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Старый 23.03.2008, 11:40    ▼       #1
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition)
официальная русская версия

Год выпуска: 2007

Жанр: Авиасимулятор

Разработчик: Microsoft Games

Издательство: Microsoft game studio

Платформа: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista

Системные требования:
Процессор: 1.0 Ghz;
RAM: Windows XP SP2 - 256MB, Windows Vista - 512MB:
Жесткий диск: 14GB;
Видеоплата: 32MB DirectX 9 совместимая;
Другое: совместимость аппаратного обеспечения с DX9, наличие звуковой платы, динамиков\наушников;
Для сетевой игры: скорость подключения 56.6кБ\с или выше.

Тип издания: лицензия

Язык интерфейса: только русский

Таблэтка: есть

Описание: Официальная версия Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition).
Безграничные просторы реального мира. Погрузитесь в этот живой и динамичный мир приключений. К вашим услугам более 50 лётных заданий во всех уголках света. Новички, делающие первые шаги по лётному полю, и ветераны, налетавшие сотни часов, найдут себе занятие по вкусу.
Проверьте свои навыки пилотирования или просто полюбуйтесь пейзажем. Простые лётные задания позволят освоиться в воздухе, а сложные - заработать призы. Понаблюдайте с воздуха за жизнью городов-мегаполисов и за движением на оживленных водных трассах.
Выберете себе "стальную птицу": от сверхлегкого моноплана до мощного реактивного лайнера. Гонки и высший пилотаж, спасательные операции в горах и коммерческие рейсы - полёты любой сложности, в любой местности, в любых условиях

ВИДЕО: Что такое MSFX ? История MSFX

Дополнительные возможности версии Deluxe:
*ещё больше детализированных городов и аэропортов в самых живописных уголках мира;
*составные лётные задания - серьёзная проверка мастерства.

Дополнительные возможности сетевой игры:
*совместный доступ к самолёту;
*возможность играть за авиадиспетчера.

Доп. информация: Переговоры с диспетчером не переведены, поэтому включена русификация ATC

Предупреждение: в реалии игра с дополнениями может занимать место до 150 Гб !!!
Не пытайтесь сразу установить все дополнения !!! Устанавливайте только то, что Вам понадобиться для полетов !!!

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Последний раз редактировалось Andrei589; 14.10.2008 в 16:52.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 14
Al 777 (23.03.2008), Artur (23.03.2008), bart1k (23.03.2008), bobor_47 (26.03.2008), DeaD (14.08.2008), demon@ (04.05.2008), Leon (09.04.2008), motio (28.02.2010), Саламандра (29.11.2010), SlavON (01.07.2010), slobodian (13.12.2009), Trane_777 (06.06.2008), ultim (24.03.2008), Vlad_ (11.08.2008)
Старый 04.08.2008, 00:23    ▲       #41
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Сообщение от demon@ Посмотреть сообщение
Я тут на торрент ру прописался ,скоро выложу много моделей самолетов и вертолетов для МFSХ , в том числе и боевых.
Оффтоп Ждем, надеемся и верим !!!
Только про мои гражданские не забывай !!!
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
demon@ (09.08.2008)
Старый 11.08.2008, 13:59      #42
По умолчанию

Знатоки MFS подскажите:в этом топике кроме Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition) есть еще адоны типа Microsoft Flight Simulator X - PILOTs FS Global 2008 и Microsoft Flight Simulator X - HiFi Simulation - Active Sky X & X Graphics это все ставить вместе и разом? неважно в каком порядке? (просто объемы для закачки немаленькие -не хочеться зря качать)
образ Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition) на диск.карелия битый откуда еще можно скачать?
вакансия: написание\переписывание статей - пишите в лс

Последний раз редактировалось Vlad_; 11.08.2008 в 15:14.
Vlad_ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 11.08.2008, 18:30      #43
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Сообщение от Vlad_ Посмотреть сообщение
образ Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition) на диск.карелия битый
Образ нормальный, не раз проверялось(не только мной).
Качай через FTP.
Для начала поставь только сам симулятор Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition).
Остальное будешь ставить по мере необходимости.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Vlad_ (11.08.2008)
Старый 11.08.2008, 18:49      #44
По умолчанию

Andrei589, не мог бы тогда подсказать как будет выглядеть Ftp-ссылка на диске? дело в том что просто закачка останавливается так как будто файл образа весит 300 мб.
вакансия: написание\переписывание статей - пишите в лс
Vlad_ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 11.08.2008, 19:01      #45
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Я лично всегда пользуюсь программой FlashFXP.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Vlad_ (11.08.2008)
Старый 12.08.2008, 16:15      #46
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию

Уже 30 Гб софта для MFSX скачал,18 дней трафика осталось 4Мб/сек.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Andrei589 (12.08.2008)
Старый 12.08.2008, 21:03      #47
По умолчанию

Andrei589, куда исчезла папка с игрой? ..я не успел докачать((
вакансия: написание\переписывание статей - пишите в лс
Vlad_ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 12.08.2008, 22:38      #48
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Да блин... Все на месте.. Это проблемы у Диска...От меня не зависит...
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.08.2008, 16:50      #49
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию

Ну ладно,потихоньку начинаю выкладывать.

FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: Digital Aviation - http://www.digital-aviation.de
Издательство: Aerosoft Germany - http://www.aerosoft.com
Тип издания: лицензия
Таблэтка: Присутствует (serials)
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий / французский / испанский
Описание: Пак, в котором собрано практически ВСЁ что доступно для скачивания у AEROSOFT'а для MFSX (версии для FS2004 там где они есть включены как дополнение), за исключением только раздела Tools, VFR Germany 1 - West и VFR Germany 2 - North.


Hughes H-1B "Special"
Симулятор: MFSX only
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (minimal Service Pack 2) DX10 Preview compatible
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
Mouse with mouse wheel
Installations-Size: 170 MB

Описание: Movie buffs know the Hughes H-1B from the Hollywood blockbuster The Aviator, aviation historians know it because it pioneered so many new technologies, aircraft enthusiast know it because it held the absolute world speed record for some time.

From now on flight sim pilots will know it the hardest plane they ever flown. Because it is designed with just one purpose in mind, to break records, it is uncomfortable, hardly stable and the engine always seems to be waiting for the worst time to go up in smoke.

The H1 is not an aircraft for the person who just started with FS, it is a very detailed and complex simulation of this rather special aircraft and without reading the manual and understanding the systems you will most likely ruin the engine (or not even get it started). Most our beta testers wrecked at least 6 finely tuned engines before they managed to keep them running. Many systems that are automated in aircraft made after the second World War are manual in this aircraft and they will require your attention at every stage of the flight. While complex this also will greatly enhance your understanding of aircraft systems, even those of modern aircraft. With every flight you will learn to tweak a bit more power out of the engine increasing your top speed. In the end the Aerosoft H1 is thoroughbred, capable of amazing things, but only in the hand of the most experienced pilot.

The original aircraft is now one of the main exhibits in the Smithsonian institute. Now you can fly this highly realistic aircraft in FSX and see if you can break your own records.
* Superbly researched project, almost an historical document in FS
* Both models (short wing and long wing) versions included
* Flight model based on the actual 1930's wind tunnel test and NACA airfoil data (we are sure Howard Hughes would appreciate that)
* Extensive modeling of the exterior and interior of the aircraft in full FSX standards
* Very highly detailed Virtual Cockpit with all parts fully animated
* Detailed and beautifully designed manual
* Low impact on framerate
* Special sound module to include full cockpit sounds (so you hear the wobble pump etc)
* Engine model unprecedented in detail, including fully new developed failure models for shock cooling, fuel pressure, oil pressure, hydraulic leaks and carburetor icing. All of these are unlike anything you seen on other aircraft.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 13.08.2008 в 17:23.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Andrei589 (13.08.2008)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:00      #50
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

DHC-6 Twin Otter X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
Mouse with mousewheel
Installations-Size: 600 MB

Описание: The De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter is one of the most versitile aircraft ever designed. Still Canada's most successful commercial aircraft program with more than 800 built, the Twin Otter remains popular for its rugged construction and useful STOL performance.

The De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter (aka Twotter) is one of those aircraft that should have been replaced by some new aircraft at least a decade ago. But it's not. The DHC-6 still flies and in fact the amount of registered is risen at this moment. The main reason for it is the fact it is just as much at home at the poles as it is in the tropics. It is used to maintain routes to airports up to 9000 feet and to ferry between islands. It will fly everywhere using wheels, floats or skis. It's a legend.

This STOL twin turboprop commuter airliner was in production between 1964 and 1988, with over 800 build it has been the most successful aircraft build in Canada. The model is currently been upgraded to a 400 version by Viking Air who holds the type certificate for the Twin Otter.

The high end model presented by Aerosoft and partly designed by SibWings includes all versions, and advanced avionics set. It is perfectly suited for use on some of our most favorite scenery products such as Lukla X and German Airfields 1. The gauges include two high end Bendix King systems that provide near perfect navigation and communication capabilities. Of course the original panel is also an option. One of the main design goals was to keep the memory and CPU load of this aircraft as low as possible to ensure good framerates. By keeping the number of non essential items in the models low this was achieved. The Twin Otter is only just more demanding then the very basic default aircraft of FSX!
* Five models (100 floats/wheels/ski, 300 wheel/wheel ski)
* Three different interiors (passengers, cargo, skydiver)
* Fourteen different liveries (paint kit provided to registered customers)
* Five different high definition flight models (exact on the numbers and very realistic feedback)
* Although complex, very easy on frame rate
* Sound set in full FSX format with sound cones (so when you walk around the aircraft the sound changes), with wheel, float and ski versions.
* Almost all gauges in the Model and not in GAUGE or XML format. This makes them totally smooth in Virtual Cockpit (same update as your frame rate).
* Seven view modes defined, no 2d cockpit provided (but you won't miss it)
* Fully compliant to FSX dual cockpit and FSX failure modes
* Standard avionics or upgraded set with KX165A and KLN90B
* Dual Bendix/King KX 165A Transceiver, advanced simulation of this best known transceiver :
--- o Active and Standby frequencies with Direct Tune option
--- o Stores 6 most used frequencies
--- o Count up and countdown timer
--- o Navigation OBS page (with To/From indication)
--- o Navigation bearing page showing bearing to the signal station
* Bendix/King KLN 90B GPS Navigation System, advanced simulation of this complex navigation instrument :
--- o Complete flight plan with course deviation, ground speed ETE and Bearing
--- o Position display with Lat/Lon and VOR radial and distance
--- o Desired track, track error, current track and minimal safe altitude
--- o Waypoint entering with altitude and full calculation option
--- o Moving map with declutter options
--- o Super Navigation screens using both displays
--- o Altitude Calculations
--- o True Airspeed Calculations
--- o Wind Calculations
--- o VNV Angle calculations
--- o Speed and Temperature conversions
--- o Time Calculations
--- o Fuel Load and Fuel Flow Calculations
--- o Air Data Calculations
--- o Trip Planning
--- o Airport Data pages with location, runways, frequencies, directly send to flight plan
--- o Nearest Airport, nearest VOR, nearest NDB
--- o Full Time / Distance displays
--- o Direct-To options

