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Старый 25.07.2009, 19:50      #1
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для N0rd
По умолчанию Outpost On Fire 3

Outpost On Fire 3

С 20 по 26 июля, в Белигии проходит один из крупнейших лан-ивентов этого лета - Outpost On Fire 3. Турнир по КСС проходил с 20 по 22 июля, а с 24 по 26 июля - код4.
Welcome to Outpost on Fire 3, the third in the Outpost on Fire series - a popular competitive LAN in Belgium. Outpost on Fire is all about the community coming together for a couple of days of high standard competition, world class action and a couple of good Belgian beers to round of the evening. This year Outpost on Fire will expand beyond the Call of Duty series to include Counter-Strike Source, and we would like to invite all the CSS teams to come down to Antwerp this summer and battle it out!

So for the first time Outpost on Fire will feature two team games and to spread the action out a bit we will do them on a different date. Counter-Strike Source will be played from 20-22 July and Call of Duty 4 will be played from 24-26 July. Each game will be opened up with 16 slots and a cash prize purse of 4,000 €. However, if the number of teams wanting to participate is larger then 16 (which I think will definately be the case) then the prize purse will also go up. With 24 teams we will see a cash prize purse of 6,000 € and with 32 teams, which is the maximum amount of teams, we will see a prize pool of 8,000 €. Obviously all tournaments will be played on high end tournament PC's - this competition is a NON-BYOC tournament.

This should be enough to induce Europe's finest to come battle it out in Antwerp to prove their worth.

The event takes place from the 20th of July to the 26th. The CSS tournament is played during the 20th-22nd and the COD4 tournament is played during the 24th-26th.

Турнир по CSS

Призы, список команд, посевы


Правила турнира

Правила турнира

General Information

1. Tournament Overview

* Title: Outpost On Fire 3 CSS Tournament
* Dates: Monday 20th July - Wednesday 22nd July 2009
* Game Version Played: Counter-Strike Source

§ Maximum Competitors: 16 teams of at least five members each

Tournament Staff

* The CS Source head admins are Tim, Koen, Vincent and Emilien


1. Teams and Participants

* When all the players for your team have signed up, they will be the only players you may field in your player line up for each match. A player can only play for one team, although a team can enter more than 5 players. A clan may enter more than one team but players cannot be transferred between teams. Players can not be transferred across parts of the tournament.

§ By registering and participating in the css tournaments, all participants agree to abide by the rules of the tournament and the OOF ruleset.

2. Mercenaries

* Mercenaries or “Mercs” (players not signed up with the team in question) will only be permitted if the opposing team agrees to it and the admin for the match is notified by a member from both teams prior to the start of the match. Spot checks will be carried out by admins. Use of mercs as substitutes is not allowed. Any unauthorised use of a merc will result in match being forfeit by the offending team.

Tournament Format

1. Matches

* Only de_ (demolition) maps will be played throughout the OOF CS:Source Compo.These will be selected from the following maps:
o de_tuscan
o de_dust2
o de_inferno
o de_nuke
o de_train

MR Rules

* The entire tournament will use MR15 rules, with a round time of 1.45 minutes. For the groupstages, the 30rounds have to be played.

§ There is no time limit. Both teams play one map, for 15 (MR15) rounds as both Counter-Terrorist and Terrorist. Matches will be won by the team that score the highest number of rounds overall.

Matches Draws

* Draw results are permitted during the league stages of the tournament. During the elimination stage draws will not be permitted.
* In the event of a draw, the two teams will repeat the map with max rounds 3 and $10,000 start money. If another draw occurs, this will be repeated as often as needed until there is a winner after a set of 6 rounds.

4. Early Retirement

* If the match has been won before 30 rounds have been played, the teams may leave the server but the final score will be that of when the teams left the server. Remaining rounds will be discarded and will not count for ranking purposes.

5. Ranking and Promotion

* Teams receive 3 ranking points for a victory, 1 point for a draw and 0 ranking points for a loss in the group stages. At the end of the group stages, every teams will proceed through playoffs.

6. Teams Draws

§ Teams are ranked by their ranking points. If two teams have an equal amount of points, the team with the best ratio rounds won - rounds lost will take the spot. If the ratio of both teams is equal, the result of the match between the two tied teams will decide who will be better ranked.

Elimination Stages

§ The elimination stage will be run by a best of one format (BO1). Until the 5th part of the playoffs, the maps are fixed by the admins. From the 6th, there will be elimination where team A (best seed) will eliminate a map, followed by team B eliminating a map. After eliminating 2 maps and so on.

