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Старый 06.08.2007, 20:50    ▼       #1
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию VirtualBox*

VirtualBox — это система полной виртуализации наподобие VMware Workstation, поддерживающая динамическую трансляцию (выполнение значительной части инструкций гостевой ОС на реальном оборудовании). В качестве хост-систем поддерживаются 32-битные Linux и Windows, а в роли “гостя” могут выступать Windows, Linux (2.4 и 2.6), BSD и прочие системы.

Как сообщают разработчики, отличительной чертой VirtualBox являются модульность и продуманные интерфейсы (например, можно запустить виртуальную машину из GUI, изменить ее параметры из командной строки и затем подключиться удаленно), специальные утилиты (Guest Additions) для гостевых систем Linux и Windows, повышающие степень интеграции гостевой и хост-систем, а также дескрипторы виртуальных машин в формате XML. Графический интерфейс VirtualBox использует Qt, но, благодаря SDK и упомянутой выше модульности разработать альтернативную оболочку будет достаточно просто.

Ключевые особенности:
- Кроссплатформенность
- Модульность
- Поддержка USB 2.0, когда устройства хост-машины становятся доступными для гостевых ОС (только в проприетарной версии)
- Встроенный RDP-сервер, а также поддержка клиентских USB-устройств поверх протокола RDP (только в проприетарной версии)
- Экспериментальная поддержка образов жестких дисков VMDK/VMware
- Поддержка iSCSI
- Поддержка виртуализации аудиоустройств
- Поддержка различных видов сетевого взаимодействия (NAT, Host Networking via Bridged, Internal)
- Поддержка дерева сохраненных состояний виртуальной машины (snapshots), к которым может быть произведен откат из любого состояния гостевой системы
- Поддержка Shared Folders для простого обмена файлами между хостовой и гостевой системами
Кроме VirtualBox Open Source Edition, выпускается закрытая коммерческая версия, отличающаяся следующими функциями:

- Встроенный Remote Display Protocol (RDP) сервер;
- Возможность работы с USB устройствами внутри окружения;
- Реализация протокола USB over RDP, для монтирование удаленных USB устройств;
- Shared Folders - возможность открыть доступ к определенным директориям первичной системы для гостевого окружения;
- iSCSI initiator.

Официальный сайт: http://www.virtualbox.org | Changelog
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 17.08.2011 в 21:54. Причина: Обновление
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
dar (15.10.2008), forumi (06.10.2008), Wolverine89 (08.04.2009)
Старый 20.05.2010, 11:26    ▲       #41
Аватар для Kletska
По умолчанию

Slava, просто прочитав в описании про поддержку этой оси, решил сам попробовать. Но пока не получилось.
Всё что нас не убивает - делает сильнее!
Kletska вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 03.06.2010, 00:05      #42
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 3.2.2 Build 62298
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
* VMM: fixed rare invalid guest state guru meditation (VT-x only)
* VMM: fixed poor performance with nested paging and unrestricted guest execution (VT-x only; bug #6716)
* VMM: fixed occasional guru meditation during Windows 7 bootup (bug #6728)
* GUI: keep the status for remote control in sync with the actual state
* GUI: don't exit after a successful refresh of an invalid VM configuration
* GUI: fixed keyboard capturing bug under metacity (bug #6727)
* GUI: fixed crash during VM termination if a modal dialog is open
* GUI: default controllers names of New VM Wizard are synchronized with VM settings
* GUI: fixed superfluous resize-event on powering-on VM for X11
* GUI: fixed regression - missed USB item's tool-tip of USB devices menu
* GUI: Activate VM window on mouse-hovering for multi-monitor VMs
* VBoxSDL/Linux hosts: automated keyboard type detection (bug #5764)
* SATA: fixed crash during VM suspend under rare circumstances
* SATA: fixed crash during VM reset after a snapshot was taken
* Storage: fixed sporadic hang of SMP guests using SATA or LSI Logic SCSI and asynchronous I/O
* Virtio-net: fix for guests with more than about 4GB RAM (bug #6784)
* Page Fusion: fixed VBoxService crash with enabled Page Fusion on Win64 guests
* Page Fusion: added kernel module sharing
* HGCM: fixed memory leak which showed up if the Guest Additions were accessing a non-existing HGCM service
* Teleportation: several fixes
* Floppy: don't disable the host I/O cache by default
* USB: fixed 3.1 regression with certain devices (e.g. iPhone); Windows host only
* Serial: updated the guest device emulation to 16550A and reduced the probability for loosing bytes during transmission (bug #1548)
* NAT: re-fetch the name server parameters from the host on guest DHCP requests to handle host network switches more gracefully (bug #3847)
* NAT: fixed parsing of IPv4 addresses in CIDR notation (bug #6797)
* NAT: limit the number of name servers passed to the guest to four (non-Windows hosts only; bug #4098)
* NAT: fixed DNS transaction id mismatch (bug #6833)
* VDE: fixed changing the attachment during runtime
* Bridged Networking: fixed memory leak in the Bridged Networking driver for Windows hosts (bug #6824)
* Windows Additions: fix for NT4 guests (bug #6748)
* Windows Additions: re-introduced system preparation feature
* Linux guests: enable PAE for RedHat guests by default
* Linux guests: fix support for disabling mouse integration (bug #6714)
* Webservice: fixed a rare crash when calling IGuest methods from the webservice.
* OVF: fixed wrong hard disk UUIDs on export (bug #6802)
* OVF: fixed 3.2.0 regression importing legacy OVF 0.9 files
* 3D support: fixed OpenGL support for 64bit apps on windows guests
* 3D support: fixed various host crashes (#2954, #5713, #6443)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 03.06.2010 в 00:24.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Kletska (03.06.2010), Wolverine89 (03.06.2010)
Старый 05.06.2010, 14:02      #43
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 3.2.2 Build 62321
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 21.06.2010, 21:02      #44
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 3.2.4 Build 62467
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
* GUI: fixed a superfluous resize-event on powering-on VM for X11 (improvement for the 3.2.2 fix)
* Host-only/bridged networking: fixed guest-to-guest communication over wireless (3.2.0 regression; bug #6855)
* Storage: fixed a potential guest disk corruption with growing images (3.2.0 regression)
* Page Fusion: fixed shared module detection for Win64 guests
* 3D support: allow use of CR_SYSTEM_GL_PATH again (bug #6864)
* 3D support: fixed a host assertion for some multi-threaded guest applications (bug #5236)
* 3D support: fixed host crashes with nVIDIA drivers on WDDM startup
* OVF: fixed import of OVFs with a VM description (annotation) (3.2.2 regression; bug #6914)
* VRDP: fixed issues with secondary monitors (bug #6759)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 21.06.2010 в 21:09.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 26.06.2010, 11:13      #45
Аватар для Wolverine89

