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Старый 09.11.2007, 12:14      #1
Agent 007
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
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Хорошо Godsmack

Godsmack — американская рок-группа, стилистически относящаяся к направлениям хэви-метал, ню-метал, хард-рок, пост-гранж, образованная в 1996 году в Бостоне (штат Массачусетс). Характерная особенность звучания коллектива — тембр голоса вокалиста Салли Эрны (англ. Sully Erna) похож на тембр вокалиста Alice in Chains Лейна Стейли. Группа выпустила пять полноформатных альбомов и один мини-альбом. Все альбомы, кроме первого, изданы на мейджор-лейбле Universal Records и стали золотыми или платиновыми в США.


История Godsmack уводит нас в 1995 год, когда в один не самый лучший день распалась тогдашняя команда Салли Эрны Strip Mind. После очередного провала, Салли чувствовал себя настолько разочарованным и опустошенным, что долгое время не мог даже думать о возвращении в музыку. Он нашел неплохую работу, смог снять приличную квартиру и купить машину, но эта размеренная жизнь ему быстро надоела. Хотя до сих пор о пении Салли никогда не думал, он отважился собрать новую команду и взять на себя роль вокалиста. Барабанщика Томаса Стюарта (англ. Thomas Stewart) Салли знал еще с начала 90-х, когда Стюарт барабанил в бэк-группе Лилиан Экс (англ. Lillian Axe), которая часто делила сцену со Strip Mind. По приглашению Эрны Стюарт приехал в Бостон, вскоре к ним присоединились гитарист Тони Рамбола (англ. Tony Rambola) и бас-гитарист Робби Меррилл (англ. Robbie Merrill), и новоявленные Godsmack начали отвоевывать свое место под солнцем.

Это действительно была битва, причем ежедневная. Музыканты исколесили город и его окрестности, проехали тысячи километров, выступая в крошечных клубах, где собиралось всего два десятка случайных посетителей, сами продавали кассеты после концертов. В конце 1996 года они обзавелись первой профессиональной демо-записью, которую сделали за свой счет и почти самостоятельно, опираясь на помощь начинающего продюсера Эндрю Мердока (англ. Andrew Murdock). Все расходы не превышали 2.700 долларов. Тут-то им и улыбнулась удача - в образе ди-джея Роко (англ. Rocko), который отыскал их в Новой Англии. Песня "Keep Away" стараниями Роко попала в ротацию на бостонской радиостанции WAAF, где вскоре стала фаворитом эфира. Это заметно прибавило группе популярности, диски расходились все лучше и, сами этого не ожидая, Godsmack самостоятельно распродали 20 тысяч копий своего дебютного альбома All Wound Up.

Без всякой промо-поддержки никому не известная команда совершила почти невозможное. Об их грядущих перспективах тут же призадумались лейблы-мэйджоры. И в 1998 году Godsmack дебютировали во второй раз, уже для гиганта Universal, переиздав первый альбом под новым названием Godsmack, в новой обложке и с добавлением нескольких новых треков. Группа вызвала широкий и вполне заслуженный интерес. «Бостонцы Godsmack убедительно адаптировали неометаллический рок к современным технологиям, - писали критики. - Без сучка и задоринки вписали они свои громкие „фишки“ в плотные рамки пульсирующего ритма и обработанного вокала, четко просчитанных сэмплов, вставок, голосовых наложений... Это едкие, скептичные, бесцеремонные песни, с оглушительными гитарами и сверхэнергичными барабанами».

Томас Стюарт, который в какой-то момент предпочел ретироваться, после официального релиза вернулся и разделил с группой их первый настоящий успех. А праздновать было что. Через год после появления в продаже, альбом поднялся на 22 строку рейтинга Billboard 200, в то время как синглы «Keep Away» и «Whatever» финишировали в Тор 10 рок-чарта. С момента издания ежегодно на руках у фанов оставалось по миллиону копий, и сегодня диск стал уже четырежды платиновым. Хрипловатый вокал Салли Эрны на фоне тяжелой, несколько неряшливой инструментальной атаки многим напомнил Alice in Chains. Некоторые журналисты поспешили окрестить Godsmack клонами сиэтлской команды, с чем фронтмен категорически не мог согласиться. «Мы все формируемся под влиянием тех, кто прошел этот путь раньше нас, - говорил Эрна. - На нашу музыку влияли и Led Zeppelin, и Black Sabbath, и Pantera, да мало ли кто...»

Летом 1999 года команда получает приглашение присоединиться к передвижному фестивалю Ozzfest. Эта первая встреча Godsmack с многотысячной аудиторией оставила сильное впечатление как у музыкантов, так и у публики. Когда летом следующего года имя Godsmack снова появляется на афишах Ozzfest, в дискографии команды имеется уже второй альбом "Awake". Взяв стремительный старт, через неделю после выхода в свет диск отмечается в первой пятерке американских хитов, а в Канаде поднимается в Тор 10. Все три сингла, «Bad Religion», «Voodoo» и «Awake», отмечаются в Тор 10 мейнстрим-рока, а заглавный трек даже становится рок-хитом номер один. Любимая песня Эрны на этом альбоме, его гордость, называлась "Spiral". Она была навеяна египетской мифологией и озвучена приглашенной вокалисткой Катриной (Katrina) из нью-йоркской группы Luxx. Гитара Рамболы имитировала в ней ситар, а в других композициях она могла звучать не хуже пневматического молотка, как, например, в заглавном треке "Awake".

В начале 2001 года музыканты узнают о своей первой номинации Grammy. Награда, правда, нашла другого героя. А вот с церемонии награждения Boston Music Awards группа ни разу не ушла с пустыми руками. В 1999 году Godsmack назвали лучшей группой года, в 2000-м и 2001-м они побеждали уже в четырех номинациях, в том числе "лучший вокалист". Для Салли Эрны, чьи первые вокальные попытки вызывали содрогание у коллег и заставляли их выбегать из студии, это было весьма примечательное достижение.

Почти непрерывный гастрольный график и интенсивная студийная работа за несколько лет превратили Godsmack в надежду альт-металла. Когда в июне 2000 года группа выступала в родном Бостоне на юбилее городской радиостанции WBCN, появление музыкантов на сцене вызвало настоящий ажиотаж среди зрителей. Хотя в шоу участвовали такие звезды, как Korn, Metallica, Kid Rock и Cypress Hill, самыми активными оказались фаны Godsmack. Заслышав имя своих кумиров, они устроили форменную свалку перед сценой, так что больше 30 человек получили ранения, а еще 130 фанов, рвавшихся через барьеры, были арестованы полицией.

