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Старый 23.03.2008, 11:40    ▼       #1
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию Microsoft Flight Simulator X

Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition)
официальная русская версия

Год выпуска: 2007

Жанр: Авиасимулятор

Разработчик: Microsoft Games

Издательство: Microsoft game studio

Платформа: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista

Системные требования:
Процессор: 1.0 Ghz;
RAM: Windows XP SP2 - 256MB, Windows Vista - 512MB:
Жесткий диск: 14GB;
Видеоплата: 32MB DirectX 9 совместимая;
Другое: совместимость аппаратного обеспечения с DX9, наличие звуковой платы, динамиков\наушников;
Для сетевой игры: скорость подключения 56.6кБ\с или выше.

Тип издания: лицензия

Язык интерфейса: только русский

Таблэтка: есть

Описание: Официальная версия Microsoft Flight Simulator X(Deluxe Edition).
Безграничные просторы реального мира. Погрузитесь в этот живой и динамичный мир приключений. К вашим услугам более 50 лётных заданий во всех уголках света. Новички, делающие первые шаги по лётному полю, и ветераны, налетавшие сотни часов, найдут себе занятие по вкусу.
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Выберете себе "стальную птицу": от сверхлегкого моноплана до мощного реактивного лайнера. Гонки и высший пилотаж, спасательные операции в горах и коммерческие рейсы - полёты любой сложности, в любой местности, в любых условиях

ВИДЕО: Что такое MSFX ? История MSFX

Дополнительные возможности версии Deluxe:
*ещё больше детализированных городов и аэропортов в самых живописных уголках мира;
*составные лётные задания - серьёзная проверка мастерства.

Дополнительные возможности сетевой игры:
*совместный доступ к самолёту;
*возможность играть за авиадиспетчера.

Доп. информация: Переговоры с диспетчером не переведены, поэтому включена русификация ATC

Предупреждение: в реалии игра с дополнениями может занимать место до 150 Гб !!!
Не пытайтесь сразу установить все дополнения !!! Устанавливайте только то, что Вам понадобиться для полетов !!!

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Последний раз редактировалось Andrei589; 14.10.2008 в 16:52.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 14
Al 777 (23.03.2008), Artur (23.03.2008), bart1k (23.03.2008), bobor_47 (26.03.2008), DeaD (14.08.2008), demon@ (04.05.2008), Leon (09.04.2008), motio (28.02.2010), Саламандра (29.11.2010), SlavON (01.07.2010), slobodian (13.12.2009), Trane_777 (06.06.2008), ultim (24.03.2008), Vlad_ (11.08.2008)
Старый 17.08.2008, 02:17    ▲       #101
По умолчанию

Andrei589, тебе огромное спасибо и я думаю не я один хочу тебе спасибо сказать за развитие темы MFS
Вопрос ко всем: как на практике используется триммирование?
вакансия: написание\переписывание статей - пишите в лс
Vlad_ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Andrei589 (17.08.2008)
Старый 17.08.2008, 10:53      #102
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Andrei589
По умолчанию

Сообщение от Vlad_ Посмотреть сообщение
Вопрос ко всем: как на практике используется триммирование?
Почитай здесь.
Andrei589 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
demon@ (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (17.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:26      #103
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Add-on / Arcade / Simulator (Flight) / 3D
Разработчик: Abacus - http://www.abacuspub.com
Системные требования: FS2004 / MFSX
Язык: только английский
Тип издания: лицензия
Таблетка: присутствует (serials)

Описание: Полный набор ВСЕГО Abacus'а для MFSX на данный момент. Версии для FS2004 также включены практически для всех продуктов (исключая миссии).
Любителям военной авиации посвещается.


Flight Deck 5
Описание: In the tradition of four previous versions, the new Flight Deck 5 keeps the excitement in aircraft carrier operations.

The USS Gerald R Ford is your new base where you'll perform launch and recovery until you're blue in the face. The powerful catapult gets you airborne in just a few hundred feet. And during recovery, you'll want your tailhook to catch the steel cable to bring your muscular aircraft to a screeching halt.

