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Старый 30.12.2008, 00:41      #1
Аватар для zhigalov
По умолчанию PowerPro*

Windows PowerPro позволяет Вам управлять тем, как Вы используете Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista. Выполняйте команды и настраивайте Вашу систему любым удобным для Вас способом.

PowerPro предоставляет Вам компактную и мощную панель запуска, меню и поддержку иконок трея. Но это только начало. Немного поэкспериментировав с настройками, Вы обнаружите, что Вы можете использовать PowerPro для того, чтобы изменить сам способ Вашей работы в ОС Windows. Источник мощи PowerPro заключается в том, что она объединяет в себе три глобальных функции:
– мощнейший, 100% настраиваемый лаунчер, позволяющий запускать программы любым способом: панели инструментов, иконки трея, сочетания клавиш, действия мышью, командная строка, меню, таймеры, планировщик.
– Управление окнами других программ: закрытие, минимизация, максимизация, разворачивание, минимизация в трей, восстановление любой программы из трея через меню или по горячей клавише, позиционирование.
– функции многих других утилит: посылка нажатий клавиш программам, автоматическое выполнение команд при запуске определённых окон, виртуальные рабочие столы, расширенное управление буфером обмена, клавиатурные макросы, менеджер горячих клавиш (при этом назначение клавиш может изменяться в зависимости от запущенных приложений), выключение системы, скрипты, отображение файлов в папке как меню, звуки, громкость, обои, активация и случайный выбор скринсейвера, возможность вставки заранее заданных текстовых фрагментов в любое приложение (например, адрес электронной почты) и многое, многое другое.
- при этом размер инсталлятора около 3 mb, в запущенном состоянии занимает от 500 Kb до 1,5 Mb в памяти!
Основные возможности
List of features
the power and flexibility of PowerPro

Powerpro gives you the power to control your system and how you access programs by allowing you to choose the combination of how to activate and what to activate.

The next two lists show How (the techniques for activation) and What (the things you can activate). You can combine any entry from How with any entry from What.

how to activate
buttons on bars
Create any number of small or large bars. Each bar is defined by its own command list.

Features for the bar as a whole can be set in that command list's Properties dialog where there are many options including:

Bar Positions can be floating; or a choice of many resolution-independent standard positions; or place a bar in the title bar of the currently active window; or integrate a bar into the Windows Taskbar.

Bars can optionally have OnTop status. They can be hidden and shown by commands or automatically in various ways.

A bar can be set to show only if a given program is active. For example a bar which only appears when Photoshop is active could have commands for automating some image editing processes.

Or you can set other kinds of conditions for a bar to appear automatically, such as whenever the modem is connected.

A bar can have a bitmap background, which can be turned on or off for each individual button.

It can be 3D or flat, have a border or not, have several rows, dividers, ...

Each item in the command list represents one button, defined in the item editing dialog, which includes:

Buttons can be set to respond to mouse-over, with no click required, by checking Hover clicks.

Each button on a bar can have its own text color and background, can show any icon and/or text.

Buttons can be uniform size or varying heights and widths.

You can set a tooltip for each button. The look of PowerPro's tooltips can be customised.

Left, middle, right click on a button can have different commands. Each command is defined using PowePro's standard command entry dialog

Drag and drop files from Explorer onto a button to execute a command on them.

Buttons can display dynamically updated information, such as free space on drive D:, date, time, modem activity, the contents of any user variable, the result of any expression.

A bar can have a set of interchangeable subbars. Which subbar is shown can be controlled manually, or automatically depending on which Virtual Desktop is active. Subbars are demonstrated here.

A bar can be skinned. Skinning offers even more variety of appearance; for example it can be non rectangular with rounded corners. Skinned bars can be combined with subbar features.

There is keyboard access to bar buttons when you prefer not to use the mouse.

You can set defaults for all your bars, then make some bars vary from those defaults in its own Properties.

items on menus
You can define up to 500 user-configurable menus, optionally with cascading submenus. Each menu is defined by its own command list.

Features for the menu as a whole can be set in that command list's Properties dialog.

Pick an item with mouse or keyboard and dismiss the menu.

Optionally, set different commands for left and right click on menu items.

