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Старый 27.01.2007, 01:38      #1
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для Vadim
По умолчанию Paint.NET*

Paint.NET это отличный бесплатный графический редактор, способный заменить стандартный Paint.

Paint.NET разрабатывается в Вашингтонском университете (Washington State University), и эта разработка поддерживается корпорацией Microsoft. Графический редактор отличается продуманным интерфейсом и значительной функциональностью по сравнению со стандартным редактором Paint. Тут поддерживается работа со слоями (в том числе с прозрачными), удобная настройка панелей инструментов, удаление эффекта красных глаз (опция Red-Eye).

Кроме того, программа содержит общие инструменты для работы с графикой, позволяет в удобном виде менять размер изображения, увеличивать чёткость картинки. Встроенными средствами Paint.NET на редактируемое изображение можно накладывать различные эффекты.

! Обратите внимание: для нормальной работы программы необходимо, чтобы в системе был установлен Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 sp1. (free download from Microsoft).

Операционные системы: Windows 7 (рекомендуется), or Windows XP SP3, or Windows Vista SP1+, и другие.
Системные требования: 800MHz Процессор (CPU). 512MB RAM. 1024 x 768 разрешение экрана и выше.

Официальный сайт: http://www.getpaint.net
Онлайн справка: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/index.html
Фан сайт: http://paintnet.ru/

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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 06.03.2011 в 14:04.
Vadim вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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Старый 27.01.2007, 19:38      #2
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
По умолчанию

А я пару дней назад RC поставил. Постить не стал, т.к. ждал финалку и русский язык. Финалка как вижу уже есть. А что с русским языком?
VictorS вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 17.03.2007, 21:42      #3
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Графический редактор обновлен до последней версии + Добавлен русификатор + Изменена шапка темы.
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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Toxic (17.03.2007)
Старый 17.03.2007, 22:38      #4
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для LiO
По умолчанию

Осталось еще найти русский хелп, для полного счастья.
"В некоторых поражениях больше триумфа, чем в победах.". Монтень
LiO вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 15.07.2007, 13:21      #5
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.08

Завершился довольно короткий процесс публичного тестирование промежуточной версии открытого графического редактора Paint.NET. Программа создана при поддержке корпорации Microsoft, и позиционируется как замена устаревшему стандартному редактору Paint из дистрибутива операционных систем Windows (правда будет ли он включен в последние, пока неизвестно). Редактор предназначен для работы в среде Windows XP и выше, написан с использованием технологии .Net и требует предварительную установку соответствующих библиотек (подробнее). Интерфейс выполнен в стиле классических продуктов от Microsoft и не перегружен лишними подменю. Имеются мощные инструменты (Magic Wand, Clone Stamp и прочие), поддерживается работа со слоями, возможно запоминание неограниченного числа действий для отката изменений, содержит большой набор специальных эффектов для обработки изображений (размыливание, удаление эффекта красных глаз и прочие). В стандартном виде поставляется на нескольких языках, к сожалению, русский среди них отсутствует.

В этом релизе:

* исправлены проблемы со вставкой изображений из пакета Office 2003
* исправлено отображение командных клавиш в меню программы
* исправлены проблемы с навигацией через клавиатуру по диалогам заданий
* исправлена задержка вызова меню захвата устройства
* устранена ошибки, приводившая к запуску диалога активации Window после использования мастера печати
* исправлено падение программы при вставке картинки и нажатии клавиш «Ctrl+Q», «Ctrl+W»
* исправлено замедление работы после отмены диалога сохранения
* устранены ошибки при подгрузке некоторых модулей

This is mostly a service release that fixes some bugs, while also improving keyboard / accessibility cues for some dialogs.

* Fixed: Pasting an image from Office 2003 applications now works (e.g. Excel 2003 graphs).
* Fixed: Some dialogs were not indicating which command button was the default. These buttons now have a highlight to indicate which one will be activated if the user presses Enter or Space.
* Fixed: Some minor keyboard navigation issues with task dialogs
* Fixed: Performance issue with the File->Acquire submenu taking a long time to appear
* Fixed: Window activation issue when the Print wizard was finished / closed
* Fixed: Crash when there was 1 image open and the user pressed Ctrl+Q and then Ctrl+W
* Fixed: Minor performance issue if the user had 1 modified image open and then canceled the "Save changes?" dialog
* Fixed: Misbehaving filetype factory implementations (plugins) will no longer cause a crash

This update enhances the Line/Curve tool, significantly reduces the download size, and fixes some bugs related to opening and saving files in Windows Vista.