From the flight deck of the new USS Gerald R Ford, you'll fly these 7 exciting aircraft:

* F/A-18C HornetTM
* F/A-18E Super HornetTM
* E-2C Hawkeye
* S-3B Viking
* SH-60 Seahawk
* C-2A Greyhound
* EA-6B Prowler

What's new in Flight Deck 5?

* FSX - moving carrier - you'll takeoff and land from a moving surface
* FSX - super-accurate launch and recovery using 3WireX technology
* FSX - five great missions and 60+ mini training missions
* FSX - maverick missle
* Aircraft Carrier - fly from the new USS Gerald R Ford

Flight Deck 5 incorporates brand new technology featuring an aircraft carrier that moves and a super accurate catapult launch and recovery system*. You'll experience the thrill of authentic deck operations with AI traffic on and above the carrier. You'll see why cable recovery on the short flight deck is both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

This is our fifth iteration of our world-reknown Flight Deck series -bringing you the excitement of aircraft carrier-based flight. Registered users of previous versions of Flight Deck are eligible to upgrade to Flight Deck 5 for a discounted price.

* Moving carrier, catapult/recovery operations using 3WireX, missions and mini-missions available for FSX only;
Static carrier, simplified catapult/recovery operations and 200 pre-saved flghts for FS2004.
Hurry onto the deck. It's launch time and you're next in line.
Taxi into position over the catapult. The launch team connects you. The steam is flowing and the catapult armed.
Set your brake. From his crouching position, the yellow jacketed shooter gives you thumbs up.
It's game time.

As you return to base, the USS Gerald R Ford is almost invisible. Drop down and you'll see your the carrier.
Hear the LSO as he orders you to lose altitude. Fly past the carrier and do a 180. Lower those flaps and back off on the throttle.
As you approach, you can feel your fingers tighten around the stick.
Giggle it back and forth as you line up with the swaying deck.

Exciting Carrier Missions
Fly these FSX missions from the USS Gerald R Ford.
These missions are top quality - just like our highly regarded Mission Series (Mission: Blackhawk and Mission: Combat Force) add-ons. They feature exciting action and narration.
* Basic Carrier Training
* Maverick Missle Practice
* Sonobuoy Mission
* Day of the Waterspouts
* Crisis in the East
* 60+ mini-training missions

Heads Up Display
You can also use the HUD display to guide you onto the deck.
On the left you can see that the aircraft icon is above the "center" mark meaning that you need to lose altitude to stay on the glideslope.
On the right, the aircraft if right on the mark and set for the trap. Good luck!

Special Effects
Special effects add to the realism of Flight Deck 5.
Moving carrier provides authentic landing environment. Steam vents from the deck surface at the catapult and the engine afterburners blast hot to get the aircraft airborne.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 18.08.2008 в 00:45.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:32      #104
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

Carrier Strike Force
Описание: Carrier Strike Force continues the excitement of aircraft carrier operations.

You'll take the seat on board new aircraft and fly from three new carriers. On board the Charles de Gaulle, the powerful catapult gets your mighty Rafale M airborne in just a few hundred feet. And during recovery, you'll want your tailhook to catch the steel cable to bring your muscular aircraft to a screeching halt. Fly the new F-35 JSF and the Harrier in vertical flight from the HMS Illustrious and USS Bonhomme Richard.

For this add-on you'll have all military new equipment:

* USS Bonhomme Richard
* French Charles de Gaulle
* British HMS Illustrious
* F-35C Lightning II Joint Strike FighterTM
* AV-8B II Plus HarrierTM
* Rafale M

Highlights of Carrier Strike Force

* FSX - moving carrier - you'll takeoff and land from a moving surface
* FSX - super-accurate launch and recovery using 3WireX technology
* FSX - five great missions and six open ended mini training missions
* FSX - maverick missle
* Aircraft Carriers - USS Bonhomme Richard, HMS Illustrious, Charles de Gaulle

Carrier Strike Force incorporates the same new technology found in our bestselling Flight Deck 5 package. You'll operate from moving aircraft carriers with super accurate catapult launch and recovery system*. You'll experience the thrill of authentic deck operations with AI traffic on and above the carrier. You'll see why cable recovery on the short flight deck is both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

With five previous release of our world-reknown Flight Deck Series we have the know-how and experience to bring you the excitement of aircraft carrier-based flight.