Usually, each of your menus is based on its command list, but they can be created automatically for you from various sources:

A "file menu" can be defined by the lines in a file.

A "folder menu" can show all files in a folder. Pick one to run it. A folder menu can optionally show subfolders as cascading submenus.

A menu of saved clips. Pick one to paste it.

A menu of current tasks, or of hidden windows, etc, by using "menu" as the parameter of any *Window command. Set any action for a click, such as Close or Show.

A menu of favorite and recently used folders (useful in Explorer and/or in Open/Save dialogs).

Create menus from virtual folders such as Control Panel, Printers, Network Places.

These dynamically created menus can be free standing or embedded in another menu, included in the top level or as a submenu.

Show the Start Menu anywhere on screen; or a menu of your desktop icons.

Menus can be shown in many ways – from a hotkey, bump a screen edge, etc

Menus can have submenus, horizontal separators and vertical dividers (to start a new column) using formatting commands in the menu's command list.

Menus can have contextual sections, only shown under your defined conditions.

You can also add your own items to Explorer's context menus.

tray icon
Make your own customisable tray icon. It can show any icon and/or any text, such as the date or time in a wide range of formats. It can have a tooltip. It can have any command for left, middle, right clicks. You could use it to show a menu or a popup bar...

hot keys
Define an action for alt, ctrl, win, shift, plus any key

or tap (or double-tap) ctrl, alt, shift, win, caps lock

You can specify a "hotkey follows" key (such as ` or

Hotkeys can be global or depend on the active program

Use your keyboard's extra multimedia and internet keys for any purpose

PowerPro hotkeys can be suspended and reactivated

keyboard macros
A macro consists of a short string of characters and can run any command, such as pasting a frequently used phrase into your word processor. Macros are especially useful if you run out of programmable hotkeys.

mouse actions
Define a mouse action to act as a hot key

Create a different command for each mouse button when you click on:

anywhere on a window

a window's caption (title bar)

or the left and right halves of a caption can be set to different commands

any window's system, min, or close icon

left, middle, right click on the desktop

press and hold a mouse button

a short horizontal or vertical drag

a horizontal or vertical stroke

move mouse pointer to a screen corner

bump an edge of the screen

chord two mouse buttons

the fourth and fifth mouse buttons can also be given commands

Hotkey/Mouse actions can be global or can depend on the active program.

Hotkeys can be temporarily suspended

command line execution
Use the "Browse and Run" dialog or the "Tiny Run" dialog, with optional auto completion, to run any PowerPro or Windows command.

automatic execution
As well as happening in response to the user actions listed above, a command may be set to run automatically:

When a specified window first appears, based on its caption or exe name.

At a scheduled time: any time/date with a repeat interval; after the system is idle for a specified time; at PowerPro start up. Scheduled alarms can be temporarily suspended.

Based on a timer: for each of the 26 timers, set a command for when it starts, one for when it stops, and one for when it is reset.

Based on a monitored condition, such as when the modem connects /disconnects, when free space on a drive falls below a certain level, etc, using the "monitor" special command list.

what to activate
You can attach any of the following commands to any of the user actions listed above. You can attach a single command, or attach multiple commands such as: start Notepad, then resize it, then paste some text into it.

run any program, shortcut, or document
specify parameters which can be typed literally or as an expression which will be freshly evaluated each time the command is run

specify simulated keystokes to send when the program starts

specify window configuration at start: max/min/normal, hidden, centre screen, OnTop...

specify "switch to if active" to avoid running a program twice together

optionally show a dialog to prompt for a user input before starting the program

control any window of any program
switch tasks with your own more customisable Taskbar substitute, called active buttons, or with a tasks menu, by using "menu" as the parameter of a Window Show command

for any Window command, select target window(s) by caption, or under mouse, or all windows, or one from a menu of active windows, or of hidden windows

select the main window, or an MDI child window, or a dialog box, as the target of your command

window commands can include many actions:

activate, close, hide, show, minimize, minimise to the tray, maximize, normal

set topmost, or not topmost

send to back (underneath all other windows)

change a window's position and size

rollup so only the caption is visible

Automatically minimize some windows to the tray instead of to Taskbar buttons.