VirtualBox 3.2.6 Build 63112

Список изменении 2010-06-25
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: fixed host crash when running 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts with certain Intel CPUs (VT-x only; bug #6166)
* VMM: allow 64-bit SMP guests on 32-bit hosts (VT-x and AMD-V only; does not apply to Mac OS X, which already supports it)
* VMM: fixed Guru mediation if guests with more than 2GB are booted with VT-x/AMD-V disabled (bug #5740)
* VMM: fixed TR limit trashing (VT-x and 64-bit host only; bug #7052)
* Page Fusion: several bug fixes for SMP guests (including bug #6964)
* Teleportation: several fixes and improvements
* Mac OS X server guests: compatibility fix
* EFI: fixed memory detection for guests with 2GB or more RAM assigned
* GUI: added a workaround for a Linux kernel bug which affecting asynchronous I/O on ext4 / xfs file systems (Linux hosts only)
* GUI: added setting for multiple VRDP connections; useful if multiple screens are enabled
* GUI: another fix for the keyboard capturing bug under metacity (bug #6727)
* GUI: fixed quit dialog when used in seamless or fullscreen mode (Mac OS X hosts only; bug #6938)
* GUI: handle the extra key on the Brazilian keyboard on X11 hosts again (bug #7022).
* 2D Video acceleration: fixed crashes when leaving the fullscreen mode (bug #6768)
* VBoxManage: fixed storageattach error handling (bug #6927)
* VBoxManage: fixed dhcpserver add (3.2.0 regression; bug #7031)
* Storage: fixed hang with images located on filesystems which don't support async I/O (bug #6905)
* Storage: fixed raw disks on Windows hosts (3.2.0 regression; bug #6987)
* LsiLogic: fixed hang with older Linux guests
* BusLogic: fixed hang during I/O
* SATA: set initial number of ports to 1 as some guests can't handle 30 ports (e.g. CentOS 4 and FreeBSD; bug #6984)
* SATA: performance improvement
* SCSI: fixed error when using the full format option during Windows installation (bug #5101)
* iSCSI: fixed authentication (bug #4031)
* Host-only/bridged networking: fixed excessive host kernel warnings under certain circumstances (Linux hosts only; 3.2.0 regression; bug #6872)
* NAT: fixed potential memory leaks
* NAT: increased the size of the memory pool for 16K Jumbo frames (performance tweak)
* NAT: allow to link/unlink the network cable even if the VM is currently paused
* E1000: disconnect cable was not properly handled if the NIC was not yet initialized by the guest
* OVF: export performance optimization
* OVF: upgraded OS type definitions to CIM 2.25.0 so that Windows 7 and other OSes are now tagged correctly on export
* Settings: the setting for disabling the host I/O cache was sometimes not properly saved
* Settings: save machine state into XML correctly even when snapshot folder has been changed to a non-default location (bug #5656)
* USB: allow the guest to disable an EHCI port
* USB: find a valid language ID before querying strings (bug #7034)
* POSIX hosts: fixed several memory leaks (3.2.0 regression)
* Solaris hosts: fixed VDI access problem under certain circumstances (IDE/SATA; 3.2.0 regression)
* Solaris hosts: fixed VM fails to start on 32-bit hosts (3.2.0 regression; bug #6899)
* Windows hosts (32-bit): increase guest RAM limit if the host kernel allows for more virtual address space
* Linux Additions: re-read a directory after a file was removed (bug #5251)
* Linux Additions: install the DRI driver in the right location on ArchLinux guests (bug #6937)
* X11 Additions: fixed spurious mouse movement events (bug #4260)
* Solaris Additions: fixed guest control execution
* Windows Additions: automatic logon on Windows Vista/Windows 7 is now able to handle renamed and principal user accounts; added various bugfixes
* Windows Additions: improved command line parsing of the installer
* Windows Additions: fixed driver verifier bugcheck in VBoxMouse (bug #6453)
* 3D support: fixed OpenGL support for 32bit apps under 64bit Windows guests
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Последний раз редактировалось AndyK; 26.06.2010 в 11:55. Причина: ftp
Wolverine89 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 07.08.2010, 21:02      #46
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 3.2.8
- Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС (Скачать ~76Мб)
VirtualBox 3.2.8 (released 2010-08-06)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