Альбом "Awake" собрал очень неплохой урожай почетных трофеев. В частности, в декабре 2001 Godsmack были названы лучшей рок-группой по версии Billboard Music Awards. А через три месяца LP "Awake" стал уже дважды платиновым. В том же 2001-м году фронтмен команды дебютировал как продюсер. Его подопечными оказались молодые бостонцы Powderburnt. С их дебютного альбома стартовала деятельность новосозданного лейбла Салли Эрны Spiral Records. В 2002 году группа приняла участие в создании саундтрека к фильму "The Scorpion King". Сингл "I Stand Alone" стал хитом номер один в рейтингах рок-радио. Этот трек был наполнен особым смыслом для Томми Стюарта, который уже во второй раз - теперь окончательно - попрощался с командой. За эту же песню Godsmack получили вторую номинацию Grammy.

Летом 2002 года в составе Godsmack появился новый барабанщик Шеннон Ларкин (англ. Shannon Larkin), которому приходилось концертировать с Оззи Осборном и Black Sabbath, а последней группой, в которой он играл, были Amen. Ларкин дебютировал на третьем студийном альбоме Godsmack "Faceless", изданном в апреле 2003 года. Этот продюсерский продукт Дэвида Боттрилла (англ. David Bottrill), работавшего с Tool и Mudvayne, к началу 2004 года добирается до первой строки американского поп-чарта, разойдясь уже миллионным тиражом. А лучший хит-сингл "Straight Out of Line" становится хитом номер один в рок-чарте США. Команда, как видим, не сдает отвоеванных рубежей, хотя рецензенты становятся все более скептичными. Разбирая альбом Faceless, они, к примеру, ставят в упрек Godsmack отсутствие тех симпатичных поп-ходов, которые стали украшением их дебютного альбома и принесли группе популярность.

Через год бостонский квартет пересмотрел свой каталог и перезаписал лучшие хиты в акустическом варианте. Лонг-плей 2004 года, названный Other Side, стартовал в чарте Billboard 200 под номером пять. Первый опыт Godsmack в такой стилистике отличается утонченной перкуссией и полностью акустическими гитарными партиями. «Другая сторона» Godsmack, как и основная, сразу вызвала повышенный интерес фанов. Уже через три месяца диск стал золотым и удостоился традиционных 4 номинаций Boston Music Awards. И никакой скептицизм критиков не в силах остановить меломанов, которые продолжают переполнять залы на концертах Godsmack и скупать миллионами их записи.

Группа написала набор саундтреков для компьютерной игры Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Среди них есть композиции I Stand Alone, на которую после был снят клип, и Straight Out of Line, которая звучит в титрах.


Сегодняшний состав группы:
  • Салли Эрна (англ. Sully Erna) — вокалист, автор текстов, гитарист, перкуссионист
  • Робби Мерилл (англ. Robbie Merrill) — бас-гитарист, бэк-вокалист
  • Тони Ромбола (англ. Tony Rombola) — гитарист, бэк-вокалист
  • Шеннон Ларкин (англ. Shannon Larkin) — ударные, перкуссионист

Бывшие участники:
  • Ли Ричардс (англ. Lee Richards) - ведущая и ритм-гитара (1996-1997)
  • Томми Стюарт (англ. Tommy Stewart) - ударные (1997-2002)
  • Джо Д'арко (англ. Joe D'arco) - ударные (1996-1997)

  • All Wound Up (1997)
  • Godsmack (1998)
  • Awake (2000)
  • Faceless (2003)
  • The Other Side (EP, 2004)
  • IV (2006)

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Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 14.09.2010 в 20:01.
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Старый 05.12.2007, 20:33      #2
Agent 007
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для Agent 007
По умолчанию

4 декабря вышел новый альбом Godsmack, посвящённый десятелетию группы

Называется Good Times Bad Times....Ten Years of Godsmack. Собственно, представляет собой сборник лучших песен из репертуара группы, а именно:
  1. Good Times Bad Times (новая песня)
  2. Whatever
  3. Keep Away
  4. Voodoo
  5. Bad Religion
  6. Awake
  7. Greed
  8. I Stand Alone
  9. Straight Out Of Line
  10. Serenity
  11. Realign
  12. Running Blind
  13. Touché
  14. Speak
  15. Shine Down
  16. The Enemy

Этот альбом вы также можете найти по ссылке из первого поста.

Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 03.01.2008 в 13:30.
Agent 007 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
burn89 (29.07.2008)
Старый 03.01.2008, 13:58      #3
Agent 007
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для Agent 007
По умолчанию

Тексты песен.



1. Moon Baby
Let's take a blast to the moon baby, I sit around wishing you well. How I'm craving you, yeah. Every time I'm near you, I always want to swallow you down. I'll be right here if ya need me. In my life, I'll need you here. Don't ask why I'll never disappear. Why is it everyday that I feel the pain? Let's take a trip to the stars far away. Where were you when I was down, staring into the dead? My pain is caused by my pleasure, and my soul mate lives in your body. I can't get you out of my head, it never goes away. In my life, I need you here, don't ask why but I'll never disappear. In your eyes you can bid me farewell, buy don't ever try to understand the situation. Why is it everyday that I feel the pain? It always comes when I least expect it, when I'm looking for love always seem to be regretting it. Why is it everyday that I fell the pain?

2. Whatever
And I wonder day to day. I don't like you anyway. I don't need your s**t today. You're pathetic in your own way. I feel for you: better fu**in go away. I will behave: better fu**in’ go away. I'm doing the best I ever did, I'm doing the best that I can, I'm doing the best I ever did. I don't need to fantasize. You are my pets all the time. I don't mind if you go blind. You get what you get, until you through with my life. I feel for you: better fu**in go away. I will behave, you better go away. I'm doing the best I ever did. I'm doing the best that I can. I'm doing the best I ever did. Now go away.

