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Старый 06.08.2007, 20:50    ▼       #1
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию VirtualBox*

VirtualBox — это система полной виртуализации наподобие VMware Workstation, поддерживающая динамическую трансляцию (выполнение значительной части инструкций гостевой ОС на реальном оборудовании). В качестве хост-систем поддерживаются 32-битные Linux и Windows, а в роли “гостя” могут выступать Windows, Linux (2.4 и 2.6), BSD и прочие системы.

Как сообщают разработчики, отличительной чертой VirtualBox являются модульность и продуманные интерфейсы (например, можно запустить виртуальную машину из GUI, изменить ее параметры из командной строки и затем подключиться удаленно), специальные утилиты (Guest Additions) для гостевых систем Linux и Windows, повышающие степень интеграции гостевой и хост-систем, а также дескрипторы виртуальных машин в формате XML. Графический интерфейс VirtualBox использует Qt, но, благодаря SDK и упомянутой выше модульности разработать альтернативную оболочку будет достаточно просто.

Ключевые особенности:
- Кроссплатформенность
- Модульность
- Поддержка USB 2.0, когда устройства хост-машины становятся доступными для гостевых ОС (только в проприетарной версии)
- Встроенный RDP-сервер, а также поддержка клиентских USB-устройств поверх протокола RDP (только в проприетарной версии)
- Экспериментальная поддержка образов жестких дисков VMDK/VMware
- Поддержка iSCSI
- Поддержка виртуализации аудиоустройств
- Поддержка различных видов сетевого взаимодействия (NAT, Host Networking via Bridged, Internal)
- Поддержка дерева сохраненных состояний виртуальной машины (snapshots), к которым может быть произведен откат из любого состояния гостевой системы
- Поддержка Shared Folders для простого обмена файлами между хостовой и гостевой системами
Кроме VirtualBox Open Source Edition, выпускается закрытая коммерческая версия, отличающаяся следующими функциями:

- Встроенный Remote Display Protocol (RDP) сервер;
- Возможность работы с USB устройствами внутри окружения;
- Реализация протокола USB over RDP, для монтирование удаленных USB устройств;
- Shared Folders - возможность открыть доступ к определенным директориям первичной системы для гостевого окружения;
- iSCSI initiator.

Официальный сайт: http://www.virtualbox.org | Changelog
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 17.08.2011 в 21:54. Причина: Обновление
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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dar (15.10.2008), forumi (06.10.2008), Wolverine89 (08.04.2009)
Старый 28.04.2009, 20:41    ▲       #21
Аватар для Wolverine89

VirtualBox 2.2.2
Список изменении
* Host and guest clipboard: ?xed a number of issues affecting hosts and guests running the X window system.
* Guest Additions: make sure the virtual mouse autodetection works on ?rst reboot after installing the Additions on X.Org server 1.5 and later.
* Guest Additions: properly report process identity number of running services
* Guest Additions: clean up properly if the X Window server terminates
* Linux Additions: ?xed installation path for OpenGL libraries in some 64-bit guests (bug #3693)
* Solaris Additions: ?xed installation to work when X.Org is not installed on the guest
* Solaris Additions: ?xed a bug that could panic the guest when unmounting a busy shared folder
* Windows Additions: ?xed mouse pointer integration of some Windows guests (2.2.0 regression, bug #3734)
* Windows Additions: ?xed installation on Windows Server 2008 Core (bug #2628)
* Main: do not try to use older versions of D-Bus (Linux hosts only, bug #3732)
* VMM: ?xed out-of-memory conditions on Windows hosts (bug #3657)
* VMM: ?xed occasional hangs when attaching USB devices during VM startup (2.2.0 regression; bugs #3787)
* VMM: ?xed guru meditation related to memory management (software virtualization only)
* Virtual disks: ?x possible data corruption when writing to diff images, incorrect detection of redundant writes
* GUI: reworked network settings dialog
* GUI: properly show the detailed settings dialog of NAT networks (bug #3702)
* GUI: HostKey could not be changed (2.2.0 regression, bug #3689)
* GUI: ?xed memory text?eld size (Windows hosts only; bug #3679)
* GUI: ?xed crash when selecting a shared folder path (Windows hosts only; bugs #3694, #3751, #3756)
* VBoxManage modifyhd --compact: implemented again for VDI ?les, and now supports relative paths (bug #2180, #2833)
* VBoxManage snapshot discard: made it work again (2.1.0 regression; bug #3714)
* NAT: on some Windows host, the guest didn’t receive a DHCP lease (bug #3655)
* NAT: ?xed release assertion during poll() (bug #3667)
* Clipboard: ?xed random crahes (X11 hosts only, bug #3723)
* Shared Folders: ?xed incorrect permissions for Solaris guests
* Shared Folders: ?xed wrong ?le sizes with Solaris guests
* CBindings: ?xed possible memory leak while releasing the IVirtualBox and ISession Objects
* Solaris hosts: ?xed host-only network interface incompatibility with nwam/dhcpagent (bug #3754)
* Windows installer: fixed several install and uninstall issues (bugs #3659, #3686, #1730, #3711, #3373, #3382, #3701, #3685, #3710)
* Mac OS X hosts: preliminary support for Snow Leopard
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 28.04.2009 в 20:49. Причина: ftp
Wolverine89 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 03.06.2009, 22:48      #22
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 2.2.4
* Windows Installer: fixed a potential hang during installation
* Windows Installer: fixed several problems (bug #3892)
* Solaris hosts: make it work with Solaris build 114 or later (bug #3981)
* Solaris hosts: fixed a bug serial port character handling found during loopback (bug #3120)
* Linux hosts: adapted vboxdrv.sh to the latest changes in VBoxManage list runningvms (bug #4034)
* Windows hosts: fixed a crash caused by host-only/bridged networking
* Mac OS X hosts: fixed access to host DVD with passthrough disabled (bug #4077)
* Guest Additions: fixed problems with KDE 4 not recognizing mouse clicks
* Windows Additions: fixed incorrect 8-bit guest color depth in Windows 7 guests
* GUI: warn if VT-x/AMD-V could not be enabled for guests that require this setting (bug #4055)
* VMM: fixed occassional crash due to insuffient memory
* VMM: fixed hanging 64 bits Solaris guests
* VMM: restore from a saved state occassionally failed (bugs #3984 and #2742)
* Clipboard: fixed a deadlock while shutting down the shared clipboard on X11 hosts (bug #4020)
* OVF: fixed potential hang during import
* OVF: fixed potential crashes during import/export on Win64 hosts
* VBoxManage modifyhd --compact: fixed bug which could lead to crashes and image corruption (bug #3864)
* VBoxManage metrics collect: now flushes the output stream.
* VHD: made VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid work for .vhd files (bug #3443)
* VHD: some .vhd files could not be cloned (bug #4080)
* VMDK: fixed creating snapshots
* NAT: improvement of TCP connection establisment (bug #2987)
* NAT: fixed order of DNS servers in DHCP lease (bug #4091)
* NAT: fixed DHCP lease for multiple name servers (bug #3692)
* NAT: fixed a potential segfault if the host lost its connectivity (bug #3964)
* Shared Folders: deny access to parent directories on Windows hosts (bug #4090)
* Shared Folders: make rm/rmdir work with Solaris guests on Windows hosts
* Networking: fixed the problem with blocked receiving thread when a broadcast packet arrives too early to be handled by uninitialized e1000 adapter.
* Networking: fixed the problem that caused host freezes/crashes when using bridged mode with host’s interface having RX checksum offloading on (bug #3926 and related). Fixes problems with TX offloading as well (bug #3870)
* PXE boot: Added support for PRO/1000 MT Server adapter.
* Python bindings: fixed keyword conflict
* SCSI: fixed occasional crashes on Win64
* Serial: allow to redirect the serial port to a raw file (bug #1023)
* VRDP: fixed a rare incorrect screen update
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 03.06.2009 в 22:50.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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a2z (04.06.2009)
Старый 21.06.2009, 00:57      #23
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до VirtualBox 3.0 Beta 1

