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Старый 14.08.2007, 02:10    ▼       #1
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию Vuze (Azureus)*

Программа представляет собой один из лучших клиентов для работы с пиринговой сетью BitTorrent.

Тихо и без шума появилась новая версия открытого кроссплатформенного клиента Azureus под номером 3.0. Это несколько обновленное приложение, от стандартной ветки 2.5 его отличает только лишь интеграция с сайтом и мультимедийным сервисом Vuze.

Клиент, написанный с использованием языка Java, что в свою очередь упрощает задачу по его запуску под различными операционными системами, не только Windows, но и Linux, MacOS X и их аналогов. Подойдет как новичкам, так и профессионалам. Интерфейс программы довольно прост и понятен (имеются три режима для различных уровней подготовки), несмотря на большое количество функций и всевозможных настроек.

Программа поддерживает сторонние модули, которые значительно расширяют ее функциональность. Среди них можно отметить компоненты для авторегулировки скорости, чтения RSS, планирования загрузки полосы, оповещения на e-mail и многое другое. В стандартном виде используется web-интерфейс, подгружаемый с сайта, если же нажать кнопку «Advanced», то превращается в привычный от версии 2.5.

Среди основных возможностей можно выделить:
* параллельное скачивание нескольких заданий
* управления скоростными пределами для всей программы или отдельных заданий
* расширенные настройки раздачи файлов
* настраиваемый дисковый кэш
* использование одного порта для всех заданий
* поддержка технологии UPnP
* возможность работы с proxy для соединения с трекером и пользователями
* быстрое возобновление заданий
* гибко настраиваемый интерфейс
* модуль для общений в IRC включен в комплект поставки
* встроенный трекер для автоматической раздачи собственных файлов
* интерфейс более чем на тридцати языках, включая и русский
Официальный сайт: http://azureus.sourceforge.net | Plugins | Wiki | Changes
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 17.01.2011 в 19:45. Причина: Обновление
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 7
A6paMoBu4 (06.12.2008), Exciter (06.10.2008), Озеро (24.01.2009), lourini (29.12.2010), mrECCO (22.11.2010), Niki4OFF (26.12.2009), Rise (21.07.2008)
Старый 18.10.2008, 17:16    ▲       #21
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию


Завершилось тестирование новой версии открытого кросс-платформенного клиента Vuze (предыдущее название Azureus) под номером

Этот релиз исправляет обнаруженные проблемы предыдущего выпуска, улучшает пользовательский интерфейс, добавляет поддержку ряда протоколов, расширяет встроенный API для поддержки дополнительных модулей и многое другое
Спойлер - October 14, 2008

New Features:
Core | Async request processing for non-blocking tracker
Core | Support HTTP redirects between http/https protocols in resource downloader
Core | Add content to UPnP authentication dialogs
Core | Support PList mods for app registration on OSX
Core | Added http auth helper to support authenticated search templates/subscriptions
Core | Fix built in RSS feed parser to handle Atom feeds
Core | RSS based search templates
Core | Light weight seeds to allow seeding of simple content such as subscriptions
Core | Subscriptions
Core | Added a 'prefer UDP connections' option
Core | Config options for max queued outgoing connections
Core | Support dht:// URL protocol
Core | Advanced options for specifying TCP select timeouts
UI | Added "Column Setup" icon to the iconbar
UI | New console command - "plugin". Displays plugin information and can toggle startup status
UI | Console command "show" can now filter to list only torrents which are transferring
UIv3 | SideBar (F7 to Hide/Show)
UIv3 | New ToolBar with hideable text
UIv3 | Library now has Large and Small view modes. Small view mode is classic My Torrents
Plug | Added option to remove originators IP address from stored values
Core | Added Auto Starting rule to seed large swarms first; useful when many overseeded torrents are in the queue or the upload capacity is far above average
UIv3 | Friend Chat (double click on friend icon to chat)
UIv3 | Ability to share content from your computer by dragging it to a Friend
UI | Protocol overhead is now shown in the speed graph
UI | Downloads can now be moved and renamed while running - torrent will be auto-paused
UI | New "rename" action which renames torrent file, save file and displayed name at same time
UI | Plugin log views now support autoscrolling, pausing and regex filtering
UI | Plugin menu items which in the right-click menu now appear in the "Torrent" menu also
UIv3 | Experimental option to use Mozilla/Firefox as browser widget on any platform (XulRunner or Firefox 3 must be installed)
Plug | Added support for plugins to easily use an external configuration file for settings
Plug | Plugins can now have full control over on-complete and on-removal file moving
Plug | Added resource downloader to provide way to download files from Sourceforge
Plug | Added API methods to generically pop up the message box to a user
Plug | Added API methods to listen to download-complete events
Plug | Added various convenience methods for using log views and config models
Plug | Added API to allow native UI objects to be added to config views
Plug | Added some more methods for plugins to control some transport mechanisms
Plug | Added ability to add menus to status entry objects
Plug | Plugins can now open files using default application handlers