Match Servers

1. Spectators & SourceTV

* No spectators of any kind will be allowed in game other than the designated admin for that game.

2. SourceTV

* SourceTV will be running throughout the tournament.We will upload the SourceTV demos as soon as possible.

3. Passwords

* Tournament servers will have passwords assigned. You can find out the password from the tournament staff.

4. Plugins

* All our tournament servers will be running : ZBlock and Warmod.
* This will be to ensure that everyone is on an even playing field by using the same server config settings.

5. Rcon

* Rcon will NOT be provided. If you want a map change, you will have to contact an admin to change the maps.

Match Rules – General

1. Match Format

* Each match is played on the scheduled map, which will be selected from the list above. Each map will be played 2×15 rounds, with each clan playing 15 rounds as CT and 15 rounds as T.

2. Team Name Convention

* When in the server prior to match start, all team players must be tagged up with the same tag that they signed up with. This is to help with disputes and tracking with the server logs.

3. Match Starts

* The match may not begin before the admins are ready and informed. A team must have all the members it intends to field in the server 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of the match. If a match is still in progress on your allocated server, await authorisation from an admin before joining the server. If any team fails to provide at least 4 players, 10 minutes after the scheduled match start, the match will be forfeit and the opposing team will be awarded the win. The only acceptable excuses for missing the scheduled start of a match are:
o Network failure
o Server failure
o Power failure
o Previous match overrunning
* The allocation of teams to terrorist and counter-terrorist will be decided true a knife round or by the mutual consent of the two teams.

4. Server Crashes

* If a server crashes before 4 complete rounds have been played, the game score will be reset to 0-0 and the affected leg of the match will be restarted once the server is available. If the server crashes from the 5th round onwards, the server will be restarted, and game play will resume with the max rounds of the affected leg set to the outstanding rounds to be played. Start money will be $5,000.

5. Pausing

* Pausing will be allowed throughout the entire tournament. You are allowed a maximum of 2 server pauses per team, per match, in the event of a player dropping. Each pause will last a maximum of 5 minutes. This is to avoid abuse of pausing, and to avoid lengthy match delays. Dropped players will be expected to reconnect/reboot immediately and to not delay the match unnecessarily. If the player has not returned after 5 minutes the match will resume without the team member. Substitutes can only be used if they have signed up to the tournament and are listed as one of the members for that team. Spot checks on players will take place and no “mercs” will be permitted. The pause will be started at the end of the round in which the player dropped. When the player has reconnected and rejoined the team, the game will be un-paused and the match will continue. This rule won’t be applied if there is a technical malfunction on the tournament pc.

6. Voice Communication

§ We will provide voice communication software at the event. Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Mumble etc

7. Demos & Screenshots

* After each side, every team captain has to take a screenshot of that side being played, showing the scores and the kill death ratio of the players in the right team. In-eye Demo’s are not obliged since we are recording SourceTV.

Game-play Rules

1. Cheating & Anti-chea

* All forms of cheating are strictly prohibited - any player found to be cheating will forfeit the current match for their team and be removed from the all OOF tournaments for the duration of the event, in accordance with the OOF Cheating policy.
* If a clan breaks a rule without the admin noticing, they are still liable for the consequences. Any programs or files, be they changed CS files or new files, that change CS or add to its functionality, or that interact with CS in any way, are strictly forbidden. Modified versions of CS’s .pak, .wad or ..exe files are always forbidden, regardless of what they do. The use of any forbidden program or file by any clan member during a cup match will lead to the exclusion of the clan from the tournament. Disallowed practices include, but are not limited to, the following:

o Exploitation of game/map bugs/exploits that give an unfair advantage such as setting your gamma too high.
o Scripts and external programs that provide an unfair advantage, e.g. HL speed cheat
o Use of custom models and skins. This goes for the player models/skins as well as the weapon models/skins e.g. longer weapons to stick out from behind boxes, bright or oversized skins.
o Use of custom map textures.
o Use of aimbots, wallhacks and any exploitations of the engine.
o Custom sprays that adversely affect game play, e.g. image of a Terrorist or CT, ladders, doors, guns and so on. The tournament admins may inspect your machine for evidence of cheats/hacks - these may be random checks or as a response to a complaint.
o Use of hardware that simulates timed button presses, e.g. a rapid fire script on a keyboard.
o Binds, macros or any hardware- or software-assisted script that would enable bunny hopping, rapid fire, cbug or any gameplay not permitted within the normal game mechanics.
o Binding +attack to the mouse wheel or any other hardware event that may be triggered rapidly.