Вышла первая бета-версия бесплатной системы виртуализации VirtualBox 3.0.

Вышедшая версия VirtualBox 3.0 beta 1 предлагает целый набор усовершенствований. Одной из наиболее востребованных инноваций стала поддержка до 32 виртуальных процессорных ядер, что позволит клиентам создавать высокопроизводительные виртуальные машины.

Владельцы ПК, которые используют VirtualBox для запуска насыщенных графикой приложений (например, современных компьютерных игр), по достоинству оценят поддержку Direct3D 8/9 в гостевых операционных системах Windows, а также библиотеки OpenGL 2.0 в гостевых системах Windows, Linux и Solaris.

Разработчики сообщили об устранении ряда обнаруженных «багов». Вниманию пользователей предложены более стабильные драйверы виртуальной мыши, усовершенствованная функция приостановки и возобновления работы системы на хостах Solaris, а также модифицированный графический интерфейс.

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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 30.06.2009, 20:30      #24
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 3.0.0

В этой версии произошли большие изменения.

Из самых основных:
* Поддержка до 32 виртуальных процессоров (только для VT-X и AMD-V см. главу руководства пользователя)
* Для Windows возможность использования Direct3D 8/9 / Игры (экспериментальный, см. в главу 4.8 руководства пользователя)
* Поддержка OpenGL 2.0 для Windows, Linux и Solaris
остальные изменения
* Solaris hosts: allow suspend/resume on the host when a VM is running (bug #3826)
* Solaris hosts: loosen the restriction for contiguous physical memory under certain conditions
* Mac OS X hosts: fixed guest PAE
* Linux hosts: kernel module compile fixes for 2.6.31 (bug #4264)
* VMM: fixed occasional guru meditation when loading a saved state (VT-x only)
* VMM: eliminated IO-APIC overhead with 32 bits guests (VT-x only, some Intel CPUs don’t support this feature (most do); bug #638)
* VMM: fixed 64 bits CentOS guest hangs during early boot (AMD-V only; bug #3927)
* VMM: performance improvements for certain PAE guests (e.g. Linux 2.6.29+ kernels)
* VMM: some Windows guests detected a completely wrong CPU frequency (bug #2227)
* VMM: fixed hanging and unkillable VM processes (bug #4040)
* VMM: fixed random infrequent guest crashes due to XMM state corruption (Win64 hosts only)
* VMM: performance improvements for network I/O (VT-x/AMD-V only)
* GUI: added mini toolbar for fullscreen and seamless mode (Thanks to Huihong Luo)
* GUI: redesigned settings dialogs
* GUI: allow to create/remove more than one host-only network adapters (non Windows hosts)
* GUI: display estimated time for long running operations (e.g. OVF import/export)
* GUI: fixed rare hangs when open the OVF import/export wizards (bug #4157)
* 3D support: fixed VM crashes for client applications using incorrect OpenGL states
* 3D support: fixed memory corruption when querying for supported texture compression formats
* 3D support: fixed incorrect rendering of glDrawRangeElements
* 3D support: fixed memory leak when using VBOs
* 3D support: fixed glew library detection
* 3D support: fixed random textures corruption
* VRDP: support Windows 7 RDP client
* Networking: fixed another problem with TX checksum offloading with Linux kernels up to version 2.6.18
* NAT: fixed “open ports on virtual router - 513, 514” (forum)
* NAT: allow to configure socket and internal parameters
* NAT: allow to bind sockets to specific interface
* PXE boot: significant performance increase (VT-x/AMD-V only)
* VHD: properly write empty sectors when cloning of VHD images (bug #4080)
* VHD: fixed crash when discarding snapshots of a VHD image
* VHD: fixed access beyond the block bitmap which could lead to arbitrary crashes
* VBoxManage: fixed incorrect partition table processing when creating VMDK files giving raw partition access (bug #3510)
* VBoxManage: support cloning to existing image file
* OVF: several OVF 1.0 compatibility fixes
* OVF: fixed exporting of disk images when multiple virtual machines are exported at once
* Virtual mouse device: eliminated micro-movements of the virtual mouse which were confusing some applications (bug #3782)
* Shared Folders: sometimes a file was created using the wrong permissions (2.2.0 regression; bug #3785)
* Shared Folders: allow to change file attributes from Linux guests and use the correct file mode when creating files
* Shared Folders: some content was incorrectly written under certain conditions (bug #1187)
* Shared Folders: fixed incorrect file timestamps, when using Windows guest on a Linux host (bug #3404)
* X11 clipboard: fix duplicate end of lines (bug #4270)
* X11 guests: a number of shared clipboard fixes
* Linux guests: Guest Additions support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11
* Linux guests: new daemon vboxadd-service to handle time synchronization and guest property lookup
* Linux guests: implemented guest properties (OS info, logged in users, basic network information)
* Windows host installer: VirtualBox Python API can now be installed automatically (requires Python and Win32 Extensions installed)
* USB: Support for high-speed isochronous endpoints has been added. In addition, read-ahead buffering is performed for input endpoints (currently Linux hosts only). This should allow additional devices to work, notably webcams (bug #242).
* USB: fixed error handling for some USB dongles
* Web service: fixed inability to handle NULL pointers for object arguments, which are valid values for a lot of APIs, in both the raw and the object-oriented web service.
* Web service: object-oriented bindings for JAX-WS did not exhibit interface inheritance correctly, fixed
* Web service: added support for IDisplay and IGuest interfaces, which were previously unavailable
* Registration dialog uses Sun Online accounts now
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 30.06.2009 в 20:51.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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a2z (30.06.2009)
Старый 11.07.2009, 11:42      #25
Аватар для Wolverine89