* Moving carrier, catapult/recovery operations using 3WireX, missions and mini-missions available for FSX only;
Static carrier, simplified catapult/recovery operations and 200 pre-saved flghts for FS2004.
It's launch time on the Charles de Gaulle.
Taxi into position over the catapult. The launch team connects you. The steam is flowing and the catapult armed.
Shove the throttles forward. Release the brakes. The catapult slams you to the back of your seat.

Returning to the Charles de Gaulle, you'll descend, fly past the carrier, turn a quick base and lower your flaps.
Quickly lose some speed and then turn final to line up with the deck.
Drop your gear and tailhook. Don't loose too much height. The LSO gives you the green. Hold steady. Over the edge hit the deck and give it full power.

Exciting Carrier Missions
Fly these exciting FSX missions
All missions are top quality - just like our highly regarded Mission Series (Mission: Blackhawk and Mission: Combat Force) and Flight Deck 5 add-ons. They feature exciting action and narration.

# Mig Crisis - You're on maneuvers in F-35 in the north pacific with the carrier task force when a new break away rouge state claims territorial waters of your route and sends out 4 Mig aircraft towards the carriers
# Mig Thunder 1 - The Charles de Gaulle carrier is under attack by 4 unidentified Mig aircraft off of South America.
# Mig Tunder 2 - The Charles de Gaulle carrier is under attack by 4 unidentified Mig aircraft off in the Mediterranean.
# Mig Thunder 3- The Charles de Gaulle carrier is under attack by 4 unidentified Mig aircraft off of a desert coast of Africa.
# Joint Mission Training - Fly the F-35 on maneuvers from the Charles de Gaulle along side the UK HMS Illustrious and the USS Bonehomme Richard.
# HMS Illustrious Training - Joint practice naval amphibious operations with the US navy and Marines at Cape Wrath bombing range

# Practice Missions – these missions are open-ended. You come in for a landing and can fly around and try again if you want. There are no rewards given.
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Hawaii
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Indian Ocean
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Philippines
# Charles De Gaulle operations in Suez Cana
# HMS Illustrious operations in New Orleans
# HMS Illustrious operations in the Panama Canal

Heads Up Display
You can also use the HUD display to guide you on your missions.
Here's the cockpit of the Harrier.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 18.08.2008 в 00:37.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), syv (04.01.2009), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:35      #105
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

Fighter Pilot 2
Описание: Our first version of Fighter Pilot was a best seller when released several years ago.

With the release of the successor Fighter Pilot 2 we deliver a collection of some of the mightiest aircraft to cruise the skies. Hop into the seat, drop the canopy and start piloting these powerful and exciting aircraft:

* F-14 Tomcat
* F-15 Eagle
* F-16 Fighting Falcon TM
* EA-18G Growler TM
* F-22 Raptor TM
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:41      #106
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

A-10 Thunderbolt II
Описание: The Warthog as "Terminator"
The A-10 Thunderbolt II, commonly known as the Warthog, has a reputation as tank killer due to its heavy, accurate armament. Designed for close ground support, it can "loiter" around the battle area for long periods of time. Yet its twin turbine engines can take it far and fast - up to 400 mph. With a titanium cockpit, this machine is built for survivability.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:45      #107
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

A-4E Skyhawk
Описание: The A4 Skyhawk was the military's most successful aircraft having had a life span from 1954 to 1979. Over the years, more than 3000 Skyhawk's saw service with the Navy, Marines and with the military of many foreign allies.

