13.09.2006, 09:35 | #1 |
Total Commander*
Total Commander (ранее WinCmd) - файловый диспетчер для Windows, наподобие проводника Windows. Однако TC использует иной подход: у него две постоянных панели бок о бок, как в хорошо известной DOS-оболочке (NC). Поддерживает работу с длинными именами, как и положено всем солидным менеджерам для Windows, содержит встроенный FTP клиент (с возможностью работы через proxy-серверы различных типов, включая и безопасные), позволяет проводить различные операции над файлами, начиная от простого копирования, и заканчивая архивированием, резкой и изменением атрибутов. Интегрируется с практически любым архиватором за счет встроенной поддержки или использования контекстного меню Explorer. При всем многообразии возможностей инсталлятор занимает менее двух мегабайт, а функциональность и низкие системные требования уложат на лопатки стандартную и громоздкую оболочку Windows Explorer :) Основные характеристики: - Функции клавиатуры, близкие к оригиналу (NC для DOS).Официальный сайт: http://ghisler.com | http://wincmd.ru ( Changelog | Форум (англ.\рус.) | FAQ | Plugins | Документация | Wiki ) Настройка для ftp battle сервера: Открываем меню "сеть -> соеденится с ftp сервером" или клавиши Ctrl+F.
× Если вы нашли ошибку в моём сообщении, выделите её мышкой и нажмите Alt-F4 × × Twitter, LastFm, SCC, What.cd, Tapochek.net × Последний раз редактировалось Slava; 17.12.2010 в 20:10. |
Благодарности: 18 | Ваня (05.06.2008), Алёша (13.01.2008), Andrew (09.05.2012), Astah69 (09.02.2009), BES9PA (10.08.2008), Dagger (19.09.2010), FuKakoi! (09.02.2007), iva (15.10.2009), lourini (14.07.2008), Manson (04.01.2008), Mr L (12.12.2010), mrECCO (19.01.2010), qwazy (09.05.2009), Sergy (17.12.2008), Serp (25.09.2008), Serp 13 (20.01.2009), Toxic (17.06.2007), _Shardy_ (20.06.2007) |
03.10.2006, 02:57 | #2 |
Total Commander 6.55 PowerPack 1.00 by Samlab
Новые функции и исправления в Total Commander 6.55: Версия 6.55 содержит, в основном, исправления; • Поддержка файлов справки в формате CHM (compiled html). • Самораспаковывающиеся ZIP-архивы теперь 32-битные (Windows Vista больше не поддерживает 16-битные программы). • Ряд изменений для Windows Vista. • См. полный список в файле history.txt. Незаметил, VictorS уже выложил. Обновлено
× Если вы нашли ошибку в моём сообщении, выделите её мышкой и нажмите Alt-F4 × × Twitter, LastFm, SCC, What.cd, Tapochek.net × Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 18.01.2007 в 18:15. |
16.10.2006, 21:56 | #3 |
Total Commander 6.55 PowerPack 1.10 by Samlab
1.10 (15.09.06) * Обновлен плагин открытия графики до Imagine 0.970 Final * Обновлен русский популярный архиватор RAR до 3.61 Final * Обновлен российский архиватор 7-Zip к новой версии 4.43 * Обновлен текст-редактор вместо блокнота AkelPad до 3.08 * Обновлен классический архиватор ARJ новой версией 3.14a * Обновлен файл распаковки RAR архивов UnRAR * Обновлена утилита для создания инсталляции NSIS до 2.20 * Добавлен ключ для регистрации английской версии TC 6.55 * Панели инструментов разделены специально для Pro и Plus Обновлено
× Если вы нашли ошибку в моём сообщении, выделите её мышкой и нажмите Alt-F4 × × Twitter, LastFm, SCC, What.cd, Tapochek.net × Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 01.03.2007 в 15:23. |
26.10.2006, 13:34 | #4 |
Вчера вышел Total Commander 6.55a. Это просто исправление ошибок.
После установки KB923191 для Windows XP от Microsoft возникали проблемы с самараспаковывающимися архивами созданными в TotalCommander. Обладателям версии 6.55 нужно скачать небольшой update. (Описание "бага" на английском: http://www.ghisler.com/sfxprob.htm) |
26.10.2006, 14:43 | #8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 01.11.2006 в 14:52. |
01.11.2006, 14:34 | #11 |
Total Commander 7.0 beta 1
Бета версия Total Commander 7. Хит сезона. Нововведений настолько много, что перечислить их все очень сложно. Отметим основные из них:
Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 18.01.2007 в 18:16. |
01.11.2006, 18:19 | #12 |
Кажется я туплю, но я не могу найти как в панельке включить вместе со списком файлов дерево каталогов. Почитаюка я хелп, наверное...