VirtualBox 3.0.2 Build 49928

Это сервисный выпуск, в котором исправлены проблемы с работой виртуальной машины, а также компонентов ACPI, APIC, IOD, сетевой маршрутизации и различными системами
Список изменении

VirtualBox 3.0.2 (released 2009-07-10)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: fixed network regressions (guest hangs during network IO) (bug #4343)
VMM: guest SMP performance improvements
VMM: fixed hangs and poor performance with Kaspersky Internet Security (VT-x/AMD-V only; bug #1778)
VMM: fixed crashes when executing certain Linux guests (software virtualization only; bugs #2696 & #3868)
ACPI: fixed Windows 2000 kernel hangs with IO-APIC enabled (bug #4348)
APIC: fixed high idle load for certain Linux guests (3.0 regression)
BIOS: properly handle Ctrl-Alt-Del in real mode
iSCSI: fixed configuration parsing (bug #4236)
OVF: fix potential confusion when exporting networks
OVF: compatibility fix (bug #4452)
NAT: fixed crashes under certain circumstances (bug #4330)
3D support: fixed dynamic linking on Solaris/OpenSolaris guests (bug #4399)
3D support: fixed incorrect context/window tracking for multithreaded apps
Shared Folders: fixed loading from saved state (bug #1595)
Shared Folders: host file permissions set to 0400 with Windows guest (bug #4381)
X11 host and guest clipboard: fixed a number of issues, including bug #4380 and #4344
X11 Additions: fixed some issues with seamless windows in X11 guests (bug #3727)
Windows Additions: added VBoxServiceNT for NT4 guests (for time synchronization and guest properties)
Windows Additions: fixed version lookup
Linux hosts: workaround for buggy graphics drivers showing a black VM window on recent distributions (bug #4335)
Linux hosts: fixed typo in kernel module startup script (bug #4388)
Installer: support Pardus Linux
Solaris hosts: several installer fixes
Solaris host: fixed a preemption issue causing VMs to never start on Solaris 10 (bug #4328).
Solaris guest: fixed mouse integration for OpenSolaris 2009.06 (bug #4365)
Windows hosts: fixed high CPU usage after resuming the host (bug #2978)
OVF: accept ovf:/disk/ specifiers with a single slash in addition to ovf://disk/ (bug #4452)
Fixed a settings file conversion bug which sometimes caused hardware acceleration to be enabled for virtual machines that had no explicit configuration in the XML.
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 11.07.2009 в 15:54. Причина: ftp
Wolverine89 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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a2z (13.07.2009)
Старый 05.08.2009, 22:15      #26
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 3.0.4 Build 50677
Изменения от 04.08.2009
  • VMM: 64 bits guest stability fixes (AMD-V only; bugs #3923 & #3666)
  • VMM: SMP stability fixes (AMD-V only)
  • VMM: SMP performance improvement (esp. for Solaris guests)
  • VMM: eliminated several bugs which could lead to a host reboot
  • VMM: fixed OS/2 ACP2 boot floppy hang (VT-x only)
  • VMM: small performance improvement for OpenSolaris guests (AMD-V only)
  • VMM: fixed CentOS/Xen reboot (software virtualization only; bug #4509)
  • SATA: fixed hangs / BSOD during Windows XP installation (bug #4342)
  • SATA: mark the ports as non hotpluggable (bug #3920)
  • 3D support: fix deadlocks and context/window tracking for multithreaded applications (bug #3922)
  • 3D support: fix memory leaks when terminating OpenGL guest applications
  • 3D support: fix crash in Call of Duty
  • NAT: using two or more NAT adapters in one VM was broken (3.0.0 regression)
  • NAT: fixed network communication corruptions (bugs #4499, #4540, #4591, #4604)
  • NAT: fixed passive ftp access to host server (bug #4427)
  • iSCSI: fixed cloning to/from iSCSI disks
  • GUI: fixed path separator handling for the OVF export on Windows (bug #4354)
  • GUI: the mini toolbar was only shown on the first host display (bug #4654)
  • GUI: added a VM option to display the mini toolbar on top
  • GUI: don’t crash when adding plus configuring host-only network interfaces
  • Shared Folders: fixed selection of a drive root directory as a shared folder host path in VirtualBox (Windows host only)
  • USB: fixed a bug that may have rendered USB devicefilter settings inactive (3.0.2 regression, bug #4668)
  • Guest Additions: report the Guest Additions version to the guest properties (bug #3415)
  • Mac OS X hosts: fix creation of VMDK files giving raw partition access (bug #1461)
  • Mac OS X hosts: improved support for Snow Leopard
  • Linux hosts: fixed problems leading to wrong colors or transparency in host windows with some graphics drivers (bug #3095)
  • Linux hosts: hardware detection fallbacks if the hal service fails to find any DVD drives.
  • Linux and Solaris hosts: Work around color handling problems in Qt (bug #4353)
  • Solaris hosts: fixed memory leaks in host-only networking
  • Solaris Installer: fixed incorrect netmask for Host-only interface (bug #4590)
  • Solaris Installer: added package dependency for Python and Python-devel (bug #4570)
  • X11 guests: prevent windows from being skipped in seamless mode KDE guests (bugs #1681 and #3574)
  • X11 guests: fixed screen corruption in X11 guests when large amounts of video RAM were allocated (bug #4430)
  • X11 guests: some fixes when switching between host and guest-drawn mouse pointers.
  • X11 guests: fixed an issue which caused seamless mode to stop working as it should (the main issue listed in bug #2238)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 05.08.2009 в 22:18.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 10.09.2009, 20:36      #27
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.0.6 b52128 Final