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 13.08.2008 в 17:23.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Andrei589 (13.08.2008)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:11      #51
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Digital Aviation Piper Cheyenne X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended)
Installations-Size: 850 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flugsimulator 2004
Pentium 2.0 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 550 MB

Описание: This add-on for the Microsoft Flight Simulator X is an extraordinary replica of the twin engine Piper Cheyenne with a new developed weather radar. The package contains no less than four versions of the most successful Turboprop family: Cheyenne II, I, IA and IIXL.

All four aircraft have been rebuilt and animated for the Flight simulator in 3-D fashion right down to the smallest of details. In this way mechanical parts such as ailerons, rudders, flaps, engines and even windscreen wipers move just like in the original aircraft.

The excellent graphics of both the 2D- and 3D-Cockpits are equipped with all the avionic instruments usually to be found inside these models and the precise flight dynamics have been developed with the help of real Cheyenne pilots. Besides the accurate panels for the pilot and the co-pilot, the cabin of the Cheyenne has also been rebuilt to the highest level of detail with its opening doors for the passengers and the freight.

The sounds, which are being used, have all been recorded on the real thing. Numerous liveries for all the available versions and an extensive documentation round of a superb simulation for both VFR and IFR pilots.

This version of the Digital Aviaton Piper Cheyene (FSX and FS2004) includes a new full functional weather radar.
* Highly detailed 2D cockpit and exterior model for 4 different aircraft variants:
--- o Cheyenne I
--- o Cheyenne IA
--- o Cheyenne II
--- o Cheyenne IIXL
* Fully functional virtual cockpit with very smooth gauges and controls
* Each cockpit variation represents the actual aircraft variant
* Flight dynamics have been developed with a real Cheyenne pilot
* 2 different sound sets (with/without active noise reduction)
* Extensive Documentation

Exterior model
* Exterior has been modeled in every detail fully based on the FSX standards
* Specular lighting maps (making reflections more realistic)
* Aircrafts variants differ in size, engines, door arrangement
* Cheyenne I in three liveries (2x Germany, USA)
* Cheyenne IA in three liveries (Germany, France, Austria)
* Cheyenne II in three liveries (France, USA, Netherlands)
* Cheyenne IIXL in three liveries (Spain, Great Britain, Switzerland)
* Full set of animations (control surfaces, trim tabs, doors, baggage compartments, gear, ice protection)
* All doors can be handled separately
* Exterior ground equipment, like power unit

Cockpit and avionics
* Realistic 2D cockpit for all four variants, including different views: Default, VFR, IFR, approach/landing
* Fully functional virtual cockpit
* Virtual CabinPanel and cabin include a customized night lighting
* Complete system simulation individually adapted
* Fully functional weather radar incl. display of the flight plan and waypoints
* Bendix King Silver Crown Plus Avionics Suite:
--- o KMA 28 Audio Panel
--- o KY196B COMM Radio (2x)
--- o KN53 NAV Radio (2x)
--- o KR87 ADF Receiver (2x) and KT76C Transponder (2x)
* Trimble 2000 Approach Plus GPS with SID, STAR and Approach capability and updatable navigation database.
* Bendix King KFC250 Autopilot (Cheyenne I and IA)
Bendix King KFC300 Autopilot (Cheyenne II and IIXL)
* Dukes Pressurization Controller (Cheyenne I and IA)
Garrett Pressurization Controller (Cheyenne II and IIXL)
* External Power Unit
* Ground Clearance Function
* In-Game configuration utility and load editor
* Full GoFlight Hardware support

Systems simulation
* Real engine start up procedure, with starter, generators and fuel levers
* Electrical system with different bus for avionics
* All internal and external lighting options
* Cabin pressurization system

Aerodynamics and performance
* Realistic flight dynamics developed in co-operation with real pilots
* Accurate airspeeds, climb rates and fuel consumption
* Stunning performance and exceptional flying capabilities

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 13.08.2008 в 17:34.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (13.08.2008), Kand (23.02.2009)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:19      #52
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Digital Aviation Dornier Do-27 X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
[B]System requirements for FSX:[/B]
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 MB DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
Installation Size: 332 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Windows XP (other OS may work but are not tested and will not besupported)
Pentium IV 2.0 GHz (or faster)1.0 GB RAM
3d-video card with 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
Sound Card
Installation Size: 400 MB

Описание: Many of those who came in contact with the Dornier Do-27 could hardly take their hands off it. This add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator X is quite different compared to the other add-on aircraft you might have experienced.