3. Keep Away
Sickness spilling though your eyes. Craving everything that you though was alive. Stab me in my heart again, drag me though you wasted life are you forever dead? Do like I told you, stay away from me. Never misunderstand me, keep away form me. Twistin’ everything around that you say (Yeah)! Smack me in my mouth 200 times every other day. Rag me, I don’t her you anymore, not yet. Find out what it means to me I don’t know who you are. Draggin’ on so lonely, aren’t you tiered baby (Yeah) Breathing life into you lungs, are you immune to me?

4. Time Bomb
I am in a living hell, makes me wonder if I’m alive. Can’t seem to bring myself to figure out why. I shove and I pull away from the things that I call you everyday. I can’t seem to break you down, but I know I’ll come around…. I feel your pins through my eyes, piercing me. Lie down in all the piss, you drink it from me every night. I live in a world of s**t, been left here to die. Sometimes I realize my mind is meant to go away. Never have I seen your god, so why should I believe in faith? I feel your pins through my eyes, piercing me..all the time. Another time bomb. I never find the time to find another f***ing place, I’m a bad mother f***er who lives it everyday. You never look at me now, you never look me in the face. I’m a time bomb. I cant find the time to find the place, I’m a bad motherf***er who lives it everyday. You never look at me now, you never look me in the face, I’m a time bomb. What am I waiting for? Never find the time to find another pace. I’m a bad motherf***er who lives it everyday. You never look at me now, you never look me in the face. I’m a time bomb, yeah!

5. Bad Religion
Can you feel I’m not like you anymore? I cant’ see, I can’t breath. See you quiver like the dogs on the street. Looking down on as I beat you. It’s a bad religion, from a broken nation. It’s a contradiction, and I can’t take it anymore. Who’s to say I won’t like you anyway. Take a deep breath, I’m alive. Can you feel me, I’m alive inside you. Agony’s creeping up behind you… It’s a bad religion, from a broken nation. It’s a contradiction. And I can’t take it any f***ing way! Can you feel it? I gotta live with it everyday. And I can’t take the pressure, I’m going insane. Now go away!

6. Immune
Patience is how I’m living today. I lie before you, stressing me out again. My life is twisted, twisted like you own brains, I can’t accept that, I can’t accept that again. Face it. Try it. Immune to what you are. A superstition jinxing me like the black cat, inside you is only what I crave. A system breakdown, can you remember your name? Did you forget you? Did you forget your identity?

7. Someone In London

8. Get Up, Get Out!
Why are you laughing as if your my friend? I’m gonna slap you again and again and again. I like you better when you go away. Gotta get up, gotta get out, gotta get up, You gotta go away. You were the love of my life for a day. I kind of though that you’d feel the same way….no way! Consider you a figment of my imagination. But will you ever go away?

9. Now Or Never
Can’t remember my name, can’t remember at all. Finding you from past times, I think… How did we ever fall? Never knowing the answers, calling myself names. Now is not the question for us, will it ever be again? Why don’t you just fly, fly to me? How long will you wait for me? Never? Now or never again. Fell me up inside you, how you quiver and shake. Can I rake you back to my life? Will you trust me again? Now or never…. I’ll never let you down, so fly to me? How long can I wait… Why don’t you just fly, fly to me? How long will you wait for me? Never? Now or never again!

10. Stress
You think your head’s achin’, I’m not finished yet. I won’t be mistaken, how soon you forget. Take back what you said and I’ll spare you pain. Then you can spare me all you f***in’lies. I can’t wait to get away. I ask you twenty more times, don’t you hear a thing? You’re testing my patience again, careful for your sake. Take a walk with me there, and I’ll show you pain, But who said you can open up your mouth? I can’t wait to get away. Thoughts are pissed away, and for a minute I couldn’t swallow. Thoughts are pissed away, and for a minute I couldn’t swallow. If you think that I’m the one will be here come tomorrow, think again. In time I’ll be here, not waiting for you anymore. I love you anyway. Is it so rare that I’ve been sleeping with the dead?

11. Situation
Lying in my sweat, drying my tears, waiting for you - I am. Making me feel like I don’t care…I don’t care. This situation in my head. Will this situation ever end? How can I feel if I can’t breathe? What we once had will never be again…. This situation in my head. Will this situation ever end? I cannot take it anymore! I really like what you can give me, But I don’t know where I’m standing right now. Not yet. I really feel like you can hear me. Why you’re not turning this around…I’ll never know!

12. Voodoo
Candles raise my desire. Why I’m so far away. No more meaning for my life? No more reason to stay. Freezing feeling, breathe in - breathe in, I’m coming back again! I’m not the one who’s so far away, When I feel the snake bit enter my veins. Never did I wanna be here again And I don’t remember why I came. Hazing clouds rain on my head, empty thoughts fill my ears. Find my shade by the moon light, why my thoughts aren’t so clear. Demons dreaming, breathe in - breathe in. I’m coming back again. Voodoo, I’m not the one who’s so far away.



1. Sick Of Life
Paralyzed. Nothing's getting through to me. Hypnotized from all my surroundings. I wanna be something I could never be. I wanna say things that I could never say. Yeah, I'm gonna do it again! Sick of my life. I'm tired of everything in my life. Dragged down. Rubbing my face in the ground. No time for the undecided. I wanna know why I've always felt alone, And I wanna love. Why am I untouchable? Yeah, I'm gonna do it again! Sick of my life. I'm tired of everything in my life. I never wanted to be sick of my life. I'm tired of everything in my life.

2. Awake
Wait another minute. Can't you see what this pain has f**king done to me. I'm alive and still kickin'. What you see I can't see and maybe you'll think before you speak. I'm alive for you. I'm awake because of you. I'm alive I told you. I'm awake swallowing you Take another second. Turn your back on me and make believe that you're always happy. It's safe to say you're never alive. A big part of you has died and by the way, I hope you're satisfied. Tearing it back unveiling me. Taking a step back so I can breathe. Hear the silence about to break. Fear resistance when I'm awake.

3. Greed
Two faced! I feel you crawling under my skin. Sickened by your face. By the way, to think that your so fu**ing kind? You ain't! Hard to find how I feel, especially when your smothering me. Hard to find how I feel, please someone help me! I knew when an angel whispered into my ear, You gotta get him away. Hey little bitch! Be glad you finally walked away or you may have not lived another day. Hard to find how I feel, especially when your smothering me. Hard to find how I feel, please someone help me. Hard to find how I feel, controlling me every step of the way. Hard to find how I feel, you greedy little baby!!