VMM: properly terminate the VM with an error if the guest is trying to switch to the PAE mode but PAE is disabled in the VM settings
GUI: switch to native file dialogs (Windows hosts only; bug #5459)
GUI: don't use native file dialogs on KDE hosts (Linux hosts only; bug #6809)
3D support: fixed GL_EXT_texture_sRGB support
PXE: fixed ZENworks PXE boot regression
OVF: fixed slower export and larger images under certain circumstances (3.2.6 regression; bug #7073)
USB: properly signal an interrupt if the port suspend status changes
USB: respect the remote-only filter
USB: avoid VM hang when changing the configuration of certain devices (Windows hosts only)
USB: fix a crash with older Linux kernels and non-ASCII characters in device strings (Linux hosts only; bug #6983)
PageFusion: fixed conflict with the guest execution feature
PageFusion: fixed stability issues with a large number of VMs
PageFusion: fixed host crashes with guest SMP and Win64 guests
Memory ballooning: fixed problems restoring VMs with pre-allocation enabled
Bridged networking: fixed performance issue with GRO enabled on bridged device (bug #7059)
Hostonly networking: fixed performance issue (3.2.6 regression; bug #7081)
Hard disks: fix auto-reset of immutable disk at VM startup (bug #6832)
BusLogic: several fixes for Windows NT/2000 and SCO OpenServer guests
LsiLogic: fixed I/O errors under rare circumstances
Sharing disks: support for attaching one disk to several VMs without external tools and tricks
Shared folders: several fixes and performance enhancements for Solaris guests (bugs #4154 and #6512)
Solaris Installer: added support for remote installations
Guest Properties API: correctly support enumerating the properties of a running VM with an empty "patterns" field (bug #7171)
Guest properties: properly delete transient properties on shutdown
RDP video redirection performance improvements and stability fixes
Settings: silently fix host audio driver when reading machine XML settings files or OVF written by VirtualBox on a different host OS, for example convert DirectSound to PulseAudio (bug #7209)
Settings: properly store the NAT network setting in XML settings file version 1.10 and later (bug #6176)
VBoxManage: handle differencing images with parent UUID correctly in subcommand openmedium disk (bug #6751)
Web service: enabled HTTP keepalive for much better performance
Web service: added timestamps to logging output
Web service: treat 8-bit strings as UTF-8 not ASCII
X11 Additions: fix for Xorg 6.8 guests (e.g. RHEL4)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 07.08.2010 в 21:57.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.10.2010, 20:32      #47
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VirtualBox 3.2.10 build 66523
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 3.2.10 (released 2010-10-08)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: V8086 mode fix for legacy DOS/Windows guests with EMM386 (3.2.8 regression)
* VMM: stability fix (bug #7342)
* VMM: fixed a Guru meditation related to large pages (bug #7300)
* VMM: fixed support for large pages on Linux hosts
* VMM: fixed a Guru meditation for large memory 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts with nested paging (bug #7544
* VMM: performance improvements for VMs with more than 2 GB RAM (bug #6928)
* GUI: fixed host key handling if the host key is set to Left Alt (Linux/Solaris hosts only; 3.2.0 regression; bug #6758)
* GUI: the VM can be minimized from the mini toolbar (bug #4952)
* GUI: handle Ctrl+Break properly on X11 hosts (3.2.0 regression; bug #6122)
* GUI: fixed the case where the user aborted the media selector for selecting the boot hard disk from the VM wizard
* GUI: added a check for Linux kernels 2.6.36 or later which are known to have the asynchronous I/O bug on ext4 / xfs file systems fixed (Linux hosts only)
* OpenSolaris guests: use SATA controller by default
* Storage: fixed I/O errors in the guest after compacting VDI images (3.2.6 regression; bug #7294)
* Storage: automatically repair base disk images with non-zero parent UUID which made them inaccessible (bug #7289)
* Storage: fixed corrupted images if a merge operation was canceled
* IDE: added ATAPI passthrough support for audio CDs (bug #3494)
* SATA: fixed a potential hang during boot of recent Solaris guests
* SATA: handle out of disk space and similar conditions better
* iSCSI: fixed sporadic hangs when closing the connection
* VGA: fixed missing redraw with multiple screens under certain circumstances (bug #7291)
* VGA: serveral small fixes for legacy VGA graphics modes
* Bridged networking: fixed occasional host freeze during VM shutdown (Linux hosts only)
* NAT: don't check for the existence of the TFTP prefix when delivering a file via bootp (bug #7384)
* NAT: fixed resolving of names at the host resolver (bug #7138)
* NAT: under rare conditions the NAT engine consumed 100% CPU load (non-Windows hosts only)
* VRDP: fixed memory leak under certain circumstances (bug #5966)
* VRDP: fixed missing redraws with Windows guests under certain circumstances
* USB: properly discard blocking outstanding bulk URBs, fixes some printers
* USB: Blackberry fix (bug #6465)
* VBoxHeadless: fixed event queue processing problems which led to hangs if the VM could not be started successfully
* VBoxManage: don't crash if parameters with invalid characters are passed (bug #7388)
* VBoxManage: clonehd: fixed a bug where the command aborted with an error message under rare circumstances
* VBoxManage: metrics: made it work for directly started VMs again (3.2.8 regression; bug #7482)
* 3D support: report GLX_ARB_get_proc_address as supported extension
* 3D support: guest application stack corruption when using glGetVertexAttrib[ifd]v (bug #7395)
* 3D support: fixed broken 3D support when switching to fullscreen/seamless modes (bug #7314)
* 3D support: fixed 32bit OpenGL apps under 64bit Windows XP/Vista (bug #7066)
* OVF: fixed bug when exporting a VM with multiple attached disks (bug #7366)
* OVF: fixed slow export for certain filesystems (bug #3719)
* OVF: disabled manifest (.mf file) support; manifests are no longer verified on import nor written on export
* Shared clipboard/Windows: improved the reliability of the shared clipboard on Windows hosts and guest (partial fix to bug #5266)
* Shared Folders: don't show an empty directory if filenames with an invalid encoding exist on the host (bug #7349)
* Shared Folders: return the proper error code when trying to list files for a non-existing wildcard (bug #7004)
* Audio: fixed guest memory corruption when capturing from the NULL audio backend (bug #6911)
* Audio: improved playback quality (less choppy) (bug #6816)
* Web service: avoid unnecessary creation of idle threads
* Additions: fixed bug in the guest execution feature when passing more than one environment variable
* Additions: refresh all guest properties written by VBoxService after the VM was restored from a saved state
* Additions: fixed a division by zero crash of VBoxService under certain circumstances
* Additions: immediately resynchronize the guest time with the host time after the VM was restored from a saved state (bug #4018)
* Additions/Windows: fixed LsaEnumerate error when enumerating logged in users
* Additions/X.Org: support X.Org Server 1.9 (bug #7306)
* Additions/X.Org: don't crash VBoxClient during reboot
* Solaris hosts: fixed host DVD drive enumeration on Solaris 10
* Solaris hosts: added a custom core dumper to procure more data in the event of a VM crash
* Solaris guests: fixed user idle detection
* Solaris guests: fixed a possible panic in Shared Folders when using the wrong user or group IDs (bug #7295)
* Solaris guests: fixed Shared Folders from truncating files to 2GB on 32-bit guests (bug #7324)
* Windows hosts: fixed a BSOD under certain circumstances in VBoxNetFlt.sys (bug #7448)
* Linux hosts/guests: Linux 2.6.36 fixes
* Linux hosts/guests: DKMS fixes (bug #5817)
* Mac OS X hosts: fixed missing dock menu entries (bug #7392)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 13.10.2010 в 20:33.
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Wolverine89 (14.10.2010), zloy_kaktus (14.10.2010)
Старый 02.12.2010, 01:49      #48
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VirtualBox 3.2.12 build 68302
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 3.2.12 (released 2010-11-30)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: fixed rare host crash when running 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts (bug #7577)
VMM: fixed host reboots under rare circumstances due to NMIs triggered by active performance counters (Linux hosts in non-VT-x/AMD-V mode only; bug #4529)
VMM: fixed out of memory guru meditation for large memory guests (bug #7586)
VMM: fixed a guru meditation related to large pages
VMM: use new VT-x feature to keep the guest from hogging the CPU
Snapshots: implemented deleting the last remaining snapshot while the VM is running
GUI: perform the checks for exceeding the size limit of the host file system and for broken asynchronous I/O on older Linux kernels with ext4 / xfs file systems not only when starting the VM from scratch but also when starting from a saved state
NAT: fixed memory leak (3.2.0 regression; bugs #6918, #7353)
Networking: fixed VM reset handling in e1000
VRDP: fixed rare crash in multimonitor configuration
Display: fixed occasional guest resize crash
Mouse: don't send relative mouse events together with absolute mouse events (3.2.10 regression; bug #7571)
Keyboard: fixes for the USB keyboard emulation; fixes for Koran keyboards
Serial: don't hang if the host device would block during open (bugs #5756, #5380)
Serial: fixed modem status lines (Linux hosts only; bug #812)
Graphics: Horizontal resolutions are no longer restricted to a multiple of 8 pixels (bug #2047; requires Guest Additions update).
USB: fixed a crash with older Linux kernels and non-ASCII characters in device strings (Linux hosts only; bug #6983, #7158, #7733; version 3.2.8 contained an incomplete fix)
USB: fixed a crash under rare circumstances (bug #7409; Windows hosts only)
iSCSI: respond to NOP-In requests from the target immediately to avoid being disconnected if the guest is idle
3D support: fixed a crash under certain circumstances (bug #7659)
3D support: fixed crashes for GLUT based apps (bug #6848)
3D support: added missing GLX 1.3 functionality (bugs #7652, #7195)
2D Video acceleration: fixed potential deadlock when saving the VM state (bug #4124)
Windows hosts: another fix for BSODs under certain circumstances in VBoxNetFlt.sys (bug #7601)
Solaris hosts: fixed host USB DVD drive detection
Mac OS X hosts: fixed swapped keys for certain ISO keyboard types (bug #2996)
Linux hosts: added link state handling for TAP devices needed for proper operation with bridged networking on kernels 2.6.36 and above (bug #7649)
Linux hosts/guests: Linux 2.6.37 fixes
Linux Additions: properly compile the vboxvideo module if DKMS is not installed (bug #7572)
Linux Additions: fixed a memory leak when accessing non-existing files on a Shared Folders (bug #7705)
Windows Additions: skip none-mapped user accounts when enumerating user accounts for VM information
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a2z (02.12.2010), Wolverine89 (02.12.2010)
Старый 23.12.2010, 19:46      #49
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VirtualBox 4.0.0 build 69151
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 4.0.0 (released 2010-12-22)
This version is a major update. The following major new features were added:

* Reorganization of VirtualBox into a base package and Extension Packs; see chapter 1.5, Installing VirtualBox and extension packs, see the manual for more information
* New settings/disk file layout for VM portability; see chapter 10.1, Where VirtualBox stores its files, see the manual for more information
* Major rework of the GUI (now called “VirtualBox Manager”):
o Redesigned user interface with guest window preview (also for screenshots)
o New “scale” display mode with scaled guest display; see chapter 1.8.5, Resizing the machine’s window, see the manual for more information
o Support for creating and starting .vbox desktop shortcuts (bug #1889)
o The VM list is now sortable
o Machines can now be deleted easily without a trace including snapshots and saved states, and optionally including attached disk images (bug #5511; also, VBoxManage unregistervm --delete can do the same now)
o Built-in creation of desktop file shortcuts to start VMs on double click (bug #2322)
* VMM: support more than 1.5/2 GB guest RAM on 32-bit hosts
* New virtual hardware:
o Intel ICH9 chipset with three PCI buses, PCI Express and Message Signaled Interrupts (MSI); see chapter 3.4.1, “Motherboard” tab, see the manual for more information
o Intel HD Audio, for better support of modern guest operating systems (e.g. 64-bit Windows; bug #2785)
* Improvements to OVF support (see chapter 1.12, Importing and exporting virtual machines, see the manual for more information):
o Open Virtualization Format Archive (OVA) support
o Significant performance improvements during export and import
o Creation of the manifest file on export is optional now
o Imported disks can have formats other than VMDK
* Resource control: added support for limiting a VM’s CPU time and IO bandwidth; see chapter 5.8, Limiting bandwidth for disk images, see the manual for more information
* Storage: support asynchronous I/O for iSCSI, VMDK, VHD and Parallels images
* Storage: support for resizing VDI and VHD images; see chapter 8.21, VBoxManage modifyhd, see the manual for more information.
* Guest Additions: support for multiple virtual screens in Linux and Solaris guests using X.Org server 1.3 and later
* Language bindings: uniform Java bindings for both local (COM/XPCOM) and remote (SOAP) invocation APIs