* New: Line/Curve tool has been enhanced to allow drawing arrowheads, and to draw with various dashed- and dotted- styles.
* New: Image tab thumbnails now have an indicator if the respective image has unsaved changes (an orange asterisk is shown).
* Improved: The Save Configuration dialog (choose JPEG quality, etc.) now allows you to maximize it. It also remembers its relative location and size.
* Changed: The help file / documentation is now hosted online. This has reduced the download size by more than 3 MB, and will also allow us to provide translations without ballooning the size of the download (each language would have added between 2 and 4MB).
* Changed: The "image list button" (downward triangle) is also shown when only 1 image is open (it used to only display if 2 or more images were open). This is being done for the sake of consistency.
* Fixed: Some operations would reset the selected layer to the first/lowest layer. This selection is now preserved.
* Fixed: The Image->Rotate commands no longer hang if a selection was active.
* Fixed: Several problems have been fixed within our implementation surrounding the new Vista Open/Save dialogs. This includes: opening an image from an http:// source, opening images from a digital camera that is not mapped to a file system path (such as a drive letter), the Save dialog not always prompting you about overwriting an existing file, and many corner cases that previously caused crashes.

This is a minor update that adds a new effect, improves certain parts of the user interface, and fixes a few minor bugs.

* New: Pencil Sketch effect
* New: In Windows Vista, the new-style Save/Open dialogs are used. Among other things, this enables Search functionality.
* Changed: The View->Units, Image->Flip, Image->Rotate, and Layers->Flip submenus have been "flattened" (their commands were moved out into the View, Image, Image, and Layers menus respectively)
* Improved: Download size reduced by about 300 KB by using PNGOUT
* Improved: Some uses of confusing "MessageBox" style dialogs have been changed to a much friendlier "TaskDialog" style interface
* Improved: When changing the language, Paint.NET can now restart itself automatically
* Improved: Better performance for Move Selected Pixels tool for quad-core systems. This issue is documented and explained here, http://blogs.msdn.com/rickbrew/archi...-analyzed.aspx
* Removed: The "Clear History" button has been removed because it was not very useful
* Fixed: Sometimes the Colors window would get "lost" between sessions of Paint.NET
* Fixed: Stack-overflow crash when using certain effects, such as Gaussian Blur, on very large images with certain settings (such as a 200 pixel radius)
* Fixed: When cancelling the multi-image Unsaved Changes dialog, the input focus was sometimes confused
* Changed: Renamed PdnLib.dll to PaintDotNet.Core.dll
* Fixed: Very rare race condition in background thumbnail renderer

This is a small update that fixes a few bugs that have been found since 3.0 was released.

* Fixed: Crash when trying to save a palette with a blank name
* Fixed: Changing an image's DPI resolution did not set its "dirty" flag (you would not be asked to save changes)
* Fixed: Error messages at startup were covered by the splash screen
* Fixed: Crash when a modal dialog was open (such as an effect) when the user tried to logoff/restart/shutdown Windows, and they chose to save their images
* Mitigated some CPU usage issues when the app was minimized and a complex selection was active
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 10.09.2007 в 21:20.
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 10.09.2007, 21:15      #6
Аватар для sir
По умолчанию Версия 3.10 final

В этой версии улучшена работа со слоями, появилось 7 новых графических фильтров:
(Color Burn, Color Dodge, Reflect, Glow, Overlay, Negation, и Xor),
улучшен интерфейс, исправлены ошибки