Представлен корректирующий релиз VirtualBox под номером 3.0.6, содержащий исправление 57 ошибок.

Список изменений
* VMM: fixed IO-APIC overhead for 32 bits Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 guests (AMD-V only; bug #4392)
* VMM: fixed a Guru meditation under certain circumstances when enabling a disabled device (bug #4510)
* VMM: fixed a Guru meditation when booting certain Arch Linux guests (software virtualization only; bug #2149)
* VMM: fixed hangs with 64 bits Solaris & OpenSolaris guests (bug #2258)
* VMM: fixed decreasing rdtsc values (AMD-V & VT-x only; bug #2869)
* VMM: small Solaris/OpenSolaris performance improvements (VT-x only)
* VMM: cpuid change to correct reported virtual CPU id in Linux
* VMM: NetBSD 5.0.1 CD hangs during boot (VT-x only; bug #3947)
* Solaris hosts: worked around an issue that caused the host to hang (bug #4486)
* Solaris hosts: fixed a rare host system deadlock when using bridged networking
* Solaris hosts: fixed a potential host system deadlock when CPUs were onlined or offlined
* Solaris hosts installer: added missing dependency for UTF-8 package (bug #4899)
* Linux hosts: don't crash on Linux PAE kernels < 2.6.11 (in particular RHEL/CentOS 4); disable VT-x on Linux kernels < 2.6.13 (bug #1842)
* Linux/Solaris hosts: correctly detect keyboards with fewer keys than usual (bug #4799)
* Mac OS X hosts: prevent password dialogs in 32 bits Snow Leopard
* Python WS: fixed issue with certain enumerations constants having wrong values in Python webservices bindings
* Python API: several threading and platform issues fixed
* Python shell: added exportVM command
* Python shell: various improvements and bugfixes
* Python shell: corrected detection of home directory in remote case
* OVF: fixed XML comment handling that could lead to parser errors
* Main: fixed a rare parsing problem with port numbers of USB device filters in machine settings XML
* Main: restrict guest RAM size to 1.5 GB (32 bits Windows hosts only)
* Main: fixed possible hang during guest reboot (bug #3792)
* GUI: fixed rare crash when removing the last disk from the media manager (bug #4795)
* VBoxManage: fixed guestproperty for Mac OS X hosts (bug #3806)
* VBoxManage: fixed setting guest properties with --flags or -flags
* Webservice: fixed a severe memory leak, at least on platforms using XPCOM
* Serial: fixed host mode (Solaris, Linux and Mac OS X hosts; bug #4672)
* VRDP: Remote USB Protocol version 3
* SATA: fixed hangs and BSODs introduced with 3.0.4 (bugs #4695, #4739, #4710)
* SATA: fixed a bug which prevented Windows 7 from detecting more than one hard disk
* SATA/SCSI: fixed rare random guest crashes and hangs
* SCSI: fixed problem with Fedora 11 refusing to boot after kernel update
* iSCSI: fix logging out when the target has dropped the connection, fix negotiation of simparameters, fix command resend when the connection was dropped, fix processing SCSI status for targets which do not use phase collapse
* BIOS: fixed a bug that caused the OS/2 boot manager to fail (2.1.0 regression, bug #3911)
* PulseAudio: don't hang during VM termination if the connection to the server was unexpectedly terminated (bug #3100)
* Mouse: fixed weird mouse behaviour with SMP (Solaris) guests (bug #4538)
* HostOnly Network: fixed failure in CreateHostOnlyNetworkInterface() on Linux (no GUID)
* HostOnly Network: fixed wrong DHCP server startup while hostonly interface bringup on Linux
* HostOnly Network: fixed incorrect factory and default MAC address on Solaris
* HostOnly Network: fixed the problem with listing host-only interfaces on Mac OS X when all physical interfaces are down (bugs #4698, #4790)
* DHCP: fixed a bug in the DHCP server where it allocated one IP address less than the configured range
* E1000: fixed receiving of multicast packets
* E1000: fixed up/down link notification after resuming a VM
* NAT: fixed ethernet address corruptions (bug #4839)
* NAT: fixed hangs, dropped packets and retransmission problems (bug #4343)
* Bridged Network: fixed packet queue issue which might cause DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE BSOD for Windows hosts (bug #4821)
* Windows Additions: fixed a bug in VBoxGINA which prevented selecting the right domain when logging in the first time
* Windows host installer: should now also work on unicode systems (like Korean, bug #3707)
* Windows host installer: check for sufficient disk space
* Shared clipboard: do not send zero-terminated text to X11 guests and hosts (bug #4712)
* Shared clipboard: use a less CPU intensive way of checking for new data on X11 guests and hosts (bug #4092)
* Guest Additions: do not hide the host mouse cursor when restoring a saved state (bug #4700)
* Windows guests: fixed issues with the display of the mouse cursor image (bugs #2603, #2660 and #4817)
* SUSE 11 guests: fixed Guest Additions installation (bug #4506)
* Guest Additions: support Fedora 12 Alpha guests (bugs #4731, #4733 and #4734)
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 10.09.2009 в 20:36.
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Старый 06.10.2009, 19:39      #28
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
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VirtualBox 3.0.8 Build 53138
Изменения (released 2009-10-06)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: fixed 64 bits guest on 32 bits host regression in 3.0.6 (VT-x only; bug #4947)
* VMM: fixed a recompiler triple fault guru meditation (VT-x & AMD-V only; bug #5058)
* VMM: fixed hang after guest state restore (AMD-V, 32 bits Windows guest and IO-APIC enabled only; bug #5059)
* VMM: fixed paging issue with OS/2 guests
* VMM: fixed guru meditation in rare cases (2.0 regression; software virtualization only)
* VMM: fixed release assertion during state restore when using the Sound Blaster 16 emulation (bug #5042)
* Security: fixed vulnerability that allowed to execute commands with root privileges
* Linux hosts: fixed runtime assertion in semaphore implementation which was triggered under certain conditions (bug #616)
* Linux hosts: change the default USB access mode on certain distributions (bugs #3394 and #4291)
* Linux hosts: on hardened Gentoo, the VBoxSVC daemon crashed by opening the VM network settings (bug #3732)
* Linux hosts, Solaris hosts: pass the XAUTHORITY variable along the DISPLAY variable when starting a VM from VBoxManage or from the VM selector (bug #5063)
* Linux hosts: use sysfs to enumerate host drives if hal is not available
* Solaris hosts: fixed a bug which would hang the host sporadically as interrupts were not re-enabled everytime
* Solaris hosts: fixed a kernel panic with bridged and host-only networking (bug #4775)
* Solaris hosts: fixed incorrectly persistent CD/DVD-ROMs when changing them (bug #5077)
* X11-based hosts: support additional function keys on Sun keyboards (bug #4907)
* Mac OS X hosts (Snow Leopard): fixed problem starting headless VMs without a graphical session (bug #5002)
* Mac OS X hosts: fixed problem listing host-only adapter names with trailing garbage (attached VMs won't start)
* Windows Additions: now work with Vista 64-bit Home editions (bug #3865)
* Windows Additions: fixed screen corruption with ZoomText Magnifier
* Windows Additions: fixed NPGetUniversalName failure (bug #4853)
* Windows Additions: fixed Windows NT regression (bug #4946)
* Windows Additions: fixed VBoxService not running if no Shared Folders are installed
* Linux Additions: implemented ftrunctate (bug #4771)
* VRDP: start VM even if configured VRDP port is in use
* Networking: the PCnet network device stopped receiving under rare conditions (bug #4870)
* VBoxManage: implemented controlvm vrdpport command
* iSCSI: fixed issue with NetApp targets (#5072)
* SCSI: add support for virtual disks larger than 2TB
* USB: fixed potential crash when unplugging USB2 devices (bug #5089)
* NAT: IPSEC did not properly work with Linux guests (bug #4801)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 06.10.2009 в 19:39.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
a2z (09.10.2009)
Старый 30.10.2009, 21:15      #29
Аватар для zhigalov
По умолчанию