Core | Improve app startup time
Core | Make full name and namespace URI available to simple XML parser users
Core | Improved handling of mixed IPv4 and IPv6 bindings
Core | New option to refresh UPnP mappings when we become firewalled
UI | Improve performance with single data source dispatch aggregator
UI | Debug messages are no longer displayed by default when running the console UI
UI | The comment icon column now displays a blank icon if there is no comment (rather than no icon)
UI | Delete priority is now properly reflected in the Priority column
UIv3 | Faster Startup
UIv3 | Reduced UI memory footprint
UIv3 | Friends moved to the bottom of the sidebar
UIv3 | All table views (Library, Notifications) now use native table widget
Plug | Essential plugins are now automatically re-enabled if previously disabled by user
Plug | New command line option - "azureus.safemode", to disable lots of functionality when debugging problems
Plug | Client ID plugin is removed
Plug | New command line option - "azureus.loadplugins", to skip plugins being loaded at startup
Plug | Accept store operations from furher away contacts to decrease store fails
Plug | Evict contacts sooner from DHT router to improve liveness
Plug | Delay DHT task init to save memory
Plug | Finer-mesh for DHT network position derived tracking
Plug | De-prioritise DHT tracker put ops
Core | Built-in plugins can now be disabled - it didn't work properly in earlier versions
UI | Create Vivaldi views for each DHT in use
UI | Added support for rotation in Vivaldi view
UI | Peers view hostname column now sorts host names by the most significant part first
UIv3 | Finished fixes for the new styled dialog which are now default in Vuze/Vuze Advanced
UIv3 | Added friend icon next to activity entry
UIv3 | New plugin bar look (removed arrows, added selectable list all plugin bar views)
Core | added "upload_only" flag to AZMP/LTEP handshakes, disconnect any uploading_only peers we don't need / that don't need us when disconnect seeds when seeding is set
Core | Further startup speed improvements
Core | Speedup of various file batch operations (priority changes)
Core | Added option to allow the removal of files linked outside the save directory when removing data
UI | Column menu option to disable fast renaming in files view, changed fast rename to behave more like the windows explorer
UI | In console UI, shrunk help text down to be more concise
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 18.10.2008 в 17:17.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 5
Ξ SoaT Ξ (18.10.2008), Exciter (20.10.2008), Jon (18.10.2008), night777 (18.10.2008), Vinsent (19.10.2008)
Старый 12.11.2008, 23:26      #22
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию


