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Старый 01.04.2009, 19:55      #1
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию GoodSync*

GoodSync - программа для синхронизации и резервного копирования файлов, позволяющая автоматически синхронизировать файлы между настольными и переносными компьютерами, смартфонами Windows Mobile, КПК, съемными дисками, создавать резервные копии на FTP и WebDAV серверах.

Предоставляет высочайшую надежность в сочетании с максимально простым в использовании интерфейсом для синхронизации и резервного копирования вашей электронной почты, контактов, фотографий, музыки и других важных файлов. Программа автоматически синхронизирует ваши важные файлы между настольными и переносными компьютерами, серверами, съемными дисками в локальной сети или Интернет с использованием инновационного алгоритма. Синхронизируйте ваши файлы одним щелчком мыши, устраните информационный беспорядок, и, что особенно важно, обретите спокойствие и уверенность в том, что ваши финансовые документы, рабочие файлы, электронные письма, контакты, фотографии, музыкальные файлы, и другие данные синхронизированы и сделана их резервная копия.

Основные возможности:
» Двунаправленная синхронизация, предотвращающая потерю данных
» Однонаправленная синхронизация для Резервного Копирования
» Синхронизация не только папок Windows, но и FTP, WebDAV, SFTP
» Синхронизация со смартфонами и КПК на платформе Windows
» Выборочная Синхронизация Файлов
» Гибкая и простая автоматизация Синхронизации
Другие возможности:
» Мониторинг файловой системы не требуется
» Связанная Синхронизация нескольких устройств, обеспечивающая максимальное удобство
» Синхронизация времени модификации файла FTP
» Трансляция времени модификации файлов для не сохраняющих его файловых систем
» Простая синхронизация только времени модификации файлов
» Мониторинг в реальном времени
» Визуализация изменений
» Удобство и гибкость отображения
» Вкладки Заданий, упрощающие работу с несколькими Заданиями
» Счетчики размера для каждого уровня
» Диалог выбора для облегчения выбора синхронизируемых папок
» Определение требуемого свободного пространства
» Отчеты о действиях и изменениях
» Метки Заданий на съемных дисках
» Резервное копирование по сети по зашифрованному каналу
Особенности профессиональной версии:
» Неограниченное количество синхронизируемых файлов
» Неограниченное количество Заданий
» Использование в бизнесе
Интерфейс программы переведен на несколько языков, включая русский язык.

Официальный сайт: http://www.goodsync.com/ru/ | Changelog

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Последний раз редактировалось a2z; 13.09.2009 в 18:10.
a2z вне форума Пол: Мужчина   Ответить с цитированием Вверх
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Wolverine89 (04.04.2009)
Старый 13.09.2009, 18:07      #2
Аватар для a2z
По умолчанию

Обновление до Final
Список изменений
Version 7.9.9
* Call Post-Analyze Program / Email only if Analyze finished with No Changes.
* Allow to specify arguments in Programs called in Pre/Post-Analyze/Sync.
* Windows Mobile: fix Error 80 when moving to existing file.
* More fixes to auto-proxy (proxy.pac) processing.
* Fix FTP file system issues.
* Add more options to command line, to reflect latest changes.
* Allow to click Stop while waiting for Reconnect.

Version 7.9.8
* Fix auto-proxy issues (proxy computed by proxy.pac file).
* Go back to apartment threading model (changed to free threading in 7.9.7).
* Fix slowdown in post-processing when files in excluded folders are deleted.
* Proceed with Analyze of net shares that do not return proper full name.

Version 7.9.7
* Add Auto-Proxy (proxy.pac) option to Program Options -> Connections.
* Set sockets to timeout after 60 seconds of not receiving any data.
* Correct Date format in SMTP emails.
* FTP: fix time conversion, folder state may have to be redone as a result.
* FTP: Strip leading spaces from file names, to correct non-standard LIST output.
* DAV: implement Digest authentication.
* DAV: fix Browse changing path in case of server redirect.
* S3: fix not setting Content-Type when uploading non-local file.
* Set thread priorities: normal for user jobs, below normal for auto jobs.

Version 7.9.6
* Fix crash in file upload in WinInet-based file systems.
* Fix installation problems caused by two GoodSync installers running.
* Fix automatic Reconnect problems for net file systems.

Version 7.9.5
* Add WinInet-based checkbox to Browse for FTP, DAV, S3, to enable old WinInet-based implementation.
* Fix Exclude Empty Folders processing.
* Process 100 Continue server reply in WebDAV.
* Speed up net protocols by not doing select().
* Make SMTP email sender work if SMTP UserID/password are not specified.

Version 7.9.4
* Send Post-Analyze/Sync emails using our own SMTP client, see Tools -> Program Options -> Connection.
* Send Post-Analyze/Sync emails not only in Auto mode, but also when use clicks Analyze/Sync buttons.
* Add automatic import of proxies from WinInet, see Tools -> Program Options -> Connection.
* DAV: implement NTLM authentication.
* Do not require Enterprise license for Copy ACL, Run Programs in Scripts.
* Do not require Server license for Windows Home Server.
* Fix uninstall script errors.
* Fix install/uninstall issues for GoodSync2Go.

Version 7.9.3
* Import GoodSync proxy settings from IE (WinInet) proxy settings automatically.
* Impose 30-sec timeout on waiting for socket to reply, do not wait indefinitely.
* FTPS: in passive mode connect to server address for data connection, not to internal address PASV returns.
* Move log cleanup to the end of Analyze, so that folder listing errors can come out.
* Fix bugs in new implementations of FTP, DAV and S3.