In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: Enable large page support by default on 64-bit hosts (applies to nested paging only)
* VMM: fixed guru meditation when running Minix (VT-x only; bug #6557)
* VMM: fixed crash under certain circumstances (Linux hosts only, non VT-x/AMD-V mode only; bugs #4529 and #7819)
* GUI: add configuration dialog for port forwarding in NAT mode (bug #1657)
* GUI: show the guest window content on save and restore
* GUI: certain GUI warnings don’t stop the VM output anymore
* GUI: fixed black fullscreen minitoolbar on KDE4 hosts (Linux hosts only; bug #5449)
* BIOS: implemented multi-sector reading to speed up booting of certain guests (e.g. Solaris)
* Bridged networking: improved throughput by filtering out outgoing packets intended for the host before they reach the physical network (Linux hosts only; bug #7792)
* 3D support: allow use of CR_SYSTEM_GL_PATH again (bug #6864)
* 3D support: fixed various clipping/visibility issues (bugs #5659, #5794, #5848, #6018, #6187, #6570)
* 3D support: guest application stack corruption when using glGetVertexAttrib[ifd]v (bug #7395)
* 3D support: fixed OpenGL support for libMesa 7.9
* 3D support: fixed Unity/Compiz crashes on natty
* 2D Video acceleration: multimonitor support
* VRDP: fixed rare crash in multimonitor configuration
* VRDP: support for upstream audio
* Display: fixed occasional guest resize crash
* NAT: port forwarding rules can be applied at runtime
* SATA: allow to attach CD/DVD-ROM drives including passthrough (bug #7058)
* Floppy: support readonly image files, taking this as the criteria for making the medium readonly (bug #5651)
* Audio: fixed memory corruption during playback under rare circumstances
* Audio: the DirectSound backend now allows VMs to be audible when another DirectSound application is active, including another VM (bug #5578)
* EFI: support for SATA disks and CDROMs
* BIOS: reduce the stack usage of the VESA BIOS function #4F01 (Quake fix)
* OVF/OVA: fixed export of VMs with iSCSI disks
* Storage: Apple DMG image support for the virtual CD/DVD (bug #6760)
* Linux host USB support: introduced a less invasive way of accessing raw USB devices (bugs #1093, #5345, #7759)
* Linux hosts: support recent Linux kernels with CONFIG_DEBUG_SET_MODULE_RONX set
* Guest Additions: Shared Folders now can be marked as being auto-mounted on Windows, Linux and Solaris guests
* Linux Additions: Shared Folders now support symbolic links (bug #818)
* Linux Additions: combined 32-bit and 64-bit additions into one file
* Windows Additions: automatic logon on Windows Vista/Windows 7 is now able to handle renamed user accounts; added various bugfixes
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 23.12.2010 в 19:47.
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Wolverine89 (23.12.2010)
Старый 19.01.2011, 19:47      #50
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VirtualBox 4.0.2 build 69518
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 4.0.2 (released 2011-01-18)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* GUI: don't crash if a removable host drive referenced from the VM settings vanished
* GUI: fixed a crash when using the KDE4 Oxygen theme and clicked on the settings button (4.0 regression; bug #7875)
* GUI: properly warn if the machine folder cannot be created (bug #8031)
* GUI: several fixes for multimonitor X11 guests
* ExtPack: don’t make the installer helper application suid root (Linux .deb/.rpm packages only)
* ExtPack: improved user experience on Vista / Windows 7 when installing an extension pack
* ExtPack: fixed issue with non-ascii characters in the path name during installing an extension pack (bug #7917)
* ExtPack: fixed SELinux issues on 32-bit Linux hosts
* VBoxManage: Host-only interface creation and removal is now supported for all platforms except Solaris (bug #7741)
* VBoxManage: fixed segmentation fault when removing non-existent host-only interface
* Storage: fixed possible crashes with VMDK/VHD images with snapshots and async I/O (4.0 regression)
* Storage: don’t eject the physical medium if a DVD/CDROM/floppy drive is detached from a VM (bug #5825)
* Storage: be more robust when a faulty guest sends ATA commands to an ATAPI device (bug #6597)
* Parallels: fixed deletion of the image during suspend, pause or power off (4.0 regression)
* Bridged networking: fixed host kernel panic when bridging to devices with no TX queue (4.0 regression; Linux hosts only; bug #7908)
* NAT: port-forwarding rule registration respects protocol parameter (bug #8094)
* E1000: fixed PXE boot issues with WDS (bug #6330)
* Virtio-net: fixed the issue with TX performance in some Linux guests
* ICH9: fixed VM crash (software virtualization only; bug #7885)
* VGA: fixed VESA screen issue (4.0 regression; bug #7986)
* Shared Folders: fixed parameter parsing when creating symbolic links, fixes 32-bit/64-bit bitness issue (bug #818)
* Main: fixed crash under rare circumstances due to an invalid logging string (4.0 regression)
* Main: improve error information propagation for errors preventing a VM start
* Main: fixed problems with snapshots and non-ASCII characters in machine paths (bug #8024)
* Webservice: now listens to localhost by default as documented (bug #6067)
* Settings: do not fail loading machine settings if removeable drive attachment (host drive or image) cannot be found; with 4.0 this is much more likely when machines are moved from one host to another
* Settings: fixed issue that changing a snapshot name or description was not saved to machine XML
* OVF/OVA: fixed import of files created by other OVF tools (bug #7983)
* rdesktop-vrdp: fix a crash during USB device enumeration (bug #7981)
* Linux hosts: fixed a crash during USB device enumeration.
* Linux hosts: try a bit harder to allocate memory (bug #8035; 4.0 regression)
* Guest Additions: fixed parsing of parameters for guest control in VBoxService (4.0 regression; bug #8010)
* Windows Guest Additions: automatic logon on Windows Vista/Windows 7 now supports unlocking previously locked workstations
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 19.01.2011 в 19:47.
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Старый 18.02.2011, 20:19      #51
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VirtualBox 4.0.4 build 70112
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 4.0.4 (released 2011-02-17)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: fixed recompiler crashes under certain conditions (bugs #8255, #8319 and further)
* VMM: fixed running 64-bit guests on 32-bit host with nested paging enabled on AMD CPUs (4.0 regression; bug #7938)
* VMM: fixed timing issues / hangs for certain guests using the programmable interval timer (bugs #8033 and #8062)
* VMM: large page and monitoring fixes for live snapshots (bugs #7910, #8059, #8125)
* GUI: fixed error message when trying to exceed the maximum number of host network interfaces
* GUI: fixed saving of changes to the metadata of an existing snapshot (bug #8145)
* GUI: fixed rare crash on X11 hosts (bug #8131)
* GUI: when selecting a shared folder, start the file dialog in the users home directory (bug #8017)
* ExtPack: enforce the correct permissions which might be restricted by umask when creating directories (non-Windows hosts only; bug #7878)
* VBoxSDL: fixed crash when starting by specifying the VM UUID (4.0 regression; bug #8342)
* VBoxManage: allow savestate even if the VM is already paused
* VBoxManage: fixed modifyvm --synthcpu (bug #6577)
* VBoxManage: fixed hang when doing guestcontrol execute –wait-for exit and displaying process status on exit (bug #8235)
* VBoxManage: decreased CPU load during guestcontrol execute –wait-for exit/stdout while waiting for the guest process to terminate (bug #7872)
* VBoxManage: fixed list hostdvds/hostfloppies
* VBoxManage: fixed storageattach for host DVD drives and host floppy drives
* Metrics: introduced RAM/VMM base metric.
* Main: improved sanity check when taking a VM screen shot (bug #7966)
* Main: fixed a crash under rare circumstances if a VM failed to start
* Main: fixed attaching of immutable disk images (bug #8105)
* Main: fixed a crash at VM shutdown (bug #6443)
* Main: fixed incorrect handling of cross-referenced medium attachments (bug #8129)
* Settings: fixed truncating of big integer values (4.0 regression)
* Settings: properly store the ICH9 chipset type (bug #8123)
* Host-Only & Bridged Networking: fixed VBox DHCP server startup issue for Windows hosts (4.0 regression; bug #7905)
* Host-Only Networking: re-create vboxnetX interfaces after vboxnetadp.ko module reload on Linux and Darwin (bugs #5934, #6341)
* NAT: fixed an mbuf leak under rare circumstances (bug #7459)
* ACPI: don’t allow the guest to enter S4 by default and don’t announce S1 and S4 in the ACPI tables if disabled (bug #8008)
* Graphics card: made re-enabling disabled screens work correctly to prevent problems when X11 guests enter screen saving mode (bug #8122)
* Storage: fixed write errors with snapshots if the host cache is disabled (4.0 regression; bug #8221)
* ATA/SATA: fixed reset handling after ACPI suspend/resume
* BusLogic: fixed hang with SMP VMs
* Serial: another attempt to prevent lost characters during transmission (bug #1548)
* Linux hosts/guests: Linux 2.6.38-rc1 compile fixes
* Mac OS X hosts: fixed VBoxSVC crash when listing host interfaces without default gateway (64-bit hosts only; bug #7955)
* Solaris/Darwin hosts: fixed VM CPU execution cap
* X.Org guests: fixed a crash on X server restart (bug #8231)
* X.Org guests: support X.Org Server 1.10 pre-release and Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha.
* X.Org guests: Add EDID emulation in the graphics driver to prevent GNOME settings daemon changing the mode on login.
* X.Org guests: never send graphics modes to the host that older VirtualBox versions can’t handle.
* Linux Additions: fixed a memory leak in the shared folders code if a host link is not readable (bug #8185)
* Windows Additions: fixed handling of Security Attention Sequence (SAS) with VBoxGINA
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 18.02.2011 в 20:20.
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Wolverine89 (18.02.2011), zhigalov (18.02.2011)
Старый 27.04.2011, 22:08      #52
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VirtualBox 4.0.6 build 71416
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 4.0.6 (released 2011-04-21)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