Besides the extraordinary visual model this add-on is equipped with features that have never seen before in FS. Over 5000 lines of code have been written only for the animations!

Today, flight simulation pilots can be divided in two groups. The first group is trying to simulate flights so that it is as real as it gets, and other uses fly for recreational purposes and mostly do short flights in their spare time. No matter which party you belong to this add-on can be used in two modes: Pro and Simple. In 'Simple' mode, this aircraft can be flown just for fun and recreation. In 'Pro' mode you always have to keep an eye on all the systems of the aircraft. It is an exciting challenge because operating errors will have consequences. Flight time will be logged in this mode only and the pilot is rewarded with certificates.

Additionally after changing your aircraft to the Do-27, the plane tries to interpret the actual situation and will configure itself. There also two initiation modes that override the automatic detection system: 'cold&dark' and 'taxi'. It is also possible to let your plane be automatically configured for 3 different operating conditions in realtime (that means, you can see the switches and levers moving while your invisible assistant prepares the aircraft) whenever you want:

Prepare for engine start | Make her ready to fly | Shut off and power down.

The kneeboard provides information and controls for different elements of the airplane, for example the maintenance mode. It helps the pilot with static or dynamic flying hints, and can be used to display or hide different external gimmicks.

Nearly every element has its own sound: switches, knobs, levers, doors etc. There are also sounds for flying with opened/dumped doors, backfires, the chronograph etc.

This very special replica comes in 2 variants (A1, B1) and 6 aircrafts that are different in equipment, panels, exhausts, tires, lighting etc.
Exterior Model
* All standard animations like control surfaces, cowl flap, elevator trim, wheels etc.
* Control surfaces can be fixed.
* Control surfaces are affected by wind if pilot left aircraft and controls have not fixed.
* Elevator vibrates during engine start and at low rpm on ground.
* All doors can be handled separately (that means lock/unlock, open/close and dumping)
* The 2 engine doors can be opened separately as well as the whole lower cowling.
* Detailed Lycoming GO-480 B1A6 engine.
* New propeller animation for slow revolutions during engine startup.
* Propeller can be damaged by ground contact.
* Exterior equipment like brake chocks, warning cones, camping equipment, tools, information panel for flight days etc.

Virtual Cockpit and systems
* Different panel layouts.
* Additionally defined FSX cameras
* Panels and instruments may be damaged by hard landings.
* All automatic circuit breakers and circuit breakers work.
* Instruments may be inaccurate, needles may be influenced by vibrations, g-forces or disorders.
* Attitude indicator and compass card are driven electrically and have to be aligned / calibrated. The compass card will start to rotate for several minutes if electricity has been cut.
* The glass of the vertical speed indicator may be broken.
* Junghans chronograph with windup mechanism and timer.
* Avionics may be damaged if avionics master switch is not turned off during engine start and engine shut down.
* Engine must be primed.
* Engine prime can lead to have too much fuel in the starter system. Removing superfluous fuel is possible due original procedure or mechanician.
* Engine starter can get overheated and damaged.
* Cowl Flap produces drag according to its setting.
* Engine cooling is influenced by angle of attack and propeller revolutions.
* Engine fires can occur.
* Fire extinguisher can get exhausted.
* Oil leaks can occur.
* Realistic oil consumption.
* Engine treatment influences oil consumption.
* Engine and gear can get damaged by:
--- o High RPM
--- o Low RPM
--- o Fast RPM changes
--- o Low Manifold pressure
--- o Long engine starts
--- o Low oil level
--- o Fires
--- o High temperatures
--- o Low RPM during descent
--- o Negative Propeller Thrust
* If Engine gets worn it looses power.
* Propeller can get damaged
* Warm weather can cause air bubbles in the fuel system, making the engine stutter. The fuel pump solves this problem.
* Cold engine can go out.
* Real engine start up procedure, with starter circuit breaker, priming and mixture lever in cut off position.
* If engine is not serviced periodically, engine start will get more and more difficult.
* Fast changes on engine settings lead to damages.
* Propeller pitch can't be changed when engine is shut off.
* Oil temperature influences operability of propeller pitch.
* Mixture can be adjusted manually. But this is not recommended. When the lever is all way forward, the mixture is set automatically.
* Generator only works at 1300 RPM and above. Generator relay is audible.
* Fuel quantity indicators are not very precise.
* Pitot heat can get damaged if enabled on ground.
* Structure and controls can get damaged through high speeds and extreme manoeuvres.
* Flaps can get damaged through high speeds or when being lowered as long as the cabin doors are open.
* Windows get dirty.
* Each door can be locked/unlocked, opened/closed and dumped separate. The latch for the left cabin door can be disabled, so the door will stay open during flight due air stream, and can be closed by shortly lowering the flaps. (Real life procedure after the skydivers left the plane)
* Windows of the front doors can be opened.
* Ventilation controls are functional.
* If you forgot to remove the pitot cover before flight, airspeed indicator will not work, and the cover can only be removed on ground.
* Vibration effects through engine, ground roll, stalls etc.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 13.08.2008 в 17:33.
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Andrei589 (13.08.2008)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:27      #53
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Seahawk & Jayhawk X
Симулятор: MFSX only
Системные требования:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent strongly advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended)
Installations-Size: 400 MB

Описание: The Seahawk received all (!) prices for Flight Simulator helicopter we know about and it did get some of the most favorable reviews we have ever seen. So it was logical to move this product to FSX.