Version 7.9.2
* FTP: Fix problems in the new FTP implementation introduced in ver 7.9.0.
* FTP: Use socket keep-alive to keep control connection alive while long transfers happens on data connection.
* FTP: if UserID and Password are empty, use 'anonymous' and 'gsuser@someplace.com'.
* S3: Introduce Host-Based Bucket Addressing option. Default is Off, which means URL-based addressing.

Version 7.9.0
* New socket-based implementations for DAV, S3 and FTP file systems, no WinInet required.
* DAV, S3 and FTP: allow upload/download of files larger than 2Gb.
* DAV: Fix handling of redirects.
* Amazon S3: switch to host-based addressing of buckets, so now Euro S3 works.
* Amazon S3: automatically set Content-Type of files when uploading.
* Amazon S3: lower-case bucket names when GS creates them as top folders.
* FTP: ping control connection once a minute when long download/upload runs.
* FTP: implement FTPS (FTP over SSL), both Explicit and Implicit mode.
* FTP: fix name encoding of non-latin file names in MDTM SET.
* Secure and Allow Bad Certificates options now appear in DAV, S3 and FTP file system.
* Allow to specify Proxy for DAV, S3 and HTTP connections, including authenticated proxies.
* Add Separate installer for GoodSync2Go.
* Dynamic View buttons: show only buttons that have non-zero counts on them.

Version 7.8.2
* Add Portable Paths: =VolumeName:\folder1\folder2 in the path means:
find removable drive that has specified volume name.
* Remove Job Tags option, as Portable Paths do the same better.
* Add Clear command that clears the changes tree.
* Add Auto Clear option that automatically clears the tree after Sync or Analyze with no changes.
* Add RoboForm2Go - GoodSync2Go integration, requires RF ver 6-9-96.
* Workaround for DAV Error 409 that was caused by some buggy DAV servers.
* Change Buy Pro dialogs to accommodate GoodSync2Go and GoodSync Enterprise.
* Add smtp_send.vbs script that sends email via SMTP, to be used in Post Program.

Version 7.8.1
* Fix bug in activation for Limited users.

Version 7.8.0
* Add GoodSync2Go - Portable version of GoodSync that works off portable drives (USB disk, hard drives).
* Auto-convert drive letter in path to %GSDISK% in GoodSync2Go, so that path works on all computers.
* Add GoodSync2Go (Portable) license that works off the portable drive, is not attached to computer.
* Add Server Enterprise license, to be used on Windows Server.

* Save internal state files when we finish syncing in folder, not at the end of the job.
* Improve detection of disconnects in Windows networked file system, do reconnect if it happens.
* GoodSync can now continue Sync after Stop, so rename Cancel command to Stop.
* Allow unknown Certificate Authorities if Allow Bad Certificates option is On in DAV.

* Locking sync folders for remote file systems, so that two jobs do not sync the same folder simultaneously.
* Change locking of the Local Disk and Local Network (Windows) file system to the remote locking.
* Use lock files to hold the folder while syncing it. If other sync sees the lock file, it bails out.
* User can override locks if she is sure other job has ended abnormally, without removing the lock files.
* Better yellow info tips in case of errors and advice to user.

* Show free space quota on RoboForm Online DAV server.
* Browse of Windows shares now shows complete hierarchy, all groups and classes of net shares.
* Split options into 5 tabs, to give them more space.
* Make job current when auto-syncing it using Analyze All or Sync All, or Analyze from RoboForm.
* Improve clarity of display of folders and deleted items in the tree.
* Systematize keyboard shortcuts, ALT+T is now Stop, ALT+C is Clone.
* Fix display of Left, Equal, Right items in status bar.
* Fix message redirect problem that producing NULL messages on rare occasion.

Version 7.7.5
* Add Copy ACL Security Attributes option to Job options.
* Add Job -> List Of Changes that show list of changes after Analyze.
* Add Quick Backup Mode for 1-way forced jobs: it does not Analyze destination side.
* Fix merging of folder object histories.
* Save embedded state files when leaving their folder, not at the end of sync.
* Add Help area for mouse over help in the Browse dialog.
* Speed up filter processing.
* Fix calling sequence of user-defined File Compare program.

Version 7.7.4
* Add default File Compare utility (UNIX diff), called from right-click -> Compare Left and Right, after Analyze.
* Diff of two folders performs byte-by-byte verification of folders, to make sure they are the same.
* Add NTFS compression option to Windows File System.
* Implement policies in the Enterprise version.
* Do not exclude hidden and system files in Backup jobs.
* Add Job option: Number of Reconnect Attempts, now it can be more than one.
* Add DAV option to Send Cookies to Server, as some DAV servers require cookies.
* Make 1-way job to never show warnings about conflicts, as these conflicts are removed.
* Add Auto options to Run Program or Send E-mail: Before Analyze, After Analyze, After Sync.

Version 7.7.3
* Add option to start EXE/BAT program after Sync.
* Add option to limit job speed (copy bandwidth).
* Make Drag And Drop work again in Job List when Job Name is not sorted.
* Add option to ignore non-matching or expired SSL certificate in DAV.
* Do not call RoboForm Cache refresh at Sync end unless RF Data folder has changed.
* Fix DAV error processing.

Version 7.7.2
* Add global setting for proxy UserID and Password, used by FTP, DAV, S3.
* Add GoodSync Enterprise license and features.
* Fix parsing modification time returned by IIS 7 DAV server.
* Fix error processing in folder listing.
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резервное копирование, синхронизация, shareware

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