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Старый 09.12.2007, 18:28      #1
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию Sandboxie*

Sandboxie - утилита для контроля за работой различных программ. После установки утилиты, взаимодействия всевозможных программ с системой будут происходить через неё. Это даст возможность удалять следы последнего сеанса работы приложений. Таким образом, Sandboxie выступает своеобразным фильтром, в котором задерживаются все изменения, вносимые в систему различными программами. Благодаря такому подходу, возможно удалять установленные шпионские модули и промо-утилиты, проникающие на компьютер, например через браузер. Таким же образом утилита следит за работой почтовой программы, направляя в свою "ловушку" прикрепленные к письмам вирусы и трояны.

Основная функция, выполняемая данной программой – защита и сохранение Вашего компьютера в рабочем состоянии. Достигается это путём создания в системе «временного хранилища», наподобие кэша. Все действия в Интернете, производимые пользователем, все процессы по установке программного обеспечения используют не изменение перманентных параметров системы, а временное хранилище Sandboxie. Благодаря этому можно достаточно легко сделать «откат». Программа настраивается на использование с любыми браузерами.

Если файл был загружен внутри сессии песочницы, он будет удален при очистке песочницы. Программа запускается в системном трее и для активации песочницы достаточно запустить нужную программу через иконку в трее.

Инструкция по использованию

Официальный сайт: http://www.sandboxie.com/ | Список изменений

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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 12.07.2011 в 17:04.
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Старый 04.09.2008, 21:53      #2
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Обновление до 3.30
Sandboxie 3.22

This version improves the overall stability and usefulness of Sandboxie through various bug fixes and enhanced functionality:

* Improved support for sandboxed program installations, in particular for online installers such as Windows Live and the Google Pack.
* Improved support for Windows 2000.
* Improved support for sandboxing 16-bit DOS programs.
* Resolved conflicts with several third-party security applications.
* Sandboxie no longer recreates shortcut icons and associations every time it is started.
* Support for internationalization in Immediate Recovery.

Sandboxie 3.24

* Improved compatibility with Windows Vista Service Pack 1.
* Support for blocking Internet access to more than one sandboxed program at a time.
* Support for the new bookmarks system introduced in Firefox 3.
* Removed domain restrictions: Sandboxie can again be used in a domain network without additional license keys.
* Some performance improvements and security enhancements.
* Translation to Korean, contributed by doa.
* Resolved conflicts with third-party software: AVG 8, Ad Muncher, Novell NetIdentity, Trend Micro Internet Security 2008

Sandboxie 3.26

This version is primarily a bug-fix release, fixing major and minor problems, including some security problems.

* Network shares are accessible even if not mapped to a drive letter.
* Fewer temporary files are kept in the sandbox.
* Sandboxed programs cannot change the system date/time.
* Translation to Japanese, contributed by v2y
* Translation to Polish, contributed by Barnaba.
* Resolved conflicts with third-party software Avira Anti-Virus.

Sandboxie 3.28

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.26.

* New translations:
o Translation to Finnish, contributed by pokpok
o Translation to German, contributed by Brummelchen
o Translation to Portuguese (Brasil), contributed by anonymous
o Translation to Turkish, contributed by Volkan Gezer

* Resolution for long-time problems and annoyances:
o SBIE1116 errors on Windows XP which prevented Sandboxie from starting.
o Sandboxed Outlook using incorrect account password.
o Sandboxed programs and Sandboxie Control immediately recognize new drive letters that appear (for example as a result of mounting a USB drive).

* Firefox 3:
o Added default exclusion for the Firefox database of phishing sites, urlclassifier*.sqlite files, to improve start-up time of sandboxed Firefox, and reduce the time needed to recreate this database when the sandbox is deleted.

* Usability improvements in Sandboxie Control:
o Real paths are displayed instead of the %placeholder% notation.
o Hiding SBIE messages through Sandboxie Control hides the message only for the detail specified in the message.
o Desktop icons do not flicker when Sandboxie Control window is visible.
o For Windows Vista, added more requests for UAC elevation where necessary.

* Further improvements to the following issues:
o Improved support for network shares exposed by Windows computers (including Quick and Immediate Recovery, and Direct and Full Access)
o There remain some difficulties in accessing network shares exposed by some NAS devices
o Full support for programs installing and using WinSxS assemblies on both Windows XP and Windows Vista

* Collection of smaller changes:

* Default Copy Limit Kb increased to 48MB from 32MB.
* Fewer temporary files are kept in the sandbox.
* Fixed PATH environment variable in sandboxed programs.

* Partially resolved conflict with Rising Antivirus 2008.