New Features:
UIvz | Added column to detail the linkage between content and associated subscription, where present
Core | Async request processing for non-blocking tracker
Core | Support HTTP redirects between http/https protocols in resource downloader
Core | Add content to UPnP authentication dialogs
Core | Support PList mods for app registration on OSX
Core | Added http auth helper to support authenticated search templates/subscriptions
Core | Fix built in RSS feed parser to handle Atom feeds
Core | RSS based search templates
Core | Light weight seeds to allow seeding of simple content such as subscriptions
Core | Subscriptions
Core | Added a 'prefer UDP connections' option
Core | Config options for max queued outgoing connections
Core | Support dht:// URL protocol
Core | Advanced options for specifying TCP select timeouts
UI | Added "Column Setup" icon to the iconbar
UI | New console command - "plugin". Displays plugin information and can toggle startup status
UI | Console command "show" can now filter to list only torrents which are transferring
UIvz | SideBar (F7 to Hide/Show)
UIvz | New ToolBar with hideable text
UIvz | Library now has Large and Small view modes. Small view mode is classic My Torrents
Plug | Added option to remove originators IP address from stored values
Core | Added Auto Starting rule to seed large swarms first; useful when many overseeded torrents are in the queue or the upload capacity is far above average
UIv3 | Friend Chat (double click on friend icon to chat)
UIv3 | Ability to share content from your computer by dragging it to a Friend
UI | Protocol overhead is now shown in the speed graph
UI | Downloads can now be moved and renamed while running - torrent will be auto-paused
UI | New "rename" action which renames torrent file, save file and displayed name at same time
UI | Plugin log views now support autoscrolling, pausing and regex filtering
UI | Plugin menu items which in the right-click menu now appear in the "Torrent" menu also
UIv3 | Experimental option to use Mozilla/Firefox as browser widget on any platform (XulRunner or Firefox 3 must be installed)
Plug | Added support for plugins to easily use an external configuration file for settings
Plug | Plugins can now have full control over on-complete and on-removal file moving
Plug | Added resource downloader to provide way to download files from Sourceforge
Plug | Added API methods to generically pop up the message box to a user
Plug | Added API methods to listen to download-complete events
Plug | Added various convenience methods for using log views and config models
Plug | Added API to allow native UI objects to be added to config views
Plug | Added some more methods for plugins to control some transport mechanisms
Plug | Added ability to add menus to status entry objects
Plug | Plugins can now open files using default application handlers

Core | Remove restriction on uniqueness of subscriptions names
Core | Add popularity to subscription properties and size better
Core | Impose lower limits on download and upload when auto-speed running
Core | Reduce subscription publication concurrency
Core | Reduce acceptance of inaccurate DHT store operations
Core | Auto-download content when marked as unread in an auto-download enabled subscription
UIvz | Image on left of search box now activates search when clicked
UIvz | Toolbar's "Show Text" state now remembered across sessions
UIvz | Classic users upgrading via the installer will start up in My Library in "small" mode (classic My Torrents View). Previously, only "Advanced UI" users got this.
UIvz | If you hold the mouse down for a period of time on Up and Down toolbar items, it will move the selected items to the top/bottom (this was present in 4000, but now the tooltip says it)
UIvz | Added tooltip to subscription wizard to show more details on subscription
UIvz | Drop into edit mode after creating an RSS subscription
UIvz | Reduce size shown for downloads to 3 digits max for subscriptions and searches
UIVz | In Library view fix sort so 'new' entries do sort to top
Plug | Reduce derived tracker targets by raising swarm size limits
Core | Improve app startup time
Core | Make full name and namespace URI available to simple XML parser users
Core | Improved handling of mixed IPv4 and IPv6 bindings
Core | New option to refresh UPnP mappings when we become firewalled
UI | Improve performance with single data source dispatch aggregator
UI | Debug messages are no longer displayed by default when running the console UI
UI | The comment icon column now displays a blank icon if there is no comment (rather than no icon)
UI | Delete priority is now properly reflected in the Priority column
UIvz | Faster Startup
UIvz | Reduced UI memory footprint
UIvz | Friends moved to the bottom of the sidebar
UIvz | All table views (Library, Notifications) now use native table widget
Plug | Essential plugins are now automatically re-enabled if previously disabled by user
Plug | New command line option - "azureus.safemode", to disable lots of functionality when debugging problems
Plug | Client ID plugin is removed
Plug | New command line option - "azureus.loadplugins", to skip plugins being loaded at startup
Plug | Accept store operations from furher away contacts to decrease store fails
Plug | Evict contacts sooner from DHT router to improve liveness
Plug | Delay DHT task init to save memory
Plug | Finer-mesh for DHT network position derived tracking
Plug | De-prioritise DHT tracker put ops
Core | Built-in plugins can now be disabled - it didn't work properly in earlier versions
UI | Create Vivaldi views for each DHT in use
UI | Added support for rotation in Vivaldi view
UI | Peers view hostname column now sorts host names by the most significant part first
UIv3 | Finished fixes for the new styled dialog which are now default in Vuze/Vuze Advanced
UIv3 | Added friend icon next to activity entry
UIv3 | New plugin bar look (removed arrows, added selectable list all plugin bar views)
Core | added "upload_only" flag to AZMP/LTEP handshakes, disconnect any uploading_only peers we don't need / that don't need us when disconnect seeds when seeding is set
Core | Further startup speed improvements
Core | Speedup of various file batch operations (priority changes)
Core | Added option to allow the removal of files linked outside the save directory when removing data
UI | Column menu option to disable fast renaming in files view, changed fast rename to behave more like the windows explorer
UI | In console UI, shrunk help text down to be more concise