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Изменения в Paint.NET v3.10:
New: Soften Portrait effect, by David Issel, http://www.BoltBait.com .
New: Ink Sketch effect, by David Issel, http://www.BoltBait.com .
New: DirectDraw Surface (DDS) file format support, by Dean Ashton, http://www.dmashton.co.uk/ . Improved from the original source code by optimizing the DXT compression library (*Squish*) to take advantage of multiple cores / processors.
New: *Paint.NET Search*, available from the Help menu (shortcut key is Ctrl+E), allows you to search for Paint.NET help, forum posts, tutorials, plugins, and other related material: http://searchpaint.net (Note: This feature is only available in English.)
Improved: Visual fit-and-finish for the Layers window.
Improved: Visual fit-and-finish for the close *X* button on image thumbnails.
Improved: Small (about 5-10%) performance improvements for some effects such as Oil Painting, Frosted Glass, and Gaussian Blur.
Improved: Increased max brush size to 500, as per forum members request.
Improved: Expanded list of available font sizes up through 288.
Changed: The keyboard shortcut key for the Color Picker is now *k*. This makes it so that the toolbar option, *After click: Switch to previous tool*, is not useless for those using the keyboard shortcuts.
Fixed: In some cases, undoing an action that removed a layer would result in the un-removed layer not showing up until you resized the Layers window (*ghost layers*).
Fixed: Pressing F1 from the main window no longer launches the online help in two browser tabs.
Fixed: Adding a new layer now adds it above the currently active layer, instead of at the very top of the layer list.
Fixed: Merge Down now activates the merged layer instead of the one above it.
Fixed: In Vista, clicking on a URL link from the installer will no longer launch the web browser with inherited, elevated privileges.
Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+[ no longer cancels out of drawing a line/curve, but instead decreases the brush size by 5 as expected.
Fixed: Ctrl+clicking on the brush size +/- buttons now changes the brush size in increments of 5.
Fixed: Save Configuration dialog would *creep downward* from its last position every time it was opened again.
Fixed: TGA codec now saves the # of alpha bits to the image descriptor byte. This was causing some other applications to load TGA files saved with Paint.NET as solid black images.
Fixed: Clicking the *X* to close the Layer Properties dialog was not reverting changes made to the layer while the dialog was open.
Fixed: Installation will not proceed unless Paint.NET is closed, and will also not allow Paint.NET to be opened until installation is completed. This helps to ensure a fully coherent and complete installation or update.
Fixed: If a file failed to open, and there were no open images, and the user pressed either the Zoom In or Zoom Out toolbar buttons, then Paint.NET would crash.
Fixed: In Vista, it was possible to crash the Save As dialog by typing a filename that was too long.
Fixed: In Vista, it was possible to crash the updater if you let the UAC prompt time-out.
Fixed: It was possible to crash Paint.NET on some systems by clicking on a tool in the Tools window while the *Save As* dialog was open.

Последний раз редактировалось sir; 10.09.2007 в 21:21.
sir вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 15.12.2007, 19:31      #7
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Теперь при сбое плагина с эффектом - программа Paint.NET с большой вероятностью останется работоспособной (но перезапуск всё же будет рекомендован). Это радует. Очень жалко когда что-либо долго создавал и раз все пропало
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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 15.01.2008, 20:03      #8
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

Paint.NET 3.22 - новая версия

В этом релизе:
  • добавлен новый эффект для понижения шума
  • изменено поведение некоторых горячих клавиш
  • исправлены проблемы при работе в среде операционной системы Windows XP
  • устранена некорректная работа эффекта смены фокуса
  • исправлено изменение яркости и контрастности
  • возвращена поддержка параметра /auto для автоматической установки программы
  • устранено множество других ошибок

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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 3
a2z (14.03.2008), LiO (16.01.2008), Soul of a tiger (16.01.2008)
Старый 14.03.2008, 19:54      #9
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.30.2993 Beta 2

Paint.NET v3.30
Beta 2 Released: March 13th, 2008 - Download
This release adds a new "Fragment Blur" effect, as well as the ability to save PNG images at 8- and 24-bit color depths. An official Italian translation has also been added.

* Changed: Most effects and adjustments, including plugins that use IndirectUI, have been visually refreshed. The new look is cleaner and more compact. These changes are shown in more detail at http://blog.getpaint.net/2008/03/10/...paintnet-v330/
* Fixed: Thumbnails for PDN images now include transparency, which improves their appearance in Windows Vista.
* New: For developers, added a Color Wheel control to IndirectUI for use in effect plugins.
* New: For developers, added ability to customize certain properties of the effect configuration dialog via IndirectUI.