Sandboxie 3.30

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.28.

* New features:

* Forced Folders protection extended to apply to documents as well as programs.
* Files can be dragged from a regular window into a sandboxed window.
* Prevent changes to wallpaper and Windows credentials.
* Resource Access Monitor tool.

* Fixes to problems:

* Resolved problem with choppy audio on higher-end systems typically running Windows Vista.
* Improved support for network shares.
* Resolved problem with user account containing non-English letters.
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Старый 03.10.2009, 23:17      #3
Аватар для a2z
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Обновление до 3.40 Final

После долгого тестирования была выпущена обновленная версия программы Sandboxie
Список изменений
Version 3.40

Released on 30 September 2009.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.38.


* Macedonian translation contributed.

New Features:

* Full support for Windows 7.
* Improved support for User Account Control (UAC) elevation: Elevation requests are handled by the Sandboxie Start.exe program. (Windows Vista/7. Elevation from a standard user account is not supported at this time.)
* Improved support for WinSxS assemblies eliminates error 14001 for sandboxed programs, and makes it possible to install a wider range of software.
* Configuration Protection: Sandboxie configuration can be locked for Administrator-only access or with a password.
* A new "Run As UAC Administrator" option appears in the Run Any Program window and the right-click Run Sandboxed sandbox selection window. (Windows Vista/7.)
* Sandbox folders are created with a Sandboxie icon.


* Tightened protection to prevent actions by malicious programs such as closing windows outside the sandbox, changing the password for the logged-on user account, changing system parameters or colors, or initiating logoff sequence.
* SandboxieCrypto service takes only a few seconds to start, rather than a few minutes. (Windows Vista/7.)
* Alleviate need for all programs in the sandbox to run as Administrator when installing new software, thus permitting software to be installed directly from the browser, for example. (Typically applies to Windows Vista/7.)
* Color border appears even when the taskbar is hidden.
* Sandboxed progams have improved handling for arrival/removal of new drive letters.
* Improved support for sandboxed programs writing files into directory junctions and volume mount points.
* Improved access to hardware devices by sandboxed programs.
* Sandboxie AutoPlay cancellation when CD/DVD drives are forced honors the Disable Forced Programs mode.
* Fixed a problem when Sandboxie is installed to a folder with non-English characters in its name.
* Changed default delete sandbox command for Eraserl secure delete:
Use -method DoD_E -resultsonerror rather than -method Gutmann -results.
* For a full list of changes, see topics and discussion in the Sandboxie Beta Version 3.39 forum.

Third-party software:

* Improved compatibility with Kaspersky Internet Security 2010, Norton Internet Security 2010 and ZoneAlarm Security Suite 9.
* Improved interoperability of Microsoft Outlook under Sandboxie and Windows Desktop Search outside Sandboxie.
* Improved support with some download manager software.

Version 3.38

Released on 28 May 2009.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.36.


* Spanish translation contributed by Marton Larrosa.

New Features:

* Software Compatibility tool (in Configure menu) detects software on the computer and applies necessary configuration.
* New "X" icon is displayed while deleting the contents of a sandbox.
* Improved support for Windows 7 (Release Candidate build 7100 only).


* Freeze/lock-up in web browsers due to a problem in Immediate Recovery.
* Color border option (in Sandbox Settings > Appearance) appears on secondary monitors in a multiple-monitor setup.
* Minor problem on Windows Vista when deleting files in a Windows Explorer running under Sandboxie.
* Support for keyboard navigation in Sandboxie Start Menu.
* Resolved problem with Microsoft Office products freezing/locking-up when opening documents in a Forced Folder.
* Some performance improvements due to optimized registry access.
* Error SBIE2313 Could not execute SandboxieRpcSs.exe (267) caused by blocking access to some folders through Sandbox Settings > Resource Access > File Access > Blocked Access.

Third-party software:

* Improved compatibility with Online Armor.
* Improved compatibility with ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite Version 8.

Version 3.36

Released on 13 April 2009.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.34.


* Albanian translation contributed by Besmir Godole.
* Chinese (Traditional) translation contributed by tenhon.
* Czech translation contributed by Virec Jaroslav.
* Russian translation contributed by Sergey Burkun.

New Features:

* New application configuration system makes it easy to activate configurations and resolve conflicts with third-party software.
* Intercept AutoPlay notifications for better protection of CD/DVD and USB drives which are protected (forced) by Sandboxie.


* Sandboxie Control does not abort if the tray icon cannot be installed.
* Border around sandboxed windows uses less CPU resources and does not appear around full screen Web video windows.