Unlike others, the A-4's compact size didn't require folding wings. It's sweptback wings made it a very distinguishable aircraft. Massimo Taccoli and Dennis Seeley modeled this warbird for FSX, FS2004 and FS2002.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:49      #108
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

AV-8B Harrier
Описание: Go Vertical ... another meaning

For modern day fighters, this term refers to the ability of an aircraft to turn on the afterburners and fly stright upwards towards the stars. But for the Harrier jockies, this is the way that they normally take off, albeit a little slower!
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:53      #109
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

B-2 Spirit
Описание: The B-2 is a multirole "stealth" bomber. Its low-profile characteristics allow it to penetrate sophisticated defenses and deliver precision bombs.

Its steath capabilities come from special coatings and flying-wing design, reduced infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual and radar signatures that make it difficult for enemy radar to detect and track the aircraft.

The B-2 is powered by four General Electric F-118-GE-100 engines and flies at high subsonic speeds up to 50,000 feet. The Spirit operates at high altitudes over a phenomenal range of 6,000 nautical miles without refeuling.

The B-2 has a crew of two pilots, a pilot in the left seat and mission commander in the right, compared to the B-1B's crew of four and the B-52's crew of five. The B-2 was designed by Dave Eckert.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 18.08.2008 в 00:54.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 00:57      #110
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

EA-6B Prowler
Описание: The EA-6B Prowler might be better named the "protector" since its mission is to protect the aircraft carrier fleet to which it is assigned. It is equipped with sophisticated electronic gear that jams and disables enemy radar, communications and armaments.

The crew consists of a pilot and three electronic countermeasure officers (ECMOs) - one to handle navigation, commuications and defensive countermeasures and two to operate the ALQ-99 jamming systems.

The Prowler also carries the HARM, a air-to-surface missle for destroying enemy radar installations. While the Prowler can operate from land based fields, it is most often based on carriers.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 18.08.2008 в 01:11.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 01:06      #111
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

F-16C Fighting Falcon
Описание: Power, Speed and Beauty

The F-16C Fighting Falcon is a low-cost, high performance fighter designed for air combat and ground attack.

While it dates from the early 1980s, the F-16 is still widely used today by various militaries throughout the world..

Models of the Fighting Falcon were developed by Turgot Piskin.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 18.08.2008 в 01:24.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 01:09      #112
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Описание: The F-35 Lighting II is the newest US military fighter. Developed jointly for the Air Force, Navy and Marines in different variations, it is slated to replace the F-16 when it enters full service with more than 2000 aircraft already planned. Designed as a single-seat, multi-role fighter, it will provide close air support, tactical bombing and air-to-air combat. The first production model flew late 2006.

Our Flight Simulator models include the F-35A for conventional landings, F-35B for vertical takeoff and landing and F-35C for carrier based operations. The models were created by Turgot Piskin, one of our long-time developers for both FSX and FS2004.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 01:14      #113
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

F/A-18E Super Hornet
Описание: The F/A-18E Hornet is one of the US military's primary flighter/attack aircraft. It's able to operate from ground bases and aircraft carriers. Couple that with its great speed and agility, it is very versatile.

Special features
* Rolling Wheels
* Folding Wings
* Flaps, Ailerons, Rudder and Elevators
* Opening Canopy
* Tailhook
* Afterburners
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 01:17      #114
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

F4F-4 Wildcat
Описание: Grumman designed the F4F as the first carrier based monoplane. The F4F-4 model had more powerful engine, increased armament, self-sealing fuel tanks, armor, and folding wings than the earlier variants. Eventually, Grumman built 1,168 aircraft which was used mostly by the US Navy and US Marines in early World War II.

In particular, the Wildcat fought in the early Pacific battles in the Coral Sea, Midway and Guadalcanal. It also flew in support of the invasion of North Africa in 1942. Massimo Taccoli and Dennis Seeley modeled this warbird for FSX, FS2004 and FS2002.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 01:21      #115
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

F6F-5 Hellcat
Описание: The carrier based Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat fighter-bomber was one of the most successful and most feared of the Allied aircraft.