4. Bad Magick
Does it feel so bad when you're taking a drag and when you're looking at the world through dying eyes? When you stare at it dead and you're giving it head and all those things you say you love never come alive, for you. If it feels so bad, bad magick playing off of me. Oh no, I don't wanna be your friend. Feels so bad, bad magick laying into me. Feels so bad, oh no, I don't wanna hear it again. Oh, when you get so high that you want to die but everything around you is turning green. When you get so low and I know you've been feeling like a dried out leaf in a summer breeze. I don't like it! Getting back, get back on track, get off of my back!

5. Goin' Down
I see the world it's going 'round. Seems to me it's upside down. Looking for something to say. I feel a little different anyway. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Does it make much sense to you? Doing all those things you do. Making sure that I'm all right? Yeah, I'm fine! I've been feeling I'm going down. I see the world it's going 'round. Seems to me it's upside down. Looking for something to say.

6. Mistakes
No, I don't feel a thing. Life's going by me. But still I say, Oh God! I'm making the same mistakes. Low? I'm on empty. Try to erase all the bad times. Free? I don't seem to be. My soul remains tied to your life. Every breath you breathe deep, I feel you circulating through me. I'll never forgive myself again. I'm so sick and tired of making the same mistakes. God help me.

7. Trippin'
Living a different way. You can't expect me to be the same. Separating our lives, wondering why. Face down I walk away. Every time I think I do the right thing, you turn your back on me. Trippin' into a world that never seems too far away. Too much time, too many wasted days. How can you be this way? Now I'm alone and cold today. I'm walking dead man's drive. Reaching out for my life. I've been known to f**k up everything. In this skin there's a broken man. Trippin' into a world that never seems too far away. Too much time, too many wasted days. Just another vision in my world!

8. Forgive Me
There's nothing to me now. An empty shell unfolded. How, when we learn to pray inside our demons are laughing How long will this go on? Are we a bit much stronger? Do you think you can save me from living this way? I don't know how to love. I just know how to live. All I feel is hate. Will you forgive me? For all those things I've done, they keep on creeping by me. And though we've changed our ways, still all our demons are laughing. How long will this go on? Aren't we a bit much stronger? I'd like to think you've came into my life to stay. I don't know how to love. I just know how to live. All I feel is hate. Will you forgive me? I don't know how to breathe with you too far away. Don't know how to love. Will you forgive me? No I can't live this way! I don't know how to love. I just know how to live. All I feel is pain. Will you forgive me? I don't know how to breathe with you too far away. I don't know how to love. Past lives I've lived. Uncontrolled but sacred. You've finally seen all that's left of me. So hard to feel. So hard to breathe. Will you forgive me?

9. Vampires
Two creatures of the night have captured our imagination like Vampires What explains our enduring fascination with Vampires? What is it about the vampire myth that explains our interest? Is it the over tones of sexual lust, power, control? Or is it a fascination with the immortality of the undead? And what dark and hidden part of our sightings are aroused and captivated by the legends of the undead? The mystery of the undead will continues to fascinate the living Two creatures of the night have captured our imagination like Vampires What explains our enduring fascination with Vampires? And what dark and hidden parts of our sightings are aroused and captivated by the legends of the undead? (From the program Mysterious Forces Beyond)

10. The Journey
Instrumentl intro to Spiral

11. Spiral
Sometimes we only live for the here and now. Sometimes we're lonely. Sometimes we feel we need a place to be grounded, or fly away again I will fly away again. I feel rain pouring down. I wait to rot away, live again, here forever, the spiral never ends. Why are we feeling something's familiar around us? Are we just dreaming? Always we search for the answers but nothing is found. We fly away again. I will fly away again.

Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 03.01.2008 в 14:15.
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Старый 03.01.2008, 14:00      #4
Agent 007
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1. Straight Out Of Line
There's no reason, there's no compromise. Change in seasons, living the high life. I don't know you So don't freak on me. I can't control you You're not my destiny. Straight out of line I can't find a reason. Why I should justify my ways. Straight out of line I don't need a reason. You don't need to lie to me. I'll confess this you're my tragedy I laid you to rest just as fast as you turned on me. Gone for ever, banished the memories. Displays of pleasure are masked by your misery. Straight out of line I can't find a reason, why I should justify my ways. Straight out of line, I don't need a reason. You don't need to lie to me. Lie to me. Straight out of line, I can't find a reason, why I should justify my ways. Straight out of line, I don't need a reason. You don't need to, don’t need to lie to me!

2. Faceless
Hate me with everything, I'm better off without your animosity. I'll even sleep better at night, at night. I once believe in you, reminded me of everything you put me through. Now everything feels alright, alright. I feel so betrayed, mistaken. I create another day, you'll be gone tomorrow. Lie to me, you're faceless! You've made me out to be responsible for your self-inflicted misery. It never felt like this before, before. Don't be surprised to see that I have nothing left for you to bleed. When you come crawling back for more, for more. I feel so betrayed, mistaken. I create another day, you'll be gone tomorrow. Lie to me, you're faceless!

3. Changes
All or nothing, it sometimes lies between what's undecided. And all for nothing, it seems I'm wasting my time. Don't look down on me like I don't know anything that I've been doing. You talk down to me, it's time you take a better look inside. I'll never be the same, I'm moving back onto my ways. I'm looking for changes - to better my way. Bow down to me, taking your pride and stuff it down inside. Vows are ruined, losing my faith, losing time. Better off you than me, I just can't stand another day when you're in my way. A long time brewing, it's time you kiss your ass goodbye. I'll never be the same, I'm moving back onto my ways. I'm looking for changes. I'll never be the same, I'm moving back onto my ways I'm looking for changes to better my way.

4. Make Me Believe
Throw away my dreams, this fight for my life isn't getting behind me. And I've been told to scream. When no one can hear me, it doesn't mean nothing. So make me believe. Just take me away from this hell I've created. And I'm afraid. I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down in flames I know this can't be right. There's got to be something more that I can live for. And I can only hide, inside of this sickness for so long again. So make me believe Just take me away from this hell I've created And I'm afraid I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down Make me believe. Just take me away from temptation that's calling me. And I'm afraid. I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down in flames. Running in circles, confusion is calling my name. Hiding inside of this poisoning madness again. I'm tired. I'm broken. I'm walking along with the dead. Will I ever feel like I once did? So make me. Make me believe. Just take me away from this hell I've created. And I'm afraid. I'm breaking my own vows knowing I'll go down.