Corrected bugs:
Core | Fix auto-subscription of DHT located singleton subscriptions
Core | Subscription to already cached, unsubscribed subscriptions wasn't working
Core | Fix 100% CPU problem due to unsafe HashSet modification
Core | Remove duplicate results from subscriptions
Core | Report subscription creation errors to user
Core | If a subscription was deleted which being processed it used to report errors
Core | Set subscription popularity on selection
UIvz | Fixed missing of all incomplete-specific and complete-specific torrent columns in My Library in "big" mode
UIvz | If you previously chose top bar to be visible, and you aren't in advanced user mode, there was no way to remove top bar. Fixed by not showing top bar in non-advanced user mode
UIvz | Fixed sidebar sash disappearing when moving beyond minimum size
UIvz | Fixed "Close All Details" menu item always being disabled
UIvz | Fixed extremely slow Library view when one column was animating
UI | Table cells with cutoff text should show tooltip now
UI | Fixed copying cell's text to clipboard
UI | Info tab in Torrent Details now displays some columns that it couldn't before
UI | Clear log view widgets when not visible to reduce memory
UI | Fix sub tabs in Torrent Details view not remembering their view after restoring from min. state
Core | Fixed problem on Vista where "Failed to establish listen on port UDP:xxxxx" errors may be reported
Core | Treat any address binds as no bind IP when rewriting URLs
Core | Added third party impressions urls for torrent ads
Core | Fix timer cancellation behaviour
Core | Fixed DND deleting files in single-file torrents
Core | Fixed occasional deadlocks on startup under linux
Core | Fixed rare situation where user was prompted for authentication to connect to trackers which didn't need it
Core | Made the load and unload buttons on the plugin page behave properly
Core | Fixed problem where queueing rules do not enter "seeding-only" mode when there are queued downloads
Plug | DHT storage manager key removal fix
Plug | Fix magnet download timeouts
Plug | Fix DHT operation timeout bug introduced when moving to async exec
Plug | Limit buddy reconnect to avoid thrashing
Core | Fixed bug which stopped downloads being stored in the chosen directory
Core | Fixed bug which prevented torrent files from being moved properly
Core | Reopening torrents does not delete files when setting some of the already existing files to DND anymore
Core | Fixed bug which prevented UPnP mappings from being successful when a SOCKS proxy was used
UI | Fixed bug where delete icon on toolbar was not present on OSX
UI | Blank cells are now properly put at the bottom when sorting a table column
UIv3 | Fixed bottom of list views not repainting properly
UIv3 | Remove type headers when switching to date sorting
Core | Made change so that plugins could not inadvertently turn off Azureus extension protocol
Core | The UDP tracker client option has been nonfunctional for quite a while now -> fixed
Core | Fixed various file-priority-change related bugs that resulted in error states
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 12.11.2008 в 23:27.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 4
Ξ SoaT Ξ (13.11.2008), dar (13.11.2008), Exciter (22.11.2008), Vinsent (13.11.2008)
Старый 06.12.2008, 18:24      #23
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