VMM: fixed incorrect handling of ballooned pages when restoring a VMM from a saved state
VMM: don't crash on hosts with more than 64 cores / hyperthreads; implemented support for up to 256 host cores (except Windows hosts; bug #8489)
VMM: fixed guru meditation for PAE guests running on hosts without PAE (bug #8006)
VMM: fixed slow Linux guests with raw mode and recent guest kernels (bug #8726)
GUI: support host key combinations (bug #979)
GUI: fixed progress indicator (bug #7814)
GUI: show the mouse pointer while the VM is paused if the USB tablet mouse emulation is used (bug #6799)
GUI: adapt the snapshot folder as well when renaming a VM (bug #8469)
GUI: persistently remember the last folders of the disk/DVD/floppy selectors
GUI: never allow to start a VM with USB-2.0 activated if the proper extension pack is missing (bug #8182)
GUI: fixed hang/crash when opening a file dialog in an non-existing folder (bug #8673)
Snapshots: fixed a bug which could lose entries in the media registry when restoring a snapshot (bug #8363)
Snapshots: allow snapshots to be stored in the VM directory
3D support: fixed a crash if a VM was forced to terminate (Windows hosts only; bug #7133)
Storage: fixed memory leak (4.0 regression; bug #7966)
Storage: fixed access to iSCSI targets over internal network
Storage: fixed reading from disks with more than one snapshot for VHD and VMDK images with disabled host cache (bug #8408)
Storage: fixed a possible hang during VM suspend after an I/O error occurred
Storage: fixed a possible hang during VM suspend / reset (bug #8276, #8294)
Storage: automatically create a diff image when attaching a streamOptimized VMDK image to a VM
ATA/SATA: fixed automounting of virtual CD/DVD mediums with recent Linux distributions by correctly reporting the current profile as 'none' if no medium is present
Buslogic: fixed emulation for certain guests (e.g. jRockit VE)
Host-Only Networking: fixed interface creation failure on Windows hosts (4.0.4 regression; bug #8362)
Host-Only & Bridged & Internal Networking: fix for processing promiscuous mode requests by VMs, defaulting to switch behaviour
Host-Only Networking: fixed connectivity issue after resuming the host from sleep (bug #3625)
Bridged Networking: support for interface bonding on Mac OS X hosts (bug #8731)
NAT: fixed processing of ARP announcements for guests with static assigned IPs (bug #8609)
VRDP: backward compatibility with VRDPAuth external authentication library (bug #8063)
Shared Folders: don't fail to start a VM if a path is not absolute, for example when importing an OVF from a different host (bug #7941)
Audio: fixed crash under certain conditions (bug #8527)
USB: fixed a crash when plugging certain USB devices (bug #8699)
HPET: fixed time jumps when reading the counter (bug #8707)
OVF/OVA: automatically adjust disk paths if the VM name is changed on import
OVF/OVA: fix export to slow medias
OVF/OVA: automatically repair inconsistent appliances with multiple disks (bug #8253)
rdesktop-vrdp: fixed an assertion triggered under certain conditions (bug #8593)
Windows hosts: fixed occasional hangs during VM shutdown because sometimes COM was not properly uninitialized
Mac OS X hosts: prevent the mouse from leaving the VM window while captured
Mac OS X hosts: keep aspect ratio while resizing in scale mode (shift for old behaviour) (part of bug #7822)
X11 hosts: fixed Yen key support (bug #8438)
X11 hosts: fixed a regression which caused Host+F1 to pop up help instead of sending Ctrl+Alt+F1
Linux hosts / Linux Additions: mangle IPRT symbols to allow installing VirtualBox inside a VM while the Guest Additions are active (bug #5686)
Linux hosts / Linux guests: workaround for a bug in GLIBC older than version 1.11 leading to crashes under certain conditions (signed/unsigned problem with memchr on 64-bit machines)
Solaris hosts: fixed a deadlock in event semaphores that could lead to unkillable VM processes
Windows Additions: fixed Sysprep parameter handling
Windows Additions: fixed spontaneous guest reboots under certain circumstances (4.0.2 regression; bugs #8406, #8429)
Windows Additions: added auto logon support for locked workstations on legacy Windows versions
Windows Additions: fixed driver bugcheck error when handling PnP messages (4.0 regression; bug #8367)
Windows Additions: fixed memory leak in VBoxVideo
X11 Additions: added support for X.Org Server 1.10 final
Linux Additions: Linux kernel 2.6.39-rc1 fixes
Linux Additions: improved auto-run support (bug #5509)
Linux Additions: fix mouse support on SUSE 11 SP 1 guests (bug #7946)
Solaris Additions: added support for X.Org Server 1.9
Guest Additions: various bugfixes for guest control execution
Webservice: use own log file, with log rotation to limit size
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 27.04.2011 в 22:09.
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zhigalov (28.04.2011)
Старый 21.05.2011, 10:16      #53
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VirtualBox 4.0.8 build 71778
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
Цитата: VirtualBox 4.0.8 (released 2011-05-16)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

Mac OS X hosts: fixed incompatibility with recent Mac OS X versions in 64-bit mode (bug #8474)
Mac OS X hosts: fixed incompatibility with hosts with more than 16 cores (bug #8389)
Mac OS X hosts: fixed painting corruptions on a second monitor in 64-bit mode (bug #7606)
GUI: restored functionality to set an empty host key to disallow any host key combination (4.0.6 regression; bug #8793)
VBoxManage: added controlvm screenshotpng subcommand for saving the screenshot of a running VM in PNG format
VBoxHeadless: fixed potential crash during shutdown (Windows hosts only)
NAT: built-in services use the correct Ethernet addresses in Ethernet header and in ARP requests
Host-only networking: fixed adapter reference counting
E1000: fixed rare guest crashes with Linux SMP guests (bug #8755)
SATA: fixed guest disk corruption under rare circumstances (only relevant for guests with more than 2GB RAM; bug #8826)
Storage: fixed data corruption after a snapshot was taken with asynchronous I/O enabled (bug #8498)
Floppy: several improvement
HPET: another fix for time jumps (bug #8707)
USB: removed assumption that string descriptors are null-terminated (Windows hosts only)
3D support: fixed a potential crash when resizing the guest window
3D support: fixed GNOME 3 rendering under Ubuntu 11.04 and Fedora 15
Snapshots: fixed another bug which could lose entries in the media registry when restoring a snapshot (bug #8363)
Shared Folders: don't stop mounting the other valid folders if one host folder is inaccessible (4.0.6 regression)
Linux Additions: check whether gcc and make are installed before building kernel modules (bug #8795)
Solaris Additions: added support for X.Org Server 1.10
Guest Additions: fixed inappropriate Guest Additions update notification when using vendor-specific version suffixes (bug #8844)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 21.05.2011 в 10:17.
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Старый 28.06.2011, 19:18      #54
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VirtualBox 4.0.10 build 72479
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
GUI: fixed disappearing settings widgets on KDE hosts (bug #6809)
Storage: fixed hang under rare circumstances with flat VMDK images
Storage: a saved VM could not be restored under certain circumstances after the host kernel was updated (bug #8983)
Storage: refuse to create a medium with an invalid variant (for example Split2G with VDI; bug #7227)
Snapshots: none of the hard disk attachments must be attached to another VM in normal mode when creating a snapshot
USB: fixed occasional VM hangs with SMP guests (bug #4580)
USB: proper device detection on RHEL/OEL/CentOS 5 guests (partial fix for bug #8978)
ACPI: force the ACPI timer to return monotonic values for improve behavior with SMP Linux guests (bug #8511 and others)
RDP: fixed screen corruption under rare circumstances (bug #8977)
rdesktop-vrdp: updated to version 1.7.0
OVF: under rare circumstances some data at the end of a VMDK file was not written during export
Mac OS X hosts: Lion fixes
Mac OS X hosts: GNOME 3 fix
Linux hosts: fixed VT-x detection on Linux 3.0 hosts (bug #9071)
Linux hosts: fixed Python 2.7 bindings in the universal Linux binaries
Windows hosts: fixed leak of thread and process handles
Windows Additions: fixed bug when determining the extended version of the Guest Additions (4.0.8 regression; bug #8948)
Solaris Additions: fixed installation to 64-bit Solaris 10u9 guests (4.0.8 regression)
Linux Additions: RHEL6.1/OL6.1 compile fix
Linux Additions: fixed a memory leak during VBoxManage guestcontrol execute (bug #9068)
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Wolverine89 (29.06.2011)
Старый 16.07.2011, 15:35      #55
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VirtualBox 4.0.12 build 72916
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
Mac OS X hosts: Lion fixes
Solaris hosts: fixed preemption issue with Solaris 11 hosts (builds 166 and above)
VBoxManage: more convenient configuration of storage controller attachments by automatically determining the port or device parameter when a storage controller has only one port or device per port (bug #9188)
Storage: fixed possible data corruption under certain circumstances whith VHD and Parallels images (bug #9150)
Storage: fixed access to CD/DVD images beyond 4GB when using the SATA controller (bug #8592)
Floppy: make it possible to unmount a host floppy disk (bug #6651)
Networking: fixed the problem with segmentation offloading when several VMs were transmitting at once
3D support: fixed GL_VERSION string for different locales (bug #8916) /li>
Sources: fixed USB 2.0 support using extension packs for non-official builds
Solaris Additions: fixed automounting of shared folders (bug #8014)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 17.07.2011 в 13:55.
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Старый 23.07.2011, 16:50      #56
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VirtualBox 4.1.0 build 73009
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 4.1.0 (released 2011-07-19)
This version is a major update. The following major new features were added:

Support for cloning of VMs (bug #5853, see the manual for more information): full clones can be created through the GUI and VBoxManage, linked clones only through VBoxManage
GUI: enhanced wizard for creating new virtual disks
GUI: new wizard for copying virtual disks
GUI: keep the aspect ratio in scale mode (Windows and OSX hosts only; bug #7822)
VMM: raised the memory limit for 64-bit hosts to 1TB
Experimental support for PCI passthrough for Linux hosts, see the manual for more information
Windows guests: Experimental WDDM graphics driver, supporting Windows Aero (bug #4607) and providing Direct3D support using a cleaner approach (no need to install the guest drivers in Safe Mode anymore)
Guest Additions: status of modules and features can now be queried separately by the frontends
Networking: new network attachment mode "Generic Driver", which offers an open plugin architecture for arbitrary and separately distributable virtual network implementations
Host-only Networking: fixed host crash in kernels prior to 2.6.29
New Networking Mode UDP Tunnel: allows to interconnect VMs running on different hosts easily and transparently, see the manual for more information
Experimental support for SATA hard disk hotplugging available with VBoxManage
Solaris hosts: New Crossbow based bridged networking driver for Solaris 11 build 159 and above

In addition, the following items were fixed and/or added:

VMM: more SMP timer fixes
VMM: fixed sporadic recompiler crashes with SMP guests
VMM: many small fixes
GUI: when reverting to a snapshot, ask for taking a snapshot of the current state
GUI: added a View menu
GUI: added a setting for the promiscuous mode policy for internal networks, bridged networks and host-only networks
GUI: added slider for setting the CPU execution cap allowing to limit the amount of CPU time spent for the execution of the guest, see the manual for more information.
GUI: the VM description is editable during the runtime of a VM (bug #1551)
GUI: added proxy settings (bug #2870)
GUI: made the number of SATA ports configurable
GUI: decrease time before showing the VM configuration dialog
VBoxManage: more convenient configuration of storage controller attachments by automatically determining the port or device parameter when a storage controller has only one port or device per port
VBoxManage: changed syntax of the guestcontrol command group, fixed various bugs, removed obsolete options
VBoxBalloonCtrl: new service for automatic dynamic adjustment of the balloon size for running VMs
Settings: machine names and snapshot names are not allowed to be a valid UUID
Settings: provide better diagnostics if a single medium is used twice in a VM configuration
Settings: provide better diagnostics for errors in medium create/merge/clone operations, and fix memory leaks in error cases
Storage: ATA/SATA drives can be marked as non-rotational, i.e. the guest OS will detect them as a SSD if supported, which can improve performance
Storage: virtual CD/DVD images will be detached if the guest ejects the medium, unless the drive is marked to handle ejects only on a temporary basis
Storage: the medium UUID can be changed again when attaching a medium for the first time, which allows using images which are exact duplicates including the UUID
Storage: fixed possible data corruption under certain circumstances with VHD and Parallels images (bug #9150)
Storage: fixed unnecessary expansion when cloning differential images in VDI format
Storage: fixed detection code to handle empty files for VDI and VMDK format
Storage: fixed access to CD/DVD images beyond 4GB when using the SATA controller (bug #8592)
Floppy: several bugs have been fixed
Floppy: make it possible to unmount a host floppy disk (bug #6651)
BIOS: disk-related structures are now checksummed correctly (bug #8739)
USB: many fixes for the Windows USB host driver
NAT: reduced memory footprint
Networking: fixed the problem with segmentation offloading when several VMs are transmitting in parallel
Networking: workaround for a bug in wireshark when operating directly on a capture file created by VirtualBox
Serial: announce the serial devices in the ACPI tables to make Windows guests find the virtual hardware (bug #7411)
VRDP: support for TLS connections (see the manual for more information)
VRDP: support for multimonitor client configurations with MS RDP clients
VRDP: fixed a rare screen corruption
3D support: fixed GL_VERSION string for different locales (bug #8916)
Webservice: fixed timeout handling with HTTP 1.1 keepalive, and be more robust when connections fail
VBoxSVC: fixed regression when several clients trigger autostart simultaneously
Main: fixed incorrect handling of the medium location for media which are not file based (e.g. iSCSI), which resulted in confusing location values in many places
JAX-WS client bindings: fixed resource leak
Sources: fixed USB 2.0 support using extension packs for non-official builds
Mac OS X hosts: fixed non-VT-x mode on Lion hosts
Windows hosts: fixed copy'n'paste in the GUI and for the VM window (bug #4491)
Windows hosts (64-bit only): enabled removing of all mediums when removing a VM
Windows hosts (64-bit only): enabled live snapshot deletion
Windows hosts: use native controls in the installer (bug #5520)
Solaris hosts: fixed preemption issue with Solaris 11 hosts (builds 166 and above)
Solaris hosts: better control of USB device access on Solaris 11 hosts
Guest Additions: improved driver installation on Windows guests
Guest Additions: fixed high CPU usage while executing guest programs from the host
Solaris Additions: fixed automounting of shared folders (bug #8014)
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Старый 17.08.2011, 21:51      #57
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VirtualBox 4.1.2 build 73507
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 4.1.2 (released 2011-08-15)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