As always we done so with care so all the new features of FSX are being used. We also combined both the Seahawks & Boxer and the Coast Guard version and added 4 more highly detailed ships. To make it easy for you we also created a tool that allows you to use Google Earth (!) to place the ships in any location you like.

The helicopter is easy to fly (as the real one is), you will be in the air in minutes, but it will take many hours before you have mastered all the systems that are simulated in this helicopter. Created with assistance from several Seahawk pilots we are sure the advanced systems work as they are in the real helicopter.

When Microsoft publically releases the SDK that is used for the Acceleration Pack we will adapt this helicopter to use the additional features it offers for helicopters. This will be a free update.

Full FSX standard
All the aircraft files have been reworked to be fully FSX standard this not a simple port from FS2004! Includes all the latest FSX goodies.

* Bump maps (this adds a 3d effect to a simple 2d texture, for example to show edges on hatches and rivets),
* Specular lighting maps (making reflections more realistic),
* Self-shading (aircrafts parts cast shades on other aircraft parts),
* All textures in DDS format (faster decompressing if your graphics card supports it),
* Fall back textures (all models share some textures, saving you disk space and loading time when you switch models),
* Prepared for DX10 graphics cards.

All models and variations
There are seven different models available, not only the different Seahawk models used by the US Navy, but also the export models (Japan, Greece and Spain) are included. The Coast Guard model (Jayhawk) is also included. Fifteen liveries are available.

Very accurate flight model
The flight model is highly accurate and has been flown by many actual Seahawk pilots over the last 2 years. Some tweaks include the new FSX functions, but we decided to maintain the highly stable model that was used in the FS2004 version. Please note that maintaining the correct 'feel' was more important than numbers and data.

Complete animations

* Complex fold of rotors and tail (using the actual procedure)
* Horizontal tail moves depending on speed
* Four crewmembers that animated

Stability Augmentation System
The advanced Stability Augmentation System (SAS) is very accurate. Not only will it stabilize your flight, it also includes a highly realistic Hover and Hover Depart mode. Unlike other FS helicopters that 'force' the location using FSUIPC or SimConnect, this system uses sensors to find the location of the helicopter and will use the standard controls to maintain a hover or move the helicopter in any direction.

Automated Flight Control System
The AFCS is able to read standard flight plans and have the Seahawk fly them fully automated. Your route is shown on the Navigation Display. Distance and time to fly for each waypoint is also available.

Extended manual
The 68 page extended manual explains all systems and is well illustrated. Even novice helicopter pilots (or novice flight simmers) should be able to use this advanced helicopter after they completed the training flights.

Three complete documented training flights

* Systems and Automated Flight Control Systems: Learn to setup all systems and start the helicopter. After take-off you will head to a training area to experiment with the navigation system. You will also learn how to fly the helicopter fully automated in terrain following mode.
* Advanced navigation: Learn how to have the helicopter fly a route automatically and do a low visibility ILS landing.
* Zero visibility manual hover: Learn to hover the helicopter in a fixed location without ANY visibility (no other helicopter in FS can do this)

Six ships included
There are 6 ships included that can be placed in any location using the Shipyard 2 tool.

* Coast Guard Marine Security Cutter, Large: Very modern off-shore interdiction cutter
* CG-50 (Valley Forge): Old style destroyer used to protect carrier groups.
* LCS-1 (USS Freedom): Low visibility stealth ship of the latest design.
* X-Craft (Sea Fighter): Experimental Special Operation and Patrol Operation ship.
* LHD-4 (Boxer): Large amphibious carrier designed to land and support 2000 marines.
* F-124 (Sachsen class): Modern German air defense ship.

This tool allows you to select a location for the ships in Google Earth and convert the resulting files into real FSX scenery. Very easy, very advanced and a lot of fun to use. Needs a Deluxe version of FSX!
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:33      #54
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Beaver X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
Pentium 2 GHz (Duo2Core Intel advised)
1 GB RAM (2 GB advised)
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card
Sound card
CD-ROM drive (Box/CD-Version only)
Installations-Size: 740 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flugsimulator 2004
Pentium 1.5 GHz or faster
256 MB RAM
CD-Drive (only for Box / CD-Version)
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 350 MB

Описание: Our bestselling aircraft now fully FSX compatible ! This aicraft gets you everywhere, snow, water, soft runways or tarmac, there is a Beaver in this package for every terrain.

Some things age gracefully, some things go beyond that and seem to resist aging altogether. They are truly timeless. In aviation there are few examples, because aircraft are designed for a definite lifespan and to be replaced by something better. Perhaps the Piper Cub is one of the few examples, so long after being build, it's still in serious use and not only for sentimental reasons, they are still very much up to the job. But the DHC-2 beaver certainly is one. In 1955 a new Beaver sold for $30.000 and at this moment a well maintained Beaver with only a few million miles on the clock is worth around $300.000 and there are many operators who will tell you they fly the DHC-2 for the simple reason it is the best aircraft for the job and that they do not care that is older than they are.