Нашел: Show -> Separate Tree (Ctrl+Shift+F8). Буду юзать вариант с одним деревом на обе панели. Интересно, можно ли заставить дерево развернуться так чтобы стала доступна папка из текущей панели?.. Ой, оказывается при смене папки в панели или выборе другой панели/закладки оно само разворачивается. Это и удобно и не удобно. У меня обычно по 4-5 закладок в каждой панели, между которыми я постоянно переключаюсь. Представляю как будет выглядеть дерево. А ведь у меня не широкий моник и справа еще миранда висит... Последний раз редактировалось VictorS; 01.11.2006 в 18:34. |
09.12.2006, 01:50 | #13 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
1) Уже давненько TC7.0 обновился до beta2: скачать
2) Не так давно вышел PowerPack by SamLab основанный на 7.0beta2 и успел обновиться:
Благодарности: 1 | Toxic (09.12.2006) |
12.12.2006, 13:36 | #14 |
Russian Total Commander Knowledge Base 1.6. от 12.08.06
Сборник статей и ответов на вопросы по файловому менеджеру Total Commander. В него включены материалы, собранные в Интернете. Файл выполнен в формате CHM-cправки, на русском языке, с удобным оглавлением и иллюстрациями. Составитель: Павел Дубровский \ http://tckb.mega-byte.info
× Если вы нашли ошибку в моём сообщении, выделите её мышкой и нажмите Alt-F4 × × Twitter, LastFm, SCC, What.cd, Tapochek.net × Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 21.04.2007 в 14:12. |
Благодарности: 1 | Toxic (14.12.2006) |
13.01.2007, 19:14 | #15 |
Firefox User
Total Commander 7.00 PowerPack 0.30
Описание: Файловый менеджер Total Commander 7.0 Beta 3 с набором лучших плагинов и утилит. Русская зарегистрированная версия. Взято: http://www.samlab.ws/ Обновлено
Самый лучший темный ситх - явно кто-то из учих!!! Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 01.03.2007 в 15:14. |
01.03.2007, 15:16 | #16 |
Файловый менеджер обновлен до последней версии + Изменена шапка темы.
Медленно, но верно продолжается тестирование следующей версии одного из лучших файловых менеджеров для Windows. Вернее автор, судя по списку изменений, работает над программой постоянно, в доказательство тому множество тестовых версий, однако только избранные из них становятся доступными для широкой публики. В этой версии очередная порция исправлений и нововведений. Основные из них: быстрый поиск в каталогах для синхронизации, поиск файлов для переименования с учетом регистра, новая команда для открытия встроенной панели и многое другое. overclockers.ru Главные изменения: # Quick search in synchronize dirs # Multi-rename tool: Search+Replace now supports case-sensitive search. # Internal command OPENBAR c:\path\barfile.bar opens this button bar file in TC. # Lister: Dynamically increase horizontal scroll width for lines containing Tabs # Button bar, start menu: New parameters %S and %s to selected file names directly to program # Ctrl+C in Synchronize dirs copies TAB-delimited list of selected file names and file details to clipboard # Огромный список изменений\дополнений
× Если вы нашли ошибку в моём сообщении, выделите её мышкой и нажмите Alt-F4 × × Twitter, LastFm, SCC, What.cd, Tapochek.net × |
14.04.2007, 20:46 | #17 |
Программа обновлена до последней версии.