Beta 1 Released: February 29th, 2008

* New: Ability to save PNG's at 8- and 24-bit color depths.
* New: Ability to save BMP's at 8-bit color depth.
* New: "Auto-detect" bit-depth option for PNG, BMP, and TGA file types. It will analyze the image and determine the lowest bit-depth that can still save the image without quality loss.
* New: "Fragment" blur effect, by Ed Harvey
* New: The "Polar Inversion" distortion effect has been enhanced to allow changing the rendering offset, and the behavior for "edge" pixels (clamp, reflect, or wrap).
* New: For developers, IndirectUI can now be used to write configuration UI for file types.
* New: For developers, IndirectUI has a new radio button control type for enumerations, and some new property constraint rules.
* New: Italian translation.
* Fixed: In some cases, an exponential property slider would get "stuck" at some values when using up/down keyboard keys. This mostly affects some effect plugins.
* Fixed: When using keyboard navigation, sometimes the File menu would scroll its items out of view.
* Fixed: Some crashes that were tracked down to out-of-bounds coordinate values in certain effects.
* Fixed: The installer would fail if Paint.NET had never been installed before, and was being installed to any non-default directory. This bug only affected version 3.22.
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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 14.03.2008, 21:23      #10
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для SoaT
По умолчанию

Я так посмотрел на сайте: от русского лэнгвича они видимо отказались
SoaT вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 15.04.2008, 22:47      #11
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.30 Final

* New: Italian translation.
* New: Ability to save PNG's at 8- and 24-bit color depths.
* New: Ability to save BMP's at 8-bit color depth.
* New: "Auto-detect" bit-depth option for PNG, BMP, and TGA file types. It will analyze the image and determine the lowest bit-depth that can still save the image without quality loss.
* New: "Fragment" blur effect, by Ed Harvey
* New: The "Polar Inversion" distortion effect has been enhanced to allow changing the rendering offset, and the behavior for "edge" pixels (clamp, reflect, or wrap).
* New: For developers, added a Color Wheel control to IndirectUI for use in effect plugins.
* New: For developers, added ability to customize certain properties of the effect configuration dialog via IndirectUI.
* New: For developers, IndirectUI can now be used to write configuration UI for file types.
* New: For developers, IndirectUI has a new radio button control type for enumerations, and some new property constraint rules.
* Changed: Most effects and adjustments, including plugins that use IndirectUI, have been visually refreshed. The new look is cleaner and more compact. These changes are shown in more detail at http://blog.getpaint.net/2008/03/10/...paintnet-v330/
* Fixed: Various UI issues with the Levels adjustment.
* Fixed: When pasting text into the Text tool with Ctrl+V, it would hide the nub for moving the text.
* Fixed: If the startup tool was set to the Zoom or Pan (Hand) tool, then the toolbar would render incorrectly.
* Fixed: Thumbnails for PDN images now include transparency, which improves their appearance in Windows Vista.
* Fixed: In some cases, an exponential property slider would get "stuck" at some values when using up/down keyboard keys. This mostly affects some effect plugins.
* Fixed: When using keyboard navigation, sometimes the File menu would scroll its items out of view.
* Fixed: Some crashes that were tracked down to out-of-bounds coordinate values in certain effects.
* Fixed: The installer would fail if Paint.NET had never been installed before, and was being installed to any non-default directory. This bug only affected version 3.22.
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 02.05.2008 в 15:33.
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 2
d1sco (16.04.2008), Soul of a tiger (16.04.2008)
Старый 02.05.2008, 15:32      #12
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.31 Final

This is mostly a servicing release to fix a few important bugs.