There is, as far as we know, only one aircraft that is heralded as being one of the most important achievements of a country. But the DHC2 Beaver has that official award presented by the Canadian government. And for good reasons, Canada would simply look different then it does now if the Beaver would not have provided solid and reliable transport to the regions of the country that cannot be reached by road. The rest of the world was quick to see the great aircraft made by de Havilland. And apart from air to air combat there is no task this aircraft has not done. Dropping parachutists, spraying crops, fighting fires, you name it and there is a Beaver that done it. On snow, ice, tundra, gravel, grass, water, sand, it's happy everywhere. It has flown on every continent and probably is the only aircraft to have landed at both poles. This aircraft will get you to every place on the globe. The Aerosoft DHC2 Beaver comes with an unprecedented number of models so every version is as detailed as possible. As far as we know this is the first time so many MDL files are used for any FSX download...
* Fully FSX compatible, with all features new to FSX
* Special Mission: "Needle in a haystack"
* Separate internal and external MDL's (40 in total!)
* Reduced polygon count because of careful use of bumpmaps textures, even though far more details are shown (= better frame rates)
* Fully supports extensive damage/failure model of FSX (check out the engine fire)
* FSX specific effects for snow, crop dusting, fire fighting
* All textures in DDS format
* Includes specular, bumpmap, fresnels effects
* Additional VC views defined
* Extensive use of texture fall back folders
* Solid and dependable flight model
* Leather seats and electrical flap system (luxury!) on most models
* Five models (ski/wheel, floats, amphibian, wheels, tundra wheels)
* Seven different pilots, six different interiors
* Forty-five textures (plus paint kit)
* Extended manual, thirty-four pages, many illustrations
* High definition and fast Virtual Cockpit (defined as main view, no 2d panels provided)
* Signed gauges (so perfectly safe)
* San Francisco sea plane base
* Light on frame rates
* The FS2004 version was our best selling aircraft online and got near perfect reviews
* A perfect introduction to FSX because this aircraft is relatively simple in setup and configuration. Following the simple guide in the manual you will even learn how the texture fall back system works (and end up with your own personalized beaver).
* Gets you everywhere, snow, water, soft runways or tarmac, there is a Beaver in this package for every terrain.

* 42 different liveries
* Five models (ski/wheel, floats, amphibian, wheels, tundra wheels)
* 20 MDL files (aircraft models)
* 10 different pilots
* 7 Panels: original and modern version
* 6 different and highly realistic flight characteristics, one for each model
* Detailed virtual cockpit, fully functionable, from start up to landing
* Full sounds
* All checklists in audio format
* Light on frame rates

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Andrei589 (13.08.2008)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:38      #55
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Katana DA-20 X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Pentium from 2.0 GHz
512 MB RAM
CD-ROM drive (only for the Box / CD-Version)
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 240 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flugsimulator 2004
Pentium 2.0 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
3D graphic card with at least 64 MB, recommended 128 MB
Sound card
Installation Size: 200 MB

Описание: This add-on features the famous single engine, two-seater GA aircraft, the Katana DA-20. Here, the PC-Pilot is given the opportunity to enjoy a realistic simulation of this aircraft including true flight dynamics and aircraft sounds.

The famous two-seater aircraft for Flight Simulator!

The Diamond DA20 Katana is a light, 2-seat aircraft, although intended for flight training, it is a great airplane for sightseeing. The Katana features are safety, easy handling, performance, it is quiet and good value at a reasonable price. The software simulates the DA20-80 with a Rotax 912 F3 engine, and the DA20-100 powered by the Rotax 912 S3. We directed our attention to realism, but also to the atmosphere of this special airplane. So get into the pilots seat, fly it, feel it, and experience features you have never seen before!

The realistic flight models hold the following features:

* Realistic flight dynamics (climb rates, air speed, fuel consumption and handling)
* Realistic soundsets taken from recordings on the real aircraft
* GMAX model
* Exact animations of the cowling, gear and flaps
* Five different liveries
* Accurate panel with pilots-and copilots view
* Large, and very readable instruments
* Complete simulated Avionics
* Highly detailed virtual cockpit
* Knee board with extensive documentation
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Andrei589 (13.08.2008)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:42      #56
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

SCENERIES: Mega Airports

Mega Airport Brussels X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий / французский / испанский
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 1
Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
3 GHz processor
512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
256 MB graphic card (512 MB recommended)
Sound card
Install-Size: 140 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with 128 MB graphic card
Sound card
Install-Size: 136 MB

Описание: Mega Airport Brussels, the hub of the capital of the EU, now for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004. Developed by the Design-Team DreamFactory this scenery represents an absolute realistic recreation of the complete real airport.

In 1985 the Master Plan for the modernization of the Brussels airport was presented. In December 1994 the new terminal was opened and inaugurated by King Albert II. in May 2002 the Pier A was opened by Prins Philip.