* OOF and Gamevibes have made a GUI which reduced all the above to a minimum. Every player is forced to use this GUI. If any player is noticed not using the GUI, the team will be removed from the CSS tournament.
* Gui specifications:
1. Adjustable crosshairscale
2. Selecting ingame hertz
3. Options for FPS config
4. Option for noforce commands
5. NO option for DX level , everyone will play on DX80 due recent abuse of the ATI 4xxx series.

3. In-game Techniques

* Bomb-planting - Bomb-boosting will not be permitted. This is seen as an advantage towards the terrorists. The bomb can only be planted by the bomb carrier without any intervention from team-mates. Silent bomb plants will not be permitted. Abuse of this will result in a forfeit of the match.
* Boosting - General map boosting with any number of players will be permitted. Any area that can be reached on the map is considered a valid position as long as the position is not used to exploit the map by seeing into areas that are not intended. Boosting through roofs is banned (refer to map exploits).
* Map Exploits - Taking advantage of new or known map exploits (for example invisible ledges or “map swimming”) will result in the forfeit of the match.

§ Console – If a console is spotted by the tournament admins during an official game then this game will lead to a default towards the other teams. NO exceptions.

4. Mouse Frequency

§ The frequency of USB Ports will be adjusted to 500mhz. If the drivers of your Mouse allows you to change that, you are allowed to do. If not, you aren’t allowed to change the frequency by any way.

§ No USB sticks will be allowed.

Результаты групповой стадии

Группы А и B


Группы C и D


Итоговое распределение мест


Последний раз редактировалось N0rd; 25.07.2009 в 19:54.
N0rd вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Ваня (25.07.2009)
Старый 25.07.2009, 20:06      #2
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для N0rd
По умолчанию

Турнир по CoD4

Призы, список команд


Правила турнира

Правила турнира
1 General Information

1.1 Tournament Overview

§ Title: Outpost On Fire 3 COD4 Tournament

§ Dates: Friday 24th July - Sunday 26nd July 2009

§ Game Version Played: Call Of Duty 4

§ Maximum Competitors: 27 teams of at least five members each

1.2 Tournament Staff

§ The COD4 head admins are Steven, Sam, Will and Matt.

2 Participants

2.1 Teams and Participants

§ When all the players for your team have signed up, they will be the only players you may field in your player line up for each match. A player can only play for one team, although a team can enter more than 5 players. A clan may enter more than one team but players cannot be transferred between teams. Players can not be transferred across parts of the tournament.

§ By registering and participating in the cod4 tournaments, all participants agree to abide by the rules of the tournament and the OOF ruleset.

2.2 Mercenaries

§ Mercenaries or “Mercs” (players not signed up with the team in question) will only be permitted if the opposing team agrees to it and the admin for the match is notified by a member from both teams prior to the start of the match. Spot checks will be carried out by admins. Use of mercs as substitutes is not allowed. Any unauthorised use of a merc will result in match being forfeit by the offending team.

3 Tournament Format

3.1 Matches

§ Only these maps will be played throughout the OOF COD4 Compo.These will be selected from the following maps:

§ mp_strike

§ mp_crash

§ mp_backlot

§ mp_citystreets

§ mp_crossfire

3.2 MR Rules

§ The entire tournament will use MR12 rules, with a round time of 2.00 minutes. For the groupstages, when you win thats it. There is no need to play all 24 rounds.

§ Matches will be won by the team that score the highest number of rounds overall.

3.3 Matches Draws

§ mr3 will be played. The team first to 4 win.

3.4 Ranking and Promotion

§ Teams receive 3 ranking points for a victory, 1 point for a draw and 0 ranking points for a loss in the group stages. At the end of the group stages, the top 2 teams from each group qualify for the playoffs.

3.5 Teams Draws

Teams are ranked by their ranking points. If two teams have an equal amount of points, the team with the best ratio rounds won - rounds lost will take the spot. If the ratio of both teams is equal, the result of the match between the two tied teams will decide who will be better ranked.

4 Elimination Stages

The elimination stage will be run by a best of one format (BO1). Until the 5th part of the playoffs, the maps are fixed by the admins. From the 6th, there will be elimination where team A (best seed) will eliminate a map, followed by team B eliminating a map. After eliminating 2 maps and so on.

5 Match Servers

5.1 Spectators

§ No spectators of any kind will be allowed in game other than the designated admin for that game.

5.2 Passwords

§ Tournament servers will have passwords assigned. You can find out the password from the tournament staff.

5.3 Mod

§ All our tournament servers will be running : Promod 2.02

§ This will be to ensure that everyone is on an even playing field by using the same server config settings.