* New: Enabled integration with Window Clippings, which is a high quality screen capture utility by Kenny Kerr.
* Fixed: Fixed a crash with the Open/Save dialogs if the Documents or Pictures directories were either inaccessible or if the user did not have certain file system permissions.
* Changed / Fixed: The hotkey for Adjustments -> Levels is now Ctrl+Shift+L instead of Ctrl+Alt+L. This was preventing certain characters, such as the Polish 'B', from being typed.
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 31.08.2008 в 22:29.
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Soul of a tiger (03.05.2008)
Старый 06.07.2008, 20:35      #13
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.35 Beta 2

* Changed: When using a selection mode other than "replace", it will now draw the selection outline so that you can see both the original and resulting selection areas. Before, it would only draw the resulting selection area outline, which made modes such as Intersect hard to use.
* Changed: The canvas background is now a solid color instead of a gradient. The gradient was causing certain tone misjudgments related to bright versus dark colors.
* Changed: Shortcut key for Sepia is now Ctrl+Shift+E. The shortcut for Posterize is now Ctrl+Shift+P.
* New: When holding Ctrl or Alt for a selection tool, the cursor now has a plus or minus indicator.
* Fixed: The Resize dialog had some rounding errors with the "Maintain aspect ratio" feature, which caused a few discrepancies and even a spurious "out of memory" error.
* Fixed: Some quirks with the Color Wheel control for IndirectUI-based effect plugins.
* Fixed: Several miscellaneous and rare crashes.
* Fixed: The installer would display a bizarre error if a "blank" install folder was attempted.
* Fixed: The installer now only accepts absolute path locations, instead of relative ones. This fixes an ambiguity between where Paint.NET believes it is installing itself to, and the directory that Windows Installer actually uses.

Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 31.08.2008 в 22:29.
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Старый 08.07.2008, 20:42      #14
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Paint.NET 3.35

-добавлен новый эффект для пастеризации изображения
-добавлен новый режим выбора объектов при редактировании
-улучшена производительность программы при работе с некоторыми инструментами
-добавлены новые горячие клавиши
-устранено несколько мелких ошибок
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 08.07.2008 в 20:49.
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Благодарности: 2
Ξ SoaT Ξ (08.07.2008), Vinsent (02.08.2008)
Старый 31.08.2008, 22:28      #15
Аватар для a2z
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Обновление до 3.36 Final

Paint.NET v3.36 Released: August 26th, 2008
This is mostly a servicing release to make some small improvements and to fix a few important bugs.

* Improved: Effect rendering should be a little faster now.
* Changed: Implemented some changes to the "Add Noise" effect that were suggested by a forum member.
* Changed: The canvas background color is now always #c0c0c0.
* Changed: The auto-updater should now correctly detect .NET 3.5 and newer, which will help to save bandwidth when Paint.NET v4.0 is released (it will require .NET 3.5).
* Fixed: Paint.NET now works on a system that has the .NET 3.5 SP1 "Client Profile" installed.
* Fixed: When zoomed in and the cursor is to the top-left of the image (negative coordinates), the ruler is now highlighted in the correct area.
* Fixed: The effect rendering system no longer sets the "Tag" property on the configuration dialog.
* Fixed: Some incorrectly authored plugins would cause a crash when loading their support details (author, copyright, etc.).
* Fixed: There was a bug in the color wheel for IndirectUI that caused it to show the wrong values at initialization.
* Fixed: There was a performance problem for effects that used the IndirectUI color wheel control.
* Fixed: In some rare cases, Paint.NET would crash while shutting down.
* Fixed: When using the "Fixed Ratio" feature of the Rectangle Selection tool, it would crash if 0 was specified for both the width and height.
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Ξ SoaT Ξ (01.09.2008), Vinsent (01.09.2008)
Старый 14.07.2009, 23:53      #16
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Paint.NET 3.50.3480 Alpha

это обновление в основном касается новых шрифтов и их отображения подробнее
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 14.07.2009 в 23:59.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 03.10.2009, 15:46      #17
Аватар для a2z
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Обновление до 3.5 build 3561 Beta 2