Выложите, пожалуйста последнюю версию VirtualBox 3.0.10 (released 2009-10-29). Спасибо.
zhigalov вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 31.10.2009, 11:13      #30
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.0.10 b54097 Final

Представлен корректирующий релиз VirtualBox под номером 3.0.10.

Список изменений
* VMM: guest SMP stability fixes
* VMM: fixed guru meditation with nested paging and SMP guests (bug #5222)
* VMM: changed VT-x/AMD-V usage to detect other active hypervisors; necessary for e.g. Windows 7 XP compatibility mode (Windows & Mac OS X hosts only; bug #4239)
* VMM: guru meditation during SCO OpenServer installation and reboot (VT-x only; bug #5164)
* VMM: fixed accessed bit handling in certain cases (bug #5248)
* VMM: fixed VPID flushing (VT-x only)
* VMM: fixed broken nested paging for 64 bits guests on 32 bits hosts (AMD-V only; bug #5285)
* VMM: fixed loading of old saved states/snapshots (bug #3984)
* Mac OS X hosts: fixed memory leaks (bug #5084)
* Mac OS X hosts (Snow Leopard): fixed redraw problem in a dual screen setup (bug #4942)
* Windows hosts: installer updates for Windows 7
* Solaris hosts: out of memory handled incorrectly (bug #5241)
* Solaris hosts: the previous fix for #5077 broke the DVD host support on Solaris 10 (VBox 3.0.8 regression)
* Linux hosts: fixed module compilation against Linux 2.6.32rc4 and later
* Guest Additions: fixed possible guest OS kernel memory exhaustion
* Guest Additions: fixed stability issues with SMP guests
* Windows Additions: fixed color depth issue with low resolution hosts, netbooks, etc. (bug #4935)
* Windows Additions: fixed NO_MORE_FILES error when saving to shared folders (bug #4106)
* Windows Additions: fixed subdirectory creation on shared folders (bug #4299)
* Linux Additions: sendfile() returned -EOVERFLOW when executed on a shared folder (bug #2921)
* Linux Additions: fixed incorrect disk usage value (non-Windows hosts only)
* Linux installer: register the module sources at DKMS even if the package provides proper modules for the current running kernel
* 3D support: removed invalid OpenGL assertion (bug #5158)
* Network: fixed the Am79C973 PCNet emulation for QNX (and probably other) guests (bug #3206)
* VMDK: fix handling of split image variants
* VHD: do not delay updating the footer when expanding the image to prevent image inconsistency
* USB: stability fix for some USB 2.0 devices
* GUI: added a search index to the .chm help file
* GUI/Windows hosts: fixed CapsLock handling on French keyboards (bug #2025)
* Shared clipboard/X11 hosts: fixed a crash when clipboard initialisation failed (bug #4987)
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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
zhigalov (31.10.2009)
Старый 01.12.2009, 20:33      #31
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
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VirtualBox 3.1.0 Build 55467
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации от корпорации Sun Microsystems