* Fixes related to Windows Vista:

* Support "Run As" UAC elevation requests for sandboxed programs.
* Fixed a problem with Internet Explorer 8 when User Account Controls (UAC) is enabled.
* Fixed a problem that prevented a clean start of Windows Installer.
* Fixed a problem with starting Windows Live Messenger.
* Fixed a problem with use of some plug-and-play hardware such as webcams and joysticks.

* Fixes to Quick Recovery and Immediate Recovery:
o Correctly recover files that have a long name or a long path.
o Suspend Immediate Recovery notifications until the file is no longer in use by the application that created it.
o Improved support for Immediate Recovery with Google Chrome and Microsoft Office products.

* Many more fixes under a hood for a smoother Sandboxie experience.

Third-party software:

* Resolved conflict with eEye Blink (version 4.3.0 or later)
* Resolved conflict with Outpost Firewall during installation.

Version 3.34

Released on 5 January 2009.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.32.

New Features:

* Translation to French, contributed by Mr Anonyme.
* DropMyRights-like feature: Sandbox Settings > Restrictions > Drop Rights
* Colored borders feature: Sandbox Settings > Appearance
* Support for JAWS and Windows-Eyes: Sandbox Settings > Applications > Accessibility


* Performance improvements for sandboxed programs.
* A forced Internet Explorer displayed an Open/Save popup window, when an Internet shortcut icon was clicked. The Open/Save window no longer appears.
* Sandboxed Windows Explorer can "paste" files that were "copied" outside the sandbox.
* Fixed a problem that prevented sandboxed applications from switching to full screen on Windows Vista.
* Fixed a problem when running Windows Live Mail sandboxed on Windows Vista.
* And many other smaller issues were resolved.

Version 3.32

Released on 16 November 2008.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.30.

* New translation to Italian, contributed by FSoft.

* New features in Sandboxie Control:

* Start/Run Access Restrictions prevent programs from running in the sandbox unless specifically permitted.
* Internet Access settings page revised for greater ease of use.
* Program Settings revised and enhanced with additional options.
* Leader Programs mechanism stops all programs running in the sandbox, as soon as some specific program ends.
* Right-click command "Terminate Program" is more powerful now and can terminate any program running in the sandbox.

* New and changed functionality in Sandboxie:

* Explorable ZIP Compressed Folders: Windows Explorer running sandboxed can copy ZIP contents to the clipboard.
* Replaceable Windows DLLs: Installation of a sandboxed program can replace system DLLs inside the sandbox.
* All versions of the .NET Framework (up to 3.5, including Silverlight) can be installed sandboxed.
* Read-only/query-only access to the Windows Management and Instrumentation (WMI / WBEM) service, for sandboxed programs that require it.
* Files created in the sandbox are owned by the "Authenticated Users" group.
* Sandboxie Start Menu starts noticably faster.
* Prevent a sandboxed program from stopping other programs using the EndTask API.
* Prevent a sandboxed program from changing system locale settings.

* Fixes and enhancements related to Windows Vista:

* On Windows Vista, Internet Explorer did not always show Immediate Recovery notifications, and this has been fixed.
* On Windows Vista, Sandboxie Control does not run as Administrator when launched at the end of the Sandboxie installation.
* On Windows Vista, a sandboxed Internet Explorer need not be "Run As Administrator" in order to install ActiveX components.
* On Windows Vista, Sandboxie Start Menu can show shortcuts installed into the sandbox under the "All Users" profile.

* Enhanced compatibility with third-party software:

* Norton Internet Security 2009
* Recent versions of McAfee Site Advisor
* Improved support for KeyScrambler.
* Web browsers: Google Chrome and K-Meleon.

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Старый 03.12.2009, 21:31      #4
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

Sandboxie 3.42
Обновление программы для работы в ограниченной среде (песочницы)
Released on 1 December 2009.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.40.
* Improved support for Windows 7 and Windows Media Player 12.
* Support for environment variables changed within the sandbox.
* New settings page: Sandbox Settings > Restrictions > Hardware Access.
* New settings page: Sandbox Settings > Applications > Web Browser > Google Chrome.
* Improved support for installation and use of WinSxS assemblies in the sandbox.
* Improved compatibility with third-party security software: Online Armor, a2 Anti Malware, Comodo Verification Engine, Norton Internet Security, Panda Internet Security, Trusteer Rapport.
* Improved compatibility with other third-party software: Pdf995, SPAMfighter, Acer GridVista, NEO Pro, Evernote 3.5, JAWS 11, LastPass, gMote.
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Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 03.12.2009 в 21:41.
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Старый 04.07.2010, 17:25      #5
Аватар для a2z
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Обновление до 3.46 Final

После долгого тестирования была выпущена обновленная версия программы Sandboxie
Список изменений
Version 3.46

Released on 4 July 2010.