5. I Stand Alone
I STAND ALONE I've told you this once before, can't control me If you try to take me down you're gonna break I feel your every nothing that you're doin for me I'm thinking you outta make your own way I stand alone Inside, I Stand alone You're always hiding behind your so called Godess So what. You don't think that we can see you're face? Ressurected back before the final falling I'll never rest until i can make my own way I'm not afraid of fading. . . I Stand Alone Feeling your sting down inside me, I'm not dying for it I stand alone. Everything that i believe is fading I stand Alone, inside i stand alone And now it's my time It's my time to dream dream of the skies Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me And help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe into me Chorus

5. I Stand Alone
I've told you this once before, can't control me If you try to take me down you're gonna break I feel your every nothing that you're doin for me I'm thinking you outta make your own way I stand alone Inside, I Stand alone You're always hiding behind your so called Godess So what. You don't think that we can see you're face? Ressurected back before the final falling I'll never rest until i can make my own way I'm not afraid of fading. . . I Stand Alone Feeling your sting down inside me, I'm not dying for it I stand alone. Everything that i believe is fading I stand Alone, inside i stand alone And now it's my time It's my time to dream dream of the skies Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me And help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe into me

6. Re-Align
Decisions made from desperation - no way to go. Internal instincts craving isolation - for me to grow. My fears come alive, in this place where I once died. Demons dreaming knowing I - I just needed to realign. Fell in a river of illusion - and apathy. Drowning in a self-induced confusion - I'd rather be. Yeah! My fears come alive, in this place where I once died. Demons dreaming knowing I - I just needed to realign. Yeah!

7. I Fu**ing Hate You
For everything you do, I'd like to swallow you. And everyday I'm gonna blame you. Even if you justify every f**king bulls**t lie, it only makes me want to break you. You pull me down, and you crucify my name, you make me insane. It's broken now, don't ever look my way. Don't even think I'm playin'! 'Cause I f**king hate you, you're such a liar. And I love to hate you, you're all the same to me. When you repeatedly take advantage of me, the only thought I get of you sickens me. Everybody knows you're fake - you're everything I f**king hate. And I'm everything that you could never be! You pull me down, and you crucify my name, you make me insane. It's broken now don't ever look my way. Don't even think I'm playin'! 'Cause I f**king hate you, you're such a liar. And I love to hate you, you're all the same to me. I f**king you hate you, you're such a liar. And I love to hate you, you're all the same to me. F**k you

8. Releasing The Demons
What do you see in the dark when the demons come for you? If only you could have seen how fucked up my life used to be; then everything starts to change, supposedly healing my pain. I never thought I'd feel this way. I never thought that I'd see the day I'd run away from anything or anywhere or anyone. Its all these demons haunting me, tt’s all these little things trapped inside of me, releasing me from all my sin. Its taken me all of my anger, and taken me all of my hate, to learn how my life came together. Releasing the demons again. And now I look through my minds eye and see where my past needs to rest. Its always disturbed by these voices, that echo inside of my head. Another way that I can hide, another reason to crawl inside and get away from everything and everywhere and everyone. NO! Its all these demons haunting me, it’s all these little things trapped inside of me releasing me from all my sins. Its taken me all of my anger, and taken me all of my hate, to learn how my life came together. Releasing the demons....again (again). Facing the days as I grow into my own, loving and hatings the same. And three-fold I told you it comes back with laughter, over and over again. Its coming back. Its taken me all of my anger, and taken me all of my hate, to learn how my life came together. Releasing the demons again

8. Releasing The Demons
What do you see in the dark when the demons come for you? If only you could have seen how fucked up my life used to be; then everything starts to change, supposedly healing my pain. I never thought I'd feel this way. I never thought that I'd see the day I'd run away from anything or anywhere or anyone. Its all these demons haunting me, tt’s all these little things trapped inside of me, releasing me from all my sin. Its taken me all of my anger, and taken me all of my hate, to learn how my life came together. Releasing the demons again. And now I look through my minds eye and see where my past needs to rest. Its always disturbed by these voices, that echo inside of my head. Another way that I can hide, another reason to crawl inside and get away from everything and everywhere and everyone. NO! Its all these demons haunting me, it’s all these little things trapped inside of me releasing me from all my sins. Its taken me all of my anger, and taken me all of my hate, to learn how my life came together. Releasing the demons....again (again). Facing the days as I grow into my own, loving and hatings the same. And three-fold I told you it comes back with laughter, over and over again. Its coming back. Its taken me all of my anger, and taken me all of my hate, to learn how my life came together. Releasing the demons again

9. Dead And Broken
Too many things are never spoken, I'm not feeling fine. I never told you what to do, I never made you a promise that you couldn’t hold me to, that'll be the day you see me crying. Everyday, I still say you're dead and broken. Everyday, I still say you're dead and broken, you're dead and broken. How many different faces can you show me? How many times can you be right? Another world of fantasy, another reason for dramatizing everything. Taking it all in just one more time - I'm dying. Everyday, I still say you're dead and broken Everyday, I still say you're dead and broken, you're dead and broken. Sorry to see that you're underestimated lately. I'd rather be dead and broken than living in your grace. Everyday, I still say you're dead and broken. Everyday, I still say you're dead and broken, you're dead and broken.

10. I Am
I am your spoken truth, I am the lies in you. I'm gonna make you shine, in everything you do. I am your lighted way, and I'm your darkest day. I'm here to help you see: you can rely on me. Just consider me your friend, I am until the end. Can I guarantee you life? I don't think I can. This isn't the life for me, this isn't the way I want to be. And let me tell you, death will come when I'm good and ready. I am your peace of mind, confusing all your time. I'm running through your veins, I am your pain. I thought by now you'd know, I'll never let you go. It's time you recognize: I am the devil's eyes Just consider me your friend, I am until the end. Can I guarantee you life? I don't think I can This isn't the life for me, this isn't the way I want to be. And let me tell you, death will come when I'm good and ready. Death will come when I’m good and god damn ready! Take me by my hand and let me show you what I am. I’m taking control again. Now I know I can, take you back to where it all began. ‘Cause I am!