New Features:
  • UIvz | Ability to change List modes in View menu
  • UI | Added a 'mark all results unread' menu item
  • UI | Added specification of data save directory to config wizard
  • Core | Added subscription support to customisations
  • Core | Added an 'azplug' URL protocol to allow plugins to handle URLs
  • Core | Allow subscriptions to handle azplug protocols thus allowing plugins to be the source of subscription content
  • Core | Allow magnet links in search results
  • UIvz | Deleting via toolbar now lets you apply action to all selected entries
  • UIvz | Search bar shrinks a bit when there's not enough width to display all toolbar buttons
  • UI | Date Column auto-sizer now shows day of month (mm/dd) instead of year (yy/mm) when column is small
  • Core | Only show feed errors after 3 consecutive fails to avoid distracting transient errors
  • Core | Add asset hash to subscriptions and auto-associate existing content on subscribe if avail
  • Core | Various performance improvements
  • Core | Modify DHT size calc algorithm to take account of firewalled contact
  • Plug | Assume buddies support chat
Corrected bugs:
  • UIvz | "Mark All Watched" now only affects completed content (which is also what Unwatched only shows)
  • UIvz | Fix Global Rating column not sorting properly
  • UIvz | (Mac) Fixed closing sidebar entries sometimes showing a blank area instead of selecting a new sidebar entry
  • UIvz | Fixed bug where "My Library" info bar displayed on Downloading sidebar entry
  • UIvz | Fix some notification entries losing their related avatar image
  • UIvz | Log View's "Show Config" button wasn't going to proper config section
  • UIvz | Fix default visible columns, order, and sort column for new installs for "Advanced" library Lists
  • UI | "Show Time" state on date columns now remembered accross sessions
  • UI | Fix "Pieces" column in Library view not updating unless you clicked it
  • UI | Info tab in Torrent Details now displays more columns that it couldn't before (like share ratio)
  • UI | Localize the date in the subscription view correctly
  • Core | Synchonize access to file operations so that an close op can't be interleaved with file facade switching and bork disk channel operation
  • Core | Filter out duplicate skew reports to get more accurate figures
  • Core | Avoid NPE in chat when buddy unauthorised
  • Core | Preserve argument case in magnet link operations
  • Core | Fix mem leak when DHT router IP changed
  • Plug | Use UTF-8 when decoding plugin descriptions
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 06.12.2008 в 18:27.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
Ξ SoaT Ξ (06.12.2008), Exciter (15.12.2008), Vinsent (06.12.2008)
Старый 02.01.2009, 22:31      #24
Аватар для Exciter
По умолчанию

Тем кто использует Vuze может понадобится список локальных IP
Поправки принимаются и приветствуются
Карельский КиноТрекер - Новинки и Классика Кино в HD.
Exciter вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
AndyK (10.02.2009), dar (03.01.2009)
Старый 28.01.2009, 21:57      #25
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию


Этот релиз содержит ряд улучшений в пользовательском интерфейсе, а также ядре приложения. Кроме того, добавляет новые средства для управления приоритетами заданий, включает обновленный API для модулей, а также исправляет более двух десятков различных ошибок и недоработок

File Release Notes and Changelog

Release Name: vuze-



2009.01.26 | Vuze

FEATURE: Core | New FP Ignore rule: Ignore 1st Priority after X hours of idle upload speed (default 24h) [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Core | Support for loading torrents when the HTTP response is an error (like 404, 500) but the data is still a torrent [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UIvz | Support multiple Content Networks [parg,tuxpaper]
FEATURE: UI | Experimental neuronal speed algorithm [Gudy]
FEATURE: UI | Added AS/ASN peer column [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added properties view to buddies avatar widget [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Control+I in library to open torrent info (torrent details) page [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Plug | Share categories with friends as subscriptions [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Support table column removal [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Added getComputerName method [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Cache connected friend details for faster reconnect on startup [Parg]

CHANGE: Core | Pulled out Vuze related operations into ContentNetwork [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Go to CDP when torrent unauthorised if possible [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Added date field an modified case of response HTTP headers to improve behaviour of SSDP clients [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Limit # of stalled 'seeding' torrents to prevent cases where all completed torrents could start up [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Core | Give stalled torrents a seeding rank handicap based on how long they've been stalled for [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | (Memory) Images that are unused after 60 seconds are now disposed of [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Fixed regression of Auto Open Tabs not opening seeding torrents (Config option now split) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Bring back classic-share menu for non-basic mode users [Parg]