The complete set of changes to Sandboxie since version 3.442 covers over 100 issues.

* Support for Synaptics trackpad scrolling and Logitech SetPoint mouse horizontal scrolling.
* The Run Sandboxed dialog box expands vertically to accomodate a longer list of sandboxes, and includes a new Run Outside Sandbox option to bypass Forced Programs.
* Messages SBIE1307 and SBIE1309 issued less frequently.
* Improvements to the stability, robustness and performance of Sandboxie.
* Improved support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista and Windows 7. Support for 64-bit Windows should now be on par with 32-bit Windows.
* Improved support for Microsoft products: Windows Media Player 11, Windows Office 2010, Windows Live Mail.
* Improved support for third-party security software: McAfee SiteAdvisor, avast! Antivirus, AVG Anti-Virus, Blink Internet Security (64-bit), Kasperksy Internet Security, Online Armor, Panda Cloud Antivirus.
* Improved support for third-party applications: EMClient, Internet Download Manager, JetStart, LastPass, Linkman, NVDA, ShortKeys Lite, VirtuaWin, WinAmp, Xobni Plus, Zotero
* For a full list of issues, see the Sandboxie Beta Version 3.45 forum.

Version 3.442

Released on 17 April 2010.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.44.

Fixes a problem with Windows Update KB979683, which was released on 13 April 2010, and causes Sandboxie to stop working on Windows XP and Windows 2000 computers.

Version 3.44

Released on 3 February 2010.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.42.

* Full support for 64-bit Windows.
o Single installation EXE contains both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Sandboxie.

* Improved Disable Forced Programs mode.
o Hold Ctrl+Shift while invoking the right-click Run Sandboxed command on a program that is forced, to run the program outside the supervision of Sandboxie.
o When Disable Forced Programs is used to start some forced program X outside the supervision of Sandboxie, then any other forced programs started by that program X will also start outside the supervision of Sandboxie.

* Improved support for User Account Control (UAC) elevation by sandboxed programs.
o No longer requires Sandboxie Control to be running.
o Pop-up window displays information about the elevating program.

* Fixed incompatibility with Software Restriction Policies (SRP) on Windows 7.
* Windows Explorer running under Sandboxie displays current folder in title.
* Prevent Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers from updating in the sandbox.
o Message SBIE2191 will be displayed.

* Support for installing extensions into Google Chrome.
* Support for ICMP (ping) operations by sandboxed programs in Windows Vista and Windows 7.
* Improved compatibility with third-party security software: a2 Anti Malware.
* Improved compatibility with other third-party software: Macro Express, LinkStash, Bing Toolbar.
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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 16.08.2010, 21:22      #6
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Обновление до 3.47 Final

После долгого тестирования была выпущена обновленная версия программы Sandboxie
Список изменений
Version 3.48

Released on 9 August 2010.

This is the single major change to Sandboxie since version 3.46:

Version 3.48 introduces new Product Keys to replace old Registration Keys, and requires periodic online activation of Product Key. Online Product Activation is not designed to circumvent the terms of the license, those terms remain the same as ever.
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lourini (26.02.2011)
Старый 28.03.2011, 20:27      #7
Пользователь Google Chrome
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Sandboxie 3.54
Обновление программы для работы в в виртуальной среде (песочницы)
- Service Pack 1 for 64-bit Windows 7.
- Update KB2393802 for Windows XP.
- Software Restriction Policies (SRP) on Windows 7.
- Applications: Windows Live Message 2011, Internet Explorer 9.
- Utilities: Bookmark Buddy, Two Pilots Speed-Type, Proxifier, Sticky Password.
- Security Software: CA Internet Security Suite 2010, F-Secure Internet Security 2011, McAfee Guardian Firewall, McAfee Total Protection, Panda Cloud AntiVirus, PC Tools ThreatFire.
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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 28.03.2011 в 20:29.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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a2z (28.03.2011)
Старый 12.07.2011, 17:03      #8
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до 3.56 Final

Обновление программы для работы в в виртуальной среде (песочницы)
Список изменений
Notable enhancements:

Experimental Protection for 64-bit editions of Sandboxie.
Program groups may reference other progarm groups, and may be used in Start/Run and Internet Access Restrictions.
Block 16-bit programs from starting or running in the sandbox.
Cmd.exe running under Sandboxie maintains the correct current directory even for SUBST drives or junction points.
New Start.exe /wait option, documented in the Start Command Line page.