Список изменений
Paint.NET 3.5 Beta 2

* The menu bar was rendering incorrectly for certain themes (Windows 7 / Vista).
* Some items were not showing up in the 'Recent Items' jump list (Windows 7).
* Clicking on the canvas straight from the menu would cause the paintbrush to draw a long streak.
* Copy+Paste would sometimes miss a pixel edge on the right/bottom sides, when using Fixed Ratio / Fixed Size modes.
* Fixed a crash when moving pixels off-canvas, switching tools, then trying to move the pixels back onto the canvas.
* Fixed some messed up rendering for IndirectUI effect dialogs (Windows XP).
* Performance is improved when switching between images that have lots of layers.
* Aero 'snap' wasn't working when dragging part of the glassy area of the toolbar (Windows 7).
* Added a new menu item, Window -> Glass Dialog Buttons. You can use this to disable the "glass footers" for dialogs (Windows 7 / Vista).
* Glass Dialog Buttons are now disabled when font smoothing is disabled.
* If an e-mail program isn't installed, the error message for Help->Send Feedback is more informative.
* "Centimeters" was being truncated in the toolbar.
* The shape tools were not using pixel snapping.
* Layer names with ampersands were not showing up correctly.
* Updated the internal list of incompatible and unstable plugins, which are then blocked from loading.
* Fixed a crash with the Rectangle Select tool if "Fixed Size" mode was used and negative numbers were entered.
* Fixed an access violation due to a race condition in finalizing effect rendering versus un-write protecting the layer's pixels.
* Fixed an access violation in the renderer for the background transparency "checkers".
* Fixed a crash when you would resize a selection to 0-width and/or 0-height, then expand it.
* Fixed a crash due to an overflow that prevented very large images from working (64-bit only).
* Fixed a crash with scanning/printing.
* Fixed the status bar's progress bar showing up and doing nothing for codecs that don't report saving progress, such as JPEG.
* Fixed a major issue with the readability of the "update is available" dialog in any non-English language.
* Fixed a crash with the Zoom tool.
* Fixed some really weird scroll-flickering with the Text tool.

Paint.NET 3.5 Beta 1

* Refreshed user interface with new icons and visual styling. On Windows 7 and Vista, it is enhanced for Aero and "glass".
* Now uses and requires .NET 3.5 SP1, which has many built-in performance improvements.
* New effect: Blurs -> Surface Blur, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Dents, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Crystalize, by Ed Harvey
* Effect dialog responsiveness has been greatly improved.
* Images open much faster, especially on single CPU systems.
* Selection outline is no longer animated. Instead of "dancing ants", an antialiased and stippled "XOR" outline is drawn.
* Startup performance on most systems will be better by about 20%.
* Memory usage has been greatly reduced when more than one image is open.
* The font system for the Text tool has been completely rewritten, and problems with missing fonts and crashes should be a thing of the past.
* On Windows XP and Vista, the Text tool has improved text rendering quality (it uses GDI instead of GDI+).
* On Windows 7, the Text tool will use DirectWrite (instead of GDI) which gives even better performance and quality.
* The toolbar font list has improved usability, rendering quality, and significantly improved performance.
* The toolbar font list no longer requires an application restart to recognize newly installed fonts.
* When many fonts are installed, both memory usage and startup performance have been greatly improved.
* Installation prerequisites are now installed automatically, such as .NET Framework and Windows Installer.
* Updates can now be downloaded in the background, and installed automatically once you exit the application.
* General rendering quality has been improved when zoomed in.
* Added a "Utilities" menu. Updates, Languages, and Plugin Errors have been moved here.
* Added a "Manage Fonts" command to the Utilities menu.
* Clicking the middle mouse button on an image thumbnail will now close the image.
* Improved the Unfocus effect.
* The DirectDraw Surface (.DDS) file type now allows you to select the resampling algorithm for auto-generated mip-maps.
* A processor that supports SSE is now required (almost all CPUs purchased this decade satisfy this).
* Fixed an issue with Gaussian Blur and its treatment of alpha values.
* Fixed a crash with the "Units" selector in the toolbar.
* When zoomed in, it is now much easier to resize a very small selection.
* Now includes a Russian translation.
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 15.10.2009 в 20:55.
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Старый 15.10.2009, 20:55      #18
Аватар для a2z
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Обновление до 3.5 build 3572 Beta 3

Вышла третья тестовая сборка следующей версии открытого графического редактора Paint.NET. В финальном релизе ожидается улучшенная производительность, пониженное потребление оперативной памяти, встроенное средство для проверки обновлений, новый набор эффектов и многое другое.