В этом релизе добавлена возможность переноса существующих сессий между машинами, улучшенная поддержка снимков, двухмерное ускорение в среде Windows, расширенная поддержка систем хранения данных, повышенная производительность на системах с процессорами AMD, экспериментальная поддержка интерфейса EFI, а также многое другое (подробнее). На текущий момент идет тестирование следующей версии 3.1.0, в которой ожидается улучшенная поддержка ускорения видео, функция переноса сессий, горячее управление сетевыми подключениями, улучшенная производительность и многое другое (подробнее).
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 01.12.2009 в 20:34.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 14.02.2010, 13:39      #32
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
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VirtualBox 3.1.4 Build 57640
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации от корпорации Sun Microsystems
Изменения 12-02-2010
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: SMP stability fixes
* VMM: fixed guru meditation in certain rare cases (bug #5968)
* VMM: activate NXE for PAE enabled guests (VT-x and AMD-V on 32 bits hosts only; bug #3578)
* VMM: added workaround for broken BIOSes that make VirtualBox think AMD-V is in use (for details see bug #5639)
* VMM: fixed rare host reboot when restoring a saved state (bug #3945)
* VMM: fixed incompatibility with 2.6.32 Linux kernels (software virtualization only; bug #6100)
* VMM: turn on nested paging by default for new VMs (if available; VT-x and AMD-V only)
* VMM: turn on VPID by default for new VMs (if available; VT-x only)
* VMM: perform strict CPUID compatibility checks when teleporting; to get the old behavior set "VBoxInternal/CPUM/StrictCpuIdChecks" to 0
* VMM: fixed VM crash with certain 16 bits Windows applications (software virtualization only; bug #5399)
* Snapshots: fixed a 3.1 regression that broke deletion of snapshots when a machine had immutable or writethrough storage attached (bug #5727)
* Saved state: fixed VERR_SSM_LOADED_TOO_MUCH error when loading DisplayScreenshot(bug #6162)
* VBoxManage: add restorecurrent operation to snapshots command
* VBoxManage: fixed broken snapshot lookup by name (bug #6070
* GUI: fixed the broken "Reload" button that reloads the machine XML when a machine is inaccessible
* GUI: fixed guest fullscreen mode after reboot (bug #5372)
* GUI: handle Ctrl+Break properly on X11 hosts (bug #6122)
* GUI: fixed status LEDs for storage devices
* GUI: workaround for disabling the seamless mode on KDE hosts (KWin bug)
* 3D support: fixed SELinux warning saying VBoxOGL.so requires text relocation (bug #5690)
* 3D support: fixed Corrupted surface rendering (bug #5695)
* 3D support: free textures on guest application termination (bug #5206)
* 3D support: fixed ubigraph_server crashes (#4674)
* 3D support: fixes for 64-bit Solaris guests
* Seamless: disable seamless mode when guest changes screen resolution (bug #5655)
* NAT: fixed high CPU load under certain circumstances (Windows hosts only; bug #5787)
* NAT: fixed handling of the broadcast flag in DHCP requests
* NAT: fixed rare crash due to an assertion in the ICMP code (bug #3217)
* Virtio-net: don't crash when ports accessed beyond the valid range (bug #5923)
* LsiLogic: fix for Windows 7 guests
* ATA: fix for guru meditation when installing Solaris 8 guests (bug #5972)
* VHD: fixed an incompatibility with Virtual PC (bug #5990)
* VHD: update the footer backup after setting a new UUID (bug #5004)
* Host DVD: really fixed loading "passthrough" setting from config file (bug #5681)
* Shared folders: fixed resolving of symlink target on Linux (3.1.2 regression)
* VRDP: fixed VERR_NET_ADDRESS_IN_USE error when restarting a VM (3.1 regression; bug #5902)
* VRDP: fixed crash on Mac OS X when 3D is enabled (3.1 regression)
* PulseAudio: fixed recording (bug #4302)
* USB: fixed a shutdown blue screen (Windows hosts only; bug #5885)
* BIOS: fixed attribute during text scroll (bug #3407)
* OVF: fix strange error messages on disk import errors
* OVF: do not require write access the the .ovf file during import (3.1 regression; bug #5762)
* iSCSI: fix taking snapshots of a running VM (#5849)
* Solaris hosts: several USB fixes (including support for Apple iPod; bug #5873)
* Solaris installer: fixed USB module removal and Solaris 10 "id" binary incompatibility
* Guest Additions: fixed wrong guest time adjustment if the guest clock is ahead (3.1 regression; non-Windows guests only)
* Linux Additions: fixed shared folders for Linux 2.6.32 guests (bug #5891)
* Linux Additions: make the mouse driver work on Debian 5.0.3 guests again (3.1.2 regression, bug #5832)
* Windows Additions: fixed malfunctioning !VBoxService that broke time-sync (bug #5872)
* Windows Additions: fixed uninstallation issues on 64-bit guests
* Windows Additions: fixed some sysprep execution issues
* X.Org Additions: never reject the saved video mode as invalid (bug #5731)
* XFree86 Additions: accept video mode hints for the initial mode again
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 14.02.2010 в 13:41.
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Wolverine89 (14.02.2010), zhigalov (14.02.2010)
Старый 26.03.2010, 02:29      #33
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
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VirtualBox 3.1.6 Build 59338
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации от корпорации Sun Microsystems
Изменения 25-03-2010
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Linux hosts: fixed timing issue on hosts with Linux kernels 2.6.31 or later with certain CPUs (asynchronous timer mode; bug #6250)
Linux hosts: properly handle host suspend/resume events on Linux kernels 2.6.30 or later (bug #5562)
Mac OS X hosts: fixed VBoxSVC crash while enumerating the host network interfaces under certain circumstances
Snapshots: fixed image corruption after snapshot merge under certain circumstances (bug #6023)
Snapshots: fixed crash with VBoxHeadless / OSE
VMM: fixed reference counting guru meditation (bug #4940)
VMM: improved guest SMP stability
VMM: fixed VT-x hardware debug issues (bugs #477 & #5792)
VMM: fixed PGMDynMapHCPage guru meditation (Mac OS X; VT-x only; bug #6095)
VMM: fixed pgmPoolTrackFlushGCPhysPTInt guru meditations (Mac OS X; VT-x only; bugs #6095 & #6125)
VMM: Fixed host crash when running PAE guests in VT-X mode (Mac OS X only; bug #5771).
GUI: fix displaying of error message (bug #4345)
GUI: fix inability to enter seamless mode (bugs #6185, #6188)
3D support: fixed assertion and flickering when guest application uses several windows with a single OpenGL context (bug #4598)
3D support: fixed host crashes when using GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array and array element calls (bug #6165)
3D support: fixed runtime linker errors with OpenGL guest libs (bug #5297)
3D support: fixed OpenGL extension viewer crash on startup (bug #4962)
NAT: fixed a 3.1.4 regression on Windows hosts where graceful connection termination was broken (bug #6237)
NAT: alternative network setting was not stored persistent (bug #6176)
NAT: fixed memory corruption during ICMP traffic under certain circumstances
Network: allow to switch the host interface or the internal network while a VM is running (bug #5781)
VHD: fix for images with a block size different than 2MB
USB: fixed filtered device attach regression (bug #6251)
USB: fixed crash in OHCI under rare circumstances (bug #3571)
VRDP: fixed hang under rare circumstances when attaching USB devices
ACPI: prevent guest freezes when accessing /proc/acpi for determining the state of the host battery and the AC adapter (Linux hosts only; bug #2836)
PulseAudio: fixed guest freezes under certain conditions (3.1.4 regression; bug #6224)
BIOS: increased space for DMI strings
BIOS: fixed interrupt routing problem for certain configurations (I/O-APIC enabled, ACPI not used; bug #6098)
iSCSI: be more robust when handling the INQUIRY response
iSCSI: be more robust when handling sense data
BusLogic: fixed FreeBSD guests
webservice: vboxwebsrv is now multithreaded
Solaris Installer: fixed netmask to stay persistent across reboots for Host-only interface (bug #4590)
Linux installer: removed external dependency to libpng12.so (bug #6243)
Solaris Additions: fixed superfluous kernel logging (bug #6181)
Linux Additions: fixed hang when starting the X server in Fedora12 guests and in guests with Linux 2.6.33 or later (bug #6198)
Linux Additions: support Mandriva speedboot runlevel (bug #5484)
Linux Additions: fixed SELinux security context of mount.vboxsf (bug #6362)
Linux Additions: support Ubuntu 10.04 (bug #5737)
Web service: update PHP bindings to fix problems with enums and collections
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 26.03.2010 в 02:30.
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Wolverine89 (26.03.2010)
Старый 04.05.2010, 12:44      #34
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