Usability enhancements:

"Run Sandboxed" dialog windows include an explanation for the Drop Rights checkbox.
Desktop.ini files do not appear in Quick Recovery and Immediate Recovery pop-up windows.
Improved the "Rename Sandbox" command, and the "Create New Sandbox" command can copy settings from an existing sandbox.

Problems Fixed:

Some issues with acclerated rendering by recent versions of browsers.
Some issues with printing to a network printer on Windows 7.
Some issues where the SandboxieCrypto process remains lingering in the sandbox after other programs already ended.
Some issues with Sandboxie Control not starting at the end of installation, where User Account Controls (UAC) is active.
A problem that prevented installation of ActiveX components when Internet Explorer was running under Sandboxie.
A problem that caused Sandboxie to refuse to install on some 64-bit systems.
A problem with Immediate Recovery to a path which was too long to display in full.

Improved compatibility with:

Office 2010 Protected Mode.
Media players: The KMPlayer, PotPlayer, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema.
Security Software: F-Secure 2011, McAfee Total Protection, Sophos Anti-Virus, Trend Micro Browser Guard 2011, Trusteer Rapport, Vipre Antivirus, WehnTrust HIPS for 2000/XP/2003.
Other software: Babylon, DragonSaga, File-Ex, Nitro PDF 6.

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a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 13:54      #9
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для VITEK
По умолчанию

У меня вопрос, пробовал на виндовс 7 32 разрядную ставить Песочницу, но при установке драйвера он не может поставится , читал различные форумы , но так и четкого ответа не нашел.
Подозрения,что может Касперский или Брэндмауэр мешает установить тот самый драйвер ?

Последний раз редактировалось VITEK; 13.02.2012 в 13:56.
VITEK вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 14:04      #10
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
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VITEK, версию то какую ставил? на оф сайте вроде пишут что есть поддержка Windows 7 32-bit
Sandboxie 3.64 (Windows 2000 - Windows 7; 32-bit + 64-bit) (~2.1 MB ) (md5/sha1)

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 13.02.2012 в 14:06.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 14:09      #11
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для VITEK
По умолчанию

Slava, 3.64 , пробовал еще 3.62 , да-да скачивал с оф-а , специально для 32ой , но не может поставится драйвер.. то касперский сперва ругался на 3.62 на неизвестный драйвер разрешил, а толку ни какого, все равно не ставился.

Может попробовать самозащиту касперского откл ? Либо может не на диск С ставлю ,а на D ? хотя думаю это не столь важно т.к предупреждений об этом не было.

Последний раз редактировалось VITEK; 13.02.2012 в 14:13.
VITEK вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 14:15      #12
Пользователь Google Chrome
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VITEK, не самозащиту не надо самозащита - это немного другое, это защита файлов самого касперского. Попробуй на время вырубить антивирусы и т.п. и запускать инсталлятор из контекстного по правой кнопке мыши от имени Администратора.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 14:17      #13
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для VITEK
По умолчанию

Вот код ошибки.

А вот предлагается помощь с оф.сайте


Message: SBIE1101 Sandboxie driver (SbieDrv) version x.yy initialized

Logged To: System Event Log


The driver component of Sandboxie has been successfuly initialized. This message is typically logged at some point during the system start-up sequence, once the driver component has started. It will also be logged following a successful installation of Sandboxie, which causes the driver to start or restart.
VITEK вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 14:21      #14
Пользователь Google Chrome
Аватар для Slava
По умолчанию

VITEK, и что? в начале написали что не нашелся файл Sandboxie Ini, потом пишут, что типа все ок, драйвер инициализирован... у тебя UAC включен, ты прогу с правами админа запускаешь?

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 13.02.2012 в 14:26.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 14:28      #15
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для VITEK
По умолчанию

Slava, При изначальной установке вы имеете ввиду если нет?, то по обычному запускаю , т.е она сама сразу запускается после установки.

Последний раз редактировалось VITEK; 13.02.2012 в 14:32.
VITEK вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 13.02.2012, 14:32      #16
Пользователь Google Chrome
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VITEK, если UAC включен и при установке и при запуске я бы это делал от Админа, чтобы со включенным UAC проги с дровами прально работали, их в автозапуск не достаточно пихать, нужно через планировщик с правами админа прописывать или убрать из автозапуска и запускать вручную с правами Админа, или, наконец, рискнуть здоровьем и вырубить UAC.

Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 13.02.2012 в 16:27.
Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
VITEK (13.02.2012)
Старый 18.06.2012, 10:27      #17
Пользователь Google Chrome
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Старый 31.05.2014, 11:20      #18
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Slava вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 18.10.2014, 12:13      #19
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Старый 20.02.2015, 19:33      #20
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