BUGFIX: Core | Setting files as do-not-download was deleting files [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | IPv6 compact tracker support [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix possible deadlock in generic connection handling [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Disable if-modified logic when editting RSS search templates to allow retrieval of results [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Clear down TLS stuff to reduce memory usage when plugins unloaded [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed rare case where table rows would display blank [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed 'close all details' in classic UI [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Prevent constuction of mytorrents context menu from flipping download stats [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix cursor transition in table cell [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix incorrect handling of weak references for UI views that resulted in them never being released [Parg]
BUGFIX: Plug | Various fixes to correctly release unloaded plugin resources [Parg]
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Благодарности: 3
Ξ SoaT Ξ (29.01.2009), Di2bl0s (28.01.2009), Vinsent (28.01.2009)
Старый 07.02.2009, 15:01      #26
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию


В эту версию возвращена опция по управлению количеством задач, устранено более десяти различных ошибок, а также удалены отладочные компоненты

2009.02.05 | Vuze

FEATURE: UI | Config option for max stalled seeding torrents (was hardcoded in 4100) [TuxPaper]

BUGFIX: Core | Fix null-pointer-exception when initiasing old categorised shares [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Remove accidental invocation of the get-networks Vuze RPC when running in classic UI [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Remove null-pointer-exception in TCP connection manager [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix subscription auto-download with sites where supplied referer caused error [Parg]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Click area for Friend's "chat thought bubble" was wrong, preventing click to chat in some cases [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UIvz | Fix share of vuze content (users could only share non-vuze content) [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Column Setup visual fixes for gtk [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Revert category buttons to working state [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed memory leak in All-Peers view [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed resource disposal in config view causing some status bar icons to not draw [TuxPaper]

CHANGE: Core | Remove various debug-spew [Parg]
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 07.02.2009 в 15:02.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 4
Ξ SoaT Ξ (08.02.2009), AndyK (10.02.2009), Exciter (08.02.2009), Vinsent (08.02.2009)
Старый 26.02.2009, 20:54      #27
Пользователь Google Chrome
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Цитата: - February 24, 2009
New Features: * UI | Donation Window
Changes: * UI | Updated Translations
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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
AndyK (07.03.2009)
Старый 24.03.2009, 15:00      #28
Аватар для Soul
По умолчанию

Обновление до Vuze

В этом релизе добавлена возможность управления устройствами, а также необходимые средства пользовательского интерфейса, включена поддержка модулей для транскодирования, а также исправлено несколько ошибок в системе предупреждений и при работе через NAT в среде Windows Vista.

  • FEATURE: Core | Devices [parg]
  • FEATURE: UIvz | UI for Devices panel, individual Device panel, Device chooser, and Device Profile Chooser [TuxPaper]
  • FEATURE: Plug | Transcoding [gudy,parg]
  • BUGFIX: Core | Fix IP binding error when performing a NAT test under Vista [The 8472]
  • BUGFIX: UIvz | Fix some notifications not getting pulled [TuxPaper]

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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 29.03.2009 в 23:06.
Soul вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 12.04.2009, 17:33      #29
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* UI | Fix wrap on category buttons
* UI | Fix rare case when last sash position in My Torrents wasn't being obeyed
* UI | Remove device toolbar when device feature not avail
* Core | Fix hang on startup with some UPnP devices
* Plug | Force decode of HTTP headers to lowercase using ISO8859-1 charset to fix matching error in Turkish
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 12.04.2009 в 17:33.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Vinsent (12.04.2009)
Старый 10.07.2009, 20:06      #30
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Это очередной сервисный выпуск, в котором исправлены найденные ошибки, улучшена загрузка файлов для автоматического скачивания, обновлена индикация программа загрузки, а также сделано множество других изменений
2009.07.08 | Vuze