Hellcat pilots were responsible for more than 76% of the confirmed U.S. carrier-based victories. In two years, Hellcatsachieved 5,156 victorie; an ourstanding 19:1 kill-to-loss ratio.

The single-seat Hellcat was a follow-up to the F4F-3 Wildcat after early US Navy combat experience. It incorporated major design changes including a low-mounted wing, wider retractable landing gear, a more powerful engine, improved cockpit armor plating and increased ammunition capacity.

The F6F-5 variant had a redesigned engine cowl, new ailerons, a strengthened tail and a water-injection system for the engine, which added 10% to the takeoff performance and increased its armament-carrying capabilities. The F6F-5 was first flown in April 1944, and production continued through November 1945. It was credited with over three-quarters of the US Navy’s air-to-air kills in the war.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 01:23      #116
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

F8 Crusader
Описание: The F8 Crusader was a fighter from the cold war era that saw first service in 1955. It became a mainstay aboard aircraft carriers and saw considerable combat during the Vietnam War in which it had considerable success against MiG-17s and MiG-21s.

In all about 1000 of the several different variants of the Crusader was built and used until retired in 1976. Massimo Taccoli modeled the F8 Crusader for FSX and FS2004.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 18.08.2008 в 01:24.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 18.08.2008, 01:36      #117
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

Grumman TBF-1C Avenger
Описание: Designed by Grumman as a replacement for the TBD-1 Devestator torpedo bomber, the TBF Avenger was a three-place ( pilot, turret gunner and radioman/ventral gunner/bombardier). The Avenger made it first flight in August 1941 and by June 1942, the Navy had 145 TBF-1 aircraft. Grumman vent on to produce 2,293 of the TFC-1 and TBF-1C variants and later General Motors produced 7,546 Avengers which were designated as TBM.

Graham Oxtoby, Dave Eckert and Dennis Seeley have teamed up to bring us this historic aircraft from the World War II era to FSX and FS2004. This Premier Collection version is an aircraft carrier based plane that was part of the USS Enterprise air fleet. Similar models was used by Allied forces during the war and into the early 1950s.

Последний раз редактировалось demon@; 19.08.2008 в 16:57.
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Al 777 (18.08.2008), Andrei589 (18.08.2008), Grey (18.08.2008), Vlad_ (18.08.2008)
Старый 19.08.2008, 00:49      #118
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Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

Cessna L-19 Bird Dog
Описание: The L-19 was developed as a light liason and observation aircraft for the US Army in 1949. Heavily used for communication, medevac and training the Bird Dog was renamed the O-1 during the Vietnam era. In 1964 the Army had handed over these aircraft to the US Air Force.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (19.08.2008), Vlad_ (19.08.2008)
Старый 19.08.2008, 00:52      #119
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

P-61B Black Widow
Описание: The Night Fighter

For World War II, only one US plane was specifically designed to fight during the dark of night - the P-61B Black Widow. It proved to be successful against both the German Luftwaffe and the Imperial Japanese.

To quote the U.S. Army Air Corps, the need was for an aircraft that could accomplish: "the intereception and destruction of hostile aircraft in flight during periods of darkness or under conditions of poor visibility". The Northrup Corp. dutifully repsonded with this powerful twin with very long endurance (8 hours of duty) to locate and destroy enemy aircraft.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (19.08.2008), Vlad_ (19.08.2008)
Старый 19.08.2008, 00:54      #120
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для demon@
По умолчанию Продолжение FS2004 / MFSX - ALL ABACUS (Aircrafts + Mission)

PBY-5A Catalina
Описание: The PBY Catalina has a long history of service to the military, mostly with the US Navy. During World War II, the PBY was often equipped with bombs, torpedoes, depth charges and machine guns and used as for anti-submarine warfare, reconnaisance, search and rescue and supply transport..

The PBY-5 entered production in 1940 with high power engines that made the aircraft suitable for reliable, long-range flight. The Catalina also served the military of allies including Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden. Following the war, many were converted to aerial firefighters.
demon@ вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
Andrei589 (19.08.2008), Vlad_ (19.08.2008)

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