Today Brussels airport is one of the fastest growing international airports. In the past few years the airport was proclaimed "The Best Airport in Europe " by several organizations.


* Completely designed in Gmax
* Dynamic and animated objects
* High resolution day- and night textures
* AI compatible
* Docking systems
* All important buildings created with the aid of real photographs of the airport
* Corrected landclass files
* Taxiways, apron with realistic rendered textures
* Complete apron markings
* BrussCargo area
* Military area
* For FS2004 and FSX
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (13.08.2008), AntuanGAI (17.04.2009)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:48      #57
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Mega Airport Budapest X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий / французский / испанский
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX :
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (with the Service Pack 2)
Windows XP, Vista
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 or Intel Core 2 Extreme CPU (or equivalent, but note there is no equivalent at this moment for use with FSX)
Modern DX9 Graphic card with minimal 256 MB RAM
Modern DX9 Sound card
Install Size: 710 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Windows XP, Vista
Pentium 2 GHz
1024 MB RAM
Graphic card with 256 MB RAM
Sound card
Install Size: 700 MB

Описание: A pretty nice scenery of the Budapest main airport, Ferihegy International Airport and the capital with photorealistic ground textures and extensive autogen. This full FSX scenery has been created by Andras Kozma (a native of Budapest) and well known for his award winning scenery projects! FS2004 version included

Budapest is the capital of Hungary and one of the oldest cities in Central Europe. It’s history is rich and varied, with many highlights and several very sad periods. With Hungary being the odd one out in the Soviet Block (it had more freedom then the other Eastern European states) it was able to recover from the devastation of the last part of World War II with much more style and feeling for its history then most other cities in Eastern Europe. As the thousands of tourists can testify to, it is a city that certainly deserves a visit.

The Budapest main airport, Ferihegy International Airport is the most important airport in Hungary and has handled over 8 million passengers last year. Large enough to handle B747 (and most likely the A380) it has connections to most European airports and has recently seen a big increase in low costs airline flights. Malév Hungarian Airlines is the main Hungarian airline and it has its home base at Ferihegy. Malév and Delta operate flights from Budapest to New York. The three main terminals (1, 2A, 2 and the General aviation terminal will be joined by a new Freight terminal soon and companies like UPS are starting to use Ferihegy more and more. Most striking on the airport is for sure the control tower, a large structure build up from ground level on two massive pillars.

FS2004 edition only! The city is fully covered with detailed buildings and monuments. All the additional airports around Budapest (LHBS, LHDK, LHFH, LHGD, LHHH and LHTL) are included as well in great detail. It is NOT possible to add all of this to the FSX version due to framerate limitations.

Performance warning (FSX only)!
At the current state of FSX you will have to expect to drop between 40 and 45% in frame rate when comparing default Ferihegy and the Mega Airport Budapest Ferihegy. So before you buy, load LHBP in FSX and check your frame rates there. You could also visit the default KLAX in FSX as Mega Airport Budapest has very similar performance (also note that we are able to show around 3 times the number of objects for the same performance!)
Budapest main features
* Highly detailed taxiway and runway layout, with high definition textures
* Fully compatible with standard and third party AI-Traffic
* Full winter textures
* Full night textures
* Includes high density mesh of surrounding
* Includes full photographic ground texture of Budapest (so on your approaches you will get a good chance to see the layout of the city)
* High level of animated car and bus traffic on airport
* Full and detailed lighting
* Very high number of objects on tarmac
* Superb optimization on every view angle so frame rates are stable
* A version of this scenery is used in Malév simulators at Ferihegy!

Budapest FSX specific features
* All textures in DDS format (better suitable for modern graphics cards)
* Bumpmaps and specular textures maps (increasing details and adding new visual features)
* Compatible with the new FSX round world model (no floating objects near the edges of the covered area)
* Photo coverage bitmaps inside the BGL (faster loading than all separate textures)
* Sounds added to objects (so you hear the truck you are going to crash into)
* Extensive car traffic on highways in the area
* Birds in the surrounding (better avoid those, they can crash your aircraft)

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (13.08.2008), AntuanGAI (17.04.2009)
Старый 13.08.2008, 17:59      #58
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Mega Airport London-Heathrow X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Pentium 3 GHz
1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Graphic card with 256 MB (512 MB recommended)
Sound card
Install-Size: 130 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2.8 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with at least 128 MB
Sound card
Install-Size: 300 MB

Описание: Developed by the well-known Simwings-Team this package contains the Mega Airport London-Heathrow including the brand new Terminal 5. Discover a exquisitely true to original atmosphere!

Simwings did have the BAA as an official partner for this project which makes it as realistic as can be with a foresight in to the future. Using up-to-date 3d files for many buildings according to BAA plans to include even the newest (and some in real life still under construction) layout and buildings. Check out what EGLL will be like in October 2008!

There is no doubt this product is one of the most detailed and precise major airports scenery ever done (still with excellent frames), but as Simwings have shown in the past, it is not only these technical details that make a great scenery, it is also the fact that they make an airport come to life in the simulator. If you like big airports this is one you simply can't miss.