Control any dialog by simulating a click on one of its buttons, or by moving to a field and then pasting text into it.

Move cursor to default button of dialog (and optionally autopress the button) for your defined list of dialogs

Maintain a list of favorite and recently used folders for quick recall in Open/Save dialogs.

Make open/save dialogs larger than standard

send keystrokes to a running program
send keystrokes to insert text

or to control the program by sending Alt+ or Ctrl+ keys

or send simulated mouse actions to a running program

work with tray icons of other programs
simulate left, middle, or right click

or hide a program's tray icon. See details here.

run a script of many commands
a script can contain any PowerPro commands or Windows commands

plus programming logic with if-else, jump, wait, for-loops, and expressions such as user variables and built in functions

you can do string manipulations and arithmetic

you can read and write to files with the File plugin; or using the *Exec ToFile command which appends a line (useful for logging); or log keystrokes

you can send parameters to scripts when they are run; scripts can set a Return value or set variables to their results; scripts can be nested, one calling another, with arguments and returns.

keep notes
Use PowerPro's Notes feature, like enhanced yellow sticky notes. You can use PowerPro's Notes Menu (maybe attached to a hotkey or bar button) or make your own bar or menu for controlling your Notes using the *Note commands.

use virtual desktops
You can set a bar button or hotkey, etc, to show PowerPro's Virtual Desktop Menu which has a list of your defined desktops to switch to, and New Desktop, Arrange, Unlock, Lock, Remove From Desktop, Move/Copy from this, Clear this Desktop, Clear All Desktops and Close, Move all Windows to Current Desktop, Clear and relaunch from list, Close and move windows to..., Rename Desktop, See All/Move/Copy to..., See All/Switch To..., Start Desktop From List,

Or create your own desktops control bar using the many *Vdesk commands.

Unlike using a separate virtual desktop program, you can integrate your PowerPro vdesk usage into your other PowerPro controls. For example your commands can use these built in Functions in their parameters: deskname, desknum, vdeskhaswindow(vdesk, windowID), deskempty. A bar or a subbar can be set to only be shown for certain desktops.

control the look of your desktop
Start, enable, disable, change the screen saver with *Screensaver commands

or set the screen saver in the Media dialog

Disable screen saver whenever a Dial-Up Networking connection is active

Change any system sounds or PowerPro sounds

Change the desktop wallpaper with a command or in the Media dialog

All media changing commands can be to a random, or sequential, or specified file

Hide/show desktop icons or the Task Bar

Save and restore desktop icon positions

control the windows system
Shut down or restart Windows, sleep, hibernate...

Control the behaviour of Caps Lock/Shift and Scroll Lock

Track the clipboard automatically and store text clips for reuse

Many ways to use the clipboard contents

Change the display resolution and color depth

Play music CDs, control the volume, or mute; use MCI sound commands.

Clear or shorten the Recent documents list

Use and set environment variables

Track the folders viewed in Explorer, to display on a menu for easy recall

Force any Explorer window to List, Details, Small icon, or Large icon view

Add your own items to Explorer's context menus

gather information
PowerPro's built in Functions enable you to get information which you can use as parameters in your commands, or show them in a dynamically updated display of your own design.

Functions can tell you about: the Windows system, system resources, running applications, visible and hidden windows, files and folders, modem activity, date and time calculations, current CD track, volume, muted, mouse coordinates, the current default printer, the results of user inputs...

Your command or script can also get information from the user at runtime, with a variety of customisable dialogs prompting for user inputs (such as inputfolder which has a tree browsing feature, or inputcolor which has a color choosing dialog) followed by conditional commands based on the result.

display information
The text labels of bar buttons, menu items, a PowerPro tray icon, (and also the tooltips for each of those) can be set using the configuration dialogs or using CL commands. In all those places you can show static text or dynamic *Info. There are special keywords for *Info displays, for items such as date, time, resources. *Info interprets those keywords (or any expression) and displays the result, updating it regularly.

You can also show message boxes, immediately or as scheduled alarms.

PowerPro makes it possible for you to enjoy new powers and flexibility in how you manage your PC, which otherwise would only be attainable by expert programmers. The number of features may seem overwhelming at first, so it is best to explore them gradually.