5.4 Rcon

§ Rcon will NOT be provided. If you want a map change, you will have to contact an admin to change the maps.

6 Match Rules – General

6.1 Match Format

§ Each match is played on the scheduled map, which will be selected from the list above. Each map will be played 2×12 rounds, with each clan playing 12 rounds as Marines and 12 rounds as Opfor.

6.2 Team Name Convention

§ When in the server prior to match start, all team players must be tagged up with the same tag that they signed up with. This is to help with disputes and tracking with the server logs.

6.3 Match Starts

§ The match may not begin before the admins are ready and informed. A team must have all the members it intends to field in the server 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of the match. If a match is still in progress on your allocated server, await authorisation from an admin before joining the server. If any team fails to provide at least 4 players, 10 minutes after the scheduled match start, the match will be forfeit and the opposing team will be awarded the win. The only acceptable excuses for missing the scheduled start of a match are:

§ Network failure

§ Server failure

§ Power failure

§ Previous match overrunning

§ The allocation of teams to terrorist and counter-terrorist will be decided true a knife round or by the mutual consent of the two teams.

6.4 Server Crashes

§ If a server crashes before 4 complete rounds have been played, the game score will be reset to 0-0 and the affected leg of the match will be restarted once the server is available. If the server crashes from the 5th round onwards, the server will be restarted, and game play will resume with the max rounds of the affected leg set to the outstanding rounds to be played.

6.5 Pausing

§ Pausing will be allowed throughout the entire tournament. You are allowed a maximum of 2 server pauses per team, per match, in the event of a player dropping. Each pause will last a maximum of 5 minutes. This is to avoid abuse of pausing, and to avoid lengthy match delays. Dropped players will be expected to reconnect/reboot immediately and to not delay the match unnecessarily. If the player has not returned after 5 minutes the match will resume without the team member. Substitutes can only be used if they have signed up to the tournament and are listed as one of the members for that team. Spot checks on players will take place and no “mercs” will be permitted. The pause will be started at the end of the round in which the player dropped. When the player has reconnected and rejoined the team, the game will be un-paused and the match will continue. This rule won’t be applied if there is a technical malfunction on the tournament pc.

6.6 Voice Communication

§ We will provide voice communication software at the event. Ventrilo, Teamspeak, Mumble etc

6.7 Demos & Screenshots

§ After each side, every team captain has to take a screenshot of that side being played, showing the scores and the kill death ratio of the players in the right team. In-eye Demo’s are obliged.

7 Game-play Rules

7.1 Cheating & Anti-cheat

§ All forms of cheating are strictly prohibited - any player found to be cheating will forfeit the current match for their team and be removed from the all OOF tournaments for the duration of the event, in accordance with the OOF Cheating policy.

§ If a clan breaks a rule without the admin noticing, they are still liable for the consequences. Any programs or files, be they changed cod files or new files, that change cod or add to its functionality, or that interact with cod in any way, are strictly forbidden. Modified versions of .pak, .wad or ..exe files are always forbidden, regardless of what they do. The use of any forbidden program or file by any clan member during a cup match will lead to the exclusion of the clan from the tournament. Disallowed practices include, but are not limited to, the following:

§ Exploitation of game/map bugs/exploits that give an unfair advantage such as setting your gamma too high.

§ Scripts and external programs that provide an unfair advantage, e.g. HL speed cheat

§ Use of custom models and skins. This goes for the player models/skins as well as the weapon models/skins e.g. longer weapons to stick out from behind boxes, bright or oversized skins.

§ Use of custom map textures.

§ Use of aimbots, wallhacks and any exploitations of the engine.

§ Use of hardware that simulates timed button presses, e.g. a rapid fire script on a keyboard.

§ Binds, macros or any hardware- or software-assisted script that would enable bunny hopping, rapid fire, or any gameplay not permitted within the normal game mechanics.

§ Binding +attack to the mouse wheel or any other hardware event that may be triggered rapidly.


§ OOF and Gamevibes have made a GUI which reduced all the above to a minimum. Every player is forced to use this GUI. If any player is noticed not using the GUI, the team will be removed from the CSS tournament.

§ Gui specifications:

1. Adjustable crosshairscale

2. Selecting ingame hertz

3. Options for FPS config

4. Option for noforce commands

5. NO option for DX level , everyone will play on DX80 due recent abuse of the ATI 4xxx series.

7.3 In-game Techniques

§ Bomb-planting - Bomb-boosting will not be permitted. This is seen as an advantage towards the terrorists. The bomb can only be planted by the bomb carrier without any intervention from team-mates. Silent bomb plants will not be permitted. Abuse of this will result in a forfeit of the match.