* Airport layout based on official maps representing the airport in 2008
* New T 5 buildings, taxiway layout of October 2008
* Hundreds of taxiway signs and RWY details
* AI-Traffic compatible. AFCAD file contains every possible gate. Gates are assigned to specific airlines.
* All docking guidance systems of the real Heathrow airport are rebuilt
* Dynamic scenery. Some static aircrafts (low polygon models) as an option
* Fully AES 1.91 compatible (FS2004 version ONLY)
* High resolution ground and object textures (and normal textures as an installer option for older grapic cards)
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (13.08.2008), AntuanGAI (08.04.2009)
Старый 13.08.2008, 18:08      #59
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

Mega Airport Frankfurt X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista (XP recommended for best performance)
Dual Core Processor (Quad Core recommended)
Graphic card with 256 MB RAM (512 recommended)
Sound card
Installation-Size: 262 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
3 GHz Processor
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with at least 128 MB
Sound card
Installations-Size: 260 MB

Описание: Fly to Germany´s busiest airport. This is the award-winning scenery Mega Airport Frankfurt developed by the German Airports Team for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and FS2004.

This updated version includes all the new buildings and includes the A380 gates and the massive new A380 maintenance hangar in the South East corners of the airport. The scenery is fully updated to the current actual state of the airport, many buildings have been added and others have been removed.

Developed by using the most advanced technology this add-on is a stepping stone in scenery design and simulation. It shows the up-to date Frankfurt airport with all its buildings, exact runway layouts on a photographic ground texture, complete lighting systems, navigation system, all in the highest level of detail.
* Detailed airport and their surroundings
* Photo realistic ground texture
* All airport institutions and buildings
* Frankfurt City ( Skyscrapers )
* Automatic docking system (AGNIS)
* All navigation systems (ILS,VOR/DME,NDB,ATIS)
* Astounding night-time effects
* Hundreds of taxiway- and runway signs
* Numerous static and dynamic objects
* Different AI Traffic Files
* Compatible with VFR Germany 1 - West
* FS2004 version compatible with AES
* Extensive description of the airport
* DFS airport charts

New objects added with help from Fraport AG
* A380 Hangar
* New park positions for the A380
* Lufthansa Aviation Center
* New Cargo-Park positions at the south end of the airport
* New maintenance hangar at the former military section
* New Civil Service Center
* New power units for the simulation center
* Danzas-Nippon-Express
* More general purpose buildings
* ASMR - Ground radar
* Intercity Hotel
* ASR8 South
* New buildings of LSK Skychefs at the former Gateway Gardens Areal

Changed objects done according to Fraport AG information
* Terminal 2 with two new A380 satellites und A380 Jetways at gates D3, E2, E5
* Terminal D removed and new terminal C/D with A380 gates and connection building to terminal 1
* New eastern section of terminal 1
* Change of the offices and maintenance buildings close to terminal C
* Change of the southern weather station
* Changed AFCAD Files so the reflect the new AIP Charts
* Complete change of full airport layout to show all locations where work is being done at this moment.
* New AESLite Version by Oliver Pabst for the FS2004 Version with new car traffic on the A3, intersection A3/A5, A67. Also includes a new AESLite configuration tool.

demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (13.08.2008), AntuanGAI (17.04.2009)
Старый 13.08.2008, 18:13      #60
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL AEROSOFT (Aircrafts + Sceneries + Missions)

SCENERIES: German Airports

German Airports 2 - Dortmund X
Симулятор: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык интерфейса: английский / немецкий
Системные требования:
System requirements for FSX:
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Service Pack 2)
Windows XP(SP2 or SP1), Windows Vista
Pentium 3GHz (Duo2Core Intel or equivalent advised)
512 MB RAM
256 Mb DirectX 9 graphics card (512 Mb recommended
Installations-Size: 130 MB

System requirements for FS2004:
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
Pentium 2 GHz
512 MB RAM
Graphic card with 64 MB RAM
Sound card
Install Size: 125 MB

Описание: Enjoy the latest and best in scenery design with Dortmund Airport (part of the German Airports 2). Done in superb detail by the well known German Airports team it will be one of your favorite destinations in your Microsoft Flight Simulator X and 2004.

Continuing in the tradition of the German Airport Series, Dortmund is featured with its latest and up to date layouts, buildings, objects, runways, taxiways, lights, and navigation aids. Just like the real life airport.

A high definition aerial photograph has been used for ground texturing making the airport and its surroundings seem absolutely realistic. The GA Team have also included the Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services Lite Edition by Oliver Pabst as was the case in earlier releases such as Hanover and Frankfurt. Numerous moving vehicles on the apron and the nearby `Autobahn´ create a lively atmosphere!

Even with this whole range of objects, details and features, the framerates remains excellent.


* Highly detailed virtual replica of the airport and its surroundings incl. regional objects
* Photo realistic ground textures (1m/pxl)
* All airport buildings and institutions
* Realistic navigation aids (ILS, VOR/DME, NDB, ATIS)
* Excellent night effects
* Realistic runway and taxiway lighting
* Seasonal ground textures
* Dynamic Airport Enhancement Services creating dynamic traffic for vehicles on the apron and `Autobahn´
* Numerous scenery effects
* Extensive manual with information about the airport
* Original DFS airport charts
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (13.08.2008), AntuanGAI (17.04.2009)

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