Изменения: Спойлер
11.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 2 (RC2) 11.04.07 Fixed: Incorrect icon scaling when using non standard icon sizes (e.g. 21x21) in file list 11.04.07 Fixed: Improved selection with Ctrl+Shift+Cursor keys in command line: Since the selection and cursor location cannot both be set in an edit control, remember the selection start position internally 11.04.07 Fixed: Open network shares via Ctrl+D, Shift+ENTER in new tab: Do not check whether the name is an archive if a trailing backslash is given, e.g. cd \\server\share\ 10.04.07 Fixed: Lister, HTML view: cut off parameters from local links, e.g. search.html?search=xyz to open file search.html 10.04.07 Fixed: Compare by Contents: If the compare dialog is minimized and a file is changed outside, restore the dialog before asking the user whether to recompare the files or not 10.04.07 Fixed: Net - FTP download from list didn't support ftps connections (they were used unencrypted) 10.04.07 Fixed: Noreread option in wincmd.ini could not take all possible values (29: letters a to z, and special characters \/ 10.04.07 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Unpacking from RAR archives didn't always unpack all files from multiple subdir levels. Reason: Wrong re-ordering before unpacking 06.04.07 Fixed: Sometimes duplicate "Connect" dialog when trying to switch to a tab with a no longer available network resource (only when using a separate tree) 06.04.07 Fixed: Access violation when changing directory during Explorer delete function 06.04.07 Fixed: Triple click in lister sometimes selected a different line when the mouse was moved before the third click 06.04.07 Fixed: Triple click in lister could select more than the currently visible line 06.04.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Stop selecting text when losing the input focus, e.g. when the user clicks on a panel and a dialog comes up that the files have been changed outside 06.04.07 Fixed: When loading synchronize options via a button with the command SYNCOPEN, check the option "only selected" under the following condition: some files/dirs are selected, and no paths were stored in the loaded option 04.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 1.6 (RC1.6) 04.04.07 Fixed: Better resizing of Search+Replace in Multi-Rename-Tool 04.04.07 Fixed: When both panels show the same custom columns view, changing one header only changed the first 3 columns of the other 04.04.07 Fixed: 'bytes' not translated in some places (e.g. ftp) 04.04.07 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment didn't refresh comment in custom columns view when the changed line wasn't covered by the comment edit box 04.04.07 Fixed: Lister triple click: Only select entire line if triple click goes on the same line as the double click 04.04.07 Fixed: Directory tabs: FTP connection number shown as drive letter was lost (replaced by # sign) on Ctrl+U, or when locking the tab 03.04.07 Fixed: When using external compare tool, also pass names of selected folders to compare tool (e.g. WinMerge) 03.04.07 Fixed: Folder and EXE icons were not shown or not correctly when the Totalcmd directory was hidden by a tool like Universal Shield 03.04.07 Fixed: Don't get default exe icon from wc32to16.exe, but instead via SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES parameter (on nt/2000/xp/vista only) 03.04.07 Fixed: Do not show Explorer extensions in context menu when inside of a file system plugin 03.04.07 Fixed: When ThreadFindFirst=1 was set, it took at least 3 seconds until the password dialog for the share came up 03.04.07 Fixed: When ThreadFindFirst=1 was set, and trying to access a server by typing \\server\share in the current path edit box fails -> the file under the cursor was opened 03.04.07 Fixed: Duplicate hotkey 'r' in Configuration - Options - Thumbnails (internal English version only) 01.04.07 Fixed: When using the internal English menu, changing the menu icon size caused menu items with wrong height until TC was restarted 01.04.07 Added: FTP over SSL: wcx_ftp.ini [General] sslwarn=0 allows to turn off warnings about bad ssl certificates (not recommended) 01.04.07 Added: FTP over SSL: Always show certificate warning at connection time when a server has an invalid or unverified certificate. Users can permanently accept a certificate by clicking on the locker icon. 01.04.07 Added: FTP over SSL: Show SHA1 fingerprint of the server cerificate if available 01.04.07 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Apply button not activated when clicking on "DOS charset" on the page "Operation" 01.04.07 Fixed: cm_SeparateTree1 was no longer working when the cursor was in the right panel 01.04.07 Added: When 4 is added to SingleClickStart value in wincmd.ini, the text cursor will no longer follow the mouse cursor 28.03.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 not public release candidate 1.5 (RC1.5) 28.03.07 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] SingleClickStart=2 only opens folders on single clicks, not files/programs or archives 28.03.07 Added: Command line: cd .. goes to "My Computer" when in the root of a drive 28.03.