
* 3D Interactive Virtual Cockpit
* Fully textured 3D Cargo Bay with detailed interior
* Numerous liveries: German Air Force, French Air Force, Camouflage, Spanish Air Force, Royal Air Force (green), Red Cross, Royal Air Force (grey), Belgian Air Force, French Air Force (dark), Turkish Air Force, Unicef, U.S.COAST GUARD
* Frame-rate friendly
* Easy-to-use Paint Kit to create your own liveries (Photoshop required)

* Unique flight characteristics
* Sound effects
* Numerous animations : Animated 3D pilots, reverses, hydraulic suspension, flaps, landing gear, cargo and pilots doors,...
* Fly-By-Wire Flight Control System : bank angle limiter and automatic stall recovery system
* NEW: Load manager for cargo and vehicles
* NEW: 8-bladed propellers with de-icing and reversing features
* High resolution reflectives textures, dynamic shine, realistic night lighting,…

* NEW: Hotspots on the panel to access multiple 2D panels
* Vector gauges for the Primary Flight Display, ND, Engine/Warning Display and System Display
* NEW: Head Up Display (HUD) with basic navigation instruments
* NEW: Realistic FMGC: new Airbus generation with large digital clickable screen
* SIDs and STARs included in the FMS database
* ND with arc, rose, nav and plan mode
* Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with multiple callouts
* Pop up EFIS screens for multi-monitor displays, resizable and detachable for any additional monitor use
* Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
* Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC)
* Warnings and caution messages
* Multi Function Display including NAV, Plan, Rose, Radio modes,…
* Accurate AutoPilot control panel simulating almost all the features : Speed, Heading, Altitude mode, ILS approach mode, Autoland, Flight Path Angle, Speed mode.
* Battery and generators switches fully operative with corresponding action
* APU startup/shutdown sequences simulated with all the corresponding EICAS messages
* Anti-ice and lights sub-panels with active switches
* HARDWARE Compatibility : the Go Flight modules & Track IR.

На disk.karelia.ru пока не заливаю ,с его глюками.
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Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 23.08.2008 в 13:39.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (23.08.2008), Vlad_ (24.08.2008)
Старый 26.08.2008, 03:22      #191
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Тут нашел аудиозапись работы диспетчера Москва-Подход.
Вообщем утренний разлет.
Я в шоке. Я даже слушать устал, а они еще и думают как всех развести. Вообщем сами послушайте:
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.

Последний раз редактировалось Andrei589; 26.08.2008 в 03:23.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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demon@ (26.08.2008)
Старый 27.08.2008, 12:31      #192
По умолчанию

Народ!!! Кто нибуть может подсказать , где можно скачать НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ русификатор к "Разгону" (зранее БЛАГОДАРЕН)
esdeck вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 27.08.2008, 15:12      #193
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Сообщение от esdeck Посмотреть сообщение
Народ!!! Кто нибуть может подсказать , где можно скачать НОРМАЛЬНЫЙ русификатор к "Разгону" (зранее БЛАГОДАРЕН)
Вообще-то "Разгон" и является русифицированной версией. Зачем для русифицированной программы руский язык?

Оффтоп esdeck, если у тебя нет доступа к закрытым файлам на нашем форуме, напиши мне в ЛС. Постараюсь помочь. Естественно помощь будет касаться только данной темы.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 28.08.2008, 00:05      #194
По умолчанию

Andrei589 -- Да просто у меня есть эта версия , но она , наверное , глючная (50% руский-50% английский) P.S. качал точно не с этого сайта !

Добавлено через 10 минут
Andrei589 -- А по поводу того ,что у меня нет доступа к скрытым файлам - для меня это просто катастрофа . Так как дополнения здесь - просто супер , а я сыграв первый раз месяц назад в MSFS - просто "влюбился" в этот симулятор (а просто флудить форум для набора сообщений - это не интересно). Может есть какие-то другие варианты набора 25 сообщений ? Подскажи, заранее благодарен !

Последний раз редактировалось esdeck; 28.08.2008 в 00:05. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
esdeck вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 28.08.2008, 00:23      #195
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для MDM
По умолчанию

esdeck, здесь дело не в 25-ти сообщениях, а в том, что файлы лежат на внутренних ресурсах Карелии. Доступа из мира нет.
MDM вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
flatronf900b.90 (05.11.2008)
Старый 28.08.2008, 09:51      #196
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию

Сообщение от esdeck Посмотреть сообщение
Andrei589 -- Да просто у меня есть эта версия , но она , наверное , глючная (50% руский-50% английский) P.S. качал точно не с этого сайта !

Добавлено через 10 минут
Andrei589 -- А по поводу того ,что у меня нет доступа к скрытым файлам - для меня это просто катастрофа . Так как дополнения здесь - просто супер , а я сыграв первый раз месяц назад в MSFS - просто "влюбился" в этот симулятор (а просто флудить форум для набора сообщений - это не интересно). Может есть какие-то другие варианты набора 25 сообщений ? Подскажи, заранее благодарен !
Зарегайся на трекере http://rooty.ru/ и качай скока влезит.
Там не банят,можно быть пожизненным личером.
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Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 05.10.2008 в 14:51. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Vlad_ (28.08.2008)
Старый 29.08.2008, 18:01      #197
По умолчанию

Значит , если я правильно понял---если я из другого региона, то с этого сайта я ничего вообще скачать не смогу ?
esdeck вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 29.08.2008, 18:03      #198
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Сообщение от esdeck Посмотреть сообщение
Значит , если я правильно понял---если я из другого региона, то с этого сайта я ничего вообще скачать не смогу ?
Вопрос не в эту тему. Но скорее всего ты правильно догадался.
Как вариант можем тебе лично скидывать первоисточники, т.е. откуда мы все это берем.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 29.08.2008, 20:58      #199
По умолчанию

Andrei589 - Было бы очень здорово ,если бы Вы скидывали первоисточники той инфы, что на этом сайте !!! А то в дефолтном MSFS уже поднадоело "пархать" (мой ICQ 372-253-273----- E-mail : esdeck@ukr.net).
P.S. Заранее очень благодарен . Извините , если нафлудил - больше не повториться
esdeck вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 14.09.2008, 02:05      #200
По умолчанию

Очень класный симулятор летаю уже пять лет слов нету!!!!!!!Он мне очень нравиться у нас открыта своя авиакомпания всем желающим обращяться по ссылке http://flylal.ucoz.ru или же скайп vadim401aeroflot
vadim401 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх

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