VMM: fixed 64-bit guests on AMD Fusion CPUs (bug #8824)
VMM: fixed handling of the sysenter/sysexit machine instructions in 64-bit guests on Intel hosts
GUI: added linked clone support
GUI: fixed error check when changing the VM controller settings (4.1.0 regression; bug #9246)
GUI: fixed the inclusion of additional information (license, vendor, ...) on OVF export
GUI: when taking a snapshot from the VM selector, don't do a live snapshot
GUI: fixed immediate crash during start on certain environments due to a library version conflict
Guest control execution: implemented copying single files from guest to the host (directories and filters not supported yet)
Guest control execution: limited to serve up to 5 guest processes at a time by default
Main: return the correct RDP default port fixing settings warnings in the GUI if the remote display was enabled at runtime (bug #9368)
VBoxSVC: made the path comparison OS independent when images are registered (bug #9303)
VBoxSVC: several fixes/performance improvements for cloning of VMs
Snapshots: fixed "Solid-State drive" flag survival on snapshot creation (bug #9379)
VBoxManage: implemented copyfrom and stat guest control tools to copy files from guest to host and to check for existence of files on the guest
VBoxManage: fixed extpack install --replace (bug #9308)
VBoxManage: allow to start multiple VMs with startvm
VBoxManage: experimental support for SATA CD/DVD hotplugging
Mouse support: fixed an off-by-one pointer position error affecting Windows guests (bugs #7566, #9321)
VRDP: fixed a case when the screen was not redrawn correctly (bug #9242)
NAT: changed TCP connection establishment according to Winsock API requirements (Windows hosts only; bug #8919)
USB: fixed device recognition issues (bugs #9299) and fixed several device capturing issues (Windows hosts; bug #9299)
USB: fixed issues with remote filters being applied to local USB devices
OVA: fixed import of renamed OVA files (bug #9033)
Windows host: fixed icon for .VDI files (bug #9393)
Solaris hosts: fixed a bug preventing parallel usage of multiple host NICs with Crossbow based bridged networking
Linux hosts: fixed random kernel panics on host suspend / shutdown (4.1.0 regression; bug #9305)
Guest Additions: keep logged in user count in out-of-memory situations and warn about it
Solaris Additions: fixed shared folders due to missing symbols in the vboxfs module (4.0.12 / 4.1.0 regression; bug #9264)
Windows Additions: fixed file truncation on a shared folder with some applications (bugs #9276, #9315)
Windows Additions: fixed shared folder issues with antivirus software and 64 bit Windows guests (bug #9318)
Windows Vista and 7 guests: WDDM driver fixes and performance enhancements, fixed WinSAT crashes (#9267)
Linux Additions: fixed llseek() for Linux kernels 2.6.37 and above
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 17.08.2011 в 21:53.
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Старый 04.10.2011, 11:17      #58
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VirtualBox 4.1.4
Обновился программный комплекс для виртуализации ОС
VirtualBox 4.1.4 (released 2011-10-03)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

VMM: fixed PAE guests running on 32-bit hosts (4.0 regression; bug #9458)
VMM: fixed INVALID_PARAMETER guru meditation caused by insufficient memory conditions (4.1.0 regression; bug #9240)
VMM: fixed clobbered CPU registers during stos/lods/ins/outs emulation under rare circumstances
VMM: another fix for 64-bit guests on recent AMD CPUs
GUI: warn the user if he uses an outdated extension pack and allow to download and upgrade in that case (bug #8025)
GUI: fixed spurious LCtrl key events on some Windows hosts (4.0.6 regression; bug #373)
VBoxManage: another fix for extpack install --replace (bug #9308)
VBoxManage: allow to specify the UUID of the target image in convertfromraw
VRDP: fixed a rare crash when two or more clients connect to the server (bug #9503)
VRDP: fixed a case when a client was not resized correctly (bug #9242)
USB: make device capturing work on Windows hosts with usbhub class filter drivers installed (bug #9298); bugfixes for Windows host USB support
VHD: fixed reads crossing block boundaries (bug #8532)
VMDK: fixed progress indicator when creating split VMDK images
Floppy: fixed medium size detection for physical mediums (Windows hosts only)
Main: fixed VM initialization if a shared folder does not exist (bug #7941)
Main: fixed possible deadlock between hard disk enumeration and resetting of immutable disks (bug #9549)
Main: fixed not detaching of virtual storage after a snapshot restore operation (bug #8296)
Main: always reset modified state after restoring a snapshot (bug #9387)
Main: fixed writing of changed VM settings to disk when using snapshots (bug #8932)
Main: fixed taking screen shots (e.g. the preview window) for headless VMs if the Guest Additions are active
Virtio-net: fixed the problem with UDP packets exceeding MTU (bug #9370)
3D Support: fixed incorrect rendering and possible crashes when switching to/from fullscreen with enabled 2D acceleration
3D Support: fixed compiz under ubuntu 9.10
Guest control: Miscellaneous small bugfixes
Linux / Solaris hosts: don't use hard links in packages (4.1.2 regression; bug #9441)
Mac OS X hosts: fix installation issues when installed as root (bug #1578)
Mac OS X hosts: fixed packet capture issues with vboxnetX host-only interfaces (bug #8076)
Solaris hosts: fixed incoming multicast packets for Crossbow based bridged networking (bug #9532)
Solaris hosts: fixed starting EFI guests due to missing EFI ROM files (bug #9535)
Windows hosts installer: fixed ADDLOCAL usage on command line (4.1.0 regression; bug #9488)
Windows hosts installer: fixed dangling shortcut to the .chm help file (bug #9646)
Windows hosts installer: try to fix installation error 2869 which appeared under certain circumstances (bug #9664)
Windows hosts: VBoxHeadless should never open a separate console window (bug #3549)
Guest Additions: fixed hang while waiting for guest execution output (4.1.2 regression; bug #9446)
Linux Additions: add support for X.Org Server 1.11 (bug #9519)
Linux Additions: suppress an incorrect error message and allow a shared folder to be mounted in multiple places (bug #9627)
Linux Additions: start VBoxService correctly on openSUSE 12.1 (bug #6229)
Linux Additions: properly finish the installation even if the compilation of the DRM module fails (which is not fatal)
Solaris Additions: fixed memory leaks and panics while mounting (from console) and unmounting shared folders.
Windows Additions: fixed swapped mouse cursor hotspot coordinates (4.1.0 regression; bug #9447)
Windows Additions: fixed PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA BSOD in VBoxDisp.dll when running SnippingTool (bug #9508)
Windows Additions: make image viewer work correctly with Aero enabled (Vista and Windows 7)
Windows Additions: fixed incorrect window border blurs under Aero with ATI cards (Vista and Windows 7)
Windows Additions: fixed incorrect rendering when moving 3D applications outside guest desktop and back under Aero (Vista and Windows 7)
Windows Additions: fixed guest hangs when switching back from fullscreen text mode apps (bug #9636)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 04.10.2011 в 11:18.
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Wolverine89 (04.10.2011)
Старый 19.12.2011, 19:56      #59
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Старый 12.01.2012, 22:23      #60
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не знаю почему, по всей видимости по просьбе трудящихся, вчера обновился релиз старой версии проги 4.0 VirtualBox 4.0.16-75491 (released Jan 11 2012)
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 12.01.2012 в 22:36.
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Wolverine89 (12.01.2012)

виртуализация, виртуальная машина, opensource

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