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Show plugins dropdown menu below plugins button instead of the cursor position 28.03.07 Added: Lister triple click selects entire line 28.03.07 Fixed: When renaming a file to a name with spaces at the end, Windows automatically removes the spaces, but a file comment (descript.ion) wasn't preserved 27.03.07 Fixed: On Windows 9x/ME, return to the old way starting programs, by specifying the default verb found in the registry (instead of passing a NULL pointer) 27.03.07 Fixed: Multiple connect dialogs and hangs when trying to access unreachable network share via history or by switching tabs, even with ThreadFindFirst=1 27.03.07 Fixed: Environment variables in the "Search in" field of the search function didn't support 2kBytes length, only 259 characters 27.03.07 Fixed: Deadlock when the quick search dialog (Letters with search dialog) is up, and the background thread wants to show an overwrite dialog -> Remove quick search 27.03.07 Fixed: Links on the Desktop didn't work if they were located in the "All users\Desktop" directory 27.03.07 Fixed: Change start menu or directory menu: Disable "Change title" button when cursor on end of submenu item "--" 27.03.07 Fixed: Change start menu or directory menu: Don't allow to create a menu item consisting of more than two dashes --. The dashes have special meanings: One dash -> separator, two dashes -> end of submenu, dash at start of menu item -> Submenu start 25.03.07 Fixed: Access violation in compare by contents when comparing two specific binary files in text mode 25.03.07 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] CompareSaveOriginal=1 allows to determine how the compare by contents editor saves files: 0: rename file to file.bak, save as file; 1: copy file to file.bak, write to file itself 25.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Auto-append extension of original file when using "Save as" 25.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: "Save as" not working when the target file already existed, even if the user confirmed overwriting 25.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Unified handling of backup file (.bak): Create .bak only on FIRST save (of the original file), not on each save 25.03.07 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] SpecialCursorMovement=0: New cursor movement modes: 1: Left jumps to first file, right to last, 2: Left goes one dir up, right opens dir/archive under cursor, 3: Combination of 1+2. Add 4 to enable this mode also in custom columns view 25.03.07 Fixed: Overwriting of read-only files no longer worked when unpacking (only skip) 25.03.07 Fixed: When leaving search result (feed to listbox) state, TC failed to restore the preferred view (e.g. brief view) when the user had changed to a different tab 25.03.07 Fixed: cm_ToggleSeparateTree2 only expanded the tree on the right side 23.03.07 Fixed: Delete directory: Files on the ignore list were not counted, so the percentage could go over 100% when deleting these files too 23.03.07 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Language: Gray out "Edit" button when no menu file name given 23.03.07 Fixed: Revert to full or brief view if loading of a custom view failed 23.03.07 Fixed: Suppress "list index out of bounds error" when a saved tab contains invalid values, e.g. a non-existing custom columns view 21.03.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 1 (RC1) 21.03.07 Fixed: Show "<Refresh>.<lnk>" command in Network Neighborhood only on Windows Vista 21.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents: Don't show the context menu with Shift+F10 or menu button while the left mouse button is down 21.03.07 Added: New icons for tcmadmin and tcuninst 21.03.07 Fixed: Deleting of files in the ignore list in subdirs couldn't be confirmed with 'All' button 21.03.07 Added: Increased maximum length of "Search in" input field also to 2 kBytes, e.g. for specifying multiple paths separated by a semicolon ";" 21.03.07 Added: Increased maximum length of "Search in" string to 2 kBytes, to support environment variables like %path% 20.03.07 Added: Do not update the treeinfo.wc file when adding/removing subdirs and the tree file size is larger than 2 MB. This limit can be set in wincmd.ini [Configuration] TreeUpdateLimit=2048 (in kBytes) 20.03.07 Fixed: Prevent the user from dropping a folder from outside of Total Commander (e.g. Explorer) to a subfolder of itself 18.03.07 Fixed: Redraw ftp panel when switching secure status button on/off, necessary for WinXP classic theme when theme background turned on 18.03.07 Fixed: Cache folder icons even if the folders have the default icon. Necessary for CD and DVD drives where all folders have the "read only" attribute. 16.03.07 Fixed: cd *.txt on button in button bar didn't save the new wildcards *.txt in wincmd.ini 16.03.07 Added: Log successful unpacking of CAB files. Note in Help that logging of CAB-unpack errors isn't possible due to limitations of Microsoft's CAB unpack interface 16.03.07 Fixed: CAB unpack: Didn't detect when target file already existed, but was opened with deny-write rights 16.03.07 Added: FTP change attributes (CHMOD): Put cursor in numeric input field by default 16.03.07 Fixed: ESC in CHM help file not working if the help doesn't contain "Total Commander" in its title, e.g. Help with Russian locale 16.03.07 Fixed: Delay-loading of network neighborhood: Adjust column width in brief view 16.03.07 Fixed: ENTER on file inside an archive was not working when there was no key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, e.g. because the user had used "open with.." to create the association 14.03.