12. The Awakening
Instrumental open to Serenity (Tribal chanting)

12. Serenity
As I sit here, and slowly close my eyes,I take another deep breath and feel the wind pass through my body. I'm the one in your soul, reflecting inner light. Protect the ones who hold you, cradling your inner child. I need serenity, in a place where I can hide. I need serenity, nothing changes, days go by. Where do we go when we just don't know, and how do we relight the flame when it's cold? Why do we dream when our thoughts mean nothing and when will we learn to control? Tragic visions slowly stole my life. Tore away everything, cheating me out of my time. I'm the one who loves you, no matter wrong or right. And every day I hold you, I hold you with my inner child. I need serenity, in a place where I can hide. I need serenity, nothing changes, days go by. Where do we go when we just don't know?, and how do we relight the flame when it's cold? Why do we dream when our thoughts mean nothing, and when will we learn to control?

The Other Side


1. Running Blind
Can’t find the answers, I’ve been crawling on my knees. Looking for anything, to keep me from drowning. Promises have been turned to lies, can’t even be honest inside. Now I’m running backward, watching my life wave me goodbye. Running blind. I’m running blind. Somebody help me see I’m running blind. Searching for nothing, wondering if I’ll change. I’m trying everything, but everything still stays the same. I thought if I showed you I could fly, wouldn’t need anyone by my side. Now I’m running backward, with broken wings I know I’ll die. Running blind. Running blind. Somebody help me see I’m running blind. Running blind. I can’t find the answers, I’ve been crawling on my knees. Looking for anything, to keep me from drowning. I’m running blind. Running blind.

2. Re-Align
Decisions made from desperation - no way to go. Internal instincts craving isolation - for me to grow. My fears come alive, in this place where I once died. Demons dreaming knowing I - I just needed to realign. Fell in a river of illusion - and apathy. Drowning in a self-induced confusion - I'd rather be. Yeah! My fears come alive, in this place where I once died. Demons dreaming knowing I - I just needed to realign. Yeah!

3. Touche
Find a way, a way to be, you're looking down again, just let it be (John). And I'd only do for you what you do for me (Sully). And I only would do for you what you do for me (J). Wastin' time like it was free (S + J). Will you ever find where you'll be (S+J). And I only would do for you what you do for me yeah (J). And I only would do for you what you do for me (S). And I only would do for you what you do for me yeah (J). And I only would do for you what you do for me (S). Don't look back just to lean on me, it's taken the life out of me (S). It's not like you know, you've never been close enough (J). Closer than you've been to me (S). It's not what you say (J). It's just in the way (S + J). You push me away (J). And I’ll only do for you what you do for me, yeah (S). And I only would do for you what you do for me, yeah (J). And I’ll only do for you what you'd do for me (S). And I only would do for you what you'd do for me (J).

4. Voices
Listen to the rain fallin' day by day. Listen to the rain fallin' day by day by day. Hey. I hear you calling, voices are here again. I hear you whisper, taking control of me. Watch the dancing shadows run away. All alone once again, afraid. All these faces (faces), changing their shapes on me. Isolated in my own world, will it ever be free? Haunting figures around me, I want em' to stay. There always there to protect me, this is one thing you can't take away. Listen to the rain fallin' day by day. Listen to the rain fallin' day by day by day. Yeah! I hear you calling, voices are here again. I hear you whisper in my own mind, will it ever change? Voices I hear you calling.

5. Keep Away
Sickness spilling though your eyes. Craving everything that you though was alive. Stab me in my heart again, drag me though you wasted life are you forever dead? Do like I told you, stay away from me. Never misunderstand me, keep away form me. Twistin’ everything around that you say (Yeah)! Smack me in my mouth 200 times every other day. Rag me, I don’t her you anymore, not yet. Find out what it means to me I don’t know who you are.? Draggin’ on s lonely, aren’t you tiered baby Breathing life into you lungs, are you immune to me?

6. Spiral
Sometimes we only live for the here and now. Sometimes we're lonely. Sometimes we feel we need a place to be grounded, or fly away again I will fly away again. I feel rain pouring down. I wait to rot away, live again, here forever, the spiral never ends. Why are we feeling something's familiar around us? Are we just dreaming? Always we search for the answers but nothing is found. We fly away again. I will fly away again.

7. Asleep
Wait another minute. Can't you see what this pain has f**king done to me. I'm alive and still kickin'. What you see I can't see and maybe you'll think before you speak. I'm alive for you. I'm awake because of you. I'm alive I told you. I'm awake swallowing you Take another second. Turn your back on me and make believe that you're always happy. It's safe to say you're never alive. A big part of you has died and by the way, I hope you're satisfied. Tearing it back unveiling me. Taking a step back so I can breathe. Hear the silence about to break. Fear resistance when I'm awake.

Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 03.01.2008 в 14:15.
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Старый 03.01.2008, 14:02      #5
Agent 007
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1. Livin' In Sin
Once again my friends, storm clouds are rolling in. Broken inside myself. Can’t seem to break this trend. Can’t break it! Chorus: And I’ve seen it all, and I’ve walked it tall. Lived in this sin…where do I begin? Caught between the lines. My life of worthless lies. Shedding my skin to begin a life that I don’t know how to live in…I can’t take it. (Chorus) I don’t know now, where to go now. I don’t know if I’ll ever get ahead, no. It’s all broken Not a word spoken. And I don’t know how to go out. God help me now!! I’ve seen it all. And I’ve walked it tall. Lived in this sin…livin’ in sin!…..Where do I begin?

2. Speak
Free? You better love me. Hide or runaway from all your yesterdays. (Chorus) Speak the truth or make your peace some other way. Well I never knew, but I believe that your trust in me will speak to me Way beyond your controlling mind And no more believing in all your precious lies. (Chorus) In finding balance between lies and trust they’ll never be a better source than to speak your truth or make your peace in some other way

3. The Enemy
Hey! Mr. Back stabbing son of a bitch You’re livin’ in a world that willl soon be dyin’ And I know, everybody knows you try to be like me. But even at your best as a man you couldn’t equal half o f me I am realizing that everybody’s lost their simple ways. And now that it’s here, I see it oh so clearly. I’ve come face to face with the enemy. You! You’re another shit talkin’ punk to me. You’re a living inspiration for what I never wanna be. I see, you’ve been blinded by what you believe. Now back up and sit down, shut up and act like you need to be (Chorus) Come to me…The enemy So predicting, you’re the reason why I lie. Simple decision took me too much time to fly. Check Mate!!!