FEATURE: Core | Subscription options for auto-starting auto-downloads [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Support for sharing .vuze files [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added support for adding categories to transcoded content [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added default transcode dir option [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Support for keep-alive and more gzip on web contexts [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Added percentage complete and eta to content descriptor [Parg]
FEATURE: UIvz | UI displays while core initializes [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugin interface to the search functionality [Parg]

CHANGE: Core | Added another non-standard RSS date format [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Allow HTTP seeding for simple torrents without knowledge of file name [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Keep log files open rather than continually opening and closing them [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Improved reporting of 'no disk space' errors for FAT32 [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Improved logging performance [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Support for updated via installer as opposed to incremental updates [Parg]

BUGFIX: Core | Work around for broken socket handling on freebsd7.x [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Recover from borked transcode queue config [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix xml stats export with undefined characters [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Support >2GB resource downloads [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed HTTP seeding when switching content on a keep-alive connection [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix tracker announcer to pay attention to user options correctly [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Multi-file torrents were borked in content directory [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Set speeds in bits/sec when bits/sec display is selected [Parg]
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 10.07.2009 в 20:06.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.11.2009, 19:54      #31
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этом релизе добавлена поддержка uPnP для ряда сервисов, улучшена поддержка DHT, реализована функция для отправки MP3 и WMA файлов на PSP, обновлена система поддержки дополнительных расширений, исправлены найденные ошибки пользовательского интерфейса, а также реализованы другие мелкие нововведений
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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 22.11.2009, 19:35      #32
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* UI | Prevent main window from popping up when adding a torrent and "Add Torrent Silently" set
* UI | Ensure that the correct progress reports are passed to listeners
* UI | Fixed bug whereby the destruction of the torrent-open window was cancelling torrent download dialogs
* UI | (OSX) Fixed bug where scrollers on some mice would cause table to blank
* UIvz | Handle magnet links within internal browser
* Plug | Improved the fallback lookup service by passing the all params
* Plug | Verify that downloaded torrents are valid before passing to caller
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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.01.2010, 19:46      #33
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Цитата: - December 11, 2009
New Features: None.
Changes: None.
Corrected bugs: * Core | Fixed bug where compact file types could lead to spurious 'file length too large' errors
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 13.01.2010 в 19:47.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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Jon (15.01.2010)
Старый 28.01.2010, 23:41      #34
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Вышла новая стабильная версия открытого кросс-платформенного бит-торрент клиентов
Никаких деталей этого выпуска на текущий момент не сообщается
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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 14.02.2010, 13:44      #35
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Вышла новая стабильная версия открытого кросс-платформенного бит-торрент клиентов
Цитата: 09-02-2010
Core | Fixed bug whereby HAVE_ALL messages were failing to set the last bit of the bit-flags
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 14.02.2010 в 13:45.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Jon (14.02.2010)
Старый 26.06.2010, 03:44      #36
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Аватар для AndyK
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Core | Improved logging
Core | Search edge case
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AndyK вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Jon (27.06.2010)
Старый 05.08.2010, 21:55      #37
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Azureus Vuze
Цитата: Changes in Vuze - 2010.08.04
FEATURE: Plug | Android Devices support
CHANGE: Core | Try alternative trackers when seeding and zero connected peers [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Layout improvements in torrent Info view [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed occasional crash when twisting twistie on Windows 7

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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 05.08.2010 в 21:56.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Jon (05.08.2010)
Старый 07.08.2010, 20:51      #38
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Azureus Vuze
Цитата: Changes in Vuze - 2010.08.06
CHANGE: Core | Prevent device manager initialisation in classic UI [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Setting files to 'delete' state corrupting internal view of a torrent's files [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Added reworked progress column to library view by default in place of completion date to allow file manipulation from that view [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Consistently show the file-expand twisty [Parg]

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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Jon (08.08.2010), TaNe4kaaaaaa (07.08.2010)
Старый 01.09.2010, 20:20      #39
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Azureus Vuze
Вышла новая стабильная версия открытого кросс-платформенного бит-торрент клиента
Список изменений от 2010.09.01 | Vuze
FEATURE: Core | Allow multiple primordial UDP handlers [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Ability to auto-send crash logs [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | Members of the Beta Program now get a Sidebar entry which will one day have useful beta information [TuxPaper]