В связи с недавним приобретением компании Sun Microsystems корпорацией Oracle, продукт теперь носит имя Oracle VM VirtualBox. В сети уже появилась новая бета-версия продукта VirtualBox 3.2.0 Beta 1 можно загрузить здесь.

Ключевые особенности версии VirtualBox 3.2.0 перечислены ниже:
  • В новой версии реализована экспериментальная поддержка Mac OS X в качестве гостевой ОС.
  • Функция Memory Ballooning предоставляет возможность динамического перераспределения ресурсов оперативной памяти, потребляемых виртуальной машиной (только для 64-битных хост-систем).
  • Добавление процессоров в «горячем» режиме для гостевых систем Linux (добавление и удаление процессоров) и некоторых версий Windows (только добавление).
  • Расширенная функциональность гипервизора на 64-битных хост-системах.
  • Возможность удаления снимков (snapshots), не прерывая работы виртуальной машины.
  • Поддержка нескольких мониторов для гостевых ОС.
  • Эмуляция USB–планшетов и клавиатур.
  • Эмуляция контроллера LsiLogic SAS.
  • Поддержка аппаратного ускорения видео.
  • Настройка параметров NAT через API-интерфейс или с помощью утилиты VBoxManage.
  • Добавлена возможность выполнения гостевых приложений с хост-системы.
  • Расширенная поддержка открытого формата виртуальных мащин (OVF).
Полный список реализованных изменений опубликован на форуме программы.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 04.05.2010 в 15:11.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 12.05.2010, 20:16      #35
Аватар для Wolverine89

VirtualBox 3.1.8 Build 61349

Список изменении 2010-05-10
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: fixed crash with the OpenSUSE 11.3 milestone kernel during early boot (software virtualization only; bug #5457)
* VMM: fixed invalid state during teleportation
* VMM: fixed OS/2 guest crash with nested paging enabled
* VMM: fixed massive display performance loss (AMD-V with nested paging only)
* GUI: fixed off-by-one bug when passing absolute mouse coordinates to the guest (3.1.6 regression)
* GUI: show the real version of the Guest Additions, not the interface version
* GUI: when adding a DVD or floppy slot in the VM mass storage settings dialog, don't attach a random medium but just leave the slot empty
* GUI: added --seamless and --fullscreen command line switches (bug #4220)
* GUI: fixed a SEGFAULT under rare circumstances
* 2D Video acceleration: fixed display issues when working with non 32-bit modes (bugs #6094 & #6208)
* LsiLogic: Fixed detection of hard disks attached to port 0 when using the drivers from LSI
* ATA: Fixed sporadic crash with Linux guests when having a hard disk and DVD drive on the same channel (bug #6079)
* Network: allow to start a VM even if not all network adapters are attached
* Network: promiscuous mode support for e1000 and simparavirtualized adapters (bug #6519)
* NAT: fixed ICMP latency (non-Windows hosts only; bug #6427)
* SCSI: fixed guest crashes under certain circumstances when booting from SCSI devices
* VBoxManage: fixed modifyvm --natnet default
* Solaris Hosts: fixed a kernel panic when bridged networking might fail to initialize
* Solaris Hosts: fixed priority tagged VLAN packets in bridged networking
* Shared folders: fixed issue with copying read-only files (Linux guests only; bug #4890)
* Shared folders: renamed the guest kernel module from vboxvfs to vboxsf to make it load on demand by the Linux kernel. Fixes mounting from /etc/fstab in Ubuntu 10.04
* Shared folders: fixed setuid file permissions (Solaris guests only).
* Shared folders: fixed deleting directories recursively (Solaris guests only; bug #6513)
* Guest Additions: support seamless and dynamic resizing on certain older X11 guests (bug #5840)
* Solaris Additions: fixed OpenGL library dependencies (bug #6435)
* Keyboard/Mouse emulation: fixed handling of simultaneous mouse/keyboard events under certain circumstances (bug #5375)
* Mouse emulation: never switch straight back from Explorer to IntelliMouse mode as it confuses the FreeBSD mouse driver (bug #6488)
* SDK: fixed memory leak in IDisplay::takeScreenShotSlow() (bug #6549)
* 3D support: fixed Final frame of Compiz animation not updated to the screen (Mac OS X only) (bug #4653)
* VRDP: allow to bind to localhost only on Mac OS X (bug #5227)
* Linux hosts: add host USB support for Ubuntu 10.04 and other hosts without the hal daemon or usbfs (bug #6343)
* webservice: more structs and array fixes in PHP bindings (bug #5657)
* Windows hosts: make the bridged networking driver notify dll be correctly unregistred on uninstall (bug #5780)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 12.05.2010 в 20:44. Причина: ftp
Wolverine89 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Slava (12.05.2010)
Старый 12.05.2010, 20:46      #36
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