4. Shine Down
So tired sleeping through the day. Blood-shot eyes and the sweat from my body. I picked my head up yesterday. Found no reason or hope left inside of me. But I still believe in immortal love. And I know there’s someone above. (Chorus) Shine down…don’t take it away from me, no. And I know you know how. Shine down…just give me a chance to feel it. It’s taken forever to get me off the ground. A dead silence overwhelming me. Day and night takes its toll on my sanity. And I know I’ve been away too long. All these years I’ve been hiding. A felling I’m coming strong! But it still believe in immortal love. And I know there’s someone that up above. Show me a path to find my way. And give me a reason to pray

5. Hollow
One more step and I could fall away. If it happened would it matter? I can't tell if I should go or stay. Same old picture feels so hollow. How can anybody know what's best for me? Another page I turn in shame. My decisions broght me to my knees. I needed someone to blame. *I feel so hollow. Time to do what's best for me, I believe I can change.* Once upon a time in broken dreams...reflections that I can't face. So hold your breathe and make a wsh for me. Take me to a better place. Time always seems to be passing by....it never waits for me. If I could do it all one more time, I wouldn't change a thing. *Chorus*

6. No Rest For The Wicked
Walked a fine line, slipped the edge under me. Rise above a suicide and taking it outta me. Got a feeling it's going far away. Licking the wounds from yesterday. *Gonna fly high...taking my time...strip down to nothing. Gonna try, but there's no rest for the wicked!* Been through the skin of a dragon a thousand times. Yet everyday I live for you, still I'm not alive. Got a feeling I'm gonna fall away. Give me a sign, one reason that I should stay. *Chours* Are you ready to know just who I am? Do you think you can make me a better man? Crack me open? Expose me to your ways? But ignorance and arrogance are my ways. *Chorus*

7. Bleeding Me
Way, way down inside, there's a hollow soul. An emptyness shadow's tomorrow. And I find it hard to breathe for me in your company. Seem's I've been taken for granted. *You're breaking me, and bleeding me down to nothing. It's tearing me down.* Maybe this time baby it's meant to be. No more suffocating you or me, oh yeah! And I'd pay the price, but you're sentencing me to live. And I feel I've put in my time. *Chorus*

8. Voodoo Too
Open your eyes...A chill passes you by. A premonition coming strong. Rich with desire...A superstition in disguise. Draws me into where I belong. *Have you ever wondered why in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you? Telling me it's all voodoo, voodoo too?* Instill the body...So warm with every breath. Dance to a vision so seductive. Rain down upon me...it cleanses me with every drip. A scent you've promised for the nourishment that I've been gifted. *Chorus*

9. Temptation
It crawls down deep inside, without a pulse or a will to die. Not known to sympathize. And now it takes what it takes and lets the feeling suffocate. It's nothing new it'll get its way. Another thing that I see is how it gets inside of me and tears away my life. *It's time to love! It's time to hate! It's coming face to face trying to desecrate. No time at all to break away. Temptation still got a hold on me.* It's awake even when you sleep, it breathes without a heartbeat, making me incomplete. And now I know what I know. Expect the demon down below to surface through my mortal soul. And now it looks to be it's smiling as it's killing me day to day, eye to eye. *Chorus*

10. Mama
Oh mama, what have I gone and done with all these years that I've been gone. My life changed me way too fast. I don' tknow if I can last. *Help me find my way, and Mama save me. Help me find today, Mama please come and save me.* Oh Mama, if you could've only seen everything I've done and where I've been. If only one thing I would ask...Why did you let me grow up so God Damn fast? *Chorus* There's nothing more than you can do. It's gone beyond what you can help me through. An emptyness has covered me. Oh Mama, come and save me.

11. One Rainy Day
Oh man, I'm tired and lonely. Again, why must it be? A man is drowning slowly. And he can't keep above, gone way to deep. *Open skies are falling, tears are coming down. Like a drop of rain falls to the ocean and comes back around, one rainy day...* Oh so many times I should have crawled when I went running by. And since then I've been left feeling tramatized. Raped and drained of an innocence, a gift we've lost over time. And still I gaze through this one rainy day, alone with no one by my side. *Chorus* I swear I've given, I've given you all I can. Never will you ever make me feel this way again, on this one rainy day.

Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 03.01.2008 в 14:15.
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Старый 07.07.2008, 13:40      #6
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Changes The Movie DVD (2004)

Концерт группы Godsmack "Live at Wachovia" (Arena Wilkes Barre, PA 2004) + интервью, кадры из жизни и дополнительные материалы (фото).

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Старый 08.07.2008, 17:42      #7
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есть вся дискография в 320 кбит, мп3 если надо давайте ссыль куда залить
ReanimatioN вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 08.07.2008, 18:16      #8
Agent 007
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ReanimatioN, заливай сюда. Альбомы "IV" и "The Other Side" можешь не заливать, так как в битрейте 320 кбит они уже присутствуют, остальные - пожалуйста.

Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 08.07.2008 в 18:16.
Agent 007 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 08.07.2008, 21:48      #9
Аватар для ReanimatioN
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Agent 007, мде, походу FlashFXP не хочет заливать в папки с русскими именами, напиши латиницей название папки "камера хранения"

замечательно, моя учетная запись на диске вообще куда то потерялась O_O

Последний раз редактировалось ReanimatioN; 08.07.2008 в 21:51.
ReanimatioN вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 09.07.2008, 16:14      #10
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Agent 007, скоро зальется

Оффтоп зы: круто, мой аккаунт на диске потерли О_О, 50 гигов всего убили ыыы

Последний раз редактировалось ReanimatioN; 09.07.2008 в 16:16.
ReanimatioN вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Agent 007 (09.07.2008)
Старый 12.07.2008, 15:07      #11
Agent 007
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ReanimatioN, большое спасибо. В миру видел во flac качестве. Потом как-нибудь постараюсь скачать и залить.
Если кому интересно, солист группы готовит свой собственный сольник. Новость немного старовата, но и альбом то пока вроде не вышел.

Фронтмен американской хэви-метал группы Godsmack Салли Эрна (Sully Erna) поделился планами о выпуске сольного альбома. В то время как его коллеги по команде заняты в сайд-проекте Another Animal, Эрна тоже решил воплотить в жизнь свои идеи, не вписывающиеся в концепцию Godsmack.