CHANGE: UI | Improved languages change detection so more of the text now shows in the new language (unfortunately not all) [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | (Windows) Bigger click area around the "X" in the Library's filter box [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | (Windows) Triple click in search box now selects all the text [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Replaced "Remove And.." menu tree from Library's content menu with "Remove..." entry that gives you the same options. Two related configs are in Options->Files->"File Deletion" [TuxPaper]

BUGFIX: Core | (Windows) Fix drive detection/removal when multiple drives get added/removed at once [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | (Windows) Fix drive with letters D: H: L: P: T: X: not being detected when plugged in while Vuze was running [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed some hard drives incorrectly being added as a Device and shown in the sidebar [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | (OSX) Add additional (new?) crash log directory to crash log generator (debug.zip) [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | (OSX) Fixed two cases where main window would not show after clicking the dock icon [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | Don't open files with write-access unless required [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Ensure new profiles are picked up when xcode plugin reloads [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Correctly sequence plugin events to ensure that listeners see the correct plugin state [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Delete .vuze files when subscriptions are removed [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | (*nix) Fix table cells not getting click events (affected triggering the "New" column's state) [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix case where scrolling right in a table view (Library) didn't draw the newly visible columns [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed some cases where column re-ordering was not being remembered [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix Help->Check for Updates not notifying user there were no new updates found [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed visual problems with Tracker Status column when "Don't Scrape Stopped" is enabled [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed Queue and Stop not working on Torrent menu and right click of Sidebar's download's details item [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | (OSX) Fixed bug where a false double click was registered when Vuze did not have the focus and you single clicked on a row in the Library [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Fixed subscription name and count on Sidebar not redrawing when either changes [TuxPaper]
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 01.09.2010 в 20:22.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Jon (02.09.2010)
Старый 06.10.2010, 20:11      #40
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
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Azureus Vuze Release
Вышла новая стабильная версия открытого кросс-платформенного бит-торрент клиента
2010.10.05 | Vuze
FEATURE: Core | Monitor available JVM memory and warn user if it is running out and auto increase (Windows only) [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Support opening .vuze files from URLs [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Allow setting of JVM direct memory max from UI (Windows only) [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Added 'protocol' column to peers view [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Expanded state of Sidebar entries are now remembered [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | (Windows) Added Closeable Games sidebar entry [TuxPaper]

CHANGE: Core | Changed the trigger for upload rate bias when unlimited upload and inactive downloads [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Permit export of all search templates [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Reduce debug messages for connection-refused type tracker errors [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Reduce version-check timeouts to prevent version server errors from adversely affecting Vuze [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Be more tolerant of large PEX messages as clients are sending valid exchanges that exceeded our old limits [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Improve detection of devices [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Core | Report better error messages for failed plugin installs [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Add alert details to alert log [Parg]
CHANGE: Core | Log plugin load-at-start state to diagnostics [Parg]
CHANGE: UI | Better handling in in-client browser for search engines and (blocking) pop-ups [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: UI | Device status column now reports when a file is being copied to the device [TuxPaper]

BUGFIX: Core | Fixes to superseeding mode [thanks Mmore1q3]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed up disabling of UDP tracker protocol and added option to control UDP probing [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed bug involving switching search template from manual to auto mode [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Immediately drop incoming connections for stopped downloads (they used to persist and timeout later) [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed bug whereby add-for-seeding torrents with reorder-piece file mode and move-to dirs resulted in download being marked as incomplete [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | OSX - handle UTF-8 BOM in plist [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Sort column editor available table correctly [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI | Fix case where sidebar doesn't display properly at startup [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: UI | Changing name of Device should now be remembered [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: * | Fix various Null Pointer Exceptions [TuxPaper]
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 06.10.2010 в 20:12.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Jon (08.10.2010), lourini (29.12.2010)

торрент, opensource, p2p

Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1)

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