Так же доступна для закачки новая бета версия
Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.0 BETA 2

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 12.05.2010 в 20:46.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.05.2010, 17:20      #37
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

доступна для закачки новая бета версия
Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.0 BETA 3
оф.форум: http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=30864
скачать: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.2.0_BETA3/

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 13.05.2010 в 17:23.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 19.05.2010, 17:35      #38
Аватар для Wolverine89

VirtualBox 3.2.0 Build 61806

Список изменении 2010-05-18
This version is a major update. The following major new features were added:

* Following the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle Corporation, the product is now called Oracle VM VirtualBox and all references were changed without impacting compatibility
* Experimental support for Mac OS X guests (see the manual for more information)
* Memory ballooning to dynamically in- or decrease the amount of RAM used by a VM (64-bit hosts only) (see the manual for more information)
* Page Fusion automatically de-duplicates RAM when running similar VMs thereby increasing capacity. Currently supported for Windows guests on 64-bit hosts (see the manual for more information)
* CPU hot-plugging for Linux (hot-add and hot-remove) and certain Windows guests (hot-add only) (see the manual for more information)
* New Hypervisor features: with both VT-x/AMD-V on 64-bit hosts, using large pages can improve performance (see the manual for more information); also, on VT-x, unrestricted guest execution is now supported (if nested paging is enabled with VT-x, real mode and protected mode without paging code runs faster, which mainly speeds up guest OS booting)
* Support for deleting snapshots while the VM is running
* Support for multi-monitor guest setups in the GUI for Windows guests (see the manual for more information)
* USB tablet/keyboard emulation for improved user experience if no Guest Additions are available (see the manual for more information).
* LsiLogic SAS controller emulation (see the manual for more information)
* RDP video acceleration (see the manual for more information)
* NAT engine configuration via API and VBoxManage
* Use of host I/O cache is now configurable (see the manual for more information)
* Guest Additions: added support for executing guest applications from the host system (replaces the automatic system presimparation feature; see the manual for more information)
* OVF: enhanced OVF support with custom namespace to preserve settings that are not part of the base OVF standard

In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: fixed Windows 2000 guest crash when configured with a large amount of RAM (bug #5800)
* Linux/Solaris guests: PAM module for automatic logons added
* GUI: guess the OS type from the OS name when creating a new VM
* GUI: added VM setting for passing the time in UTC instead of passing the local host time to the guest (bug #1310)
* GUI: fixed seamless mode on secondary monitors (bugs #1322 and #1669)
* GUI: offer to download the user manual in the OSE version (bug #6442)
* Main: allow to start a VM even if a virtual DVD or floppy medium is not accessible
* Settings: be more robust when saving the XML settings files
* Mac OS X: rewrite of the CoreAudio driver and added support for audio input (bug #5869)
* Mac OS X: external VRDP authentication module support (bug #3106)
* Mac OS X: Moved the realtime dock preview settings to the VM settings (no global option anymore). Use the dock menu to configure it.
* Mac OS X: added the VM menu to the dock menu
* 3D support: fixed corrupted surface rendering (bug #5695)
* 3D support: fixed VM crashes when using ARB_IMAGING (bug #6014)
* 3D support: fixed assertion when guest applications uses several windows with single OpenGL context (bug #4598)
* 3D support: added GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object support
* 3D support: added OpenGL 2.1 support
* 3D support: fixed Final frame of Compiz animation not updated to the screen (Mac OS X only) (bug #4653)
* 3D support: fixed blank screen after loading snapshot of VM with enabled Compiz
* Added support for virtual high precision event timer (HPET)
* OVF: fixed mapping between two IDE channels in OVF and the one IDE controller in VirtualBox
* OVF: fix VMDK format string identifiers and sort XML elements from rasd: namespace alphabetically as prescribed by standard
* VBoxShell: interactive Python shell extended to be fully functional TUI for VirtualBox
* Linux Additions: support Fedora 13 (bug #6370)
* VBoxManage: fixed overly strict checks when creating a raw partition VMDK (bugs #688, #4438)
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 19.05.2010 в 19:49.
Wolverine89 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Kletska (20.05.2010), Slava (19.05.2010)
Старый 20.05.2010, 10:45      #39
Аватар для Kletska
По умолчанию

Вчера попытался поставить на вирт. машину МасОS 10.6 с оригинального образа(коль заявлена ее поддержка), но..
Сначала отказался монтироваться образ *.dmg, переконвертировал его в *.iso - смонтировал. Но счастье было недолгим, установщик долго думал, писал диагностические сообщения, а потом остановился и отказался запускать дальнейшую установку.
Почитал справку, но там все на англицком, в результате даже после перевода гуглом так и не понял как монтировать оригинальный образ.
У кого-нибудь получилось установить МасОS на последнюю версию VirtBOX или я один ищу себе головную боль?
Всё что нас не убивает - делает сильнее!
Kletska вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 20.05.2010, 11:08      #40
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

Сообщение от Kletska Посмотреть сообщение
МасОS на виртуалке это жесть, жуткое подобие =) Чтобы установить нужно изучить в сетке некоторые нюансы, если все же хочешь по быстрому поглядеть, то проще скачать уже готовый рабочий образ для VMware.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 20.05.2010 в 11:53.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх

виртуализация, виртуальная машина, opensource

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