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 private beta 4.6 14.03.07 Added: Vista: Use WinHlp32.exe if the file is larger than 50kBytes, otherwise it's the empty dummy help -> use winhelp.exe 14.03.07 Added: Load Network Neighborhood in background thread, so plugins can be accessed more quickly. Can be turned off via wincmd.ini [Configuration] NetHoodInThread=0 14.03.07 Added: Use part of File-Split dialog also for the creation of multi-part archives (ZIP, ARJ, RAR, ACE). For ZIP and ACE, the size will be rounded down to the next kByte value 14.03.07 Fixed: Alias commands on the command line no longer supported numeric values 14.03.07 Added: Network Neighborhood: New "Refresh" pseudo-file allows to refresh network neighborhood by double click 14.03.07 Added: Network Neighborhood: Do not auto-refresh also on Vista 13.03.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Shortcut keys (underlined letters) not working for search/replace boxes 13.03.07 Fixed: Ignore list: When deleting subdirectories, treat files on the ignore list like hidden files. Show user a warning with remark ignore list=hidden. 13.03.07 Fixed: Lister search function: Auto-scroll found text into view horizontally if invisible. Try to show start of line if possible. 13.03.07 Fixed: Vista: Do not call the 16-bit winhelp.exe on Vista 64bit, it isn't there. Instead, the user will have to download winhlp32.exe from Microsoft 11.03.07 Fixed: Vista: Associations not working when created via "Open with...". -> Support for new registry key "UserChoice" 11.03.07 Fixed: Create new comment with Ctrl+Z: Wrong behaviour (OEM font checked) when no comment file exists even if OEM is off in settings 11.03.07 Fixed: Find files: When clicking in search results box below last find item, a bad status line was shown 11.03.07 Fixed: Separate tree: click on [-] button while the current dir was out of sight moved the current dir back into view 11.03.07 Fixed: Compare by contents: Don't show the right click context menu while the left mouse button is down 11.03.07 Fixed: Environment variables in RedirectSection were only resolved when a full path was given 09.03.07 Fixed: Removed creation of debugging file c:\treelog.txt (it was for finding problems with separate trees) 09.03.07 Fixed: When using Applocale tool with East Asian languages, the file names were cut off in many places. Reason: Bug in Applocale: WM_GETTEXTLENGTH returns number of characters, not bytes! 09.03.07 Fixed: Out of memory when creating directories on a drive with a very large treeinfo.wc file (with 388'000 lines) Reason: Fragmentation of memory -> realloc larger blocks in one step 09.03.07 Fixed: Alt+F4 no longer worked in synchronize dirs (since adding quick search) 09.03.07 Fixed: FTP connections in active (PORT) mode no longer worked
× Если вы нашли ошибку в моём сообщении, выделите её мышкой и нажмите Alt-F4 × × Twitter, LastFm, SCC, What.cd, Tapochek.net × |
21.04.2007, 09:43 | #18 |
Программа обновлена до последней версии.
Изменения: Спойлер
18.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 3 (RC3) 18.04.07 Fixed: When saving an entire ini file section (e.g. history of connections in Ctrl+N), do not delete the section first. This was adding an empty line to the ini on Win9x each time the section was saved 18.04.07 Fixed: Lister triple click: Ignore third click if the mouse was moved more than the amount returned by GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDOUBLECLK/SM_CYDOUBLECLK) 18.04.07 Fixed: Access violation in Lister when scrolling with enabled text cursor when the currently viewed file was deleted 17.04.07 Release Total Commander 7.0 release candidate 3 (RC3) pre1 17.04.07 Fixed: Compare by contents editor: Stop selecting text when losing the input focus also in view (not edit) mode 15.04.07 Fixed: 'bytes' not translated in HTTP download (Ctrl+N) 15.04.07 Fixed: Compare by contents: Copying marked text failed when opening context menu via keyboard (Shift+F10 or menu button) 15.04.07 Fixed: Multi-rename tool didn't remember state of the ^ (case sensitive) checkbox in search+replace 15.04.07 Fixed: Sync+FTP copying files to wrong directories 15.04.07 Fixed: File system plugin with custom columns: Do not store custom columns view in wincmd.ini on a locked tab with dir changes allowed (because TC will revert to the locked root) 15.04.07 Fixed: Compare by content: Flickering of the mouse cursor (constant change between arrow and hourglass) during compare 15.04.07 Fixed: Lister triple click: Third click was detected even when using the right or middle mouse button Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 21.04.2007 в 14:09. |
22.04.2007, 19:18 | #20 |
Вот уж не знаю. Под логином заходишь? Я сейчас попробовал, докачка нормально фурычит. Попробуй выйти и зайти снова.
Метки |
проводник, файловый менеджер, shareware |
Здесь присутствуют: 1 (пользователей: 0 , гостей: 1) | |
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