Рокер планирует приступить к записи материала весной будущего года и обещает представить на суд слушателей нечто совершенно отличное от хард-н-хэви. «Запись будет сосем не похожа на рок-музыку - это будут ритмы племен коренных американцев, смешанные с блюзоподобными вокалами, - рассказывает музыкант. - Я взялся за сольный проект, чтобы выпустить на волю другую музыку, которая, я чувствую, сидит во мне... и я совсем не задумываюсь над тем, насколько хитовыми будут песни и попадут ли они на радио. Я уверен, что мой сольник понравится всем, кому по душе акустические синглы Godsmack «Voodoo» и «Serenity». В целом это будет очень крутой, гипнотизирующий и несколько экзотический альбом».

Эрна пригласил к работе над проектом певицу Лису Гайер (Lisa Guyer), чей вокал можно услышать на треке «Hollow» из альбома Godsmack «IV», и ряд других музыкантов.

Тем временем, 4 декабря состоялся релиз сборника песен Godsmack «Good Times, Bad Times...Ten Years of Godsmack», включающий кавер на одноименную песню Led Zeppelin и дополненный концертным DVD. Несмотря на то, что сейчас все участники группы заняты сайд-проектами и в творчестве Godsmack наметился застой, Эрна уверен, что пауза не затянется надолго. «Мы прекрасно ладим между собой и между нами нет никаких проблем. Мы всегда считали, что Godsmack просто обязана быть крутой, мощной и жирной рок-группой, - объясняет Эрна. - И я думаю, именно поэтому каждый из нас оставили экспериментальные вещи для сайд-проектов. Но когда мы засядем за новую работу Godsmack, мы сделаем настоящего монстра!».
Agent 007 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 19.09.2008, 17:01      #12
Agent 007
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Двойное соло на барабанах. Салли и Шеннон. Видео с концерта.

Batalla de los tambores

Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 07.05.2009 в 17:18.
Agent 007 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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mrECCO (29.05.2009)
Старый 26.05.2009, 18:26      #13
Agent 007
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GODSMACK работают над «по-настоящему тяжёлым» альбомом

GODSMACK приступили к работе над материалом для своего нового альбома, который выйдет вслед за диском 2006 года под названием "IV", занявшим первое место в чарте The Billboard 200.

Artisan News Service спросили у фронтмена группы Sully Erna по поводу направления, в котором движется группа на новом альбоме.

«Он должен быть по-настоящему тяжёлым», сказал музыкант. «Он будет очень агрессивным. Хотя я не совсем уверен, и рано ещё говорить точно. Мы только что закончили один трек для летнего Crüe Fest. Но в будущем, когда мы вплотную займемся записью, я смогу сказать более уверенней. Я не думаю, что там будет что-то в духе "Voodoo" или "Serenity". Мы решили оторваться!»
Agent 007 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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Wolverine89 (26.05.2009)
Старый 10.02.2010, 14:26      #14
Agent 007
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Вышел новый сингл Crying Like a Bitch. Уже можно послушать.

Скоро будет новый альбом.

Релиз альбома плавно переносится на апрель-май. Так же парни изменили название будущего альбома, которое на сегодняшний день звучит как "The Oracle". Стоит заметить, что инструменталка на 7 минут будет одноименной.
"На альбоме не будет песен вроде Serenity, Voodoo, Hallow. Мы хотим мощный, тяжелый альбом, который буквально бъет вас в лицо" - говорит Салли. Треки обещают быть очень тяжелыми...

Название некоторых треков:
Good Day To Die
Forever Shamed
Oracle Of "D"
Cryin' Like a Bitch
What If?
I Blame You
War And Piece
Saints And Sinners
Devils Swing
Whiskey Hangover
Agent 007 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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Wolverine89 (10.02.2010)
Старый 13.04.2010, 23:03      #15
Agent 007
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Еще один очень неплохой сингл Love-Hate-Sex-Pain. Выход альбома намечен на 4 мая.

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Wolverine89 (13.04.2010)
Старый 16.04.2010, 18:23      #16
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Godsmack - Crying Like A Bitch!

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Wolverine89 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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Agent 007 (16.04.2010)
Старый 16.04.2010, 21:59      #17
Agent 007
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Последний раз редактировалось Agent 007; 16.04.2010 в 22:01.
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Старый 01.05.2010, 21:02      #18
Agent 007
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По умолчанию Godsmack - The Oracle (2010)

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Последний раз редактировалось Wolverine89; 01.05.2010 в 21:11. Причина: размер файла
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SuperSkat (02.05.2010), Wolverine89 (01.05.2010)
Старый 14.09.2010, 19:54      #19
Agent 007
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Изумительный сольный альбом Салли Эрны. Атмосферные песни в духе Serenity.

Sully Erna - Avalon

Год выпуска диска: 2010
Производитель диска: USA Universal Republic
Аудио кодек: MP3
Тип рипа: tracks
Битрейт аудио: VBR 192-256 kbps
Продолжительность: 54:40
1. Avalon (4:58)
2. 7 Years (8:42)
3. Broken Road (5:08)
4. Sinner's Prayer (4:18)
5. My Light (5:29)
6. The Rise (6:45)
7. Until Then... (5:09)
8. The Departed (5:50)
9. Eyes Of A Child (4:39)
10. In Through Time (3:42)

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JAZZ (14.09.2010), Wolverine89 (20.09.2010)
Старый 20.09.2010, 14:53      #20
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Новая музыка:

Sully Erna - Avalon

Жанр: Hard Rock, Experimental
Год выпуска диска: 2010
Аудио: MP3, 44 KHz, 320 kbps
Продолжительность: 00:54:45
Размер: 121 МБ
1. Avalon (4:58)
2. 7 Years (8:42)
3. Broken Road (5:08)
4. Sinner's Prayer (4:18)
5. My Light (5:29)
6. The Rise (6:45)
7. Until Then... (5:09)
8. The Departed (5:50)
9. Eyes Of A Child (4:39)
10. In Through Time (3:42)
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Оффтоп P.S: То же самое что и выше, только в 320 kbps.
Раздел "Меломан" | Новости, Концерты, Музыка.
Правила раздела Меломан & Правила Battle Forum.
Wolverine89 вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Agent 007 (20.09.2010)

альтернатива, alternative, godsmack, hard rock, ню-метал, metal, nu metal, сша, хард-рок, rock, usa

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