§ Boosting - General map boosting with any number of players will be permitted. Any area that can be reached on the map is considered a valid position as long as the position is not used to exploit the map by seeing into areas that are not intended. Boosting through roofs is banned (refer to map exploits).

§ Map Exploits - Taking advantage of new or known map exploits (for example invisible ledges or “map swimming”) will result in the forfeit of the match.

§ Console – If a console is spotted by the tournament admins during an official game then this game will lead to a default towards the other teams. NO exceptions.

7.4 Mouse Frequency

1 The frequency of USB Ports will be adjusted to 500mhz. If the drivers of your Mouse allows you to change that, you are allowed to do. If not, you aren’t allowed to change the frequency by any way.

2 No USB sticks will be allowed.

Результаты групповой стадии

Группы 1 и 2


Группы 3 и 4


Группы 5 и 6


Группы 7 и 8

N0rd вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Ваня (25.07.2009)
Старый 25.07.2009, 21:37      #3
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для AcE
По умолчанию

Продублируйте демки на батл плс.
Team Crocod1le
AcE вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 26.07.2009, 02:57      #4
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для N0rd
По умолчанию

Второй игровой день завершен. В соседней теме выложил демки.
Оффтоп Надеюсь завтра фнатики будут аццки тащить, и наконец-то порадуют своей победой на крупном лане

Результаты playoff

Верхняя сетка


Нижняя сетка

N0rd вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Ваня (26.07.2009)
Старый 26.07.2009, 16:47      #5
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для N0rd
По умолчанию

Стал известен первый участник гранд финала - fnatic
В финале сетки виннеров они одержали победу над командой Reason со счетом 16 - 13(в овертайме).
На выход в гранд финал из лузеров на данный момент претендуют Reason, NCS, Dignitas, ButtonBashers.
N0rd вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Благодарности: 1
Ваня (26.07.2009)
Старый 26.07.2009, 19:42      #6
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для Ваня
По умолчанию

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Ваня вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 27.07.2009, 00:02      #7
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для Ваня
По умолчанию

  • 1 место - Team Dignitas (3000€)
  • 2 место - fnatic (1500€)
  • 3 место - Reason Gaming (1000€)
  • 4 место - ButtonBashers (500€)
  • fnatic [ 0 - 2 ] Team Dignitas @ crash / crossfire
[ Финал, сетка лузеров ]
  • ButtonBashers [ 11 - 13 ] Team Dignitas @ backlot
[ Совмещённый финал, матч за выход в гранд финал ]
  • Reason Gaming [ 3 - 13 ] Team Dignitas @ backlot
Составы некоторых команд:
Team Dignitas: Blackmane, raz, SoCLoN, loOkzor, mark
fnatic.MSI: KyoChi, LINQAN, odyx, rivve, Stevy
Reason Gaming: Lighters, D1ablo, revoltz, kAMMYz, sLWx
TBH.MSI: juL, moe, reflexzR, smithz, rizaR
Team YoYoTech: Aerox, bARTZYEz, DEKO, pr0phecy, pazazu
cubesports.AMD: shade, mafaka, George, maxdd, solu
eSuba: Paradox, Mazarini, king, beaster, Luboshmir
Shockwave: arEs, OZWALD, Frenchy, rukkae, RaigeKi
imex: savix, djov1, strugi, terroR, PrimzO
TheLastResort: wils, XTC, DRAGZZ, vexkid, cozje

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Предупреждение: увидев этот блок скрытого текста, не стоит сразу бросаться набивать бессмысленные сообщения. Освойтесь на форуме, проникнитесь его атмосферой и пишите, если Вам действительно есть, что сказать. Если Модератор решит, что Вы набиваете сообщения, он удалит их все, а Вам выдаст либо предупреждение, либо сразу заблокирует Ваш аккаунт.
Ваня вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 27.07.2009, 01:08      #8
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для AcE
По умолчанию

Дааа.. дигны затащили после 13-2 в первой игре,молодцы,что еще сказать)
Team Crocod1le
AcE вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
Старый 28.07.2009, 01:59      #9
Пользователь Mozilla Firefox
Аватар для N0rd
По умолчанию

Эх, не могут все фнатики вырваться на первое место. Хотя Стиви грозится на следующих чампах всех разорвать
Завтра залью еще пару демочек.
Сегодня, кстати, стартует следующий крупнейший лан - TeX 2009, посмотрим, смогут ли дигнитасы во главе с лучшим игроком 2009 года закрепить свой успех
N0rd вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх

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