PowerPro способна заменить кучу мелких утилит, в частности у себя, например, я удалил True Launch Bar, Rocket Launcher, nnCron, System Monitor, ClipMate)
Standalone utilities which PowerPro replaces
with PowerPro you can access many features in one integrated program

Powerpro can replace many stand alone utilities which customize or control some part of Windows. For example:

Tray programs: With PowerPro you can create your own tray icons and also control the icons of other programs. For example, a tray icon to access Desktop items as a menu: make a tray icon with *Menu Folder Desktop command.

Internet session timers: use timers, timer logs, and modem control features.

Hiding/showing desktop icons; also save and restore their positions for different screen resolutions: use the built-in command *Desktop.

Hiding/showing/minimizing all desktop windows together: use built-in command *Desktop.

Hiding/showing/minimizing specified individual windows: use built-in command *Window.

Control of Start Menu placement: use built-in *Menu StartMenu command, or *Menu Folder with startmenu as parameter. Optionally, only show some subfolders of the Start Menu.

Enable/Disable/Start the screen saver by (for example) placing the mouse pointer at a screen corner: use a screen corner as a hotkey command and the *screensaver command. You can also change the screen saver to a specified or randomly chosen saver.

Sticky Notes. Try PowerPro's Notes with automatic saving, categories and other interesting features.

Clipboard functions and history

Hotkeys (which include keystrokes and mouse actions) and keyboard macros

Scripting, can include any PowerPro or Windows commands, with programming logic.

Quick Windows Shutdown/Restart/ etc, with or without confirmation, or access the built-in Windows shutdown dialog.

Virtual desktops, with a built in Virtual Desktops Menu and a set of Vdesk commands.

Job scheduling: use scheduled alarms or timers

Reminder programs: use alarms or timers

Program mouse buttons such as middle button for double click: set middle mouse as a hotkey to run a *Mouse leftdouble command. You can also program the fourth and fifth buttons found on some mice.

Hiding windows, or set a window to be always OnTop, size or move a program's window, rollup a window to only its title bar: use Window commands

Create interactive features: you can show a variety of dialogs with your own text, a choice of clickable buttons, such as OK, Cancel, and a choice of text entry boxes, such as one for choosing folders or files with a browse feature, or one for a color input with a color choosing dialog. You could show your custom dialog from a script which then branches according to the user's input.

By using PowerPro's tray functions, vdesks, notes, saved clips, etc, instead of using dozens of small programs to provide all those features, you can integrate them into a single user interface of your own design. Also the parts can be made to interact with each other in many interesting ways.

Из недостатков:
- отсутствие русского языка, без знания английского хотя бы в рамках средней школы, с программой не разобраться . (один manual занимает около 500 страниц).
- в комплекте всего 4 скина и найти другие мне не удалось (хотя особо они и не нужны, все настраивается средствами самой программы + свой скин можно сочинить минут за 20).
Вобщем кто ищет хороший лаунчер + куча других возможностей в одной программе, рекомендую попробовать (программа кстати не требует инсталяции).
Официальный сайт http://powerpro.webeddie.com/
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zhigalov вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 30.12.2008, 11:49      #2
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для SoaT
По умолчанию

Помню-помню... у меня мозгов не хватило в ней до конца (а может и на половину) разобраться. ВСе настраивается с такого нуля, что и предумать минимальние нельзя

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Для тех кто пользуется TC -> Скрипты PowerPro для работы в Total Commander

Последний раз редактировалось SoaT; 30.12.2008 в 11:49. Причина: Добавлено сообщение
SoaT вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 30.12.2008, 11:51      #3
Аватар для zhigalov
По умолчанию

Сообщение от Ξ SoaT Ξ Посмотреть сообщение
Помню-помню... у меня мозгов не хватило в ней до конца (а может и на половину) разобраться. ВСе настраивается с такого нуля, что и предумать минимальние нельзя [I]
Вообще-то не совсем с нуля, в комплекте идут несколько вариантов готовых тулбаров, которые можно доработать.
zhigalov вне форума   Ответить с цитированием Вверх

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