Список изменений
* Fixed a performance glitch with some tools, where the action and subsequent undo/redo would be slow.
* Reduced temporary memory usage of commands in the Image menu.
* Reduced disk space use by about 12MB by using NTFS compression on installation files related to staging (.MSI) and diagnostics ( .PDB ).
* Fixed many clipping issues with tools and effects with respect to an active selection.
* Improved compression for .PDN images.
* Fixed many small miscellaneous glitches and crashes.
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 01.11.2009 в 15:44.
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 01.11.2009, 15:44      #19
Аватар для a2z
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Обновление до 3.5 build 3591 Beta 4

Вышла четвертая тестовая сборка следующей версии открытого графического редактора Paint.NET.

Список изменений
* Fixed some miscellaneous small issues and crashes
* Optimized performance in a few places, especially undo/redo and copy/paste
* Korean translation has been removed. Sadly, we were unable to find the resources to complete this.
* Other translations are now complete: Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish
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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 07.11.2009, 17:20      #20
Аватар для a2z
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Обновление до 3.5 build 3596 Final

Прошло уже больше года с последнего релиза программы Paint.NET, и вот сегодня стало известно о выходе финальной сборки новой версии программы под номером 3.50. В новой версии программы, на радость Российским пользователям, была добавлена поддержка русского языка. Кроме того, произведен широкий ряд многочисленных улучшений, связанных в большей мере с производительностью программы, оптимизацией скорости и многое другое.

Список изменений
This release focused on improving performance and reliability, reducing memory usage, upgrading to the latest .NET Framework version, and refreshing the user interface for Aero and glass (Windows 7 / Vista).

* New: Refreshed user interface with new icons and visual styling. On Windows 7 and Vista, it is enhanced for Aero and "glass".
* New effect: Blurs -> Surface Blur, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Dents, by Ed Harvey
* New effect: Distort -> Crystalize, by Ed Harvey
* New: Russian translation.
* Performance and memory usage have been extensively optimized throughout the entire program.
* .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is now required, which has many built-in performance improvements.
* Disk space usage has been reduced by about 12MB by using NTFS compression on installation files related to staging (.MSI) and diagnostics (.PD.
* Compression for .PDN images has been improved.
* Effect dialog responsiveness has been improved.
* Images open much faster, especially on single CPU systems.
* Startup performance on most systems will be better by about 20%.
* Memory usage has been reduced when more than one image is open.
* Rendering quality has been greatly improved when zoomed in.
* The selection outline is no longer animated. Instead of "dancing ants", a context-sensitive "XOR" stipple pattern is drawn. This has allowed for improved performance and lowered CPU consumption (and longer battery life).
* The font manager for the Text tool has been completely rewritten, which fixes many problems seen with crashes and missing fonts.
* On Windows XP, the Text tool has improved reliability and font selection (it uses GDI instead of GDI+).
* On Windows 7, the Text tool will use DirectWrite (instead of GDI) which gives better performance and greatly improved quality. On Windows Vista, you may install DirectX 11 to enable this feature; otherwise GDI will be used.
* The toolbar font list has improved usability, rendering quality, and significantly improved performance.
* The toolbar font list no longer requires an application restart to recognize newly installed fonts.
* When many fonts are installed, both memory usage and startup performance have been greatly improved.
* It is now drastically easier to move a very small selection.
* All installation prerequisites are now installed automatically, such as .NET and Windows Installer.
* Updates are now downloaded in the background, and installed after you exit the application. In previous versions, this was a foreground task and you could not use Paint.NET while the update was downloaded.
* Added a "Utilities" menu. Updates, Languages, and Plugin Errors have been moved there.
* Added a "Manage Fonts" command to the Utilities menu. This will launch the built-in Windows font control panel.
* Clicking the middle mouse button on an image thumbnail will now close the image.
* Improved the Unfocus effect.
* The DirectDraw Surface (.DDS) file type now allows you to select the resampling algorithm for auto-generated mip-maps.
* A processor that supports SSE is now required (almost all CPUs purchased this decade satisfy this).
* Fixed an issue with Gaussian Blur and its treatment of alpha values.
* Fixed a crash with the "Units" selector in the toolbar.
* Fixed a crash due to an overflow that prevented very large images from working (64-bit only).
* Fixed many other miscellaneous glitches and crashes.
* The Korean translation has been removed. Sadly, we were unable to find the resources to complete this.
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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 08.02.2010 в 22:53.
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